Summary | ZeroBOX


Gen1 Generic Malware UPX Malicious Library Downloader HTTP ScreenShot Create Service KeyLogger Internet API P2P DGA Http API persistence FTP Socket Escalate priviledges DNS Code injection PWS Sniff Audio Steal credential AntiDebug CHM Format AntiVM
Category Machine Started Completed
FILE s1_win7_x6401 Aug. 16, 2024, 6:34 p.m. Aug. 16, 2024, 6:36 p.m.
Size 743.0KB
Type MS Windows HtmlHelp Data
MD5 55c6005f361c9011182379ba8f7a875f
SHA256 8bbce87a664c8a89ab7b420be0a5f9cf0b0e17796069d88ff2703ad1f2053201
CRC32 D8A53F31
ssdeep 12288:dVdbrng91k2I8/hev+UHZ8oNPe55Z0OKZU4XhzldzVcIXnHO1SG/l2bgpQCs0JYo:Z3gLv/hiQ55Z0G4tloku0SkUQYJoCM6
  • chm_file_format - chm file format

Name Response Post-Analysis Lookup
No hosts contacted.
IP Address Status Action
No hosts contacted.

Suricata Alerts

No Suricata Alerts

Suricata TLS

No Suricata TLS

Time & API Arguments Status Return Repeated


buffer: The operation completed successfully.
console_handle: 0x0000000000000007
1 1 0
registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography\MachineGuid
Time & API Arguments Status Return Repeated


1 1 0
Time & API Arguments Status Return Repeated


process_identifier: 2632
stack_dep_bypass: 0
stack_pivoted: 0
heap_dep_bypass: 0
length: 4096
base_address: 0x000000007304c000
process_handle: 0xffffffffffffffff
1 0 0
file C:\ProgramData\chm\src\cloud.exe
cmdline "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe" /c start /MIN REG ADD HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v cloud /t REG_SZ /d "%ProgramData%\chm\src\cloud.exe" /f
Time & API Arguments Status Return Repeated


process_identifier: 2632
stack_dep_bypass: 0
stack_pivoted: 0
heap_dep_bypass: 1
length: 4096
protection: 32 (PAGE_EXECUTE_READ)
base_address: 0x000007fffff90000
process_handle: 0xffffffffffffffff
1 0 0
description (no description) rule DebuggerCheck__GlobalFlags
description (no description) rule DebuggerCheck__QueryInfo
description (no description) rule DebuggerHiding__Thread
description (no description) rule DebuggerHiding__Active
description (no description) rule ThreadControl__Context
description (no description) rule SEH__vectored
description Checks if being debugged rule anti_dbg
description Bypass DEP rule disable_dep
description Create a windows service rule Create_Service
description Communications over RAW Socket rule Network_TCP_Socket
description Communication using DGA rule Network_DGA
description Match Windows Http API call rule Str_Win32_Http_API
description Take ScreenShot rule ScreenShot
description Escalate priviledges rule Escalate_priviledges
description Steal credential rule local_credential_Steal
description PWS Memory rule Generic_PWS_Memory_Zero
description Record Audio rule Sniff_Audio
description Communications over HTTP rule Network_HTTP
description Communications use DNS rule Network_DNS
description Code injection with CreateRemoteThread in a remote process rule Code_injection
description (no description) rule DebuggerCheck__GlobalFlags
description (no description) rule DebuggerCheck__QueryInfo
description (no description) rule DebuggerCheck__RemoteAPI
description (no description) rule DebuggerHiding__Thread
description (no description) rule DebuggerHiding__Active
description (no description) rule DebuggerException__ConsoleCtrl
description (no description) rule DebuggerException__SetConsoleCtrl
description (no description) rule ThreadControl__Context
description (no description) rule SEH__vectored
description (no description) rule Check_Dlls
description Checks if being debugged rule anti_dbg
description Anti-Sandbox checks for ThreatExpert rule antisb_threatExpert
description Bypass DEP rule disable_dep
description Affect hook table rule win_hook
description File Downloader rule Network_Downloader
description Match Windows Inet API call rule Str_Win32_Internet_API
description Install itself for autorun at Windows startup rule Persistence
description Communications over FTP rule Network_FTP
description Run a KeyLogger rule KeyLogger
description Communications over P2P network rule Network_P2P_Win
cmdline cmd /c start /MIN REG ADD HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v cloud /t REG_SZ /d "%ProgramData%\chm\src\cloud.exe" /f
cmdline "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe" /c start /MIN REG ADD HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v cloud /t REG_SZ /d "%ProgramData%\chm\src\cloud.exe" /f
cmdline REG ADD HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v cloud /t REG_SZ /d "C:\ProgramData\chm\src\cloud.exe" /f
reg_key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\cloud reg_value C:\ProgramData\chm\src\cloud.exe
Process injection Process 2544 resumed a thread in remote process 2632
Process injection Process 2996 resumed a thread in remote process 3060
Time & API Arguments Status Return Repeated


thread_handle: 0x00000284
suspend_count: 1
process_identifier: 2632
1 0 0


thread_handle: 0x0000000000000060
suspend_count: 0
process_identifier: 3060
1 0 0
Lionic Trojan.HTML.Agentb.4!c
Skyhigh GenericRXMU-CH!27A074CD4F79
ALYac Trojan.Downloader.CHM
VIPRE Gen:Variant.Jaik.46584
Sangfor Trojan.Win32.Save.a
Arcabit Exploit.CHM-Downloader.Gen [many]
Symantec Trojan.Gen.NPE
ESET-NOD32 Win32/Ramsay.E
TrendMicro-HouseCall Mal_ChmDr
McAfee GenericRXMU-CH!27A074CD4F79
Avast Other:Malware-gen [Trj]
Cynet Malicious (score: 99)
Kaspersky Trojan.Win32.Agentb.jxvi
BitDefender Exploit.CHM-Downloader.Gen
NANO-Antivirus Trojan.Win32.DarkHotel.hydexu
Rising Trojan.MouseJack/HTML!1.BE26 (CLASSIC)
Emsisoft Exploit.CHM-Downloader.Gen (B)
F-Secure Heuristic.HEUR/AGEN.1320006
DrWeb Trojan.Siggen13.46855
Zillya Trojan.Agent.Win32.1302981
TrendMicro Mal_ChmDr
FireEye Exploit.CHM-Downloader.Gen
Sophos Mal/Generic-S
Ikarus Trojan.Win32.Ramsay
Jiangmin Trojan.Darkhotel.aj
Google Detected
Avira HEUR/AGEN.1320006
Kingsoft malware.kb.a.992
Microsoft Trojan:Win32/Sabsik.FL.B!ml
ZoneAlarm HEUR:Trojan.Script.Generic
GData Gen:Variant.Jaik.46584
Varist W32/Ramsay.A.gen!Eldorado
AhnLab-V3 Malware/Win32.RL_Generic.R360245
BitDefenderTheta Gen:NN.ZexaF.36792.8uZ@aaEJMCii
VBA32 BScope.Adware.Caypnamer
Tencent Malware.Win32.Gencirc.10bd5f0c
Yandex Trojan.Ramsay!7m2nz5+xRZc
MAX malware (ai score=83)
Fortinet HLP/Agent.G1!tr
AVG Other:Malware-gen [Trj]
Panda Trj/CI.A