Summary | ZeroBOX


Malicious Library UPX .NET DLL PE File DLL OS Processor Check PE32
Category Machine Started Completed
FILE s1_win7_x6401 Oct. 30, 2023, 6:01 p.m. Oct. 30, 2023, 6:02 p.m.
Size 3.3MB
Type PE32 executable (DLL) (console) Intel 80386 Mono/.Net assembly, for MS Windows
MD5 c07745eb39de5a4c568de93d1e264840
SHA256 32262aff24a9e3e222ad809c83cb4abad0d8c1df3e4559c760a2c26bd00290f3
CRC32 01ADEF55
ssdeep 98304:f40J5NLw+OalshCM3lc9VyCGPnOWYume:Q0JHSalrSc9Vk/OX4
PDB Path Fiber.pdb
  • Malicious_Library_Zero - Malicious_Library
  • Is_DotNET_DLL - (no description)
  • UPX_Zero - UPX packed file
  • PE_Header_Zero - PE File Signature
  • IsDLL - (no description)
  • IsPE32 - (no description)
  • OS_Processor_Check_Zero - OS Processor Check

Name Response Post-Analysis Lookup
No hosts contacted.
IP Address Status Action
No hosts contacted.

Suricata Alerts

No Suricata Alerts

Suricata TLS

No Suricata TLS

pdb_path Fiber.pdb
Elastic malicious (moderate confidence)
Google Detected
Ikarus Trojan-Spy.Agent
section {u'size_of_data': u'0x0034f000', u'virtual_address': u'0x00002000', u'entropy': 7.414131778565044, u'name': u'.text', u'virtual_size': u'0x0034ef64'} entropy 7.41413177857 description A section with a high entropy has been found
entropy 0.999557456852 description Overall entropy of this PE file is high