Summary | ZeroBOX


Generic Malware Malicious Library UPX PE File OS Processor Check PE32
Category Machine Started Completed
FILE s1_win7_x6401 July 16, 2024, 11:07 a.m. July 16, 2024, 11:09 a.m.
Size 390.0KB
Type PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows
MD5 e0c387e6842dc4797be9380a8bde32f3
SHA256 5d6c0496aba5ef54b704ba6a0316a3b568add232cab10efeaf4d59bb06d13dd5
CRC32 8569A37D
ssdeep 6144:+hdJzxpL5aUyAUCjZBLnk8OEvKBkcx09ULP7I8vscR91Q3gwy/Oeei8IEO:+fpUUyOHZG0iP8jhNi8IEO
  • Malicious_Library_Zero - Malicious_Library
  • PE_Header_Zero - PE File Signature
  • IsPE32 - (no description)
  • UPX_Zero - UPX packed file
  • Generic_Malware_Zero - Generic Malware
  • OS_Processor_Check_Zero - OS Processor Check

Name Response Post-Analysis Lookup
No hosts contacted.
IP Address Status Action
No hosts contacted.

Suricata Alerts

No Suricata Alerts

Suricata TLS

No Suricata TLS

Time & API Arguments Status Return Repeated


_vsnprintf+0xa9 strncpy_s-0x79 ntdll+0x79e31 @ 0x76f89e31
IsBadReadPtr+0xcc CreateSemaphoreA-0x31 kernel32+0x3d141 @ 0x755ed141
201+0x6bc3 @ 0xa16bc3
201+0xa3d5 @ 0xa1a3d5
BaseThreadInitThunk+0x12 VerifyConsoleIoHandle-0xb3 kernel32+0x133ca @ 0x755c33ca
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x63 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xa1 ntdll+0x39ed2 @ 0x76f49ed2
RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x36 RtlAllocateActivationContextStack-0xce ntdll+0x39ea5 @ 0x76f49ea5

exception.instruction_r: 80 78 07 05 0f 84 64 8a 01 00 f6 40 07 3f 0f 84
exception.symbol: _vsnprintf+0xd0 strncpy_s-0x52 ntdll+0x79e58
exception.instruction: cmp byte ptr [eax + 7], 5
exception.module: ntdll.dll
exception.exception_code: 0xc0000005
exception.offset: 499288
exception.address: 0x76f89e58
registers.esp: 3145104
registers.edi: 5242880
registers.eax: 4294967288
registers.ebp: 3145148
registers.edx: 0
registers.ebx: 0
registers.esi: 0
registers.ecx: 5242880
1 0 0



exception.instruction_r: 81 3e 4c 6f 61 64 75 f2 81 7e 08 61 72 79 41 75
exception.instruction: cmp dword ptr [esi], 0x64616f4c
exception.exception_code: 0xc0000005
exception.address: 0x3401cb
registers.esp: 37158364
registers.edi: 1973072088
registers.eax: 1972830208
registers.ebp: 632
registers.edx: 1973069536
registers.ebx: 0
registers.esi: 1973551114
registers.ecx: 0
1 0 0
Time & API Arguments Status Return Repeated


process_identifier: 2556
region_size: 4096
stack_dep_bypass: 0
stack_pivoted: 0
heap_dep_bypass: 0
base_address: 0x00340000
allocation_type: 4096 (MEM_COMMIT)
process_handle: 0xffffffff
1 0 0
section {u'size_of_data': u'0x0002a400', u'virtual_address': u'0x00035000', u'entropy': 7.966952382198577, u'name': u'.data', u'virtual_size': u'0x0002b35c'} entropy 7.9669523822 description A section with a high entropy has been found
entropy 0.445322793149 description Overall entropy of this PE file is high
Bkav W32.AIDetectMalware
Elastic malicious (high confidence)
Cynet Malicious (score: 100)
Cylance Unsafe
Sangfor Trojan.Win32.Save.a
BitDefender Gen:Variant.Fragtor.598532
Arcabit Trojan.Fragtor.D92204
Symantec ML.Attribute.HighConfidence
ESET-NOD32 a variant of Win32/Kryptik.HXIV
APEX Malicious
Avast PWSX-gen [Trj]
ClamAV Win.Keylogger.Lazy-10031941-0
Kaspersky HEUR:Trojan-PSW.Win32.Reline.gen
MicroWorld-eScan Gen:Variant.Fragtor.598532
Rising Malware.Undefined!8.C (TFE:5:jNJb2SpPgpD)
Emsisoft Gen:Variant.Fragtor.598532 (B)
McAfeeD ti!5D6C0496ABA5
Ikarus Trojan-Spy.LummaStealer
Google Detected
MAX malware (ai score=84)
Microsoft Trojan:Win32/Redline.AMAN!MTB
ZoneAlarm HEUR:Trojan-PSW.Win32.Reline.gen
GData Gen:Variant.Fragtor.598532
Varist W32/Kryptik.MJE.gen!Eldorado
BitDefenderTheta Gen:NN.ZexaF.36808.yqY@aSvLnLj
VBA32 BScope.TrojanPSW.Vidar
Malwarebytes Trojan.Crypt
Panda Trj/GdSda.A
SentinelOne Static AI - Malicious PE
MaxSecure Trojan.Malware.300983.susgen
Fortinet W32/GenKryptik.GZGT!tr
AVG PWSX-gen [Trj]
CrowdStrike win/malicious_confidence_100% (D)