Summary | ZeroBOX


Downloader FTP Code injection DGA Escalate priviledges Socket ScreenShot Create Service KeyLogger P2P Internet API Sniff Audio DNS Http API HTTP Steal credential PWS AntiVM AntiDebug
Category Machine Started Completed
FILE s1_win7_x6403_us July 6, 2024, 12:46 p.m. July 6, 2024, 12:48 p.m.
Size 6.6KB
Type Little-endian UTF-16 Unicode text, with very long lines, with no line terminators
MD5 f88fe8d8b25b85e6c7f7b31f71771193
SHA256 eae731d3ad19c8258854dd7df817003a24361c44fb43ca91e2ed076182beab64
CRC32 B39805C7
ssdeep 48:Zf3R+dQ2dQZNMmGW0xW3kmF0z0hFSFvLlFYSbs/sfsJQDyfII1hOt:RAdQoQZNW8UmF0z0hFSFvLlFYmHEJQD
Yara None matched

Name Response Post-Analysis Lookup
No hosts contacted.
IP Address Status Action
No hosts contacted.

Suricata Alerts

No Suricata Alerts

Suricata TLS

No Suricata TLS

Time & API Arguments Status Return Repeated


buffer: C:\Users\test22\AppData\Local\Temp>
console_handle: 0x00000007
1 1 0


buffer: '■' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
console_handle: 0x0000000b
1 1 0


buffer: Running Python scripts...
console_handle: 0x00000007
1 1 0


buffer: The system cannot find the path specified.
console_handle: 0x0000000b
1 1 0


buffer: Cleaning up...
console_handle: 0x00000007
1 1 0


buffer: Script execution completed.
console_handle: 0x00000007
1 1 0


buffer: C:\Users\test22\AppData\Local\Temp>
console_handle: 0x00000007
1 1 0


buffer: Path not found - C:\Users\test22\Downloa
console_handle: 0x00000013
1 1 0


buffer: ds
console_handle: 0x00000013
1 1 0
Kaspersky HEUR:Trojan.BAT.Generic
ZoneAlarm HEUR:Trojan.BAT.Generic
description Create a windows service rule Create_Service
description Communications over RAW Socket rule Network_TCP_Socket
description Communication using DGA rule Network_DGA
description Match Windows Http API call rule Str_Win32_Http_API
description Take ScreenShot rule ScreenShot
description Escalate priviledges rule Escalate_priviledges
description Steal credential rule local_credential_Steal
description PWS Memory rule Generic_PWS_Memory_Zero
description Record Audio rule Sniff_Audio
description Communications over HTTP rule Network_HTTP
description Communications use DNS rule Network_DNS
description Code injection with CreateRemoteThread in a remote process rule Code_injection
description (no description) rule DebuggerCheck__GlobalFlags
description (no description) rule DebuggerCheck__QueryInfo
description (no description) rule DebuggerCheck__RemoteAPI
description (no description) rule DebuggerHiding__Thread
description (no description) rule DebuggerHiding__Active
description (no description) rule DebuggerException__ConsoleCtrl
description (no description) rule DebuggerException__SetConsoleCtrl
description (no description) rule ThreadControl__Context
description (no description) rule SEH__vectored
description (no description) rule Check_Dlls
description Checks if being debugged rule anti_dbg
description Anti-Sandbox checks for ThreatExpert rule antisb_threatExpert
description Bypass DEP rule disable_dep
description Affect hook table rule win_hook
description File Downloader rule Network_Downloader
description Match Windows Inet API call rule Str_Win32_Internet_API
description Communications over FTP rule Network_FTP
description Run a KeyLogger rule KeyLogger
description Communications over P2P network rule Network_P2P_Win
cmdline attrib +h "C:\Users\test22\Downloads\Print"