Static | ZeroBOX
No static analysis available.
{"app_name":"","timestamp":"2024-09-15 07:40:44.00 -0400","app_version":"1.0","slice_uuid":"9CF7F324-E9FD-34B2-BE77-EFBE2ACAF51B","build_version":"1","bundleID":"","duration_ms":"52423323","share_with_app_devs":0,"is_first_party":0,"bug_type":"145","os_version":"iPhone OS 17.4.1 (21E236)","roots_installed":0,"incident_id":"689911F1-19EB-4B15-AC47-47CD919F22B5","name":""}
Date/Time: 2024-09-14 17:06:58.450 -0400
End time: 2024-09-15 07:40:41.773 -0400
OS Version: iPhone OS 17.4.1 (Build 21E236)
Architecture: arm64e
Report Version: 47
Incident Identifier: 689911F1-19EB-4B15-AC47-47CD919F22B5
Data Source: Microstackshots
Shared Cache: AE364C5A-628F-3EB1-9DEC-D6AB7A2F1B35 slid base address 0x18ae84000, slide 0xae84000
Path: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/StreamingZip.framework/XPCServices/
Version: 1.0 (1)
Resource Coalition ID: 163
On Behalf Of: 81 samples UNKNOWN [110] (81 samples originated by UNKNOWN [110])
Architecture: arm64e
Parent: launchd [1]
PID: 270
Event: disk writes
Action taken: none
Writes: 1073.76 MB of file backed memory dirtied over 52423 seconds (20.48 KB per second average), exceeding limit of 12.43 KB per second over 86400 seconds
Writes limit: 1073.74 MB
Limit duration: 86400s
Writes caused: 1073.76 MB
Writes duration: 52423s
Duration: 52423.32s
Duration Sampled: 52420.02s
Steps: 1709 (10.49 MB/step)
Hardware model: iPhone14,7
Active cpus: 6
HW page size: 16384
VM page size: 16384
Advisory levels: Battery -> 3, User -> 3, ThermalPressure -> 0, Combined -> 3
Free disk space: 20.16 GB/119.07 GB, low space threshold 150 MB
Low Power Mode: Enabled
Vnodes Available: 72.72% (17454/24000, 12000 allocated, 12000 soft limit)
Preferred User Language: en-TA, es-ES
Country Code: TA
Keyboards: en_US QWERTY, emoji Emoji
OS Cryptex File Extents: 2446
Heaviest stack for the target process:
81 ??? (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 8128) [0x1ef030fc0]
63 ??? (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 7968) [0x1ef030f20]
63 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 91432) [0x19af5d528]
63 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 93364) [0x19af5dcb4]
63 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 48996) [0x19af52f64]
63 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 45700) [0x19af52284]
63 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 134480) [0x19af67d50]
63 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 45700) [0x19af52284]
63 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 131072) [0x19af67000]
63 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 16020) [0x19af4ae94]
63 ??? (libxpc.dylib + 76240) [0x1ef0859d0]
63 ??? (libxpc.dylib + 68996) [0x1ef083d84]
63 ??? (Foundation + 8308700) [0x1926d17dc]
63 ??? (Foundation + 309508) [0x191f30904]
63 ??? (Foundation + 311296) [0x191f31000]
63 ??? (Foundation + 319908) [0x191f331a4]
63 ??? ( + 39428) [0x102c95a04]
63 ??? (Foundation + 460492) [0x191f556cc]
63 ??? ( + 39896) [0x102c95bd8]
45 ??? ( + 48308) [0x102c97cb4]
45 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 9680) [0x1db5aa5d0]
Powerstats for: ( [270]
Path: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/StreamingZip.framework/XPCServices/
Version: 1.0 (1)
Resource Coalition ID: 163
On Behalf Of: 81 samples UNKNOWN [110] (81 samples originated by UNKNOWN [110])
Architecture: arm64e
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Tracked (allows idle exit)
Footprint: 2976 KB -> 2112 KB (-864 KB) (max 4336 KB )
Pageins: 27 pages
Start time: 2024-09-14 20:55:28.831 -0400
End time: 2024-09-15 07:40:41.685 -0400
Num samples: 81 (5%)
Num threads: 11
Primary state: 75 samples Non-Frontmost App, Non-Suppressed, Kernel mode, Effective Thread QoS Utility, Requested Thread QoS Utility, Override Thread QoS Unspecified, e-core
User Activity: 0 samples Idle, 81 samples Active
Power Source: 6 samples on Battery, 75 samples on AC
81 ??? (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 8128) [0x1ef030fc0]
63 ??? (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 7968) [0x1ef030f20]
63 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 91432) [0x19af5d528]
63 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 93364) [0x19af5dcb4]
63 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 48996) [0x19af52f64]
63 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 45700) [0x19af52284]
63 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 134480) [0x19af67d50]
63 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 45700) [0x19af52284]
63 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 131072) [0x19af67000]
63 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 16020) [0x19af4ae94]
63 ??? (libxpc.dylib + 76240) [0x1ef0859d0]
63 ??? (libxpc.dylib + 68996) [0x1ef083d84]
63 ??? (Foundation + 8308700) [0x1926d17dc]
63 ??? (Foundation + 309508) [0x191f30904]
63 ??? (Foundation + 311296) [0x191f31000]
63 ??? (Foundation + 319908) [0x191f331a4]
63 ??? ( + 39428) [0x102c95a04]
63 ??? (Foundation + 460492) [0x191f556cc]
63 ??? ( + 39896) [0x102c95bd8]
45 ??? ( + 48308) [0x102c97cb4]
45 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 9680) [0x1db5aa5d0]
42 <on behalf of UNKNOWN [110] (originated by UNKNOWN [110])>
3 <on behalf of UNKNOWN [110] (originated by UNKNOWN [110]), Effective Thread QoS Background, Requested Thread QoS Background>
18 ??? ( + 48672) [0x102c97e20]
18 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 9680) [0x1db5aa5d0]
18 <on behalf of UNKNOWN [110] (originated by UNKNOWN [110])>
18 ??? (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 7908) [0x1ef030ee4]
18 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 90268) [0x19af5d09c]
18 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 88212) [0x19af5c894]
13 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 26868) [0x19af4d8f4]
13 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 29532) [0x19af4e35c]
13 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 15828) [0x19af4add4]
13 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 8508) [0x19af4913c]
13 ??? ( + 74400) [0x102c9e2a0]
13 ??? ( + 70504) [0x102c9d368]
12 ??? ( + 71204) [0x102c9d624]
12 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 9680) [0x1db5aa5d0]
9 <on behalf of UNKNOWN [110] (originated by UNKNOWN [110])>
2 <on behalf of UNKNOWN [110] (originated by UNKNOWN [110]), Effective Thread QoS Background, Requested Thread QoS Background>
1 <on behalf of UNKNOWN [110] (originated by UNKNOWN [110]), Effective Thread QoS Background, Requested Thread QoS User Initiated>
1 ??? ( + 71024) [0x102c9d570]
1 ??? ( + 68000) [0x102c9c9a0]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 13640) [0x1db5ab548]
1 <on behalf of UNKNOWN [110] (originated by UNKNOWN [110])>
5 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 27016) [0x19af4d988]
5 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 29532) [0x19af4e35c]
5 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 15828) [0x19af4add4]
5 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 8508) [0x19af4913c]
5 ??? ( + 74400) [0x102c9e2a0]
5 ??? ( + 70504) [0x102c9d368]
5 ??? ( + 71204) [0x102c9d624]
5 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 9680) [0x1db5aa5d0]
5 <on behalf of UNKNOWN [110] (originated by UNKNOWN [110])>
Binary Images:
0x102c8c000 - ??? 1.0 (1) <9CF7F324-E9FD-34B2-BE77-EFBE2ACAF51B> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/StreamingZip.framework/XPCServices/
0x191ee5000 - 0x192a70fff Foundation <D92E19C1-6299-3E94-8614-C505D5ABCCDB> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Foundation
0x19af47000 - 0x19af8dfff libdispatch.dylib <B7D9D0A6-2414-37F2-9D03-1A25A474E2CF> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x1db5a8000 - 0x1db5e1fef libsystem_kernel.dylib <DB493AF3-63B1-3220-9DD8-DD4F86BDDFC8> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x1ef02f000 - 0x1ef03bfff libsystem_pthread.dylib <A70C0DEF-058C-3CB0-9EC1-453AA7F39DF9> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
0x1ef073000 - 0x1ef0bafff libxpc.dylib <042EA33B-3C8F-3FB8-869C-369A3115977C> /usr/lib/system/libxpc.dylib
Powerstats for: searchd
UUID: E8A63769-33E6-3662-9591-65CDE82EAB08
Path: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Search.framework/searchd
Resource Coalition ID: 315
On Behalf Of: 561 samples IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (561 samples originated by UNKNOWN [31]), 28 samples assetsd [572] (25 samples originated by SpringBoard [443], 3 samples originated by assetsd [572]), 7 samples spotlightknowledged [2374] (7 samples originated by UNKNOWN [31]), 5 samples UNKNOWN [31, 900] (5 samples originated by UNKNOWN [31, 900]), 4 samples maild [1038, 2072] (4 samples originated by maild [1038, 2072])
Architecture: arm64e
Start time: 2024-09-14 17:35:19.349 -0400
End time: 2024-09-15 07:31:06.691 -0400
Num samples: 619 (36%)
Primary state: 508 samples Non-Frontmost App, Non-Suppressed, Kernel mode, Effective Thread QoS Background, Requested Thread QoS Background, Override Thread QoS Unspecified, e-core
User Activity: 530 samples Idle, 89 samples Active
Power Source: 87 samples on Battery, 532 samples on AC
619 ??? (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 8128) [0x1ef030fc0]
595 ??? (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 7908) [0x1ef030ee4]
595 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 90268) [0x19af5d09c]
487 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 88212) [0x19af5c894]
471 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 26868) [0x19af4d8f4]
471 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 29008) [0x19af4e150]
471 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 48996) [0x19af52f64]
471 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 45700) [0x19af52284]
471 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 48996) [0x19af52f64]
471 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 46080) [0x19af52400]
471 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 15828) [0x19af4add4]
471 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 77404) [0x19af59e5c]
471 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 52600) [0x1c7708d78]
307 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 804272) [0x1c77c05b0]
250 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 868396) [0x1c77d002c]
250 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 873852) [0x1c77d157c]
250 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 877488) [0x1c77d23b0]
213 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 882156) [0x1c77d35ec]
213 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 887260) [0x1c77d49dc]
213 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 159356) [0x1c7722e7c]
213 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2959308) [0x1c79ce7cc]
213 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2898172) [0x1c79bf8fc]
213 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 3143172) [0x1c79fb604]
213 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2892884) [0x1c79be454]
213 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2417252) [0x1c794a264]
213 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
206 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
7 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31]), Override Thread QoS Background>
34 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 880240) [0x1c77d2e70]
34 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2614696) [0x1c797a5a8]
32 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1488392) [0x1c7867608]
9 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2276012) [0x1c7927aac]
9 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2265416) [0x1c7925148]
9 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2300580) [0x1c792daa4]
9 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
7 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31]), Effective Thread QoS Maintenance, Requested Thread QoS Maintenance>
2 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
7 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2294188) [0x1c792c1ac]
7 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2265416) [0x1c7925148]
7 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2311284) [0x1c7930474]
5 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1386940) [0x1c784e9bc]
5 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1525168) [0x1c78705b0]
2 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1531988) [0x1c7872054]
2 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31]), Effective Thread QoS Maintenance, Requested Thread QoS Maintenance>
2 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1531768) [0x1c7871f78]
2 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1532104) [0x1c78720c8]
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31]), Effective Thread QoS Maintenance, Requested Thread QoS Maintenance>
2 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1386784) [0x1c784e920]
2 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1387144) [0x1c784ea88]
2 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1388516) [0x1c784efe4]
2 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1390168) [0x1c784f658]
2 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1390168) [0x1c784f658]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1391464) [0x1c784fb68]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1519716) [0x1c786f064]
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1390968) [0x1c784f978]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1705548) [0x1c789c64c]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1519144) [0x1c786ee28]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1518276) [0x1c786eac4]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2415760) [0x1c7949c90]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2571232) [0x1c796fbe0]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2569772) [0x1c796f62c]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 8604) [0x1db5aa19c]
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31]), Effective Thread QoS Maintenance, Requested Thread QoS Maintenance>
6 ??? (libsystem_platform.dylib + 2836) [0x1eef7ab14]
3 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31]), Effective Thread QoS Maintenance, Requested Thread QoS Maintenance>
3 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
3 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2291636) [0x1c792b7b4]
3 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2309256) [0x1c792fc88]
2 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31]), Effective Thread QoS Maintenance, Requested Thread QoS Maintenance>
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
2 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2291548) [0x1c792b75c]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 43292) [0x1db5b291c]
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31]), Effective Thread QoS Maintenance, Requested Thread QoS Maintenance>
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2418476) [0x1c794a72c]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 110428) [0x1c7716f5c]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 43292) [0x1db5b291c]
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31]), Effective Thread QoS Maintenance, Requested Thread QoS Maintenance>
1 ??? (libsystem_platform.dylib + 3104) [0x1eef7ac20]
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
1 ??? (libsystem_platform.dylib + 2876) [0x1eef7ab3c]
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31]), Effective Thread QoS Maintenance, Requested Thread QoS Maintenance>
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2279632) [0x1c79288d0]
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31]), Effective Thread QoS Maintenance, Requested Thread QoS Maintenance>
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2279608) [0x1c79288b8]
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31]), Effective Thread QoS Maintenance, Requested Thread QoS Maintenance>
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2277464) [0x1c7928058]
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
2 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1488632) [0x1c78676f8]
2 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1465652) [0x1c7861d34]
2 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1473336) [0x1c7863b38]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1591896) [0x1c7880a58]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1600328) [0x1c7882b48]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2417252) [0x1c794a264]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31]), Effective Thread QoS Maintenance, Requested Thread QoS Maintenance>
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1590324) [0x1c7880434]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2417252) [0x1c794a264]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 882072) [0x1c77d3598]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 886164) [0x1c77d4594]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2417252) [0x1c794a264]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 881968) [0x1c77d3530]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 812576) [0x1c77c2620]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1465652) [0x1c7861d34]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1473336) [0x1c7863b38]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1590488) [0x1c78804d8]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2630628) [0x1c797e3e4]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31]), Override Thread QoS Background>
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 880364) [0x1c77d2eec]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 884808) [0x1c77d4048]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
46 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2477368) [0x1c7958d38]
46 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1482928) [0x1c78660b0]
22 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1671832) [0x1c7894298]
8 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2808788) [0x1c79a9bd4]
8 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
8 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
3 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2806880) [0x1c79a9460]
2 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2826952) [0x1c79ae2c8]
2 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
1 <on behalf of assetsd [572] (originated by SpringBoard [443])>
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2829888) [0x1c79aee40]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
3 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2806500) [0x1c79a92e4]
2 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2826952) [0x1c79ae2c8]
2 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
1 <on behalf of spotlightknowledged [2374] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2829888) [0x1c79aee40]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
2 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2810172) [0x1c79aa13c]
2 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
2 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2807624) [0x1c79a9748]
2 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2826952) [0x1c79ae2c8]
2 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2807580) [0x1c79a971c]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2826952) [0x1c79ae2c8]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
1 <on behalf of assetsd [572] (originated by SpringBoard [443])>
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2805836) [0x1c79a904c]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2825016) [0x1c79adb38]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2812116) [0x1c79aa8d4]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 110428) [0x1c7716f5c]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 43292) [0x1db5b291c]
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2804904) [0x1c79a8ca8]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2815124) [0x1c79ab494]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
1 <on behalf of assetsd [572] (originated by SpringBoard [443])>
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2804868) [0x1c79a8c84]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
21 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1671996) [0x1c789433c]
15 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2804904) [0x1c79a8ca8]
8 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2817288) [0x1c79abd08]
8 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2571256) [0x1c796fbf8]
8 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
8 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
5 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2821084) [0x1c79acbdc]
5 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
2 ??? (libsystem_platform.dylib + 3104) [0x1eef7ac20]
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
3 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2808788) [0x1c79a9bd4]
3 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
3 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2808100) [0x1c79a9924]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2826952) [0x1c79ae2c8]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2806880) [0x1c79a9460]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2826952) [0x1c79ae2c8]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2806476) [0x1c79a92cc]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2825640) [0x1c79adda8]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
1 <on behalf of assetsd [572] (originated by SpringBoard [443])>
2 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1672728) [0x1c7894618]
2 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1406708) [0x1c78536f4]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1407568) [0x1c7853a50]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1409168) [0x1c7854090]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1539496) [0x1c7873da8]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1680756) [0x1c7896574]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1386940) [0x1c784e9bc]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1525168) [0x1c78705b0]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1531988) [0x1c7872054]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1407424) [0x1c78539c0]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1539496) [0x1c7873da8]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1680756) [0x1c7896574]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1386784) [0x1c784e920]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1387144) [0x1c784ea88]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1387708) [0x1c784ecbc]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1388516) [0x1c784efe4]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1390168) [0x1c784f658]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1389744) [0x1c784f4b0]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1391464) [0x1c784fb68]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1519716) [0x1c786f064]
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1670456) [0x1c7893d38]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1406708) [0x1c78536f4]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1407384) [0x1c7853998]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1407384) [0x1c7853998]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1407424) [0x1c78539c0]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1539496) [0x1c7873da8]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1682528) [0x1c7896c60]
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
6 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2478024) [0x1c7958fc8]
6 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 943656) [0x1c77e2628]
6 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 877488) [0x1c77d23b0]
6 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 880240) [0x1c77d2e70]
6 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2614696) [0x1c797a5a8]
6 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1488392) [0x1c7867608]
2 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2274516) [0x1c79274d4]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1568748) [0x1c787afec]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1812048) [0x1c78b6650]
1 ??? (libsystem_platform.dylib + 4012) [0x1eef7afac]
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1568400) [0x1c787ae90]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1570168) [0x1c787b578]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2571256) [0x1c796fbf8]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
1 ??? (libsystem_platform.dylib + 2868) [0x1eef7ab34]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2294188) [0x1c792c1ac]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2265416) [0x1c7925148]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2311284) [0x1c7930474]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1386784) [0x1c784e920]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1387144) [0x1c784ea88]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1387904) [0x1c784ed80]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1519692) [0x1c786f04c]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1737012) [0x1c78a4134]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1734868) [0x1c78a38d4]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2415760) [0x1c7949c90]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2571256) [0x1c796fbf8]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2276088) [0x1c7927af8]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2276012) [0x1c7927aac]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2265416) [0x1c7925148]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2300580) [0x1c792daa4]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
1 <on behalf of assetsd [572] (originated by SpringBoard [443])>
5 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 867916) [0x1c77cfe4c]
5 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 872452) [0x1c77d1004]
5 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 812576) [0x1c77c2620]
2 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1465688) [0x1c7861d58]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 834804) [0x1c77c7cf4]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1858028) [0x1c78c19ec]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1246400) [0x1c782c4c0]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 834004) [0x1c77c79d4]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 828884) [0x1c77c65d4]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 830640) [0x1c77c6cb0]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1465576) [0x1c7861ce8]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 836188) [0x1c77c825c]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2421356) [0x1c794b26c]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2577168) [0x1c7971310]
1 ??? (libcopyfile.dylib + 7748) [0x1eee2be44]
1 ??? (libsystem_c.dylib + 319628) [0x19afdc08c]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 17144) [0x1db5ac2f8]
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1465068) [0x1c7861aec]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1470324) [0x1c7862f74]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2417252) [0x1c794a264]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1464984) [0x1c7861a98]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1469060) [0x1c7862a84]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1477932) [0x1c7864d2c]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1625104) [0x1c7888c10]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 62284) [0x1db5b734c]
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
126 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 53880) [0x1c7709278]
126 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 807600) [0x1c77c12b0]
118 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 808272) [0x1c77c1550]
114 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 65248) [0x1c770bee0]
114 ??? (SpotlightDaemon + 134376) [0x210a42ce8]
114 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 893452) [0x1c77d620c]
114 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1709008) [0x1c789d3d0]
65 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 918576) [0x1c77dc430]
65 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 221852) [0x1c773229c]
64 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 118124) [0x1c7718d6c]
64 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 159356) [0x1c7722e7c]
64 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2959308) [0x1c79ce7cc]
64 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2898172) [0x1c79bf8fc]
64 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 3143172) [0x1c79fb604]
64 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2892884) [0x1c79be454]
64 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2417252) [0x1c794a264]
64 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
64 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 117968) [0x1c7718cd0]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2218148) [0x1c79198a4]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 203256) [0x1c772d9f8]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 3023560) [0x1c79de2c8]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2328744) [0x1c79348a8]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2887944) [0x1c79bd108]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2933336) [0x1c79c8258]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2898172) [0x1c79bf8fc]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 3143172) [0x1c79fb604]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2892884) [0x1c79be454]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2417252) [0x1c794a264]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
49 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 919008) [0x1c77dc5e0]
49 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 96880) [0x19af5ea70]
49 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 96384) [0x19af5e880]
49 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 100560) [0x19af5f8d0]
49 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 22100) [0x19af4c654]
49 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 15828) [0x19af4add4]
49 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 98868) [0x19af5f234]
49 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 15892) [0x19af4ae14]
49 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 920920) [0x1c77dcd58]
49 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 221852) [0x1c773229c]
48 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 118124) [0x1c7718d6c]
48 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 159356) [0x1c7722e7c]
48 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2959308) [0x1c79ce7cc]
48 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2898172) [0x1c79bf8fc]
48 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 3143172) [0x1c79fb604]
48 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2892884) [0x1c79be454]
48 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2417252) [0x1c794a264]
48 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
30 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
17 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31]), Override Thread QoS Background>
1 <on behalf of assetsd [572] (originated by assetsd [572])>
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 119828) [0x1c7719414]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1498068) [0x1c7869bd4]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 885136) [0x1c77d4190]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 828884) [0x1c77c65d4]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 830640) [0x1c77c6cb0]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
4 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 65852) [0x1c770c13c]
4 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 66424) [0x1c770c378]
4 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 221852) [0x1c773229c]
4 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 118124) [0x1c7718d6c]
4 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 159356) [0x1c7722e7c]
4 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2959308) [0x1c79ce7cc]
4 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2898172) [0x1c79bf8fc]
4 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 3143172) [0x1c79fb604]
4 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2892884) [0x1c79be454]
4 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2417252) [0x1c794a264]
4 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
4 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
7 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 807992) [0x1c77c1438]
7 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 65248) [0x1c770bee0]
7 ??? (SpotlightDaemon + 134376) [0x210a42ce8]
7 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 893452) [0x1c77d620c]
7 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1709008) [0x1c789d3d0]
7 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 919008) [0x1c77dc5e0]
7 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 96880) [0x19af5ea70]
7 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 96384) [0x19af5e880]
7 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 100560) [0x19af5f8d0]
7 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 22100) [0x19af4c654]
7 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 15828) [0x19af4add4]
7 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 98868) [0x19af5f234]
7 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 15892) [0x19af4ae14]
7 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 920920) [0x1c77dcd58]
7 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 221852) [0x1c773229c]
5 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 117968) [0x1c7718cd0]
5 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2218148) [0x1c79198a4]
5 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 203256) [0x1c772d9f8]
5 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 3023560) [0x1c79de2c8]
5 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2328744) [0x1c79348a8]
5 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2887944) [0x1c79bd108]
5 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2933336) [0x1c79c8258]
5 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2898172) [0x1c79bf8fc]
5 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 3143172) [0x1c79fb604]
5 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2892884) [0x1c79be454]
5 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2417252) [0x1c794a264]
5 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
3 <on behalf of assetsd [572] (originated by SpringBoard [443]), Override Thread QoS Background>
2 <on behalf of assetsd [572] (originated by SpringBoard [443])>
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 118124) [0x1c7718d6c]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 159356) [0x1c7722e7c]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2959308) [0x1c79ce7cc]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2898172) [0x1c79bf8fc]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 3143172) [0x1c79fb604]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2892884) [0x1c79be454]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2417252) [0x1c794a264]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
1 <on behalf of spotlightknowledged [2374] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 116660) [0x1c77187b4]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2983876) [0x1c79d47c4]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2972544) [0x1c79d1b80]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2570032) [0x1c796f730]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 8604) [0x1db5aa19c]
1 <on behalf of spotlightknowledged [2374] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 807824) [0x1c77c1390]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 65248) [0x1c770bee0]
1 ??? (SpotlightDaemon + 134376) [0x210a42ce8]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 893452) [0x1c77d620c]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1709008) [0x1c789d3d0]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 919008) [0x1c77dc5e0]
1 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 96880) [0x19af5ea70]
1 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 96384) [0x19af5e880]
1 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 100560) [0x19af5f8d0]
1 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 22100) [0x19af4c654]
1 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 15828) [0x19af4add4]
1 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 98868) [0x19af5f234]
1 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 15892) [0x19af4ae14]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 920920) [0x1c77dcd58]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 221852) [0x1c773229c]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 118124) [0x1c7718d6c]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 159356) [0x1c7722e7c]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2959308) [0x1c79ce7cc]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2898172) [0x1c79bf8fc]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 3143172) [0x1c79fb604]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2892884) [0x1c79be454]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2417252) [0x1c794a264]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
1 <on behalf of spotlightknowledged [2374] (originated by UNKNOWN [31]), Override Thread QoS Background>
38 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 804508) [0x1c77c069c]
15 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2479920) [0x1c7959730]
15 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1481000) [0x1c7865928]
9 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1549424) [0x1c7876470]
9 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1555140) [0x1c7877ac4]
9 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1246400) [0x1c782c4c0]
9 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
9 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
3 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1551672) [0x1c7876d38]
3 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1396652) [0x1c7850fac]
3 <on behalf of assetsd [572] (originated by SpringBoard [443])>
2 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1551132) [0x1c7876b1c]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1695848) [0x1c789a068]
1 <on behalf of assetsd [572] (originated by SpringBoard [443])>
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1694840) [0x1c7899c78]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1688524) [0x1c78983cc]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2569772) [0x1c796f62c]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 8604) [0x1db5aa19c]
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1545840) [0x1c7875670]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1553708) [0x1c787752c]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1728328) [0x1c78a1f48]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2418476) [0x1c794a72c]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 110428) [0x1c7716f5c]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 43292) [0x1db5b291c]
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
13 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 812576) [0x1c77c2620]
4 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1465652) [0x1c7861d34]
4 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1473336) [0x1c7863b38]
3 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1591688) [0x1c7880988]
3 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2630628) [0x1c797e3e4]
3 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
2 <Override Thread QoS Background>
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31]), Override Thread QoS Background>
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1590488) [0x1c78804d8]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2630628) [0x1c797e3e4]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31]), Override Thread QoS Background>
4 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1464984) [0x1c7861a98]
2 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1468244) [0x1c7862754]
2 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1476436) [0x1c7864754]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1548416) [0x1c7876080]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1386784) [0x1c784e920]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1387144) [0x1c784ea88]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1387708) [0x1c784ecbc]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1387708) [0x1c784ecbc]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1388224) [0x1c784eec0]
1 ??? (libsystem_platform.dylib + 3264) [0x1eef7acc0]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1545840) [0x1c7875670]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1553708) [0x1c787752c]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1728328) [0x1c78a1f48]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2418476) [0x1c794a72c]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 110428) [0x1c7716f5c]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 43292) [0x1db5b291c]
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1469060) [0x1c7862a84]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1477932) [0x1c7864d2c]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1625164) [0x1c7888c4c]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 55928) [0x1db5b5a78]
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1468872) [0x1c78629c8]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 842464) [0x1c77c9ae0]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 3142816) [0x1c79fb4a0]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2892884) [0x1c79be454]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2417252) [0x1c794a264]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
3 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1465688) [0x1c7861d58]
2 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 834180) [0x1c77c7a84]
2 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2417252) [0x1c794a264]
2 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
2 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31]), Override Thread QoS Background>
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 834004) [0x1c77c79d4]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 828884) [0x1c77c65d4]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 830556) [0x1c77c6c5c]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 3174148) [0x1c7a02f04]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 7932) [0x1db5a9efc]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1465124) [0x1c7861b24]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1471636) [0x1c7863494]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2594188) [0x1c797558c]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2418036) [0x1c794a574]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2570032) [0x1c796f730]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 8604) [0x1db5aa19c]
1 <Override Thread QoS Background>
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1465068) [0x1c7861aec]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1469664) [0x1c7862ce0]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 839736) [0x1c77c9038]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2417252) [0x1c794a264]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
5 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2475572) [0x1c7958634]
5 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 812576) [0x1c77c2620]
4 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1465688) [0x1c7861d58]
2 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 834180) [0x1c77c7a84]
2 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2417252) [0x1c794a264]
2 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
2 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31]), Override Thread QoS Background>
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 834804) [0x1c77c7cf4]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1858028) [0x1c78c19ec]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1246400) [0x1c782c4c0]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
1 <Override Thread QoS Background>
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 834004) [0x1c77c79d4]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 828884) [0x1c77c65d4]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 830556) [0x1c77c6c5c]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 3174148) [0x1c7a02f04]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 7932) [0x1db5a9efc]
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1465652) [0x1c7861d34]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1473336) [0x1c7863b38]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1591928) [0x1c7880a78]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2417252) [0x1c794a264]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
2 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 814820) [0x1c77c2ee4]
2 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 43292) [0x1db5b291c]
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31]), Override Thread QoS Background>
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 61536) [0x1db5b7060]
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31]), Override Thread QoS Background>
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2474552) [0x1c7958238]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2601020) [0x1c797703c]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1465068) [0x1c7861aec]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1470324) [0x1c7862f74]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2417252) [0x1c794a264]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1118164) [0x1c780cfd4]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2214912) [0x1c7918c00]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2999216) [0x1c79d83b0]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2892884) [0x1c79be454]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2417252) [0x1c794a264]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
16 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 27016) [0x19af4d988]
16 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 29008) [0x19af4e150]
16 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 48996) [0x19af52f64]
16 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 45700) [0x19af52284]
16 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 48996) [0x19af52f64]
16 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 46080) [0x19af52400]
16 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 15828) [0x19af4add4]
16 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 77404) [0x19af59e5c]
16 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 52600) [0x1c7708d78]
10 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 804508) [0x1c77c069c]
6 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2479920) [0x1c7959730]
6 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1481000) [0x1c7865928]
6 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1549424) [0x1c7876470]
6 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1555140) [0x1c7877ac4]
6 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1246400) [0x1c782c4c0]
6 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
5 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31]), Override Thread QoS Background>
2 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 812576) [0x1c77c2620]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1465068) [0x1c7861aec]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1469664) [0x1c7862ce0]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 839928) [0x1c77c90f8]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 62284) [0x1db5b734c]
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31]), Override Thread QoS Background>
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1464984) [0x1c7861a98]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1469060) [0x1c7862a84]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1477932) [0x1c7864d2c]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1625164) [0x1c7888c4c]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 55928) [0x1db5b5a78]
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2475572) [0x1c7958634]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 812576) [0x1c77c2620]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1465688) [0x1c7861d58]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 834804) [0x1c77c7cf4]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1858028) [0x1c78c19ec]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1246400) [0x1c782c4c0]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31]), Override Thread QoS Background>
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2474552) [0x1c7958238]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2600876) [0x1c7976fac]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1568748) [0x1c787afec]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1812048) [0x1c78b6650]
1 ??? (libsystem_platform.dylib + 4012) [0x1eef7afac]
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
4 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 804272) [0x1c77c05b0]
3 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2477368) [0x1c7958d38]
3 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1482928) [0x1c78660b0]
3 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1671996) [0x1c789433c]
3 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2804904) [0x1c79a8ca8]
2 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2817288) [0x1c79abd08]
2 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2571256) [0x1c796fbf8]
2 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
2 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
1 ??? (libsystem_platform.dylib + 3104) [0x1eef7ac20]
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 868396) [0x1c77d002c]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 873852) [0x1c77d157c]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 877488) [0x1c77d23b0]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 882156) [0x1c77d35ec]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 887260) [0x1c77d49dc]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 159356) [0x1c7722e7c]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2959308) [0x1c79ce7cc]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2898172) [0x1c79bf8fc]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 3143172) [0x1c79fb604]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2892884) [0x1c79be454]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2417252) [0x1c794a264]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
2 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 53880) [0x1c7709278]
2 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 807600) [0x1c77c12b0]
2 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 808272) [0x1c77c1550]
2 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 65248) [0x1c770bee0]
2 ??? (SpotlightDaemon + 134376) [0x210a42ce8]
2 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 893452) [0x1c77d620c]
2 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1709008) [0x1c789d3d0]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 919008) [0x1c77dc5e0]
1 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 96880) [0x19af5ea70]
1 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 96384) [0x19af5e880]
1 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 100560) [0x19af5f8d0]
1 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 22100) [0x19af4c654]
1 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 15828) [0x19af4add4]
1 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 98868) [0x19af5f234]
1 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 15892) [0x19af4ae14]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 920920) [0x1c77dcd58]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 221852) [0x1c773229c]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 118124) [0x1c7718d6c]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 159356) [0x1c7722e7c]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2959308) [0x1c79ce7cc]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2898172) [0x1c79bf8fc]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 3143172) [0x1c79fb604]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2892884) [0x1c79be454]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2417252) [0x1c794a264]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 918576) [0x1c77dc430]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 221852) [0x1c773229c]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 118124) [0x1c7718d6c]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 159356) [0x1c7722e7c]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2959308) [0x1c79ce7cc]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2898172) [0x1c79bf8fc]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 3143172) [0x1c79fb604]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2892884) [0x1c79be454]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2417252) [0x1c794a264]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
108 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 88684) [0x19af5ca6c]
108 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 15828) [0x19af4add4]
108 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 94856) [0x19af5e288]
108 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 22100) [0x19af4c654]
108 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 15828) [0x19af4add4]
108 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 98868) [0x19af5f234]
108 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 15892) [0x19af4ae14]
104 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 920920) [0x1c77dcd58]
104 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 221852) [0x1c773229c]
88 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 118124) [0x1c7718d6c]
88 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 159356) [0x1c7722e7c]
88 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2959308) [0x1c79ce7cc]
88 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2898172) [0x1c79bf8fc]
88 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 3143172) [0x1c79fb604]
88 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2892884) [0x1c79be454]
88 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2417252) [0x1c794a264]
88 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
49 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
34 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31]), Override Thread QoS Background>
2 <on behalf of spotlightknowledged [2374] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
1 <on behalf of assetsd [572] (originated by assetsd [572]), Override Thread QoS Background>
1 <on behalf of maild [1038] (originated by maild [1038]), Override Thread QoS Background>
1 <on behalf of assetsd [572] (originated by assetsd [572])>
10 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 117968) [0x1c7718cd0]
10 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2218148) [0x1c79198a4]
10 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 203256) [0x1c772d9f8]
10 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 3023560) [0x1c79de2c8]
10 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2328744) [0x1c79348a8]
10 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2887944) [0x1c79bd108]
10 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2933336) [0x1c79c8258]
10 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2898172) [0x1c79bf8fc]
10 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 3143172) [0x1c79fb604]
10 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2892884) [0x1c79be454]
10 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2417252) [0x1c794a264]
10 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
9 <on behalf of assetsd [572] (originated by SpringBoard [443])>
1 <on behalf of assetsd [572] (originated by SpringBoard [443]), Override Thread QoS Background>
3 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 119828) [0x1c7719414]
2 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1498068) [0x1c7869bd4]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 940436) [0x1c77e1994]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 828884) [0x1c77c65d4]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 830640) [0x1c77c6cb0]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31]), Override Thread QoS Background>
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 885136) [0x1c77d4190]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 828884) [0x1c77c65d4]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 830640) [0x1c77c6cb0]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
1 <on behalf of spotlightknowledged [2374] (originated by UNKNOWN [31]), Override Thread QoS Background>
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1498080) [0x1c7869be0]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1620872) [0x1c7887b88]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2417220) [0x1c794a244]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 110428) [0x1c7716f5c]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 43292) [0x1db5b291c]
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31]), Override Thread QoS Background>
2 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 117240) [0x1c77189f8]
2 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2983876) [0x1c79d47c4]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2972476) [0x1c79d1b3c]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2417252) [0x1c794a264]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2972252) [0x1c79d1a5c]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1079420) [0x1c780387c]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 828884) [0x1c77c65d4]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 830640) [0x1c77c6cb0]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 119216) [0x1c77191b0]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 200716) [0x1c772d00c]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 202964) [0x1c772d8d4]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 205512) [0x1c772e2c8]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2846260) [0x1c79b2e34]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 100212) [0x1c7714774]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 3203868) [0x1c7a0a31c]
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
4 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1075400) [0x1c78028c8]
4 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 66424) [0x1c770c378]
4 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 216180) [0x1c7730c74]
3 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 896592) [0x1c77d6e50]
3 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 159356) [0x1c7722e7c]
3 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2959308) [0x1c79ce7cc]
3 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2898172) [0x1c79bf8fc]
3 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 3143172) [0x1c79fb604]
3 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2892884) [0x1c79be454]
3 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2417252) [0x1c794a264]
3 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
3 <on behalf of UNKNOWN [31] (originated by UNKNOWN [31]), Override Thread QoS Background>
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 899568) [0x1c77d79f0]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 896592) [0x1c77d6e50]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 159356) [0x1c7722e7c]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2959308) [0x1c79ce7cc]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2898172) [0x1c79bf8fc]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 3143172) [0x1c79fb604]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2892884) [0x1c79be454]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 2417252) [0x1c794a264]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
1 <on behalf of UNKNOWN [31] (originated by UNKNOWN [31]), Override Thread QoS Background>
24 ??? (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 7968) [0x1ef030f20]
24 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 91432) [0x19af5d528]
24 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 93364) [0x19af5dcb4]
24 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 52904) [0x19af53ea8]
24 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 48996) [0x19af52f64]
24 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 46080) [0x19af52400]
24 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 15828) [0x19af4add4]
23 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 52600) [0x1c7708d78]
23 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 54164) [0x1c7709394]
23 ??? (SpotlightDaemon + 28056) [0x210a28d98]
23 ??? (SpotlightDaemon + 178180) [0x210a4d804]
23 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 106224) [0x1c7715ef0]
20 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 108648) [0x1c7716868]
20 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 109256) [0x1c7716ac8]
20 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 9680) [0x1db5aa5d0]
17 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
2 <on behalf of maild [2072] (originated by maild [2072])>
1 <on behalf of assetsd [572] (originated by SpringBoard [443])>
2 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 108688) [0x1c7716890]
2 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 109256) [0x1c7716ac8]
2 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 9680) [0x1db5aa5d0]
1 <on behalf of maild [2072] (originated by maild [2072])>
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31])>
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 108452) [0x1c77167a4]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 109256) [0x1c7716ac8]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 9680) [0x1db5aa5d0]
1 <on behalf of UNKNOWN [900] (originated by UNKNOWN [900])>
1 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 77404) [0x19af59e5c]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 52600) [0x1c7708d78]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 54164) [0x1c7709394]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1566408) [0x1c787a6c8]
1 ??? (MobileSpotlightIndex + 1733248) [0x1c78a3280]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 56016) [0x1db5b5ad0]
1 <on behalf of IMDPersistenceAgent (IMDPersistenceAgent) [480] (originated by UNKNOWN [31]), Effective Thread QoS Maintenance, Requested Thread QoS Maintenance>
Binary Images:
0x100be8000 - ??? searchd <E8A63769-33E6-3662-9591-65CDE82EAB08> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Search.framework/searchd
0x19af47000 - 0x19af8dfff libdispatch.dylib <B7D9D0A6-2414-37F2-9D03-1A25A474E2CF> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x19af8e000 - 0x19b00bfff libsystem_c.dylib <3B5201C5-15D0-335F-A91D-0C63E1F6C6DC> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib
0x1c76fc000 - 0x1c7a50fff MobileSpotlightIndex <AE82E959-FF3A-33F5-8493-85E591181BC5> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileSpotlightIndex.framework/MobileSpotlightIndex
0x1db5a8000 - 0x1db5e1fef libsystem_kernel.dylib <DB493AF3-63B1-3220-9DD8-DD4F86BDDFC8> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x1eee2a000 - 0x1eee33fff libcopyfile.dylib <A3D43030-37DB-3F4C-AF17-F4B162A16682> /usr/lib/system/libcopyfile.dylib
0x1eef7a000 - 0x1eef80feb libsystem_platform.dylib <E29C0EE4-8118-3A92-BFF8-1C343F8885AD> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_platform.dylib
0x1ef02f000 - 0x1ef03bfff libsystem_pthread.dylib <A70C0DEF-058C-3CB0-9EC1-453AA7F39DF9> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
0x210a22000 - 0x210abdfff SpotlightDaemon <C5A79532-FE30-3901-BC86-305B69671831> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SpotlightDaemon.framework/SpotlightDaemon
Powerstats for: (NetworkingExtension)
UUID: 955D019B-5F9C-3359-8BB1-E991FE2A3E16
Path: /System/Library/ExtensionKit/Extensions/NetworkingExtension.appex/
Version: ??? (8618.
Resource Coalition ID: 522, 803, 453
Architecture: arm64
Start time: 2024-09-14 17:07:01.661 -0400
End time: 2024-09-15 07:37:41.812 -0400
Num samples: 240 (14%)
Primary state: 197 samples Frontmost App, Non-Suppressed, Kernel mode, Effective Thread QoS Background, Requested Thread QoS Background, Override Thread QoS Unspecified, e-core
User Activity: 0 samples Idle, 240 samples Active
Power Source: 189 samples on Battery, 51 samples on AC
240 ??? (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 8128) [0x1ef030fc0]
201 ??? (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 7908) [0x1ef030ee4]
201 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 90268) [0x19af5d09c]
201 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 88212) [0x19af5c894]
124 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 26868) [0x19af4d8f4]
124 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 29400) [0x19af4e2d8]
124 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 15828) [0x19af4add4]
124 ??? (JavaScriptCore + 737568) [0x1a916c120]
110 ??? (WebKit + 5000312) [0x1a869fc78]
110 ??? (WebKit + 4878252) [0x1a8681fac]
110 ??? (WebKit + 4879016) [0x1a86822a8]
108 ??? (JavaScriptCore + 171580) [0x1a90e1e3c]
108 ??? (WebKit + 2629112) [0x1a845cdf8]
99 ??? (libsystem_platform.dylib + 2744) [0x1eef7aab8]
9 ??? (libsystem_platform.dylib + 2732) [0x1eef7aaac]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 55928) [0x1db5b5a78]
1 ??? (JavaScriptCore + 171480) [0x1a90e1dd8]
1 ??? (JavaScriptCore + 171016) [0x1a90e1c08]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 13640) [0x1db5ab548]
9 ??? (WebKit + 5001376) [0x1a86a00a0]
9 ??? (WebKit + 4997200) [0x1a869f050]
5 ??? (WebKit + 2629876) [0x1a845d0f4]
5 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 13640) [0x1db5ab548]
4 ??? (WebKit + 2629832) [0x1a845d0c8]
4 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 17144) [0x1db5ac2f8]
4 ??? (WebKit + 5007768) [0x1a86a1998]
4 ??? (WebKit + 4990960) [0x1a869d7f0]
4 ??? (WebKit + 4877308) [0x1a8681bfc]
4 ??? (WebKit + 4991364) [0x1a869d984]
4 ??? (WebKit + 4877308) [0x1a8681bfc]
4 ??? (WebKit + 4991704) [0x1a869dad8]
4 ??? (WebKit + 4877308) [0x1a8681bfc]
4 ??? (WebKit + 4992012) [0x1a869dc0c]
4 ??? (WebKit + 5008128) [0x1a86a1b00]
4 ??? (JavaScriptCore + 191568) [0x1a90e6c50]
4 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 17144) [0x1db5ac2f8]
4 <Effective Thread QoS Default, Requested Thread QoS Default, p-core>
1 ??? (WebKit + 5007832) [0x1a86a19d8]
1 ??? (WebKit + 4876996) [0x1a8681ac4]
1 ??? (WebKit + 4877308) [0x1a8681bfc]
1 ??? (WebKit + 4910704) [0x1a8689e70]
1 ??? (JavaScriptCore + 191568) [0x1a90e6c50]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 17144) [0x1db5ac2f8]
1 <Effective Thread QoS Default, Requested Thread QoS Default, p-core>
47 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 27016) [0x19af4d988]
47 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 29400) [0x19af4e2d8]
47 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 15828) [0x19af4add4]
47 ??? (JavaScriptCore + 737568) [0x1a916c120]
45 ??? (WebKit + 5000312) [0x1a869fc78]
45 ??? (WebKit + 4878252) [0x1a8681fac]
45 ??? (WebKit + 4879016) [0x1a86822a8]
44 ??? (JavaScriptCore + 171580) [0x1a90e1e3c]
44 ??? (WebKit + 2629112) [0x1a845cdf8]
40 ??? (libsystem_platform.dylib + 2744) [0x1eef7aab8]
4 ??? (libsystem_platform.dylib + 2732) [0x1eef7aaac]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 55928) [0x1db5b5a78]
2 ??? (WebKit + 5001376) [0x1a86a00a0]
2 ??? (WebKit + 4997200) [0x1a869f050]
1 ??? (WebKit + 2629876) [0x1a845d0f4]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 13640) [0x1db5ab548]
1 ??? (WebKit + 2629832) [0x1a845d0c8]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 17144) [0x1db5ac2f8]
30 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 28524) [0x19af4df6c]
30 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 15828) [0x19af4add4]
30 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 209996) [0x19af7a44c]
30 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 57492) [0x1db5b6094]
39 ??? (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 7968) [0x1ef030f20]
39 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 91432) [0x19af5d528]
39 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 93364) [0x19af5dcb4]
31 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 48944) [0x19af52f30]
27 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 46080) [0x19af52400]
27 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 15828) [0x19af4add4]
21 ??? (JavaScriptCore + 737568) [0x1a916c120]
6 ??? (WebKit + 4582324) [0x1a8639bb4]
6 ??? (WebKit + 4536208) [0x1a862e790]
6 ??? (WebCore + 35608348) [0x1a777971c]
6 ??? (WebCore + 35593964) [0x1a7775eec]
6 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 179328) [0x1bcd58c80]
6 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 224516) [0x1bcd63d04]
6 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 89204) [0x1bcd42c74]
6 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 248132) [0x1bcd69944]
6 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 249212) [0x1bcd69d7c]
6 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 312872) [0x1bcd79628]
6 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 636276) [0x1bcdc8574]
6 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 313608) [0x1bcd79908]
6 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 63516) [0x1db5b781c]
6 <Effective Thread QoS Utility, Requested Thread QoS Utility>
5 ??? (WebKit + 5252448) [0x1a86dd560]
5 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 9680) [0x1db5aa5d0]
5 <Effective Thread QoS Default, Requested Thread QoS Default, p-core>
2 ??? (WebKit + 5383604) [0x1a86fd5b4]
2 ??? (WebKit + 5490344) [0x1a87176a8]
2 ??? (WebKit + 5303152) [0x1a86e9b70]
2 ??? (WebKit + 5501632) [0x1a871a2c0]
2 ??? (WebKit + 5500996) [0x1a871a044]
2 ??? (WebKit + 5527572) [0x1a8720814]
2 ??? (WebCore + 35590196) [0x1a7775034]
2 ??? (WebCore + 35590504) [0x1a7775168]
2 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 518616) [0x1bcdab9d8]
2 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 475272) [0x1bcda1088]
2 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 335084) [0x1bcd7ecec]
2 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 336540) [0x1bcd7f29c]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 337384) [0x1bcd7f5e8]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 639444) [0x1bcdc91d4]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 62328) [0x1db5b7378]
1 <Effective Thread QoS Default, Requested Thread QoS Default, p-core>
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 337292) [0x1bcd7f58c]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 386060) [0x1bcd8b40c]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 313608) [0x1bcd79908]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 63516) [0x1db5b781c]
1 <Effective Thread QoS Default, Requested Thread QoS Default, p-core>
1 ??? (libsystem_platform.dylib + 2824) [0x1eef7ab08]
1 <Effective Thread QoS Default, Requested Thread QoS Default>
1 ??? (JavaScriptCore + 179976) [0x1a90e3f08]
1 ??? (libc++.1.dylib + 391856) [0x1a3478ab0]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 66464) [0x1db5b83a0]
1 ??? (WebKit + 5420660) [0x1a8706674]
1 ??? (WebKit + 5345808) [0x1a86f4210]
1 ??? (WebCore + 42226556) [0x1a7dc937c]
1 ??? (WebCore + 42214124) [0x1a7dc62ec]
1 ??? (WebCore + 42214848) [0x1a7dc65c0]
1 ??? (WebCore + 35593964) [0x1a7775eec]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 179328) [0x1bcd58c80]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 224100) [0x1bcd63b64]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 89204) [0x1bcd42c74]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 248132) [0x1bcd69944]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 249212) [0x1bcd69d7c]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 312872) [0x1bcd79628]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 637808) [0x1bcdc8b70]
1 ??? (libsystem_platform.dylib + 4044) [0x1eef7afcc]
1 <Effective Thread QoS Default, Requested Thread QoS Default>
1 ??? (WebKit + 5407656) [0x1a87033a8]
1 ??? (WebKit + 5324144) [0x1a86eed70]
1 ??? (WebKit + 5496964) [0x1a8719084]
1 ??? (WebKit + 5497512) [0x1a87192a8]
1 ??? (JavaScriptCore + 174288) [0x1a90e28d0]
1 ??? (libc++.1.dylib + 392772) [0x1a3478e44]
1 ??? (libc++.1.dylib + 393088) [0x1a3478f80]
1 ??? (libc++.1.dylib + 393088) [0x1a3478f80]
1 ??? (libc++.1.dylib + 393704) [0x1a34791e8]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 21924) [0x1db5ad5a4]
1 <Effective Thread QoS Default, Requested Thread QoS Default, p-core>
1 ??? (WebKit + 4606852) [0x1a863fb84]
1 ??? (WebCore + 35598400) [0x1a7777040]
1 ??? (WebCore + 35596944) [0x1a7776a90]
1 ??? (WebCore + 35593964) [0x1a7775eec]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 179328) [0x1bcd58c80]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 224100) [0x1bcd63b64]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 89204) [0x1bcd42c74]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 248132) [0x1bcd69944]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 249212) [0x1bcd69d7c]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 312872) [0x1bcd79628]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 636276) [0x1bcdc8574]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 313608) [0x1bcd79908]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 63516) [0x1db5b781c]
1 <Effective Thread QoS Utility, Requested Thread QoS Utility>
1 ??? (WebKit + 4554192) [0x1a8632dd0]
1 ??? (WebKit + 4411508) [0x1a8610074]
1 ??? (WebKit + 4411832) [0x1a86101b8]
1 ??? (WebKit + 3752508) [0x1a856f23c]
1 ??? (WebCore + 35591124) [0x1a77753d4]
1 ??? (WebCore + 35593156) [0x1a7775bc4]
1 ??? (WebCore + 35593364) [0x1a7775c94]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 524280) [0x1bcdacff8]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 1067760) [0x1bce31af0]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 386060) [0x1bcd8b40c]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 313608) [0x1bcd79908]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 63516) [0x1db5b781c]
1 <Effective Thread QoS Utility, Requested Thread QoS Utility>
1 ??? (WebKit + 2288460) [0x1a8409b4c]
1 ??? (WebKit + 2297796) [0x1a840bfc4]
1 ??? (WebKit + 5332772) [0x1a86f0f24]
1 ??? (WebCore + 16198228) [0x1a64f6a54]
1 ??? (WebCore + 16199988) [0x1a64f7134]
1 ??? (WebKit + 5525116) [0x1a871fe7c]
1 ??? (WebKit + 5488988) [0x1a871715c]
1 ??? (WebKit + 5525620) [0x1a8720074]
1 ??? (WebCore + 16200588) [0x1a64f738c]
1 ??? (WebCore + 16083996) [0x1a64dac1c]
1 ??? (WebCore + 35591124) [0x1a77753d4]
1 ??? (WebCore + 35593104) [0x1a7775b90]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 87468) [0x1bcd425ac]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 87648) [0x1bcd42660]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 89204) [0x1bcd42c74]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 248132) [0x1bcd69944]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 249212) [0x1bcd69d7c]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 312976) [0x1bcd79690]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 351572) [0x1bcd82d54]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 313608) [0x1bcd79908]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 63516) [0x1db5b781c]
1 <Effective Thread QoS Default, Requested Thread QoS Default>
1 ??? (WebKit + 2288344) [0x1a8409ad8]
1 ??? (WebKit + 5330204) [0x1a86f051c]
1 ??? (WebKit + 5501632) [0x1a871a2c0]
1 ??? (WebKit + 5500996) [0x1a871a044]
1 ??? (WebKit + 5527572) [0x1a8720814]
1 ??? (WebCore + 35590196) [0x1a7775034]
1 ??? (WebCore + 35590504) [0x1a7775168]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 518616) [0x1bcdab9d8]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 475272) [0x1bcda1088]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 335084) [0x1bcd7ecec]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 336540) [0x1bcd7f29c]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 337384) [0x1bcd7f5e8]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 639444) [0x1bcdc91d4]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 62328) [0x1db5b7378]
1 <Effective Thread QoS Default, Requested Thread QoS Default, p-core>
4 ??? (CFNetwork + 1838116) [0x194346c24]
4 ??? (CFNetwork + 2366324) [0x1943c7b74]
4 ??? (CFNetwork + 2366820) [0x1943c7d64]
4 ??? (CoreFoundation + 528840) [0x1930cf1c8]
4 ??? (CoreFoundation + 529648) [0x1930cf4f0]
4 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 9680) [0x1db5aa5d0]
4 <Effective Thread QoS Default, Requested Thread QoS Default>
1 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 77404) [0x19af59e5c]
1 ??? (CFNetwork + 584260) [0x194214a44]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 179328) [0x1bcd58c80]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 224100) [0x1bcd63b64]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 89204) [0x1bcd42c74]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 248132) [0x1bcd69944]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 249212) [0x1bcd69d7c]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 312872) [0x1bcd79628]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 636276) [0x1bcdc8574]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 313608) [0x1bcd79908]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 63516) [0x1db5b781c]
1 <Effective Thread QoS Utility, Requested Thread QoS Utility>
1 ??? (CFNetwork + 1838468) [0x194346d84]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 9040) [0x1db5aa350]
1 <Effective Thread QoS Default, Requested Thread QoS Default>
4 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 45700) [0x19af52284]
4 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 105868) [0x19af60d8c]
4 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 111048) [0x19af621c8]
4 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 29400) [0x19af4e2d8]
4 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 15828) [0x19af4add4]
4 ??? (JavaScriptCore + 737568) [0x1a916c120]
4 ??? (WebKit + 5500924) [0x1a8719ffc]
4 ??? (WebCore + 35608348) [0x1a777971c]
4 ??? (WebCore + 35593964) [0x1a7775eec]
4 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 179328) [0x1bcd58c80]
4 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 224516) [0x1bcd63d04]
4 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 89204) [0x1bcd42c74]
4 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 248132) [0x1bcd69944]
4 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 249212) [0x1bcd69d7c]
4 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 312872) [0x1bcd79628]
4 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 636276) [0x1bcdc8574]
4 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 313608) [0x1bcd79908]
4 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 63516) [0x1db5b781c]
4 <Effective Thread QoS Default, Requested Thread QoS Default>
8 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 48996) [0x19af52f64]
8 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 46080) [0x19af52400]
8 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 15828) [0x19af4add4]
8 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 8508) [0x19af4913c]
3 ??? (CFNetwork + 2195352) [0x19439df98]
3 ??? (CoreFoundation + 528840) [0x1930cf1c8]
3 ??? (CoreFoundation + 529648) [0x1930cf4f0]
3 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 9680) [0x1db5aa5d0]
3 <Effective Thread QoS Default, Requested Thread QoS Default>
3 ??? (CFNetwork + 2195312) [0x19439df70]
3 ??? (CoreFoundation + 406888) [0x1930b1568]
3 ??? (CoreFoundation + 412668) [0x1930b2bfc]
3 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 13640) [0x1db5ab548]
3 <Effective Thread QoS Default, Requested Thread QoS Default>
2 ??? (CFNetwork + 2195584) [0x19439e080]
2 ??? (CoreFoundation + 56448) [0x19305bc80]
2 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 43292) [0x1db5b291c]
2 <Effective Thread QoS Default, Requested Thread QoS Default>
Binary Images:
0x100800000 - ??? (8618. <955D019B-5F9C-3359-8BB1-E991FE2A3E16> /System/Library/ExtensionKit/Extensions/NetworkingExtension.appex/
0x19304e000 - 0x19357bfff CoreFoundation <3A5F992A-D1CD-312E-BD2E-F7C66343A417> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/CoreFoundation
0x194186000 - 0x194562fff CFNetwork <A0DA81AF-6773-3A72-A9A5-264F31047A16> /System/Library/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/CFNetwork
0x19af47000 - 0x19af8dfff libdispatch.dylib <B7D9D0A6-2414-37F2-9D03-1A25A474E2CF> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x1a3419000 - 0x1a34a2fff libc++.1.dylib <06826560-17AF-331A-8255-DE4246279BCA> /usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib
0x1a5584000 - 0x1a81dafff WebCore <BA9E2E14-EF62-345F-A9B0-56D21B62E8B3> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/WebCore.framework/WebCore
0x1a81db000 - 0x1a90b7fff WebKit <88612A15-F057-343D-B209-D7E518E3C90E> /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/WebKit
0x1a90b8000 - 0x1aa823f1f JavaScriptCore <05EA2199-9E02-38DE-A861-DB68C3407B98> /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaScriptCore.framework/JavaScriptCore
0x1bcd2d000 - 0x1bceaeffb libsqlite3.dylib <2FE5663E-F7FA-3AE5-9E0C-BF57F2ABF2EC> /usr/lib/libsqlite3.dylib
0x1db5a8000 - 0x1db5e1fef libsystem_kernel.dylib <DB493AF3-63B1-3220-9DD8-DD4F86BDDFC8> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x1eef7a000 - 0x1eef80feb libsystem_platform.dylib <E29C0EE4-8118-3A92-BFF8-1C343F8885AD> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_platform.dylib
0x1ef02f000 - 0x1ef03bfff libsystem_pthread.dylib <A70C0DEF-058C-3CB0-9EC1-453AA7F39DF9> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
Powerstats for: SCHelper
UUID: 34471CFE-8BE0-38D9-A534-4188631BD73B
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/SystemConfiguration.framework/SCHelper
Resource Coalition ID: 239
On Behalf Of: 90 samples accountsd [446] (63 samples originated by MobileMail (Mail) [766, 1034, 1048, 1257], 16 samples originated by UNKNOWN [874, 901, 1031, 1059, 1227, 1234, 1267, 2068, 6823], 10 samples originated by maild [484], 1 sample originated by apsd [135])
Architecture: arm64e
Start time: 2024-09-14 17:11:51.005 -0400
End time: 2024-09-15 07:30:52.309 -0400
Num samples: 90 (5%)
Primary state: 90 samples Non-Frontmost App, Non-Suppressed, Kernel mode, Effective Thread QoS User Initiated, Requested Thread QoS User Initiated, Override Thread QoS Unspecified, p-core
User Activity: 0 samples Idle, 90 samples Active
Power Source: 90 samples on Battery, 0 samples on AC
90 ??? (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 8140) [0x1ef030fcc]
90 ??? (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 10896) [0x1ef031a90]
90 ??? (SCHelper + 13300) [0x1009db3f4]
90 ??? (CoreFoundation + 210636) [0x1930816cc]
90 ??? (CoreFoundation + 211304) [0x193081968]
90 ??? (CoreFoundation + 213776) [0x193082310]
90 ??? (CoreFoundation + 216292) [0x193082ce4]
90 ??? (CoreFoundation + 221792) [0x193084260]
90 ??? (CoreFoundation + 221988) [0x193084324]
90 ??? (SCHelper + 12504) [0x1009db0d8]
90 ??? (SCHelper + 9208) [0x1009da3f8]
90 ??? (SCHelper + 28320) [0x1009deea0]
90 ??? (SCHelper + 28056) [0x1009ded98]
90 ??? (SCHelper + 14660) [0x1009db944]
48 ??? (SCHelper + 22800) [0x1009dd910]
47 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 9680) [0x1db5aa5d0]
18 <on behalf of accountsd [446] (originated by MobileMail (Mail) [766])>
11 <on behalf of accountsd [446] (originated by MobileMail (Mail) [766]), e-core>
5 <on behalf of accountsd [446] (originated by maild [484]), e-core>
2 <on behalf of accountsd [446] (originated by MobileMail (Mail) [1257]), e-core>
2 <on behalf of accountsd [446] (originated by MobileMail (Mail) [1048])>
1 <on behalf of accountsd [446] (originated by UNKNOWN [1031]), e-core>
1 <on behalf of accountsd [446] (originated by MobileMail (Mail) [1034]), e-core>
1 <on behalf of accountsd [446] (originated by UNKNOWN [2068]), e-core>
1 <on behalf of accountsd [446] (originated by UNKNOWN [1267]), e-core>
1 <on behalf of accountsd [446] (originated by UNKNOWN [1234]), e-core>
1 <on behalf of accountsd [446] (originated by apsd [135]), e-core>
1 <on behalf of accountsd [446] (originated by UNKNOWN [1227])>
1 <on behalf of accountsd [446] (originated by UNKNOWN [2068])>
1 <on behalf of accountsd [446] (originated by UNKNOWN [6823])>
1 ??? (SystemConfiguration + 110232) [0x19e199e98]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 13640) [0x1db5ab548]
1 <on behalf of accountsd [446] (originated by MobileMail (Mail) [766])>
42 ??? (SCHelper + 23652) [0x1009ddc64]
42 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 9680) [0x1db5aa5d0]
19 <on behalf of accountsd [446] (originated by MobileMail (Mail) [766])>
5 <on behalf of accountsd [446] (originated by MobileMail (Mail) [766]), e-core>
5 <on behalf of accountsd [446] (originated by maild [484]), e-core>
4 <on behalf of accountsd [446] (originated by UNKNOWN [874]), e-core>
3 <on behalf of accountsd [446] (originated by UNKNOWN [901]), e-core>
3 <on behalf of accountsd [446] (originated by MobileMail (Mail) [1048])>
1 <on behalf of accountsd [446] (originated by UNKNOWN [1059]), e-core>
1 <on behalf of accountsd [446] (originated by MobileMail (Mail) [1048]), e-core>
1 <on behalf of accountsd [446] (originated by UNKNOWN [1234]), e-core>
Binary Images:
0x1009d8000 - ??? SCHelper <34471CFE-8BE0-38D9-A534-4188631BD73B> /System/Library/Frameworks/SystemConfiguration.framework/SCHelper
0x19304e000 - 0x19357bfff CoreFoundation <3A5F992A-D1CD-312E-BD2E-F7C66343A417> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/CoreFoundation
0x19e17f000 - 0x19e207ff3 SystemConfiguration <ABEC1451-C32B-3A88-8070-6B2E3A96EBAA> /System/Library/Frameworks/SystemConfiguration.framework/SystemConfiguration
0x1db5a8000 - 0x1db5e1fef libsystem_kernel.dylib <DB493AF3-63B1-3220-9DD8-DD4F86BDDFC8> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x1ef02f000 - 0x1ef03bfff libsystem_pthread.dylib <A70C0DEF-058C-3CB0-9EC1-453AA7F39DF9> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
Powerstats for: logd
UUID: 82D84DEB-05C1-3A52-9975-9AE9144315B8
Path: /usr/libexec/logd
Resource Coalition ID: 7
On Behalf Of: 5 samples UNKNOWN [2345, 2399] (5 samples originated by UNKNOWN [31]), 2 samples mobileassetd [121] (2 samples originated by mobileassetd [121]), 1 sample SpringBoard [443] (1 sample originated by SpringBoard [443])
Architecture: arm64e
Start time: 2024-09-14 17:12:17.834 -0400
End time: 2024-09-15 07:39:45.758 -0400
Num samples: 89 (5%)
Primary state: 74 samples Non-Frontmost App, Non-Suppressed, Kernel mode, Effective Thread QoS Utility, Requested Thread QoS Utility, Override Thread QoS Unspecified, e-core
User Activity: 7 samples Idle, 82 samples Active
Power Source: 69 samples on Battery, 20 samples on AC
89 ??? (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 8128) [0x1ef030fc0]
89 ??? (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 7968) [0x1ef030f20]
89 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 91432) [0x19af5d528]
89 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 93364) [0x19af5dcb4]
88 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 48996) [0x19af52f64]
83 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 46080) [0x19af52400]
83 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 15828) [0x19af4add4]
83 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 77404) [0x19af59e5c]
82 ??? (logd + 60168) [0x1006fab08]
82 ??? (logd + 58448) [0x1006fa450]
82 ??? (logd + 71764) [0x1006fd854]
82 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 43072) [0x1db5b2840]
3 <Effective Thread QoS Default>
2 <Effective Thread QoS User Initiated>
2 <on behalf of mobileassetd [121] (originated by mobileassetd [121]), Effective Thread QoS Default, Requested Thread QoS Default>
1 <on behalf of SpringBoard [443] (originated by SpringBoard [443]), Effective Thread QoS Default, Requested Thread QoS Default>
1 <Effective Thread QoS Default, Requested Thread QoS Default>
1 ??? (logd + 58448) [0x1006fa450]
1 ??? (logd + 71764) [0x1006fd854]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 43072) [0x1db5b2840]
1 <Effective Thread QoS User Initiated>
5 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 46288) [0x19af524d0]
5 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 15828) [0x19af4add4]
5 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 8508) [0x19af4913c]
5 ??? (logd + 12908) [0x1006ef26c]
5 ??? (logd + 67540) [0x1006fc7d4]
5 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 78532) [0x19af5a2c4]
5 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 15828) [0x19af4add4]
5 ??? (logd + 67740) [0x1006fc89c]
5 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 78532) [0x19af5a2c4]
5 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 15828) [0x19af4add4]
3 ??? (logd + 68044) [0x1006fc9cc]
3 ??? (logd + 71764) [0x1006fd854]
3 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 43072) [0x1db5b2840]
1 <on behalf of UNKNOWN [2399] (originated by UNKNOWN [31]), Effective Thread QoS Background, Requested Thread QoS Background>
1 <on behalf of UNKNOWN [2345] (originated by UNKNOWN [31]), Effective Thread QoS Background, Requested Thread QoS Background>
1 <on behalf of UNKNOWN [2345] (originated by UNKNOWN [31]), Requested Thread QoS Background>
2 ??? (logd + 67952) [0x1006fc970]
2 ??? (logd + 71764) [0x1006fd854]
2 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 43072) [0x1db5b2840]
1 <on behalf of UNKNOWN [2345] (originated by UNKNOWN [31]), Effective Thread QoS Background, Requested Thread QoS Background>
1 <on behalf of UNKNOWN [2345] (originated by UNKNOWN [31]), Requested Thread QoS Background>
1 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 48944) [0x19af52f30]
1 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 46080) [0x19af52400]
1 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 15828) [0x19af4add4]
1 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 77404) [0x19af59e5c]
1 ??? (logd + 60168) [0x1006fab08]
1 ??? (logd + 58448) [0x1006fa450]
1 ??? (logd + 71764) [0x1006fd854]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 43072) [0x1db5b2840]
Binary Images:
0x1006ec000 - ??? logd <82D84DEB-05C1-3A52-9975-9AE9144315B8> /usr/libexec/logd
0x19af47000 - 0x19af8dfff libdispatch.dylib <B7D9D0A6-2414-37F2-9D03-1A25A474E2CF> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x1db5a8000 - 0x1db5e1fef libsystem_kernel.dylib <DB493AF3-63B1-3220-9DD8-DD4F86BDDFC8> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x1ef02f000 - 0x1ef03bfff libsystem_pthread.dylib <A70C0DEF-058C-3CB0-9EC1-453AA7F39DF9> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
Powerstats for: assetsd
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/AssetsLibrary.framework/Support/assetsd
Resource Coalition ID: 494
On Behalf Of: 74 samples SpringBoard [443] (74 samples originated by SpringBoard [443]), 6 samples searchd [435] (5 samples originated by UNKNOWN [31], 1 sample originated by MobileSMS [6653]), 1 sample mediaanalysisd-service [2409] (1 sample originated by mediaanalysisd-service [2409])
Architecture: arm64e
Start time: 2024-09-14 17:38:55.845 -0400
End time: 2024-09-15 07:38:53.947 -0400
Num samples: 88 (5%)
Primary state: 72 samples Non-Frontmost App, Non-Suppressed, Kernel mode, Effective Thread QoS Utility, Requested Thread QoS Utility, Override Thread QoS Unspecified, e-core
User Activity: 10 samples Idle, 78 samples Active
Power Source: 76 samples on Battery, 12 samples on AC
88 ??? (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 8128) [0x1ef030fc0]
88 ??? (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 7968) [0x1ef030f20]
88 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 91432) [0x19af5d528]
88 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 93364) [0x19af5dcb4]
73 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 48944) [0x19af52f30]
73 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 46080) [0x19af52400]
73 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 15828) [0x19af4add4]
72 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 8508) [0x19af4913c]
70 ??? (PhotoLibraryServicesCore + 294256) [0x1ab454d70]
68 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 5480060) [0x1ab141e7c]
53 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 5406704) [0x1ab12fff0]
30 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 180864) [0x1bcd59280]
30 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 314616) [0x1bcd79cf8]
30 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 524280) [0x1bcdacff8]
30 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 1067760) [0x1bce31af0]
30 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 386060) [0x1bcd8b40c]
30 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 313608) [0x1bcd79908]
30 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 63516) [0x1db5b781c]
30 <on behalf of SpringBoard [443] (originated by SpringBoard [443])>
23 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 179328) [0x1bcd58c80]
23 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 224516) [0x1bcd63d04]
23 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 89204) [0x1bcd42c74]
23 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 248132) [0x1bcd69944]
23 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 249212) [0x1bcd69d7c]
23 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 312872) [0x1bcd79628]
16 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 636276) [0x1bcdc8574]
16 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 313608) [0x1bcd79908]
16 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 63516) [0x1db5b781c]
16 <on behalf of SpringBoard [443] (originated by SpringBoard [443])>
7 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 636420) [0x1bcdc8604]
7 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 313608) [0x1bcd79908]
7 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 63516) [0x1db5b781c]
7 <on behalf of SpringBoard [443] (originated by SpringBoard [443])>
15 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 5406580) [0x1ab12ff74]
10 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 5480764) [0x1ab14213c]
10 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 5424976) [0x1ab134750]
10 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 5407232) [0x1ab130200]
10 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 179328) [0x1bcd58c80]
8 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 198984) [0x1bcd5d948]
6 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 307648) [0x1bcd781c0]
3 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 682780) [0x1bcdd3b1c]
3 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 694236) [0x1bcdd67dc]
3 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 642520) [0x1bcdc9dd8]
3 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 634124) [0x1bcdc7d0c]
3 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 636276) [0x1bcdc8574]
3 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 313608) [0x1bcd79908]
3 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 63516) [0x1db5b781c]
3 <on behalf of SpringBoard [443] (originated by SpringBoard [443])>
3 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 681656) [0x1bcdd36b8]
3 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 227312) [0x1bcd647f0]
3 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 694236) [0x1bcdd67dc]
3 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 642520) [0x1bcdc9dd8]
3 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 634124) [0x1bcdc7d0c]
3 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 636276) [0x1bcdc8574]
3 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 313608) [0x1bcd79908]
3 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 63516) [0x1db5b781c]
3 <on behalf of SpringBoard [443] (originated by SpringBoard [443])>
2 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 310560) [0x1bcd78d20]
2 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 298388) [0x1bcd75d94]
2 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 694236) [0x1bcdd67dc]
2 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 642520) [0x1bcdc9dd8]
2 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 634124) [0x1bcdc7d0c]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 636420) [0x1bcdc8604]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 313608) [0x1bcd79908]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 63516) [0x1db5b781c]
1 <on behalf of SpringBoard [443] (originated by SpringBoard [443])>
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 636276) [0x1bcdc8574]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 313608) [0x1bcd79908]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 63516) [0x1db5b781c]
1 <on behalf of SpringBoard [443] (originated by SpringBoard [443])>
2 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 186288) [0x1bcd5a7b0]
2 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 682780) [0x1bcdd3b1c]
2 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 694236) [0x1bcdd67dc]
2 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 642520) [0x1bcdc9dd8]
2 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 634124) [0x1bcdc7d0c]
2 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 636276) [0x1bcdc8574]
2 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 313608) [0x1bcd79908]
2 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 63516) [0x1db5b781c]
2 <on behalf of SpringBoard [443] (originated by SpringBoard [443])>
5 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 5480740) [0x1ab142124]
5 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 5795692) [0x1ab18ef6c]
5 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 5435320) [0x1ab136fb8]
5 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 5435144) [0x1ab136f08]
5 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 5426272) [0x1ab134c60]
5 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 5407232) [0x1ab130200]
5 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 179328) [0x1bcd58c80]
5 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 198984) [0x1bcd5d948]
5 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 307648) [0x1bcd781c0]
4 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 681656) [0x1bcdd36b8]
4 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 227312) [0x1bcd647f0]
4 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 694236) [0x1bcdd67dc]
4 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 642520) [0x1bcdc9dd8]
4 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 634124) [0x1bcdc7d0c]
3 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 636276) [0x1bcdc8574]
3 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 313608) [0x1bcd79908]
3 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 63516) [0x1db5b781c]
3 <on behalf of SpringBoard [443] (originated by SpringBoard [443])>
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 636420) [0x1bcdc8604]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 313608) [0x1bcd79908]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 63516) [0x1db5b781c]
1 <on behalf of SpringBoard [443] (originated by SpringBoard [443])>
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 682780) [0x1bcdd3b1c]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 694236) [0x1bcdd67dc]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 642520) [0x1bcdc9dd8]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 634124) [0x1bcdc7d0c]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 636276) [0x1bcdc8574]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 313608) [0x1bcd79908]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 63516) [0x1db5b781c]
1 <on behalf of SpringBoard [443] (originated by SpringBoard [443])>
2 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 5476608) [0x1ab141100]
2 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 5406704) [0x1ab12fff0]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 180864) [0x1bcd59280]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 314616) [0x1bcd79cf8]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 524280) [0x1bcdacff8]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 1067760) [0x1bce31af0]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 386060) [0x1bcd8b40c]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 313608) [0x1bcd79908]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 63516) [0x1db5b781c]
1 <on behalf of SpringBoard [443] (originated by SpringBoard [443])>
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 179328) [0x1bcd58c80]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 224516) [0x1bcd63d04]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 89204) [0x1bcd42c74]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 248132) [0x1bcd69944]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 249212) [0x1bcd69d7c]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 312872) [0x1bcd79628]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 637704) [0x1bcdc8b08]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 62328) [0x1db5b7378]
1 <on behalf of SpringBoard [443] (originated by SpringBoard [443])>
2 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 2634452) [0x1aae8b2d4]
2 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 3668956) [0x1aaf87bdc]
2 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 5160764) [0x1ab0f3f3c]
2 ??? (PhotoLibraryServicesCore + 293960) [0x1ab454c48]
2 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 78532) [0x19af5a2c4]
2 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 15828) [0x19af4add4]
2 ??? (PhotoLibraryServicesCore + 294032) [0x1ab454c90]
2 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 5147492) [0x1ab0f0b64]
2 ??? (PhotoLibraryServicesCore + 293960) [0x1ab454c48]
2 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 78532) [0x19af5a2c4]
2 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 15828) [0x19af4add4]
2 ??? (PhotoLibraryServicesCore + 294032) [0x1ab454c90]
2 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
1 <Effective Thread QoS Background, Requested Thread QoS Background>
1 <on behalf of searchd [435] (originated by UNKNOWN [31]), Effective Thread QoS Background>
1 ??? (libsystem_blocks.dylib + 9196) [0x1ef02c3ec]
1 ??? (libsystem_blocks.dylib + 9296) [0x1ef02c450]
1 ??? (libsystem_blocks.dylib + 9528) [0x1ef02c538]
1 ??? (libsystem_blocks.dylib + 8884) [0x1ef02c2b4]
1 ??? (libsystem_blocks.dylib + 9196) [0x1ef02c3ec]
1 ??? (libsystem_blocks.dylib + 9296) [0x1ef02c450]
1 ??? (libsystem_blocks.dylib + 9508) [0x1ef02c524]
1 ??? (libsystem_blocks.dylib + 9684) [0x1ef02c5d4]
1 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 5161888) [0x1ab0f43a0]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 17144) [0x1db5ac2f8]
1 <Effective Thread QoS Background, Requested Thread QoS Background>
10 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 48996) [0x19af52f64]
7 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 45700) [0x19af52284]
6 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 105868) [0x19af60d8c]
6 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 111048) [0x19af621c8]
6 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 29400) [0x19af4e2d8]
6 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 15828) [0x19af4add4]
5 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 77404) [0x19af59e5c]
5 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 748864) [0x1aacbed40]
2 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 725780) [0x1aacb9314]
2 ??? (Foundation + 687064) [0x191f8cbd8]
2 ??? (Foundation + 460492) [0x191f556cc]
2 ??? (Foundation + 795244) [0x191fa726c]
2 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 9680) [0x1db5aa5d0]
1 <Effective Thread QoS Background>
1 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 727036) [0x1aacb97fc]
1 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 5484448) [0x1ab142fa0]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 518616) [0x1bcdab9d8]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 475272) [0x1bcda1088]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 335084) [0x1bcd7ecec]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 336540) [0x1bcd7f29c]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 337292) [0x1bcd7f58c]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 386060) [0x1bcd8b40c]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 313608) [0x1bcd79908]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 63516) [0x1db5b781c]
1 <on behalf of SpringBoard [443] (originated by SpringBoard [443])>
1 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 726132) [0x1aacb9474]
1 ??? (Foundation + 687064) [0x191f8cbd8]
1 ??? (Foundation + 460492) [0x191f556cc]
1 ??? (Foundation + 795244) [0x191fa726c]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 9680) [0x1db5aa5d0]
1 <Effective Thread QoS Background>
1 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 724856) [0x1aacb8f78]
1 ??? (Foundation + 687400) [0x191f8cd28]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 9040) [0x1db5aa350]
1 <Effective Thread QoS Background>
1 ??? (PhotoFoundation + 30420) [0x1c63c46d4]
1 ??? (PhotoFoundation + 29732) [0x1c63c4424]
1 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 78532) [0x19af5a2c4]
1 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 15828) [0x19af4add4]
1 ??? (PhotoFoundation + 30132) [0x1c63c45b4]
1 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 2565572) [0x1aae7a5c4]
1 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 2571692) [0x1aae7bdac]
1 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 539132) [0x1aac8b9fc]
1 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 528568) [0x1aac890b8]
1 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 1502852) [0x1aad76e84]
1 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 528736) [0x1aac89160]
1 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 1486144) [0x1aad72d40]
1 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 1491728) [0x1aad74310]
1 ??? (CoreData + 130684) [0x19b18ce7c]
1 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 78532) [0x19af5a2c4]
1 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 15828) [0x19af4add4]
1 ??? (CoreData + 130928) [0x19b18cf70]
1 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 1491804) [0x1aad7435c]
1 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 528840) [0x1aac891c8]
1 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 1487340) [0x1aad731ec]
1 ??? (CoreData + 84904) [0x19b181ba8]
1 ??? (CoreData + 352884) [0x19b1c3274]
1 ??? (CoreData + 355684) [0x19b1c3d64]
1 ??? (Foundation + 171792) [0x191f0ef10]
1 ??? (CoreFoundation + 189960) [0x19307c608]
1 ??? (CoreFoundation + 192696) [0x19307d0b8]
1 ??? (CoreFoundation + 192880) [0x19307d170]
1 ??? (CoreFoundation + 194472) [0x19307d7a8]
1 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 1673244) [0x1aada081c]
1 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 4901384) [0x1ab0b4a08]
1 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 5157100) [0x1ab0f30ec]
1 ??? (PhotoLibraryServicesCore + 293960) [0x1ab454c48]
1 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 78532) [0x19af5a2c4]
1 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 15828) [0x19af4add4]
1 ??? (PhotoLibraryServicesCore + 294032) [0x1ab454c90]
1 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 5157768) [0x1ab0f3388]
1 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 5161436) [0x1ab0f41dc]
1 ??? (PhotoLibraryServicesCore + 293960) [0x1ab454c48]
1 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 78532) [0x19af5a2c4]
1 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 15828) [0x19af4add4]
1 ??? (PhotoLibraryServicesCore + 294032) [0x1ab454c90]
1 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 5161740) [0x1ab0f430c]
1 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 5147492) [0x1ab0f0b64]
1 ??? (PhotoLibraryServicesCore + 293960) [0x1ab454c48]
1 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 78532) [0x19af5a2c4]
1 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 15828) [0x19af4add4]
1 ??? (PhotoLibraryServicesCore + 294032) [0x1ab454c90]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
1 <Effective Thread QoS Background, Requested Thread QoS Background>
1 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 48996) [0x19af52f64]
1 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 46080) [0x19af52400]
1 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 15828) [0x19af4add4]
1 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 8508) [0x19af4913c]
1 ??? (CoreSpotlight + 53784) [0x19d1c8218]
1 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 3867516) [0x1aafb837c]
1 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 5558508) [0x1ab1550ec]
1 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 5550756) [0x1ab1532a4]
1 ??? (Foundation + 687064) [0x191f8cbd8]
1 ??? (Foundation + 460492) [0x191f556cc]
1 ??? (Foundation + 795244) [0x191fa726c]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 9680) [0x1db5aa5d0]
1 <on behalf of SpringBoard [443] (originated by SpringBoard [443]), Effective Thread QoS Background, Requested Thread QoS Background>
3 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 46080) [0x19af52400]
3 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 15828) [0x19af4add4]
3 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 8508) [0x19af4913c]
2 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 4836564) [0x1ab0a4cd4]
1 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 4838376) [0x1ab0a53e8]
1 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 2423036) [0x1aae578fc]
1 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 1489096) [0x1aad738c8]
1 ??? (CoreData + 372028) [0x19b1c7d3c]
1 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 78532) [0x19af5a2c4]
1 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 15828) [0x19af4add4]
1 ??? (CoreData + 130928) [0x19b18cf70]
1 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 1489180) [0x1aad7391c]
1 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 2422388) [0x1aae57674]
1 ??? (Photos + 276968) [0x1aa8aa9e8]
1 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 1487340) [0x1aad731ec]
1 ??? (CoreData + 83180) [0x19b1814ec]
1 ??? (CoreData + 142408) [0x19b18fc48]
1 ??? (CoreData + 288124) [0x19b1b357c]
1 ??? (CoreData + 297528) [0x19b1b5a38]
1 ??? (CoreData + 277616) [0x19b1b0c70]
1 ??? (CoreData + 279044) [0x19b1b1204]
1 ??? (CoreData + 81256) [0x19b180d68]
1 ??? (CoreData + 81764) [0x19b180f64]
1 ??? (CoreData + 82068) [0x19b181094]
1 ??? (CoreData + 350416) [0x19b1c28d0]
1 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 78532) [0x19af5a2c4]
1 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 15828) [0x19af4add4]
1 ??? (CoreData + 258540) [0x19b1ac1ec]
1 ??? (CoreData + 258740) [0x19b1ac2b4]
1 ??? (CoreData + 259336) [0x19b1ac508]
1 ??? (CoreData + 376492) [0x19b1c8eac]
1 ??? (CoreData + 376980) [0x19b1c9094]
1 ??? (CoreData + 378128) [0x19b1c9510]
1 ??? (CoreData + 200928) [0x19b19e0e0]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 180864) [0x1bcd59280]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 314616) [0x1bcd79cf8]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 524280) [0x1bcdacff8]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 1067760) [0x1bce31af0]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 386060) [0x1bcd8b40c]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 313608) [0x1bcd79908]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 63516) [0x1db5b781c]
1 <on behalf of mediaanalysisd-service [2409] (originated by mediaanalysisd-service [2409]), Effective Thread QoS Background, Requested Thread QoS Background>
1 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 4838280) [0x1ab0a5388]
1 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 2423036) [0x1aae578fc]
1 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 1489096) [0x1aad738c8]
1 ??? (CoreData + 372028) [0x19b1c7d3c]
1 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 78532) [0x19af5a2c4]
1 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 15828) [0x19af4add4]
1 ??? (CoreData + 130928) [0x19b18cf70]
1 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 1489180) [0x1aad7391c]
1 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 2422388) [0x1aae57674]
1 ??? (Photos + 276968) [0x1aa8aa9e8]
1 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 1487340) [0x1aad731ec]
1 ??? (CoreData + 83180) [0x19b1814ec]
1 ??? (CoreData + 142408) [0x19b18fc48]
1 ??? (CoreData + 288124) [0x19b1b357c]
1 ??? (CoreData + 297560) [0x19b1b5a58]
1 ??? (CoreData + 209884) [0x19b1a03dc]
1 ??? (CoreData + 81256) [0x19b180d68]
1 ??? (CoreData + 81764) [0x19b180f64]
1 ??? (CoreData + 82068) [0x19b181094]
1 ??? (CoreData + 350416) [0x19b1c28d0]
1 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 78532) [0x19af5a2c4]
1 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 15828) [0x19af4add4]
1 ??? (CoreData + 258540) [0x19b1ac1ec]
1 ??? (CoreData + 258740) [0x19b1ac2b4]
1 ??? (CoreData + 259336) [0x19b1ac508]
1 ??? (CoreData + 187612) [0x19b19acdc]
1 ??? (CoreData + 189852) [0x19b19b59c]
1 ??? (CoreData + 197884) [0x19b19d4fc]
1 ??? (CoreData + 200220) [0x19b19de1c]
1 ??? (CoreData + 200928) [0x19b19e0e0]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 179328) [0x1bcd58c80]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 198984) [0x1bcd5d948]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 309508) [0x1bcd78904]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 295776) [0x1bcd75360]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 635240) [0x1bcdc8168]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 313608) [0x1bcd79908]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 63516) [0x1db5b781c]
1 <on behalf of SpringBoard [443] (originated by SpringBoard [443]), Effective Thread QoS User Initiated, Requested Thread QoS User Initiated, p-core>
1 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 906968) [0x1aace56d8]
1 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 908724) [0x1aace5db4]
1 ??? (ImageIO + 1693072) [0x198daf590]
1 ??? (ImageIO + 1683760) [0x198dad130]
1 ??? (ImageIO + 2304552) [0x198e44a28]
1 ??? (ImageIO + 1719060) [0x198db5b14]
1 ??? (ImageIO + 1717784) [0x198db5618]
1 ??? (ImageIO + 1290928) [0x198d4d2b0]
1 ??? (ImageIO + 1294332) [0x198d4dffc]
1 ??? (ImageIO + 1292776) [0x198d4d9e8]
1 ??? (ImageIO + 1288044) [0x198d4c76c]
1 ??? (libsystem_c.dylib + 36632) [0x19af96f18]
1 ??? (libsystem_c.dylib + 18136) [0x19af926d8]
1 ??? (libsystem_c.dylib + 50504) [0x19af9a548]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 60084) [0x1db5b6ab4]
1 <on behalf of SpringBoard [443] (originated by SpringBoard [443]), Effective Thread QoS User Initiated, Requested Thread QoS User Initiated, p-core>
5 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 53892) [0x19af54284]
5 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 48996) [0x19af52f64]
5 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 45700) [0x19af52284]
5 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 134480) [0x19af67d50]
5 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 45700) [0x19af52284]
5 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 131072) [0x19af67000]
5 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 16020) [0x19af4ae94]
5 ??? (libxpc.dylib + 76240) [0x1ef0859d0]
5 ??? (libxpc.dylib + 68996) [0x1ef083d84]
5 ??? (CoreSpotlight + 448004) [0x19d228604]
5 ??? (CoreSpotlight + 54268) [0x19d1c83fc]
5 ??? (SpotlightReceiver + 8824) [0x20d364278]
5 ??? (SpotlightReceiver + 12728) [0x20d3651b8]
5 ??? (assetsd + 55520) [0x100ca58e0]
5 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 2355624) [0x1aae471a8]
5 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 2411420) [0x1aae54b9c]
5 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 2421928) [0x1aae574a8]
5 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 4834628) [0x1ab0a4544]
5 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 4837224) [0x1ab0a4f68]
5 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 4838344) [0x1ab0a53c8]
5 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 4837384) [0x1ab0a5008]
5 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 78532) [0x19af5a2c4]
5 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 15828) [0x19af4add4]
5 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 2423036) [0x1aae578fc]
5 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 1489096) [0x1aad738c8]
5 ??? (CoreData + 372028) [0x19b1c7d3c]
3 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 78532) [0x19af5a2c4]
3 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 15828) [0x19af4add4]
3 ??? (CoreData + 130928) [0x19b18cf70]
3 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 1489180) [0x1aad7391c]
3 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 2422500) [0x1aae576e4]
3 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 1487340) [0x1aad731ec]
3 ??? (CoreData + 83180) [0x19b1814ec]
3 ??? (CoreData + 142408) [0x19b18fc48]
3 ??? (CoreData + 288124) [0x19b1b357c]
3 ??? (CoreData + 297560) [0x19b1b5a58]
3 ??? (CoreData + 209884) [0x19b1a03dc]
3 ??? (CoreData + 81256) [0x19b180d68]
3 ??? (CoreData + 81764) [0x19b180f64]
3 ??? (CoreData + 82068) [0x19b181094]
3 ??? (CoreData + 350416) [0x19b1c28d0]
3 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 78532) [0x19af5a2c4]
3 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 15828) [0x19af4add4]
3 ??? (CoreData + 258540) [0x19b1ac1ec]
3 ??? (CoreData + 258740) [0x19b1ac2b4]
3 ??? (CoreData + 259336) [0x19b1ac508]
3 ??? (CoreData + 187612) [0x19b19acdc]
3 ??? (CoreData + 192376) [0x19b19bf78]
3 ??? (CoreData + 378128) [0x19b1c9510]
3 ??? (CoreData + 200928) [0x19b19e0e0]
2 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 179328) [0x1bcd58c80]
2 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 224516) [0x1bcd63d04]
2 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 89204) [0x1bcd42c74]
2 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 248132) [0x1bcd69944]
2 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 249212) [0x1bcd69d7c]
2 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 312872) [0x1bcd79628]
2 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 637808) [0x1bcdc8b70]
2 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 105036) [0x1bcd46a4c]
1 <on behalf of searchd [435] (originated by UNKNOWN [31]), Effective Thread QoS Background>
1 <on behalf of searchd [435] (originated by MobileSMS [6653]), Effective Thread QoS Background>
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 180864) [0x1bcd59280]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 314616) [0x1bcd79cf8]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 524280) [0x1bcdacff8]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 1067760) [0x1bce31af0]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 386060) [0x1bcd8b40c]
1 ??? (libsqlite3.dylib + 313608) [0x1bcd79908]
1 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 63516) [0x1db5b781c]
1 <on behalf of searchd [435] (originated by UNKNOWN [31]), Effective Thread QoS Background>
2 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 78200) [0x19af5a178]
2 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 79608) [0x19af5a6f8]
2 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 15828) [0x19af4add4]
2 ??? (CoreData + 130928) [0x19b18cf70]
2 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 1489180) [0x1aad7391c]
2 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 2422500) [0x1aae576e4]
2 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 1487232) [0x1aad73180]
2 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 5159712) [0x1ab0f3b20]
2 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 5147304) [0x1ab0f0aa8]
2 ??? (PhotoLibraryServices + 5147492) [0x1ab0f0b64]
2 ??? (PhotoLibraryServicesCore + 293960) [0x1ab454c48]
2 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 78532) [0x19af5a2c4]
2 ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 15828) [0x19af4add4]
2 ??? (PhotoLibraryServicesCore + 294032) [0x1ab454c90]
2 ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 65716) [0x1db5b80b4]
2 <on behalf of searchd [435] (originated by UNKNOWN [31]), Effective Thread QoS Background>
Binary Images:
0x100c98000 - ??? assetsd <E49FE629-85F1-3E05-AAE3-D6FDB3CEDAAA> /System/Library/Frameworks/AssetsLibrary.framework/Support/assetsd
0x191ee5000 - 0x192a70fff Foundation <D92E19C1-6299-3E94-8614-C505D5ABCCDB> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Foundation
0x19304e000 - 0x19357bfff CoreFoundation <3A5F992A-D1CD-312E-BD2E-F7C66343A417> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/CoreFoundation
0x198c12000 - 0x199096fdf ImageIO <EF5F8DB5-4C61-32B2-A65C-43AC0469DA0C> /System/Library/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/ImageIO
0x19af47000 - 0x19af8dfff libdispatch.dylib <B7D9D0A6-2414-37F2-9D03-1A25A474E2CF> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x19af8e000 - 0x19b00bfff libsystem_c.dylib <3B5201C5-15D0-335F-A91D-0C63E1F6C6DC> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib
0x19b16d000 - 0x19b4eafff CoreData <774A031C-839C-39ED-A1C7-60D3BB55717E> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreData.framework/CoreData
0x19d1bb000 - 0x19d2a2fff CoreSpotlight <BC68100A-EABC-3367-B635-8DE7EB32A7CC> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreSpotlight.framework/CoreSpotlight
0x1aa867000 - 0x1aab4ffff Photos <72B67AD1-90CA-3201-A098-8F925C71C3B9> /System/Library/Frameworks/Photos.framework/Photos
0x1aac08000 - 0x1ab40cfff PhotoLibraryServices <B02E7CFB-9736-3508-9FA6-82AC17574233> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/PhotoLibraryServices.framework/PhotoLibraryServices
0x1ab40d000 - 0x1ab509fff PhotoLibraryServicesCore <FB2E8721-358E-3D73-9C99-5B3AA9A3DDC4> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/PhotoLibraryServicesCore.framework/PhotoLibraryServicesCore
0x1bcd2d000 - 0x1bceaeffb libsqlite3.dylib <2FE5663E-F7FA-3AE5-9E0C-BF57F2ABF2EC> /usr/lib/libsqlite3.dylib
0x1c63bd000 - 0x1c63c9fff PhotoFoundation <AAA90B6B-C54B-323E-9E2D-3C2B42944654> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/PhotoFoundation.framework/PhotoFoundation
0x1db5a8000 - 0x1db5e1fef libsystem_kernel.dylib <DB493AF3-63B1-3220-9DD8-DD4F86BDDFC8> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x1ef02a000 - 0x1ef02eff8 libsystem_blocks.dylib <DA2C6FF9-E53F-3E47-AC8A-03526A135B56> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_blocks.dylib
0x1ef02f000 - 0x1ef03bfff libsystem_pthread.dylib <A70C0DEF-058C-3CB0-9EC1-453AA7F39DF9> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
0x1ef073000 - 0x1ef0bafff libxpc.dylib <042EA33B-3C8F-3FB8-869C-369A3115977C> /usr/lib/system/libxpc.dylib
0x20d362000 - 0x20d368fff SpotlightReceiver <36E1A659-7D7D-3F23-B0DE-C7E2110E850F> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SpotlightReceiver.framework/SpotlightReceiver
No antivirus signatures available.
No IRMA results available.