Summary | ZeroBOX


OS Processor Check MSOffice File
Category Machine Started Completed
FILE s1_win7_x6401 May 2, 2021, 10:12 a.m. May 2, 2021, 10:12 a.m.
Size 542.0KB
Type Composite Document File V2 Document, Little Endian, Os: Windows, Version 10.0, MSI Installer, Last Printed: Fri Dec 11 11:47:44 2009, Create Time/Date: Fri Dec 11 11:47:44 2009, Last Saved Time/Date: Fri Sep 18 14:06:51 2020, Security: 0, Code page: 1252, Revision Number: {C37A45E2-451F-4263-910A-F356215A4E59}, Number of Words: 10, Subject: Aplicativo do Windows, Author: Aplicativo do Windows, Name of Creating Application: Advanced Installer 17.7 build 8a137570, Template: ;1033, Comments: Aplicativo do Windows Aplicativo do Windows., Title: Installation Database, Keywords: Installer, MSI, Database, Number of Pages: 200
MD5 55a943005763a1aa3335882eaba380a7
SHA256 ba67c7d19ae5f1e164777227739631ca2187406a447edc218f4807e986ea3430
CRC32 8C5C701F
ssdeep 12288:soOUY2tkeYbS9L/RuMuwLocopMlVSCS4T7lAOe:soVY2tkeYe9oWVRT7lAO
  • OS_Processor_Check_Zero - OS Processor Check
  • Win32_Trojan_Gen_2_0904B0_Zero - Win32 Trojan Gen
  • Microsoft_Office_File_Zero - Microsoft Office File

Name Response Post-Analysis Lookup
No hosts contacted.
IP Address Status Action Active Moloch

Suricata Alerts

No Suricata Alerts

Suricata TLS

No Suricata TLS

Time & API Arguments Status Return Repeated


CtfImeIsIME+0x36fd DllUnregisterServer-0xf9d9 msctf+0x2d08c @ 0x766fd08c
TF_GetGlobalCompartment+0x3dfd CtfImeIsIME-0x344 msctf+0x2964b @ 0x766f964b
TF_GetInputScope+0xf65 CtfImeDestroyThreadMgr-0x25ae msctf+0x14d6b @ 0x766e4d6b
TF_GetInputScope+0x3176 CtfImeDestroyThreadMgr-0x39d msctf+0x16f7c @ 0x766e6f7c
CtfImeDestroyInputContext+0x280 TF_CanUninitialize-0x1c msctf+0x1e825 @ 0x766ee825
TF_GetInputScope+0x21fc CtfImeDestroyThreadMgr-0x1317 msctf+0x16002 @ 0x766e6002
TF_GetInputScope+0x21e2 CtfImeDestroyThreadMgr-0x1331 msctf+0x15fe8 @ 0x766e5fe8
TF_GetInputScope+0xbdd CtfImeDestroyThreadMgr-0x2936 msctf+0x149e3 @ 0x766e49e3
TF_GetInputScope+0x1c1a CtfImeDestroyThreadMgr-0x18f9 msctf+0x15a20 @ 0x766e5a20
RtlIsCurrentThreadAttachExempt+0x5f TpCheckTerminateWorker-0x37 ntdll+0x39a91 @ 0x773d9a91
LdrShutdownProcess+0x97 RtlDetectHeapLeaks-0x1bb ntdll+0x58f10 @ 0x773f8f10
RtlExitUserProcess+0x74 LdrShutdownProcess-0x1d ntdll+0x58e5c @ 0x773f8e5c
ExitProcess+0x15 TerminateThread-0xa kernel32+0x17a25 @ 0x75737a25
wscript+0x2fbd @ 0x7a2fbd
BaseThreadInitThunk+0x12 VerifyConsoleIoHandle-0xb3 kernel32+0x133ca @ 0x757333ca
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x63 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xa1 ntdll+0x39ed2 @ 0x773d9ed2
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x36 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xce ntdll+0x39ea5 @ 0x773d9ea5

exception.instruction_r: ff 51 0c 8b 45 fc 89 be 8c 04 00 00 3b c7 74 25
exception.symbol: TF_GetCompatibleKeyboardLayout+0x5885 TF_IsCtfmonRunning-0xfd3 msctf+0x43ef4
exception.instruction: call dword ptr [ecx + 0xc]
exception.module: MSCTF.dll
exception.exception_code: 0xc0000005
exception.offset: 278260
exception.address: 0x76713ef4
registers.esp: 2290984
registers.edi: 0
registers.eax: 7507904
registers.ebp: 2291012
registers.edx: 1
registers.ebx: 0
registers.esi: 3717168
registers.ecx: 1922250204
1 0 0
FireEye JS:Trojan.Cryxos.1130
ALYac JS:Trojan.Cryxos.1130
Cyren JS/Agent.ALQ!Eldorado
Kaspersky HEUR:Trojan.Script.Generic
BitDefender JS:Trojan.Cryxos.1130
Rising Trojan.Locky/JS!1.A549 (CLASSIC)
McAfee-GW-Edition Artemis
Emsisoft JS:Trojan.Cryxos.1130 (B)
GData JS:Trojan.Cryxos.1130
MAX malware (ai score=80)