Summary | ZeroBOX


Gen1 AgentTesla Malicious Library Downloader HTTP ScreenShot Create Service KeyLogger Internet API P2P DGA Hijack Network Http API persistence FTP Socket Escalate priviledges DNS Code injection Sniff Audio Steal credential AntiDebug PE File AntiVM
Category Machine Started Completed
FILE s1_win7_x6401 May 26, 2021, 9 a.m. May 26, 2021, 9:22 a.m.
Size 1.2MB
Type PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows
MD5 8463e69ee4b0e16c4942d27175a00135
SHA256 84d476538f65a15834800d95f0056d5e0f1efcadbc7dc6155185286c6af962c2
CRC32 D576F4C8
ssdeep 24576:HMTh1ZwvzzUSVZUM04lhZux1TIMdM+64NudrXWbMDLAxKbhRcfGryp8hs3zg9dYT:st1ZwPnUMPjZe++AdywvASRcgs8h8EuT
  • PE_Header_Zero - PE File Signature
  • IsPE32 - (no description)

Name Response Post-Analysis Lookup
IP Address Status Action Active Moloch Active Moloch

Suricata Alerts

No Suricata Alerts

Suricata TLS

No Suricata TLS

Time & API Arguments Status Return Repeated


0 0


0 0


0 0
Time & API Arguments Status Return Repeated


buffer: Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
console_handle: 0x00000007
1 1 0


buffer: Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
console_handle: 0x00000007
1 1 0


buffer: C:\Users\test22\AppData\Local\Temp\7ZipSfx.000>
console_handle: 0x00000007
1 1 0


buffer: Set xOEdG=%userdomain%
console_handle: 0x00000007
1 1 0


buffer: C:\Users\test22\AppData\Local\Temp\7ZipSfx.000>
console_handle: 0x00000007
1 1 0


buffer: Set //String2//=DESKTOP-QO5QU33
console_handle: 0x00000007
1 1 0


buffer: The syntax of the command is incorrect.
console_handle: 0x0000000b
1 1 0


buffer: C:\Users\test22\AppData\Local\Temp\7ZipSfx.000>
console_handle: 0x00000007
1 1 0


buffer: if %xOEdG%==%//String2//% exit
console_handle: 0x00000007
1 1 0


buffer: C:\Users\test22\AppData\Local\Temp\7ZipSfx.000>
console_handle: 0x00000007
1 1 0


buffer: <nul set /p = "MZ" >
console_handle: 0x00000007
1 1 0


buffer: C:\Users\test22\AppData\Local\Temp\7ZipSfx.000>
console_handle: 0x00000007
1 1 0


buffer: findstr /V /R "^elRZFWZsUjxRJhqiRXMrDEKkExcGujKXvehSsyrtgRhESBDDAKHULkhbAFxkBakHCvxHZoPLUHOMduzrRRuvEQklPPsLLSDVGFwcuWEsUWqtvAizjszJjOrMkpRlQtqwrTuLtYWUhO$" >>"
console_handle: 0x00000007
1 1 0


buffer: C:\Users\test22\AppData\Local\Temp\7ZipSfx.000>
console_handle: 0x00000007
1 1 0


buffer: copy n
console_handle: 0x00000007
1 1 0


buffer: 1 file(s) copied.
console_handle: 0x00000007
1 1 0


buffer: C:\Users\test22\AppData\Local\Temp\7ZipSfx.000>
console_handle: 0x00000007
1 1 0


buffer: start n
console_handle: 0x00000007
1 1 0


buffer: C:\Users\test22\AppData\Local\Temp\7ZipSfx.000>
console_handle: 0x00000007
1 1 0


buffer: ping -n 30
console_handle: 0x00000007
1 1 0


buffer: C:\Users\test22\AppData\Local\Temp\7ZipSfx.000>
console_handle: 0x00000007
1 1 0


buffer: C:\Users\test22\AppData\Local\Temp\7ZipSfx.000>
console_handle: 0x00000007
1 1 0


buffer: Pinging
console_handle: 0x00000007
1 1 0


buffer: with 32 bytes of data:
console_handle: 0x00000007
1 1 0


buffer: Reply from
console_handle: 0x00000007
1 1 0


buffer: bytes=32
console_handle: 0x00000007
1 1 0


buffer: time<1ms
console_handle: 0x00000007
1 1 0


buffer: TTL=128
console_handle: 0x00000007
1 1 0


buffer: Reply from
console_handle: 0x00000007
1 1 0


buffer: bytes=32
console_handle: 0x00000007
1 1 0


buffer: time<1ms
console_handle: 0x00000007
1 1 0


buffer: TTL=128
console_handle: 0x00000007
1 1 0


buffer: Reply from
console_handle: 0x00000007
1 1 0


buffer: bytes=32
console_handle: 0x00000007
1 1 0


buffer: time<1ms
console_handle: 0x00000007
1 1 0


buffer: TTL=128
console_handle: 0x00000007
1 1 0


buffer: Reply from
console_handle: 0x00000007
1 1 0


buffer: bytes=32
console_handle: 0x00000007
1 1 0


buffer: time<1ms
console_handle: 0x00000007
1 1 0


buffer: TTL=128
console_handle: 0x00000007
1 1 0


buffer: Reply from
console_handle: 0x00000007
1 1 0


buffer: bytes=32
console_handle: 0x00000007
1 1 0


buffer: time<1ms
console_handle: 0x00000007
1 1 0


buffer: TTL=128
console_handle: 0x00000007
1 1 0


buffer: Reply from
console_handle: 0x00000007
1 1 0


buffer: bytes=32
console_handle: 0x00000007
1 1 0


buffer: time<1ms
console_handle: 0x00000007
1 1 0


buffer: TTL=128
console_handle: 0x00000007
1 1 0


buffer: Reply from
console_handle: 0x00000007
1 1 0


buffer: bytes=32
console_handle: 0x00000007
1 1 0
Time & API Arguments Status Return Repeated


1 1 0
section .ndata
Time & API Arguments Status Return Repeated


LocalSize+0xe4 BasepMapModuleHandle-0x31 kernel32+0x2e825 @ 0x7574e825
_go@4+0x284 4+0x22f34 @ 0x422f34
_go@4+0x11bf 4+0x23e6f @ 0x423e6f
_regulmoto@4-0x2107e 4+0x1c22 @ 0x401c22
_regulmoto@4-0x211d1 4+0x1acf @ 0x401acf
BaseThreadInitThunk+0x12 VerifyConsoleIoHandle-0xb3 kernel32+0x133ca @ 0x757333ca
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x63 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xa1 ntdll+0x39ed2 @ 0x773d9ed2
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x36 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xce ntdll+0x39ea5 @ 0x773d9ea5

exception.instruction_r: 80 78 07 05 0f 84 27 56 02 00 f6 40 07 3f 0f 84
exception.symbol: RtlGetUserInfoHeap+0x4e RtlQueueWorkItem-0x3e7 ntdll+0x67cbf
exception.instruction: cmp byte ptr [eax + 7], 5
exception.module: ntdll.dll
exception.exception_code: 0xc0000005
exception.offset: 425151
exception.address: 0x77407cbf
registers.esp: 1632100
registers.edi: 2949120
registers.eax: 4294967288
registers.ebp: 1632152
registers.edx: 10764
registers.ebx: 0
registers.esi: 0
registers.ecx: 2228
1 0 0


LocalSize+0xe4 BasepMapModuleHandle-0x31 kernel32+0x2e825 @ 0x7574e825
_go@4+0x284 4+0x22f34 @ 0x422f34
_go@4+0x11bf 4+0x23e6f @ 0x423e6f
_regulmoto@4-0x2107e 4+0x1c22 @ 0x401c22
_regulmoto@4-0x211d1 4+0x1acf @ 0x401acf
BaseThreadInitThunk+0x12 VerifyConsoleIoHandle-0xb3 kernel32+0x133ca @ 0x757333ca
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x63 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xa1 ntdll+0x39ed2 @ 0x773d9ed2
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x36 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xce ntdll+0x39ea5 @ 0x773d9ea5

exception.instruction_r: 80 78 07 05 0f 84 27 56 02 00 f6 40 07 3f 0f 84
exception.symbol: RtlGetUserInfoHeap+0x4e RtlQueueWorkItem-0x3e7 ntdll+0x67cbf
exception.instruction: cmp byte ptr [eax + 7], 5
exception.module: ntdll.dll
exception.exception_code: 0xc0000005
exception.offset: 425151
exception.address: 0x77407cbf
registers.esp: 1632100
registers.edi: 2949120
registers.eax: 4294967288
registers.ebp: 1632152
registers.edx: 6
registers.ebx: 0
registers.esi: 0
registers.ecx: 2228
1 0 0


LocalSize+0xe4 BasepMapModuleHandle-0x31 kernel32+0x2e825 @ 0x7574e825
_go@4+0x284 4+0x22f34 @ 0x422f34
_go@4+0x11bf 4+0x23e6f @ 0x423e6f
_regulmoto@4-0x2107e 4+0x1c22 @ 0x401c22
_regulmoto@4-0x211d1 4+0x1acf @ 0x401acf
BaseThreadInitThunk+0x12 VerifyConsoleIoHandle-0xb3 kernel32+0x133ca @ 0x757333ca
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x63 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xa1 ntdll+0x39ed2 @ 0x773d9ed2
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x36 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xce ntdll+0x39ea5 @ 0x773d9ea5

exception.instruction_r: 80 78 07 05 0f 84 27 56 02 00 f6 40 07 3f 0f 84
exception.symbol: RtlGetUserInfoHeap+0x4e RtlQueueWorkItem-0x3e7 ntdll+0x67cbf
exception.instruction: cmp byte ptr [eax + 7], 5
exception.module: ntdll.dll
exception.exception_code: 0xc0000005
exception.offset: 425151
exception.address: 0x77407cbf
registers.esp: 1632100
registers.edi: 2949120
registers.eax: 4294967288
registers.ebp: 1632152
registers.edx: 6
registers.ebx: 0
registers.esi: 0
registers.ecx: 2228
1 0 0


LocalSize+0xe4 BasepMapModuleHandle-0x31 kernel32+0x2e825 @ 0x7574e825
_go@4+0x284 4+0x22f34 @ 0x422f34
_go@4+0x11bf 4+0x23e6f @ 0x423e6f
_regulmoto@4-0x2107e 4+0x1c22 @ 0x401c22
_regulmoto@4-0x211d1 4+0x1acf @ 0x401acf
BaseThreadInitThunk+0x12 VerifyConsoleIoHandle-0xb3 kernel32+0x133ca @ 0x757333ca
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x63 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xa1 ntdll+0x39ed2 @ 0x773d9ed2
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x36 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xce ntdll+0x39ea5 @ 0x773d9ea5

exception.instruction_r: 80 78 07 05 0f 84 27 56 02 00 f6 40 07 3f 0f 84
exception.symbol: RtlGetUserInfoHeap+0x4e RtlQueueWorkItem-0x3e7 ntdll+0x67cbf
exception.instruction: cmp byte ptr [eax + 7], 5
exception.module: ntdll.dll
exception.exception_code: 0xc0000005
exception.offset: 425151
exception.address: 0x77407cbf
registers.esp: 1632100
registers.edi: 2949120
registers.eax: 4294967288
registers.ebp: 1632152
registers.edx: 6
registers.ebx: 0
registers.esi: 0
registers.ecx: 2228
1 0 0


LocalSize+0xe4 BasepMapModuleHandle-0x31 kernel32+0x2e825 @ 0x7574e825
_go@4+0x284 4+0x22f34 @ 0x422f34
_go@4+0x11bf 4+0x23e6f @ 0x423e6f
_regulmoto@4-0x2107e 4+0x1c22 @ 0x401c22
_regulmoto@4-0x211d1 4+0x1acf @ 0x401acf
BaseThreadInitThunk+0x12 VerifyConsoleIoHandle-0xb3 kernel32+0x133ca @ 0x757333ca
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x63 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xa1 ntdll+0x39ed2 @ 0x773d9ed2
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x36 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xce ntdll+0x39ea5 @ 0x773d9ea5

exception.instruction_r: 80 78 07 05 0f 84 27 56 02 00 f6 40 07 3f 0f 84
exception.symbol: RtlGetUserInfoHeap+0x4e RtlQueueWorkItem-0x3e7 ntdll+0x67cbf
exception.instruction: cmp byte ptr [eax + 7], 5
exception.module: ntdll.dll
exception.exception_code: 0xc0000005
exception.offset: 425151
exception.address: 0x77407cbf
registers.esp: 1632100
registers.edi: 2949120
registers.eax: 4294967288
registers.ebp: 1632152
registers.edx: 6
registers.ebx: 0
registers.esi: 0
registers.ecx: 2228
1 0 0


LocalSize+0xe4 BasepMapModuleHandle-0x31 kernel32+0x2e825 @ 0x7574e825
_go@4+0x284 4+0x22f34 @ 0x422f34
_go@4+0x11bf 4+0x23e6f @ 0x423e6f
_regulmoto@4-0x2107e 4+0x1c22 @ 0x401c22
_regulmoto@4-0x211d1 4+0x1acf @ 0x401acf
BaseThreadInitThunk+0x12 VerifyConsoleIoHandle-0xb3 kernel32+0x133ca @ 0x757333ca
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x63 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xa1 ntdll+0x39ed2 @ 0x773d9ed2
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x36 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xce ntdll+0x39ea5 @ 0x773d9ea5

exception.instruction_r: 80 78 07 05 0f 84 27 56 02 00 f6 40 07 3f 0f 84
exception.symbol: RtlGetUserInfoHeap+0x4e RtlQueueWorkItem-0x3e7 ntdll+0x67cbf
exception.instruction: cmp byte ptr [eax + 7], 5
exception.module: ntdll.dll
exception.exception_code: 0xc0000005
exception.offset: 425151
exception.address: 0x77407cbf
registers.esp: 1632100
registers.edi: 2949120
registers.eax: 4294967288
registers.ebp: 1632152
registers.edx: 6
registers.ebx: 0
registers.esi: 0
registers.ecx: 2228
1 0 0


LocalSize+0xe4 BasepMapModuleHandle-0x31 kernel32+0x2e825 @ 0x7574e825
_go@4+0x284 4+0x22f34 @ 0x422f34
_go@4+0x11bf 4+0x23e6f @ 0x423e6f
_regulmoto@4-0x2107e 4+0x1c22 @ 0x401c22
_regulmoto@4-0x211d1 4+0x1acf @ 0x401acf
BaseThreadInitThunk+0x12 VerifyConsoleIoHandle-0xb3 kernel32+0x133ca @ 0x757333ca
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x63 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xa1 ntdll+0x39ed2 @ 0x773d9ed2
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x36 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xce ntdll+0x39ea5 @ 0x773d9ea5

exception.instruction_r: 80 78 07 05 0f 84 27 56 02 00 f6 40 07 3f 0f 84
exception.symbol: RtlGetUserInfoHeap+0x4e RtlQueueWorkItem-0x3e7 ntdll+0x67cbf
exception.instruction: cmp byte ptr [eax + 7], 5
exception.module: ntdll.dll
exception.exception_code: 0xc0000005
exception.offset: 425151
exception.address: 0x77407cbf
registers.esp: 1632100
registers.edi: 2949120
registers.eax: 4294967288
registers.ebp: 1632152
registers.edx: 6
registers.ebx: 0
registers.esi: 0
registers.ecx: 2228
1 0 0


LocalSize+0xe4 BasepMapModuleHandle-0x31 kernel32+0x2e825 @ 0x7574e825
_go@4+0x284 4+0x22f34 @ 0x422f34
_go@4+0x11bf 4+0x23e6f @ 0x423e6f
_regulmoto@4-0x2107e 4+0x1c22 @ 0x401c22
_regulmoto@4-0x211d1 4+0x1acf @ 0x401acf
BaseThreadInitThunk+0x12 VerifyConsoleIoHandle-0xb3 kernel32+0x133ca @ 0x757333ca
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x63 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xa1 ntdll+0x39ed2 @ 0x773d9ed2
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x36 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xce ntdll+0x39ea5 @ 0x773d9ea5

exception.instruction_r: 80 78 07 05 0f 84 27 56 02 00 f6 40 07 3f 0f 84
exception.symbol: RtlGetUserInfoHeap+0x4e RtlQueueWorkItem-0x3e7 ntdll+0x67cbf
exception.instruction: cmp byte ptr [eax + 7], 5
exception.module: ntdll.dll
exception.exception_code: 0xc0000005
exception.offset: 425151
exception.address: 0x77407cbf
registers.esp: 1632100
registers.edi: 2949120
registers.eax: 4294967288
registers.ebp: 1632152
registers.edx: 6
registers.ebx: 0
registers.esi: 0
registers.ecx: 2228
1 0 0


LocalSize+0xe4 BasepMapModuleHandle-0x31 kernel32+0x2e825 @ 0x7574e825
_go@4+0x284 4+0x22f34 @ 0x422f34
_go@4+0x11bf 4+0x23e6f @ 0x423e6f
_regulmoto@4-0x2107e 4+0x1c22 @ 0x401c22
_regulmoto@4-0x211d1 4+0x1acf @ 0x401acf
BaseThreadInitThunk+0x12 VerifyConsoleIoHandle-0xb3 kernel32+0x133ca @ 0x757333ca
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x63 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xa1 ntdll+0x39ed2 @ 0x773d9ed2
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x36 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xce ntdll+0x39ea5 @ 0x773d9ea5

exception.instruction_r: 80 78 07 05 0f 84 27 56 02 00 f6 40 07 3f 0f 84
exception.symbol: RtlGetUserInfoHeap+0x4e RtlQueueWorkItem-0x3e7 ntdll+0x67cbf
exception.instruction: cmp byte ptr [eax + 7], 5
exception.module: ntdll.dll
exception.exception_code: 0xc0000005
exception.offset: 425151
exception.address: 0x77407cbf
registers.esp: 1632100
registers.edi: 2949120
registers.eax: 4294967288
registers.ebp: 1632152
registers.edx: 6
registers.ebx: 0
registers.esi: 0
registers.ecx: 2228
1 0 0


LocalSize+0xe4 BasepMapModuleHandle-0x31 kernel32+0x2e825 @ 0x7574e825
_go@4+0x284 4+0x22f34 @ 0x422f34
_go@4+0x11bf 4+0x23e6f @ 0x423e6f
_regulmoto@4-0x2107e 4+0x1c22 @ 0x401c22
_regulmoto@4-0x211d1 4+0x1acf @ 0x401acf
BaseThreadInitThunk+0x12 VerifyConsoleIoHandle-0xb3 kernel32+0x133ca @ 0x757333ca
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x63 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xa1 ntdll+0x39ed2 @ 0x773d9ed2
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x36 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xce ntdll+0x39ea5 @ 0x773d9ea5

exception.instruction_r: 80 78 07 05 0f 84 27 56 02 00 f6 40 07 3f 0f 84
exception.symbol: RtlGetUserInfoHeap+0x4e RtlQueueWorkItem-0x3e7 ntdll+0x67cbf
exception.instruction: cmp byte ptr [eax + 7], 5
exception.module: ntdll.dll
exception.exception_code: 0xc0000005
exception.offset: 425151
exception.address: 0x77407cbf
registers.esp: 1632100
registers.edi: 2949120
registers.eax: 4294967288
registers.ebp: 1632152
registers.edx: 6
registers.ebx: 0
registers.esi: 0
registers.ecx: 2228
1 0 0


LocalSize+0xe4 BasepMapModuleHandle-0x31 kernel32+0x2e825 @ 0x7574e825
_go@4+0x284 4+0x22f34 @ 0x422f34
_go@4+0x11bf 4+0x23e6f @ 0x423e6f
_regulmoto@4-0x2107e 4+0x1c22 @ 0x401c22
_regulmoto@4-0x211d1 4+0x1acf @ 0x401acf
BaseThreadInitThunk+0x12 VerifyConsoleIoHandle-0xb3 kernel32+0x133ca @ 0x757333ca
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x63 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xa1 ntdll+0x39ed2 @ 0x773d9ed2
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x36 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xce ntdll+0x39ea5 @ 0x773d9ea5

exception.instruction_r: 80 78 07 05 0f 84 27 56 02 00 f6 40 07 3f 0f 84
exception.symbol: RtlGetUserInfoHeap+0x4e RtlQueueWorkItem-0x3e7 ntdll+0x67cbf
exception.instruction: cmp byte ptr [eax + 7], 5
exception.module: ntdll.dll
exception.exception_code: 0xc0000005
exception.offset: 425151
exception.address: 0x77407cbf
registers.esp: 1632100
registers.edi: 2949120
registers.eax: 4294967288
registers.ebp: 1632152
registers.edx: 6
registers.ebx: 0
registers.esi: 0
registers.ecx: 2228
1 0 0


LocalSize+0xe4 BasepMapModuleHandle-0x31 kernel32+0x2e825 @ 0x7574e825
_go@4+0x284 4+0x22f34 @ 0x422f34
_go@4+0x11bf 4+0x23e6f @ 0x423e6f
_regulmoto@4-0x2107e 4+0x1c22 @ 0x401c22
_regulmoto@4-0x211d1 4+0x1acf @ 0x401acf
BaseThreadInitThunk+0x12 VerifyConsoleIoHandle-0xb3 kernel32+0x133ca @ 0x757333ca
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x63 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xa1 ntdll+0x39ed2 @ 0x773d9ed2
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x36 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xce ntdll+0x39ea5 @ 0x773d9ea5

exception.instruction_r: 80 78 07 05 0f 84 27 56 02 00 f6 40 07 3f 0f 84
exception.symbol: RtlGetUserInfoHeap+0x4e RtlQueueWorkItem-0x3e7 ntdll+0x67cbf
exception.instruction: cmp byte ptr [eax + 7], 5
exception.module: ntdll.dll
exception.exception_code: 0xc0000005
exception.offset: 425151
exception.address: 0x77407cbf
registers.esp: 1632100
registers.edi: 2949120
registers.eax: 4294967288
registers.ebp: 1632152
registers.edx: 6
registers.ebx: 0
registers.esi: 0
registers.ecx: 2228
1 0 0


LocalSize+0xe4 BasepMapModuleHandle-0x31 kernel32+0x2e825 @ 0x7574e825
_go@4+0x284 4+0x22f34 @ 0x422f34
_go@4+0x11bf 4+0x23e6f @ 0x423e6f
_regulmoto@4-0x2107e 4+0x1c22 @ 0x401c22
_regulmoto@4-0x211d1 4+0x1acf @ 0x401acf
BaseThreadInitThunk+0x12 VerifyConsoleIoHandle-0xb3 kernel32+0x133ca @ 0x757333ca
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x63 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xa1 ntdll+0x39ed2 @ 0x773d9ed2
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x36 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xce ntdll+0x39ea5 @ 0x773d9ea5

exception.instruction_r: 80 78 07 05 0f 84 27 56 02 00 f6 40 07 3f 0f 84
exception.symbol: RtlGetUserInfoHeap+0x4e RtlQueueWorkItem-0x3e7 ntdll+0x67cbf
exception.instruction: cmp byte ptr [eax + 7], 5
exception.module: ntdll.dll
exception.exception_code: 0xc0000005
exception.offset: 425151
exception.address: 0x77407cbf
registers.esp: 1632100
registers.edi: 2949120
registers.eax: 4294967288
registers.ebp: 1632152
registers.edx: 6
registers.ebx: 0
registers.esi: 0
registers.ecx: 2228
1 0 0


LocalSize+0xe4 BasepMapModuleHandle-0x31 kernel32+0x2e825 @ 0x7574e825
_go@4+0x284 4+0x22f34 @ 0x422f34
_go@4+0x11bf 4+0x23e6f @ 0x423e6f
_regulmoto@4-0x2107e 4+0x1c22 @ 0x401c22
_regulmoto@4-0x211d1 4+0x1acf @ 0x401acf
BaseThreadInitThunk+0x12 VerifyConsoleIoHandle-0xb3 kernel32+0x133ca @ 0x757333ca
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x63 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xa1 ntdll+0x39ed2 @ 0x773d9ed2
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x36 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xce ntdll+0x39ea5 @ 0x773d9ea5

exception.instruction_r: 80 78 07 05 0f 84 27 56 02 00 f6 40 07 3f 0f 84
exception.symbol: RtlGetUserInfoHeap+0x4e RtlQueueWorkItem-0x3e7 ntdll+0x67cbf
exception.instruction: cmp byte ptr [eax + 7], 5
exception.module: ntdll.dll
exception.exception_code: 0xc0000005
exception.offset: 425151
exception.address: 0x77407cbf
registers.esp: 1632100
registers.edi: 2949120
registers.eax: 4294967288
registers.ebp: 1632152
registers.edx: 6
registers.ebx: 0
registers.esi: 0
registers.ecx: 2228
1 0 0


LocalSize+0xe4 BasepMapModuleHandle-0x31 kernel32+0x2e825 @ 0x7574e825
_go@4+0x284 4+0x22f34 @ 0x422f34
_go@4+0x11bf 4+0x23e6f @ 0x423e6f
_regulmoto@4-0x2107e 4+0x1c22 @ 0x401c22
_regulmoto@4-0x211d1 4+0x1acf @ 0x401acf
BaseThreadInitThunk+0x12 VerifyConsoleIoHandle-0xb3 kernel32+0x133ca @ 0x757333ca
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x63 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xa1 ntdll+0x39ed2 @ 0x773d9ed2
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x36 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xce ntdll+0x39ea5 @ 0x773d9ea5

exception.instruction_r: 80 78 07 05 0f 84 27 56 02 00 f6 40 07 3f 0f 84
exception.symbol: RtlGetUserInfoHeap+0x4e RtlQueueWorkItem-0x3e7 ntdll+0x67cbf
exception.instruction: cmp byte ptr [eax + 7], 5
exception.module: ntdll.dll
exception.exception_code: 0xc0000005
exception.offset: 425151
exception.address: 0x77407cbf
registers.esp: 1632100
registers.edi: 2949120
registers.eax: 4294967288
registers.ebp: 1632152
registers.edx: 6
registers.ebx: 0
registers.esi: 0
registers.ecx: 2228
1 0 0


LocalSize+0xe4 BasepMapModuleHandle-0x31 kernel32+0x2e825 @ 0x7574e825
_go@4+0x284 4+0x22f34 @ 0x422f34
_go@4+0x11bf 4+0x23e6f @ 0x423e6f
_regulmoto@4-0x2107e 4+0x1c22 @ 0x401c22
_regulmoto@4-0x211d1 4+0x1acf @ 0x401acf
BaseThreadInitThunk+0x12 VerifyConsoleIoHandle-0xb3 kernel32+0x133ca @ 0x757333ca
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x63 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xa1 ntdll+0x39ed2 @ 0x773d9ed2
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x36 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xce ntdll+0x39ea5 @ 0x773d9ea5

exception.instruction_r: 80 78 07 05 0f 84 27 56 02 00 f6 40 07 3f 0f 84
exception.symbol: RtlGetUserInfoHeap+0x4e RtlQueueWorkItem-0x3e7 ntdll+0x67cbf
exception.instruction: cmp byte ptr [eax + 7], 5
exception.module: ntdll.dll
exception.exception_code: 0xc0000005
exception.offset: 425151
exception.address: 0x77407cbf
registers.esp: 1632100
registers.edi: 2949120
registers.eax: 4294967288
registers.ebp: 1632152
registers.edx: 6
registers.ebx: 0
registers.esi: 0
registers.ecx: 2228
1 0 0


LocalSize+0xe4 BasepMapModuleHandle-0x31 kernel32+0x2e825 @ 0x7574e825
_go@4+0x284 4+0x22f34 @ 0x422f34
_go@4+0x11bf 4+0x23e6f @ 0x423e6f
_regulmoto@4-0x2107e 4+0x1c22 @ 0x401c22
_regulmoto@4-0x211d1 4+0x1acf @ 0x401acf
BaseThreadInitThunk+0x12 VerifyConsoleIoHandle-0xb3 kernel32+0x133ca @ 0x757333ca
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x63 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xa1 ntdll+0x39ed2 @ 0x773d9ed2
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x36 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xce ntdll+0x39ea5 @ 0x773d9ea5

exception.instruction_r: 80 78 07 05 0f 84 27 56 02 00 f6 40 07 3f 0f 84
exception.symbol: RtlGetUserInfoHeap+0x4e RtlQueueWorkItem-0x3e7 ntdll+0x67cbf
exception.instruction: cmp byte ptr [eax + 7], 5
exception.module: ntdll.dll
exception.exception_code: 0xc0000005
exception.offset: 425151
exception.address: 0x77407cbf
registers.esp: 1632100
registers.edi: 2949120
registers.eax: 4294967288
registers.ebp: 1632152
registers.edx: 6
registers.ebx: 0
registers.esi: 0
registers.ecx: 2228
1 0 0


LocalSize+0xe4 BasepMapModuleHandle-0x31 kernel32+0x2e825 @ 0x7574e825
_go@4+0x284 4+0x22f34 @ 0x422f34
_go@4+0x11bf 4+0x23e6f @ 0x423e6f
_regulmoto@4-0x2107e 4+0x1c22 @ 0x401c22
_regulmoto@4-0x211d1 4+0x1acf @ 0x401acf
BaseThreadInitThunk+0x12 VerifyConsoleIoHandle-0xb3 kernel32+0x133ca @ 0x757333ca
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x63 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xa1 ntdll+0x39ed2 @ 0x773d9ed2
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x36 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xce ntdll+0x39ea5 @ 0x773d9ea5

exception.instruction_r: 80 78 07 05 0f 84 27 56 02 00 f6 40 07 3f 0f 84
exception.symbol: RtlGetUserInfoHeap+0x4e RtlQueueWorkItem-0x3e7 ntdll+0x67cbf
exception.instruction: cmp byte ptr [eax + 7], 5
exception.module: ntdll.dll
exception.exception_code: 0xc0000005
exception.offset: 425151
exception.address: 0x77407cbf
registers.esp: 1632100
registers.edi: 2949120
registers.eax: 4294967288
registers.ebp: 1632152
registers.edx: 6
registers.ebx: 0
registers.esi: 0
registers.ecx: 2228
1 0 0


LocalSize+0xe4 BasepMapModuleHandle-0x31 kernel32+0x2e825 @ 0x7574e825
_go@4+0x284 4+0x22f34 @ 0x422f34
_go@4+0x11bf 4+0x23e6f @ 0x423e6f
_regulmoto@4-0x2107e 4+0x1c22 @ 0x401c22
_regulmoto@4-0x211d1 4+0x1acf @ 0x401acf
BaseThreadInitThunk+0x12 VerifyConsoleIoHandle-0xb3 kernel32+0x133ca @ 0x757333ca
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x63 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xa1 ntdll+0x39ed2 @ 0x773d9ed2
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x36 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xce ntdll+0x39ea5 @ 0x773d9ea5

exception.instruction_r: 80 78 07 05 0f 84 27 56 02 00 f6 40 07 3f 0f 84
exception.symbol: RtlGetUserInfoHeap+0x4e RtlQueueWorkItem-0x3e7 ntdll+0x67cbf
exception.instruction: cmp byte ptr [eax + 7], 5
exception.module: ntdll.dll
exception.exception_code: 0xc0000005
exception.offset: 425151
exception.address: 0x77407cbf
registers.esp: 1632100
registers.edi: 2949120
registers.eax: 4294967288
registers.ebp: 1632152
registers.edx: 6
registers.ebx: 0
registers.esi: 0
registers.ecx: 2228
1 0 0


LocalSize+0xe4 BasepMapModuleHandle-0x31 kernel32+0x2e825 @ 0x7574e825
_go@4+0x284 4+0x22f34 @ 0x422f34
_go@4+0x11bf 4+0x23e6f @ 0x423e6f
_regulmoto@4-0x2107e 4+0x1c22 @ 0x401c22
_regulmoto@4-0x211d1 4+0x1acf @ 0x401acf
BaseThreadInitThunk+0x12 VerifyConsoleIoHandle-0xb3 kernel32+0x133ca @ 0x757333ca
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x63 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xa1 ntdll+0x39ed2 @ 0x773d9ed2
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x36 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xce ntdll+0x39ea5 @ 0x773d9ea5

exception.instruction_r: 80 78 07 05 0f 84 27 56 02 00 f6 40 07 3f 0f 84
exception.symbol: RtlGetUserInfoHeap+0x4e RtlQueueWorkItem-0x3e7 ntdll+0x67cbf
exception.instruction: cmp byte ptr [eax + 7], 5
exception.module: ntdll.dll
exception.exception_code: 0xc0000005
exception.offset: 425151
exception.address: 0x77407cbf
registers.esp: 1632100
registers.edi: 2949120
registers.eax: 4294967288
registers.ebp: 1632152
registers.edx: 6
registers.ebx: 0
registers.esi: 0
registers.ecx: 2228
1 0 0


LocalSize+0xe4 BasepMapModuleHandle-0x31 kernel32+0x2e825 @ 0x7574e825
_go@4+0x284 4+0x22f34 @ 0x422f34
_go@4+0x11bf 4+0x23e6f @ 0x423e6f
_regulmoto@4-0x2107e 4+0x1c22 @ 0x401c22
_regulmoto@4-0x211d1 4+0x1acf @ 0x401acf
BaseThreadInitThunk+0x12 VerifyConsoleIoHandle-0xb3 kernel32+0x133ca @ 0x757333ca
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x63 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xa1 ntdll+0x39ed2 @ 0x773d9ed2
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x36 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xce ntdll+0x39ea5 @ 0x773d9ea5

exception.instruction_r: 80 78 07 05 0f 84 27 56 02 00 f6 40 07 3f 0f 84
exception.symbol: RtlGetUserInfoHeap+0x4e RtlQueueWorkItem-0x3e7 ntdll+0x67cbf
exception.instruction: cmp byte ptr [eax + 7], 5
exception.module: ntdll.dll
exception.exception_code: 0xc0000005
exception.offset: 425151
exception.address: 0x77407cbf
registers.esp: 1632100
registers.edi: 2949120
registers.eax: 4294967288
registers.ebp: 1632152
registers.edx: 6
registers.ebx: 0
registers.esi: 0
registers.ecx: 2228
1 0 0


LocalSize+0xe4 BasepMapModuleHandle-0x31 kernel32+0x2e825 @ 0x7574e825
_go@4+0x284 4+0x22f34 @ 0x422f34
_go@4+0x11bf 4+0x23e6f @ 0x423e6f
_regulmoto@4-0x2107e 4+0x1c22 @ 0x401c22
_regulmoto@4-0x211d1 4+0x1acf @ 0x401acf
BaseThreadInitThunk+0x12 VerifyConsoleIoHandle-0xb3 kernel32+0x133ca @ 0x757333ca
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x63 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xa1 ntdll+0x39ed2 @ 0x773d9ed2
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x36 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xce ntdll+0x39ea5 @ 0x773d9ea5

exception.instruction_r: 80 78 07 05 0f 84 27 56 02 00 f6 40 07 3f 0f 84
exception.symbol: RtlGetUserInfoHeap+0x4e RtlQueueWorkItem-0x3e7 ntdll+0x67cbf
exception.instruction: cmp byte ptr [eax + 7], 5
exception.module: ntdll.dll
exception.exception_code: 0xc0000005
exception.offset: 425151
exception.address: 0x77407cbf
registers.esp: 1632100
registers.edi: 2949120
registers.eax: 4294967288
registers.ebp: 1632152
registers.edx: 6
registers.ebx: 0
registers.esi: 0
registers.ecx: 2228
1 0 0


LocalSize+0xe4 BasepMapModuleHandle-0x31 kernel32+0x2e825 @ 0x7574e825
_go@4+0x284 4+0x22f34 @ 0x422f34
_go@4+0x11bf 4+0x23e6f @ 0x423e6f
_regulmoto@4-0x2107e 4+0x1c22 @ 0x401c22
_regulmoto@4-0x211d1 4+0x1acf @ 0x401acf
BaseThreadInitThunk+0x12 VerifyConsoleIoHandle-0xb3 kernel32+0x133ca @ 0x757333ca
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x63 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xa1 ntdll+0x39ed2 @ 0x773d9ed2
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x36 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xce ntdll+0x39ea5 @ 0x773d9ea5

exception.instruction_r: 80 78 07 05 0f 84 27 56 02 00 f6 40 07 3f 0f 84
exception.symbol: RtlGetUserInfoHeap+0x4e RtlQueueWorkItem-0x3e7 ntdll+0x67cbf
exception.instruction: cmp byte ptr [eax + 7], 5
exception.module: ntdll.dll
exception.exception_code: 0xc0000005
exception.offset: 425151
exception.address: 0x77407cbf
registers.esp: 1632100
registers.edi: 2949120
registers.eax: 4294967288
registers.ebp: 1632152
registers.edx: 6
registers.ebx: 0
registers.esi: 0
registers.ecx: 2228
1 0 0


LocalSize+0xe4 BasepMapModuleHandle-0x31 kernel32+0x2e825 @ 0x7574e825
_go@4+0x284 4+0x22f34 @ 0x422f34
_go@4+0x11bf 4+0x23e6f @ 0x423e6f
_regulmoto@4-0x2107e 4+0x1c22 @ 0x401c22
_regulmoto@4-0x211d1 4+0x1acf @ 0x401acf
BaseThreadInitThunk+0x12 VerifyConsoleIoHandle-0xb3 kernel32+0x133ca @ 0x757333ca
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x63 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xa1 ntdll+0x39ed2 @ 0x773d9ed2
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x36 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xce ntdll+0x39ea5 @ 0x773d9ea5

exception.instruction_r: 80 78 07 05 0f 84 27 56 02 00 f6 40 07 3f 0f 84
exception.symbol: RtlGetUserInfoHeap+0x4e RtlQueueWorkItem-0x3e7 ntdll+0x67cbf
exception.instruction: cmp byte ptr [eax + 7], 5
exception.module: ntdll.dll
exception.exception_code: 0xc0000005
exception.offset: 425151
exception.address: 0x77407cbf
registers.esp: 1632100
registers.edi: 2949120
registers.eax: 4294967288
registers.ebp: 1632152
registers.edx: 6
registers.ebx: 0
registers.esi: 0
registers.ecx: 2228
1 0 0


LocalSize+0xe4 BasepMapModuleHandle-0x31 kernel32+0x2e825 @ 0x7574e825
_go@4+0x284 4+0x22f34 @ 0x422f34
_go@4+0x11bf 4+0x23e6f @ 0x423e6f
_regulmoto@4-0x2107e 4+0x1c22 @ 0x401c22
_regulmoto@4-0x211d1 4+0x1acf @ 0x401acf
BaseThreadInitThunk+0x12 VerifyConsoleIoHandle-0xb3 kernel32+0x133ca @ 0x757333ca
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x63 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xa1 ntdll+0x39ed2 @ 0x773d9ed2
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x36 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xce ntdll+0x39ea5 @ 0x773d9ea5

exception.instruction_r: 80 78 07 05 0f 84 27 56 02 00 f6 40 07 3f 0f 84
exception.symbol: RtlGetUserInfoHeap+0x4e RtlQueueWorkItem-0x3e7 ntdll+0x67cbf
exception.instruction: cmp byte ptr [eax + 7], 5
exception.module: ntdll.dll
exception.exception_code: 0xc0000005
exception.offset: 425151
exception.address: 0x77407cbf
registers.esp: 1632100
registers.edi: 2949120
registers.eax: 4294967288
registers.ebp: 1632152
registers.edx: 6
registers.ebx: 0
registers.esi: 0
registers.ecx: 2228
1 0 0


LocalSize+0xe4 BasepMapModuleHandle-0x31 kernel32+0x2e825 @ 0x7574e825
_go@4+0x284 4+0x22f34 @ 0x422f34
_go@4+0x11bf 4+0x23e6f @ 0x423e6f
_regulmoto@4-0x2107e 4+0x1c22 @ 0x401c22
_regulmoto@4-0x211d1 4+0x1acf @ 0x401acf
BaseThreadInitThunk+0x12 VerifyConsoleIoHandle-0xb3 kernel32+0x133ca @ 0x757333ca
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x63 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xa1 ntdll+0x39ed2 @ 0x773d9ed2
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x36 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xce ntdll+0x39ea5 @ 0x773d9ea5

exception.instruction_r: 80 78 07 05 0f 84 27 56 02 00 f6 40 07 3f 0f 84
exception.symbol: RtlGetUserInfoHeap+0x4e RtlQueueWorkItem-0x3e7 ntdll+0x67cbf
exception.instruction: cmp byte ptr [eax + 7], 5
exception.module: ntdll.dll
exception.exception_code: 0xc0000005
exception.offset: 425151
exception.address: 0x77407cbf
registers.esp: 1632100
registers.edi: 2949120
registers.eax: 4294967288
registers.ebp: 1632152
registers.edx: 6
registers.ebx: 0
registers.esi: 0
registers.ecx: 2228
1 0 0


LocalSize+0xe4 BasepMapModuleHandle-0x31 kernel32+0x2e825 @ 0x7574e825
_go@4+0x284 4+0x22f34 @ 0x422f34
_go@4+0x11bf 4+0x23e6f @ 0x423e6f
_regulmoto@4-0x2107e 4+0x1c22 @ 0x401c22
_regulmoto@4-0x211d1 4+0x1acf @ 0x401acf
BaseThreadInitThunk+0x12 VerifyConsoleIoHandle-0xb3 kernel32+0x133ca @ 0x757333ca
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x63 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xa1 ntdll+0x39ed2 @ 0x773d9ed2
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x36 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xce ntdll+0x39ea5 @ 0x773d9ea5

exception.instruction_r: 80 78 07 05 0f 84 27 56 02 00 f6 40 07 3f 0f 84
exception.symbol: RtlGetUserInfoHeap+0x4e RtlQueueWorkItem-0x3e7 ntdll+0x67cbf
exception.instruction: cmp byte ptr [eax + 7], 5
exception.module: ntdll.dll
exception.exception_code: 0xc0000005
exception.offset: 425151
exception.address: 0x77407cbf
registers.esp: 1632100
registers.edi: 2949120
registers.eax: 4294967288
registers.ebp: 1632152
registers.edx: 6
registers.ebx: 0
registers.esi: 0
registers.ecx: 2228
1 0 0


LocalSize+0xe4 BasepMapModuleHandle-0x31 kernel32+0x2e825 @ 0x7574e825
_go@4+0x284 4+0x22f34 @ 0x422f34
_go@4+0x11bf 4+0x23e6f @ 0x423e6f
_regulmoto@4-0x2107e 4+0x1c22 @ 0x401c22
_regulmoto@4-0x211d1 4+0x1acf @ 0x401acf
BaseThreadInitThunk+0x12 VerifyConsoleIoHandle-0xb3 kernel32+0x133ca @ 0x757333ca
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x63 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xa1 ntdll+0x39ed2 @ 0x773d9ed2
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x36 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xce ntdll+0x39ea5 @ 0x773d9ea5

exception.instruction_r: 80 78 07 05 0f 84 27 56 02 00 f6 40 07 3f 0f 84
exception.symbol: RtlGetUserInfoHeap+0x4e RtlQueueWorkItem-0x3e7 ntdll+0x67cbf
exception.instruction: cmp byte ptr [eax + 7], 5
exception.module: ntdll.dll
exception.exception_code: 0xc0000005
exception.offset: 425151
exception.address: 0x77407cbf
registers.esp: 1632100
registers.edi: 2949120
registers.eax: 4294967288
registers.ebp: 1632152
registers.edx: 6
registers.ebx: 0
registers.esi: 0
registers.ecx: 2228
1 0 0


LocalSize+0xe4 BasepMapModuleHandle-0x31 kernel32+0x2e825 @ 0x7574e825
_go@4+0x284 4+0x22f34 @ 0x422f34
_go@4+0x11bf 4+0x23e6f @ 0x423e6f
_regulmoto@4-0x2107e 4+0x1c22 @ 0x401c22
_regulmoto@4-0x211d1 4+0x1acf @ 0x401acf
BaseThreadInitThunk+0x12 VerifyConsoleIoHandle-0xb3 kernel32+0x133ca @ 0x757333ca
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x63 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xa1 ntdll+0x39ed2 @ 0x773d9ed2
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x36 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xce ntdll+0x39ea5 @ 0x773d9ea5

exception.instruction_r: 80 78 07 05 0f 84 27 56 02 00 f6 40 07 3f 0f 84
exception.symbol: RtlGetUserInfoHeap+0x4e RtlQueueWorkItem-0x3e7 ntdll+0x67cbf
exception.instruction: cmp byte ptr [eax + 7], 5
exception.module: ntdll.dll
exception.exception_code: 0xc0000005
exception.offset: 425151
exception.address: 0x77407cbf
registers.esp: 1632100
registers.edi: 2949120
registers.eax: 4294967288
registers.ebp: 1632152
registers.edx: 6
registers.ebx: 0
registers.esi: 0
registers.ecx: 2228
1 0 0


LocalSize+0xe4 BasepMapModuleHandle-0x31 kernel32+0x2e825 @ 0x7574e825
_go@4+0x284 4+0x22f34 @ 0x422f34
_go@4+0x11bf 4+0x23e6f @ 0x423e6f
_regulmoto@4-0x2107e 4+0x1c22 @ 0x401c22
_regulmoto@4-0x211d1 4+0x1acf @ 0x401acf
BaseThreadInitThunk+0x12 VerifyConsoleIoHandle-0xb3 kernel32+0x133ca @ 0x757333ca
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x63 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xa1 ntdll+0x39ed2 @ 0x773d9ed2
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x36 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xce ntdll+0x39ea5 @ 0x773d9ea5

exception.instruction_r: 80 78 07 05 0f 84 27 56 02 00 f6 40 07 3f 0f 84
exception.symbol: RtlGetUserInfoHeap+0x4e RtlQueueWorkItem-0x3e7 ntdll+0x67cbf
exception.instruction: cmp byte ptr [eax + 7], 5
exception.module: ntdll.dll
exception.exception_code: 0xc0000005
exception.offset: 425151
exception.address: 0x77407cbf
registers.esp: 1632100
registers.edi: 2949120
registers.eax: 4294967288
registers.ebp: 1632152
registers.edx: 6
registers.ebx: 0
registers.esi: 0
registers.ecx: 2228
1 0 0


LocalSize+0xe4 BasepMapModuleHandle-0x31 kernel32+0x2e825 @ 0x7574e825
_go@4+0x284 4+0x22f34 @ 0x422f34
_go@4+0x11bf 4+0x23e6f @ 0x423e6f
_regulmoto@4-0x2107e 4+0x1c22 @ 0x401c22
_regulmoto@4-0x211d1 4+0x1acf @ 0x401acf
BaseThreadInitThunk+0x12 VerifyConsoleIoHandle-0xb3 kernel32+0x133ca @ 0x757333ca
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x63 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xa1 ntdll+0x39ed2 @ 0x773d9ed2
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x36 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xce ntdll+0x39ea5 @ 0x773d9ea5

exception.instruction_r: 80 78 07 05 0f 84 27 56 02 00 f6 40 07 3f 0f 84
exception.symbol: RtlGetUserInfoHeap+0x4e RtlQueueWorkItem-0x3e7 ntdll+0x67cbf
exception.instruction: cmp byte ptr [eax + 7], 5
exception.module: ntdll.dll
exception.exception_code: 0xc0000005
exception.offset: 425151
exception.address: 0x77407cbf
registers.esp: 1632100
registers.edi: 2949120
registers.eax: 4294967288
registers.ebp: 1632152
registers.edx: 6
registers.ebx: 0
registers.esi: 0
registers.ecx: 2228
1 0 0


LocalSize+0xe4 BasepMapModuleHandle-0x31 kernel32+0x2e825 @ 0x7574e825
_go@4+0x284 4+0x22f34 @ 0x422f34
_go@4+0x11bf 4+0x23e6f @ 0x423e6f
_regulmoto@4-0x2107e 4+0x1c22 @ 0x401c22
_regulmoto@4-0x211d1 4+0x1acf @ 0x401acf
BaseThreadInitThunk+0x12 VerifyConsoleIoHandle-0xb3 kernel32+0x133ca @ 0x757333ca
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x63 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xa1 ntdll+0x39ed2 @ 0x773d9ed2
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x36 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xce ntdll+0x39ea5 @ 0x773d9ea5

exception.instruction_r: 80 78 07 05 0f 84 27 56 02 00 f6 40 07 3f 0f 84
exception.symbol: RtlGetUserInfoHeap+0x4e RtlQueueWorkItem-0x3e7 ntdll+0x67cbf
exception.instruction: cmp byte ptr [eax + 7], 5
exception.module: ntdll.dll
exception.exception_code: 0xc0000005
exception.offset: 425151
exception.address: 0x77407cbf
registers.esp: 1632100
registers.edi: 2949120
registers.eax: 4294967288
registers.ebp: 1632152
registers.edx: 6
registers.ebx: 0
registers.esi: 0
registers.ecx: 2228
1 0 0


LocalSize+0xe4 BasepMapModuleHandle-0x31 kernel32+0x2e825 @ 0x7574e825
_go@4+0x284 4+0x22f34 @ 0x422f34
_go@4+0x11bf 4+0x23e6f @ 0x423e6f
_regulmoto@4-0x2107e 4+0x1c22 @ 0x401c22
_regulmoto@4-0x211d1 4+0x1acf @ 0x401acf
BaseThreadInitThunk+0x12 VerifyConsoleIoHandle-0xb3 kernel32+0x133ca @ 0x757333ca
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x63 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xa1 ntdll+0x39ed2 @ 0x773d9ed2
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x36 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xce ntdll+0x39ea5 @ 0x773d9ea5

exception.instruction_r: 80 78 07 05 0f 84 27 56 02 00 f6 40 07 3f 0f 84
exception.symbol: RtlGetUserInfoHeap+0x4e RtlQueueWorkItem-0x3e7 ntdll+0x67cbf
exception.instruction: cmp byte ptr [eax + 7], 5
exception.module: ntdll.dll
exception.exception_code: 0xc0000005
exception.offset: 425151
exception.address: 0x77407cbf
registers.esp: 1632100
registers.edi: 2949120
registers.eax: 4294967288
registers.ebp: 1632152
registers.edx: 6
registers.ebx: 0
registers.esi: 0
registers.ecx: 2228
1 0 0


LocalSize+0xe4 BasepMapModuleHandle-0x31 kernel32+0x2e825 @ 0x7574e825
_go@4+0x284 4+0x22f34 @ 0x422f34
_go@4+0x11bf 4+0x23e6f @ 0x423e6f
_regulmoto@4-0x2107e 4+0x1c22 @ 0x401c22
_regulmoto@4-0x211d1 4+0x1acf @ 0x401acf
BaseThreadInitThunk+0x12 VerifyConsoleIoHandle-0xb3 kernel32+0x133ca @ 0x757333ca
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x63 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xa1 ntdll+0x39ed2 @ 0x773d9ed2
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x36 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xce ntdll+0x39ea5 @ 0x773d9ea5

exception.instruction_r: 80 78 07 05 0f 84 27 56 02 00 f6 40 07 3f 0f 84
exception.symbol: RtlGetUserInfoHeap+0x4e RtlQueueWorkItem-0x3e7 ntdll+0x67cbf
exception.instruction: cmp byte ptr [eax + 7], 5
exception.module: ntdll.dll
exception.exception_code: 0xc0000005
exception.offset: 425151
exception.address: 0x77407cbf
registers.esp: 1632100
registers.edi: 2949120
registers.eax: 4294967288
registers.ebp: 1632152
registers.edx: 6
registers.ebx: 0
registers.esi: 0
registers.ecx: 2228
1 0 0


LocalSize+0xe4 BasepMapModuleHandle-0x31 kernel32+0x2e825 @ 0x7574e825
_go@4+0x284 4+0x22f34 @ 0x422f34
_go@4+0x11bf 4+0x23e6f @ 0x423e6f
_regulmoto@4-0x2107e 4+0x1c22 @ 0x401c22
_regulmoto@4-0x211d1 4+0x1acf @ 0x401acf
BaseThreadInitThunk+0x12 VerifyConsoleIoHandle-0xb3 kernel32+0x133ca @ 0x757333ca
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x63 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xa1 ntdll+0x39ed2 @ 0x773d9ed2
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x36 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xce ntdll+0x39ea5 @ 0x773d9ea5

exception.instruction_r: 80 78 07 05 0f 84 27 56 02 00 f6 40 07 3f 0f 84
exception.symbol: RtlGetUserInfoHeap+0x4e RtlQueueWorkItem-0x3e7 ntdll+0x67cbf
exception.instruction: cmp byte ptr [eax + 7], 5
exception.module: ntdll.dll
exception.exception_code: 0xc0000005
exception.offset: 425151
exception.address: 0x77407cbf
registers.esp: 1632100
registers.edi: 2949120
registers.eax: 4294967288
registers.ebp: 1632152
registers.edx: 6
registers.ebx: 0
registers.esi: 0
registers.ecx: 2228
1 0 0


LocalSize+0xe4 BasepMapModuleHandle-0x31 kernel32+0x2e825 @ 0x7574e825
_go@4+0x284 4+0x22f34 @ 0x422f34
_go@4+0x11bf 4+0x23e6f @ 0x423e6f
_regulmoto@4-0x2107e 4+0x1c22 @ 0x401c22
_regulmoto@4-0x211d1 4+0x1acf @ 0x401acf
BaseThreadInitThunk+0x12 VerifyConsoleIoHandle-0xb3 kernel32+0x133ca @ 0x757333ca
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x63 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xa1 ntdll+0x39ed2 @ 0x773d9ed2
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x36 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xce ntdll+0x39ea5 @ 0x773d9ea5

exception.instruction_r: 80 78 07 05 0f 84 27 56 02 00 f6 40 07 3f 0f 84
exception.symbol: RtlGetUserInfoHeap+0x4e RtlQueueWorkItem-0x3e7 ntdll+0x67cbf
exception.instruction: cmp byte ptr [eax + 7], 5
exception.module: ntdll.dll
exception.exception_code: 0xc0000005
exception.offset: 425151
exception.address: 0x77407cbf
registers.esp: 1632100
registers.edi: 2949120
registers.eax: 4294967288
registers.ebp: 1632152
registers.edx: 6
registers.ebx: 0
registers.esi: 0
registers.ecx: 2228
1 0 0


LocalSize+0xe4 BasepMapModuleHandle-0x31 kernel32+0x2e825 @ 0x7574e825
_go@4+0x284 4+0x22f34 @ 0x422f34
_go@4+0x11bf 4+0x23e6f @ 0x423e6f
_regulmoto@4-0x2107e 4+0x1c22 @ 0x401c22
_regulmoto@4-0x211d1 4+0x1acf @ 0x401acf
BaseThreadInitThunk+0x12 VerifyConsoleIoHandle-0xb3 kernel32+0x133ca @ 0x757333ca
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x63 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xa1 ntdll+0x39ed2 @ 0x773d9ed2
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x36 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xce ntdll+0x39ea5 @ 0x773d9ea5

exception.instruction_r: 80 78 07 05 0f 84 27 56 02 00 f6 40 07 3f 0f 84
exception.symbol: RtlGetUserInfoHeap+0x4e RtlQueueWorkItem-0x3e7 ntdll+0x67cbf
exception.instruction: cmp byte ptr [eax + 7], 5
exception.module: ntdll.dll
exception.exception_code: 0xc0000005
exception.offset: 425151
exception.address: 0x77407cbf
registers.esp: 1632100
registers.edi: 2949120
registers.eax: 4294967288
registers.ebp: 1632152
registers.edx: 6
registers.ebx: 0
registers.esi: 0
registers.ecx: 2228
1 0 0


LocalSize+0xe4 BasepMapModuleHandle-0x31 kernel32+0x2e825 @ 0x7574e825
_go@4+0x284 4+0x22f34 @ 0x422f34
_go@4+0x11bf 4+0x23e6f @ 0x423e6f
_regulmoto@4-0x2107e 4+0x1c22 @ 0x401c22
_regulmoto@4-0x211d1 4+0x1acf @ 0x401acf
BaseThreadInitThunk+0x12 VerifyConsoleIoHandle-0xb3 kernel32+0x133ca @ 0x757333ca
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x63 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xa1 ntdll+0x39ed2 @ 0x773d9ed2
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x36 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xce ntdll+0x39ea5 @ 0x773d9ea5

exception.instruction_r: 80 78 07 05 0f 84 27 56 02 00 f6 40 07 3f 0f 84
exception.symbol: RtlGetUserInfoHeap+0x4e RtlQueueWorkItem-0x3e7 ntdll+0x67cbf
exception.instruction: cmp byte ptr [eax + 7], 5
exception.module: ntdll.dll
exception.exception_code: 0xc0000005
exception.offset: 425151
exception.address: 0x77407cbf
registers.esp: 1632100
registers.edi: 2949120
registers.eax: 4294967288
registers.ebp: 1632152
registers.edx: 6
registers.ebx: 0
registers.esi: 0
registers.ecx: 2228
1 0 0


LocalSize+0xe4 BasepMapModuleHandle-0x31 kernel32+0x2e825 @ 0x7574e825
_go@4+0x284 4+0x22f34 @ 0x422f34
_go@4+0x11bf 4+0x23e6f @ 0x423e6f
_regulmoto@4-0x2107e 4+0x1c22 @ 0x401c22
_regulmoto@4-0x211d1 4+0x1acf @ 0x401acf
BaseThreadInitThunk+0x12 VerifyConsoleIoHandle-0xb3 kernel32+0x133ca @ 0x757333ca
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x63 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xa1 ntdll+0x39ed2 @ 0x773d9ed2
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x36 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xce ntdll+0x39ea5 @ 0x773d9ea5

exception.instruction_r: 80 78 07 05 0f 84 27 56 02 00 f6 40 07 3f 0f 84
exception.symbol: RtlGetUserInfoHeap+0x4e RtlQueueWorkItem-0x3e7 ntdll+0x67cbf
exception.instruction: cmp byte ptr [eax + 7], 5
exception.module: ntdll.dll
exception.exception_code: 0xc0000005
exception.offset: 425151
exception.address: 0x77407cbf
registers.esp: 1632100
registers.edi: 2949120
registers.eax: 4294967288
registers.ebp: 1632152
registers.edx: 6
registers.ebx: 0
registers.esi: 0
registers.ecx: 2228
1 0 0


LocalSize+0xe4 BasepMapModuleHandle-0x31 kernel32+0x2e825 @ 0x7574e825
_go@4+0x284 4+0x22f34 @ 0x422f34
_go@4+0x11bf 4+0x23e6f @ 0x423e6f
_regulmoto@4-0x2107e 4+0x1c22 @ 0x401c22
_regulmoto@4-0x211d1 4+0x1acf @ 0x401acf
BaseThreadInitThunk+0x12 VerifyConsoleIoHandle-0xb3 kernel32+0x133ca @ 0x757333ca
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x63 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xa1 ntdll+0x39ed2 @ 0x773d9ed2
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x36 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xce ntdll+0x39ea5 @ 0x773d9ea5

exception.instruction_r: 80 78 07 05 0f 84 27 56 02 00 f6 40 07 3f 0f 84
exception.symbol: RtlGetUserInfoHeap+0x4e RtlQueueWorkItem-0x3e7 ntdll+0x67cbf
exception.instruction: cmp byte ptr [eax + 7], 5
exception.module: ntdll.dll
exception.exception_code: 0xc0000005
exception.offset: 425151
exception.address: 0x77407cbf
registers.esp: 1632100
registers.edi: 2949120
registers.eax: 4294967288
registers.ebp: 1632152
registers.edx: 6
registers.ebx: 0
registers.esi: 0
registers.ecx: 2228
1 0 0


LocalSize+0xe4 BasepMapModuleHandle-0x31 kernel32+0x2e825 @ 0x7574e825
_go@4+0x284 4+0x22f34 @ 0x422f34
_go@4+0x11bf 4+0x23e6f @ 0x423e6f
_regulmoto@4-0x2107e 4+0x1c22 @ 0x401c22
_regulmoto@4-0x211d1 4+0x1acf @ 0x401acf
BaseThreadInitThunk+0x12 VerifyConsoleIoHandle-0xb3 kernel32+0x133ca @ 0x757333ca
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x63 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xa1 ntdll+0x39ed2 @ 0x773d9ed2
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x36 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xce ntdll+0x39ea5 @ 0x773d9ea5

exception.instruction_r: 80 78 07 05 0f 84 27 56 02 00 f6 40 07 3f 0f 84
exception.symbol: RtlGetUserInfoHeap+0x4e RtlQueueWorkItem-0x3e7 ntdll+0x67cbf
exception.instruction: cmp byte ptr [eax + 7], 5
exception.module: ntdll.dll
exception.exception_code: 0xc0000005
exception.offset: 425151
exception.address: 0x77407cbf
registers.esp: 1632100
registers.edi: 2949120
registers.eax: 4294967288
registers.ebp: 1632152
registers.edx: 6
registers.ebx: 0
registers.esi: 0
registers.ecx: 2228
1 0 0


LocalSize+0xe4 BasepMapModuleHandle-0x31 kernel32+0x2e825 @ 0x7574e825
_go@4+0x284 4+0x22f34 @ 0x422f34
_go@4+0x11bf 4+0x23e6f @ 0x423e6f
_regulmoto@4-0x2107e 4+0x1c22 @ 0x401c22
_regulmoto@4-0x211d1 4+0x1acf @ 0x401acf
BaseThreadInitThunk+0x12 VerifyConsoleIoHandle-0xb3 kernel32+0x133ca @ 0x757333ca
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x63 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xa1 ntdll+0x39ed2 @ 0x773d9ed2
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x36 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xce ntdll+0x39ea5 @ 0x773d9ea5

exception.instruction_r: 80 78 07 05 0f 84 27 56 02 00 f6 40 07 3f 0f 84
exception.symbol: RtlGetUserInfoHeap+0x4e RtlQueueWorkItem-0x3e7 ntdll+0x67cbf
exception.instruction: cmp byte ptr [eax + 7], 5
exception.module: ntdll.dll
exception.exception_code: 0xc0000005
exception.offset: 425151
exception.address: 0x77407cbf
registers.esp: 1632100
registers.edi: 2949120
registers.eax: 4294967288
registers.ebp: 1632152
registers.edx: 6
registers.ebx: 0
registers.esi: 0
registers.ecx: 2228
1 0 0


LocalSize+0xe4 BasepMapModuleHandle-0x31 kernel32+0x2e825 @ 0x7574e825
_go@4+0x284 4+0x22f34 @ 0x422f34
_go@4+0x11bf 4+0x23e6f @ 0x423e6f
_regulmoto@4-0x2107e 4+0x1c22 @ 0x401c22
_regulmoto@4-0x211d1 4+0x1acf @ 0x401acf
BaseThreadInitThunk+0x12 VerifyConsoleIoHandle-0xb3 kernel32+0x133ca @ 0x757333ca
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x63 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xa1 ntdll+0x39ed2 @ 0x773d9ed2
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x36 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xce ntdll+0x39ea5 @ 0x773d9ea5

exception.instruction_r: 80 78 07 05 0f 84 27 56 02 00 f6 40 07 3f 0f 84
exception.symbol: RtlGetUserInfoHeap+0x4e RtlQueueWorkItem-0x3e7 ntdll+0x67cbf
exception.instruction: cmp byte ptr [eax + 7], 5
exception.module: ntdll.dll
exception.exception_code: 0xc0000005
exception.offset: 425151
exception.address: 0x77407cbf
registers.esp: 1632100
registers.edi: 2949120
registers.eax: 4294967288
registers.ebp: 1632152
registers.edx: 6
registers.ebx: 0
registers.esi: 0
registers.ecx: 2228
1 0 0


LocalSize+0xe4 BasepMapModuleHandle-0x31 kernel32+0x2e825 @ 0x7574e825
_go@4+0x284 4+0x22f34 @ 0x422f34
_go@4+0x11bf 4+0x23e6f @ 0x423e6f
_regulmoto@4-0x2107e 4+0x1c22 @ 0x401c22
_regulmoto@4-0x211d1 4+0x1acf @ 0x401acf
BaseThreadInitThunk+0x12 VerifyConsoleIoHandle-0xb3 kernel32+0x133ca @ 0x757333ca
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x63 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xa1 ntdll+0x39ed2 @ 0x773d9ed2
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x36 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xce ntdll+0x39ea5 @ 0x773d9ea5

exception.instruction_r: 80 78 07 05 0f 84 27 56 02 00 f6 40 07 3f 0f 84
exception.symbol: RtlGetUserInfoHeap+0x4e RtlQueueWorkItem-0x3e7 ntdll+0x67cbf
exception.instruction: cmp byte ptr [eax + 7], 5
exception.module: ntdll.dll
exception.exception_code: 0xc0000005
exception.offset: 425151
exception.address: 0x77407cbf
registers.esp: 1632100
registers.edi: 2949120
registers.eax: 4294967288
registers.ebp: 1632152
registers.edx: 6
registers.ebx: 0
registers.esi: 0
registers.ecx: 2228
1 0 0


LocalSize+0xe4 BasepMapModuleHandle-0x31 kernel32+0x2e825 @ 0x7574e825
_go@4+0x284 4+0x22f34 @ 0x422f34
_go@4+0x11bf 4+0x23e6f @ 0x423e6f
_regulmoto@4-0x2107e 4+0x1c22 @ 0x401c22
_regulmoto@4-0x211d1 4+0x1acf @ 0x401acf
BaseThreadInitThunk+0x12 VerifyConsoleIoHandle-0xb3 kernel32+0x133ca @ 0x757333ca
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x63 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xa1 ntdll+0x39ed2 @ 0x773d9ed2
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x36 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xce ntdll+0x39ea5 @ 0x773d9ea5

exception.instruction_r: 80 78 07 05 0f 84 27 56 02 00 f6 40 07 3f 0f 84
exception.symbol: RtlGetUserInfoHeap+0x4e RtlQueueWorkItem-0x3e7 ntdll+0x67cbf
exception.instruction: cmp byte ptr [eax + 7], 5
exception.module: ntdll.dll
exception.exception_code: 0xc0000005
exception.offset: 425151
exception.address: 0x77407cbf
registers.esp: 1632100
registers.edi: 2949120
registers.eax: 4294967288
registers.ebp: 1632152
registers.edx: 6
registers.ebx: 0
registers.esi: 0
registers.ecx: 2228
1 0 0


LocalSize+0xe4 BasepMapModuleHandle-0x31 kernel32+0x2e825 @ 0x7574e825
_go@4+0x284 4+0x22f34 @ 0x422f34
_go@4+0x11bf 4+0x23e6f @ 0x423e6f
_regulmoto@4-0x2107e 4+0x1c22 @ 0x401c22
_regulmoto@4-0x211d1 4+0x1acf @ 0x401acf
BaseThreadInitThunk+0x12 VerifyConsoleIoHandle-0xb3 kernel32+0x133ca @ 0x757333ca
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x63 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xa1 ntdll+0x39ed2 @ 0x773d9ed2
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x36 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xce ntdll+0x39ea5 @ 0x773d9ea5

exception.instruction_r: 80 78 07 05 0f 84 27 56 02 00 f6 40 07 3f 0f 84
exception.symbol: RtlGetUserInfoHeap+0x4e RtlQueueWorkItem-0x3e7 ntdll+0x67cbf
exception.instruction: cmp byte ptr [eax + 7], 5
exception.module: ntdll.dll
exception.exception_code: 0xc0000005
exception.offset: 425151
exception.address: 0x77407cbf
registers.esp: 1632100
registers.edi: 2949120
registers.eax: 4294967288
registers.ebp: 1632152
registers.edx: 6
registers.ebx: 0
registers.esi: 0
registers.ecx: 2228
1 0 0


LocalSize+0xe4 BasepMapModuleHandle-0x31 kernel32+0x2e825 @ 0x7574e825
_go@4+0x284 4+0x22f34 @ 0x422f34
_go@4+0x11bf 4+0x23e6f @ 0x423e6f
_regulmoto@4-0x2107e 4+0x1c22 @ 0x401c22
_regulmoto@4-0x211d1 4+0x1acf @ 0x401acf
BaseThreadInitThunk+0x12 VerifyConsoleIoHandle-0xb3 kernel32+0x133ca @ 0x757333ca
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x63 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xa1 ntdll+0x39ed2 @ 0x773d9ed2
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x36 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xce ntdll+0x39ea5 @ 0x773d9ea5

exception.instruction_r: 80 78 07 05 0f 84 27 56 02 00 f6 40 07 3f 0f 84
exception.symbol: RtlGetUserInfoHeap+0x4e RtlQueueWorkItem-0x3e7 ntdll+0x67cbf
exception.instruction: cmp byte ptr [eax + 7], 5
exception.module: ntdll.dll
exception.exception_code: 0xc0000005
exception.offset: 425151
exception.address: 0x77407cbf
registers.esp: 1632100
registers.edi: 2949120
registers.eax: 4294967288
registers.ebp: 1632152
registers.edx: 6
registers.ebx: 0
registers.esi: 0
registers.ecx: 2228
1 0 0


LocalSize+0xe4 BasepMapModuleHandle-0x31 kernel32+0x2e825 @ 0x7574e825
_go@4+0x284 4+0x22f34 @ 0x422f34
_go@4+0x11bf 4+0x23e6f @ 0x423e6f
_regulmoto@4-0x2107e 4+0x1c22 @ 0x401c22
_regulmoto@4-0x211d1 4+0x1acf @ 0x401acf
BaseThreadInitThunk+0x12 VerifyConsoleIoHandle-0xb3 kernel32+0x133ca @ 0x757333ca
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x63 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xa1 ntdll+0x39ed2 @ 0x773d9ed2
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x36 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xce ntdll+0x39ea5 @ 0x773d9ea5

exception.instruction_r: 80 78 07 05 0f 84 27 56 02 00 f6 40 07 3f 0f 84
exception.symbol: RtlGetUserInfoHeap+0x4e RtlQueueWorkItem-0x3e7 ntdll+0x67cbf
exception.instruction: cmp byte ptr [eax + 7], 5
exception.module: ntdll.dll
exception.exception_code: 0xc0000005
exception.offset: 425151
exception.address: 0x77407cbf
registers.esp: 1632100
registers.edi: 2949120
registers.eax: 4294967288
registers.ebp: 1632152
registers.edx: 6
registers.ebx: 0
registers.esi: 0
registers.ecx: 2228
1 0 0


LocalSize+0xe4 BasepMapModuleHandle-0x31 kernel32+0x2e825 @ 0x7574e825
_go@4+0x284 4+0x22f34 @ 0x422f34
_go@4+0x11bf 4+0x23e6f @ 0x423e6f
_regulmoto@4-0x2107e 4+0x1c22 @ 0x401c22
_regulmoto@4-0x211d1 4+0x1acf @ 0x401acf
BaseThreadInitThunk+0x12 VerifyConsoleIoHandle-0xb3 kernel32+0x133ca @ 0x757333ca
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x63 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xa1 ntdll+0x39ed2 @ 0x773d9ed2
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x36 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xce ntdll+0x39ea5 @ 0x773d9ea5

exception.instruction_r: 80 78 07 05 0f 84 27 56 02 00 f6 40 07 3f 0f 84
exception.symbol: RtlGetUserInfoHeap+0x4e RtlQueueWorkItem-0x3e7 ntdll+0x67cbf
exception.instruction: cmp byte ptr [eax + 7], 5
exception.module: ntdll.dll
exception.exception_code: 0xc0000005
exception.offset: 425151
exception.address: 0x77407cbf
registers.esp: 1632100
registers.edi: 2949120
registers.eax: 4294967288
registers.ebp: 1632152
registers.edx: 6
registers.ebx: 0
registers.esi: 0
registers.ecx: 2228
1 0 0


LocalSize+0xe4 BasepMapModuleHandle-0x31 kernel32+0x2e825 @ 0x7574e825
_go@4+0x284 4+0x22f34 @ 0x422f34
_go@4+0x11bf 4+0x23e6f @ 0x423e6f
_regulmoto@4-0x2107e 4+0x1c22 @ 0x401c22
_regulmoto@4-0x211d1 4+0x1acf @ 0x401acf
BaseThreadInitThunk+0x12 VerifyConsoleIoHandle-0xb3 kernel32+0x133ca @ 0x757333ca
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x63 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xa1 ntdll+0x39ed2 @ 0x773d9ed2
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x36 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xce ntdll+0x39ea5 @ 0x773d9ea5

exception.instruction_r: 80 78 07 05 0f 84 27 56 02 00 f6 40 07 3f 0f 84
exception.symbol: RtlGetUserInfoHeap+0x4e RtlQueueWorkItem-0x3e7 ntdll+0x67cbf
exception.instruction: cmp byte ptr [eax + 7], 5
exception.module: ntdll.dll
exception.exception_code: 0xc0000005
exception.offset: 425151
exception.address: 0x77407cbf
registers.esp: 1632100
registers.edi: 2949120
registers.eax: 4294967288
registers.ebp: 1632152
registers.edx: 6
registers.ebx: 0
registers.esi: 0
registers.ecx: 2228
1 0 0
Time & API Arguments Status Return Repeated


process_identifier: 1116
stack_dep_bypass: 0
stack_pivoted: 0
heap_dep_bypass: 0
length: 4096
base_address: 0x73721000
process_handle: 0xffffffff
1 0 0


process_identifier: 1116
stack_dep_bypass: 0
stack_pivoted: 0
heap_dep_bypass: 0
length: 4096
base_address: 0x74e51000
process_handle: 0xffffffff
1 0 0


process_identifier: 1116
stack_dep_bypass: 0
stack_pivoted: 0
heap_dep_bypass: 0
length: 4096
base_address: 0x10001000
process_handle: 0xffffffff
1 0 0


process_identifier: 1116
stack_dep_bypass: 0
stack_pivoted: 0
heap_dep_bypass: 0
length: 4096
base_address: 0x73711000
process_handle: 0xffffffff
1 0 0


process_identifier: 1116
stack_dep_bypass: 0
stack_pivoted: 0
heap_dep_bypass: 0
length: 4096
base_address: 0x727a1000
process_handle: 0xffffffff
1 0 0


process_identifier: 1116
stack_dep_bypass: 0
stack_pivoted: 0
heap_dep_bypass: 0
length: 4096
base_address: 0x72764000
process_handle: 0xffffffff
1 0 0


process_identifier: 1116
stack_dep_bypass: 0
stack_pivoted: 0
heap_dep_bypass: 0
length: 4096
base_address: 0x727a2000
process_handle: 0xffffffff
1 0 0


process_identifier: 2208
stack_dep_bypass: 0
stack_pivoted: 0
heap_dep_bypass: 0
length: 4096
base_address: 0x72941000
process_handle: 0xffffffff
1 0 0


process_identifier: 2208
stack_dep_bypass: 0
stack_pivoted: 0
heap_dep_bypass: 0
length: 4096
base_address: 0x72904000
process_handle: 0xffffffff
1 0 0


process_identifier: 2208
stack_dep_bypass: 0
stack_pivoted: 0
heap_dep_bypass: 0
length: 4096
base_address: 0x72942000
process_handle: 0xffffffff
1 0 0


process_identifier: 2208
stack_dep_bypass: 0
stack_pivoted: 0
heap_dep_bypass: 0
length: 4096
base_address: 0x72361000
process_handle: 0xffffffff
1 0 0


process_identifier: 2208
stack_dep_bypass: 0
stack_pivoted: 0
heap_dep_bypass: 0
length: 4096
base_address: 0x72331000
process_handle: 0xffffffff
1 0 0


process_identifier: 2208
stack_dep_bypass: 0
stack_pivoted: 0
heap_dep_bypass: 0
length: 4096
base_address: 0x74e51000
process_handle: 0xffffffff
1 0 0


process_identifier: 2208
stack_dep_bypass: 0
stack_pivoted: 0
heap_dep_bypass: 0
length: 4096
base_address: 0x736f1000
process_handle: 0xffffffff
1 0 0


process_identifier: 2852
stack_dep_bypass: 0
stack_pivoted: 0
heap_dep_bypass: 1
length: 90112
base_address: 0x00313000
process_handle: 0xffffffff
1 0 0


process_identifier: 2560
stack_dep_bypass: 0
stack_pivoted: 0
heap_dep_bypass: 0
length: 4096
base_address: 0x72941000
process_handle: 0xffffffff
1 0 0


process_identifier: 2560
stack_dep_bypass: 0
stack_pivoted: 0
heap_dep_bypass: 0
length: 4096
base_address: 0x72904000
process_handle: 0xffffffff
1 0 0


process_identifier: 2560
stack_dep_bypass: 0
stack_pivoted: 0
heap_dep_bypass: 0
length: 4096
base_address: 0x72942000
process_handle: 0xffffffff
1 0 0


process_identifier: 2524
stack_dep_bypass: 0
stack_pivoted: 0
heap_dep_bypass: 0
length: 4096
base_address: 0x72941000
process_handle: 0xffffffff
1 0 0


process_identifier: 2524
stack_dep_bypass: 0
stack_pivoted: 0
heap_dep_bypass: 0
length: 4096
base_address: 0x72904000
process_handle: 0xffffffff
1 0 0


process_identifier: 2524
stack_dep_bypass: 0
stack_pivoted: 0
heap_dep_bypass: 0
length: 4096
base_address: 0x72942000
process_handle: 0xffffffff
1 0 0


process_identifier: 2524
region_size: 4096
stack_dep_bypass: 0
stack_pivoted: 0
heap_dep_bypass: 0
base_address: 0x00590000
allocation_type: 4096 (MEM_COMMIT)
process_handle: 0xffffffff
1 0 0


process_identifier: 2524
stack_dep_bypass: 0
stack_pivoted: 0
heap_dep_bypass: 1
length: 102400
base_address: 0x047b1000
process_handle: 0xffffffff
1 0 0


process_identifier: 2524
stack_dep_bypass: 0
stack_pivoted: 0
heap_dep_bypass: 1
length: 32768
base_address: 0x047ca000
process_handle: 0xffffffff
1 0 0


process_identifier: 2524
stack_dep_bypass: 0
stack_pivoted: 0
heap_dep_bypass: 1
length: 8192
base_address: 0x047d2000
process_handle: 0xffffffff
1 0 0


process_identifier: 2524
stack_dep_bypass: 0
stack_pivoted: 0
heap_dep_bypass: 1
length: 4096
base_address: 0x047d4000
process_handle: 0xffffffff
1 0 0


process_identifier: 2524
stack_dep_bypass: 0
stack_pivoted: 0
heap_dep_bypass: 1
length: 8192
base_address: 0x047d5000
process_handle: 0xffffffff
1 0 0


process_identifier: 2356
stack_dep_bypass: 0
stack_pivoted: 0
heap_dep_bypass: 0
length: 4096
base_address: 0x73321000
process_handle: 0xffffffff
1 0 0
Time & API Arguments Status Return Repeated


total_number_of_free_bytes: 0
free_bytes_available: 13723762688
root_path: C:\Users\test22\AppData\Local\Temp\7ZipSfx.000
total_number_of_bytes: 0
1 1 0
file C:\Program Files (x86)\foler\olader\acppage.dll
file C:\Users\test22\AppData\Local\Temp\New Feature\vpn.exe
file C:\Users\test22\AppData\Local\Temp\New Feature\4.exe
file C:\Program Files (x86)\foler\olader\adprovider.dll
file C:\Users\test22\AppData\Local\Temp\nsj63D4.tmp\UAC.dll
file C:\Users\test22\AppData\Local\Temp\7ZipSfx.000\
file C:\Program Files (x86)\foler\olader\acledit.dll
cmdline "C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe" /c C:\Windows\system32\cmd <
file C:\Users\test22\AppData\Local\Temp\New Feature\vpn.exe
file C:\Users\test22\AppData\Local\Temp\nsj63D4.tmp\UAC.dll
file C:\Users\test22\AppData\Local\Temp\New Feature\4.exe
Time & API Arguments Status Return Repeated


show_type: 0
filepath_r: C:\Windows\system32\cmd
parameters: /c C:\Windows\system32\cmd <
filepath: C:\Windows\System32\cmd
1 1 0
description Communication using DGA rule Network_DGA
description Communications use DNS rule Network_DNS
description Communications over RAW Socket rule Network_TCP_Socket
description Create a windows service rule Create_Service
description Record Audio rule Sniff_Audio
description Communications over HTTP rule Network_HTTP
description Escalate priviledges rule Escalate_priviledges
description Run a KeyLogger rule KeyLogger
description Communications over FTP rule Network_FTP
description Win.Trojan.agentTesla rule Win_Trojan_agentTesla_Zero
description Hijack network configuration rule Hijack_Network
description Code injection with CreateRemoteThread in a remote process rule Code_injection
description Match Windows Http API call rule Str_Win32_Http_API
description Match Windows Inet API call rule Str_Win32_Internet_API
description Steal credential rule local_credential_Steal
description Take ScreenShot rule ScreenShot
description File Downloader rule Network_Downloader
description Communications over P2P network rule Network_P2P_Win
description (no description) rule DebuggerCheck__GlobalFlags
description (no description) rule DebuggerCheck__QueryInfo
description (no description) rule DebuggerCheck__RemoteAPI
description (no description) rule DebuggerHiding__Thread
description (no description) rule DebuggerHiding__Active
description (no description) rule DebuggerException__ConsoleCtrl
description (no description) rule DebuggerException__SetConsoleCtrl
description (no description) rule ThreadControl__Context
description (no description) rule SEH__vectored
description (no description) rule Check_Dlls
description Checks if being debugged rule anti_dbg
description Anti-Sandbox checks for ThreatExpert rule antisb_threatExpert
description Bypass DEP rule disable_dep
description Affect hook table rule win_hook
description Install itself for autorun at Windows startup rule Persistence
cmdline ping -n 30
file C:\ProgramData\AVAST Software
file C:\ProgramData\AVG
Process injection Process 1120 resumed a thread in remote process 2560
Time & API Arguments Status Return Repeated


thread_handle: 0x00000134
suspend_count: 0
process_identifier: 2560
1 0 0
Time & API Arguments Status Return Repeated


tid: 2228
message: Encountered 65537 exceptions, quitting.
subcategory: exception
1 0 0
Bkav W32.AIDetect.malware1
Elastic malicious (high confidence)
MicroWorld-eScan Gen:Variant.Doina.10795
Sangfor Trojan.Win32.Save.a
BitDefenderTheta Gen:NN.ZexaF.34692.wqW@ai8kMWV
ESET-NOD32 a variant of Win32/Packed.7Zip.T
APEX Malicious
Avast Win32:Trojan-gen
ClamAV Win.Packed.Filerepmalware-9864117-0
Kaspersky UDS:Backdoor.Win32.Agent
BitDefender Gen:Variant.Doina.10795
Rising Trojan.Kryptik!1.D63F (CLASSIC)
Ad-Aware Gen:Variant.Doina.10795
Emsisoft Trojan.Crypt (A)
Ikarus Trojan.Win32.Kovter
Microsoft Trojan:Win32/Azorult.RT!MTB
GData Gen:Variant.Doina.10795
Cynet Malicious (score: 100)
AhnLab-V3 Trojan/Win.Trojan-gen.C4480058
VBA32 BScope.Trojan.Sabsik.FL
MAX malware (ai score=86)
Malwarebytes Malware.AI.2177412044
Tencent Win32.Trojan-qqpass.Qqrob.Dzjn
eGambit Unsafe.AI_Score_98%
AVG Win32:Trojan-gen
Panda Trj/CI.A
CrowdStrike win/malicious_confidence_60% (W)