Static | ZeroBOX

PE Compile Time

2023-04-05 22:00:43

PDB Path


PE Imphash



Name Virtual Address Virtual Size Size of Raw Data Entropy
.text 0x00001000 0x0006c139 0x0006c200 6.48984834167
.rdata 0x0006e000 0x0002de4c 0x0002e000 5.07357923112
.data 0x0009c000 0x00001790 0x00000a00 2.35768991176
.didat 0x0009e000 0x000000cc 0x00000200 1.79481138691
.wixburn 0x0009f000 0x00000030 0x00000200 0.581309101606
.rsrc 0x000a0000 0x00005030 0x00005200 5.45833380223
.reloc 0x000a6000 0x00005f68 0x00006000 6.79541410725


Name Offset Size Language Sub-language File type
RT_ICON 0x000a01c0 0x000008a8 LANG_ENGLISH SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US dBase IV DBT of @.DBF, block length 1024, next free block index 40, next free block 16776176, next used block 10526884
RT_MANIFEST 0x000a4acc 0x00000561 LANG_ENGLISH SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US XML 1.0 document, UTF-8 Unicode (with BOM) text, with very long lines, with no line terminators


Library KERNEL32.dll:
0x46e0ec GetStringTypeW
0x46e0f0 ReadFile
0x46e0f4 SetFilePointerEx
0x46e0f8 CreateProcessW
0x46e0fc DuplicateHandle
0x46e100 FreeLibrary
0x46e108 ConnectNamedPipe
0x46e110 CreateNamedPipeW
0x46e114 OpenProcess
0x46e118 GetProcessId
0x46e124 SetEndOfFile
0x46e128 SetFileTime
0x46e12c GetExitCodeThread
0x46e134 CompareStringA
0x46e13c ReleaseSemaphore
0x46e140 CreateMutexW
0x46e144 GetExitCodeProcess
0x46e148 CreateFileMappingW
0x46e14c MapViewOfFile
0x46e150 UnmapViewOfFile
0x46e15c TerminateProcess
0x46e168 GetCurrentThreadId
0x46e170 InitializeSListHead
0x46e174 IsDebuggerPresent
0x46e178 GetStartupInfoW
0x46e17c RtlUnwind
0x46e184 TlsAlloc
0x46e188 TlsGetValue
0x46e18c TlsSetValue
0x46e190 TlsFree
0x46e194 EncodePointer
0x46e198 RaiseException
0x46e19c GetStdHandle
0x46e1a0 ExitProcess
0x46e1a4 GetModuleHandleExW
0x46e1a8 VerifyVersionInfoW
0x46e1ac GetFileType
0x46e1b0 FindFirstFileExW
0x46e1b4 IsValidCodePage
0x46e1b8 GetACP
0x46e1bc GetOEMCP
0x46e1c0 GetCPInfo
0x46e1c4 GetCommandLineA
0x46e1c8 GetCommandLineW
0x46e1d4 SetStdHandle
0x46e1d8 GetFileSizeEx
0x46e1dc FlushFileBuffers
0x46e1e0 GetConsoleOutputCP
0x46e1e4 GetConsoleMode
0x46e1e8 DecodePointer
0x46e1ec WriteConsoleW
0x46e1f0 GetComputerNameW
0x46e1f4 GetSystemTime
0x46e1f8 VerSetConditionMask
0x46e1fc CompareStringW
0x46e200 GetNativeSystemInfo
0x46e204 CreateThread
0x46e208 GetCurrentProcess
0x46e20c CreateSemaphoreW
0x46e210 CreateEventW
0x46e214 ReleaseMutex
0x46e218 ResetEvent
0x46e21c SetEvent
0x46e230 MoveFileExW
0x46e234 SetFileAttributesW
0x46e238 RemoveDirectoryW
0x46e23c GetFileAttributesW
0x46e240 FindNextFileW
0x46e244 FindFirstFileW
0x46e248 FindClose
0x46e24c DeleteFileW
0x46e258 GetProcessHeap
0x46e25c HeapSize
0x46e260 HeapFree
0x46e264 GetDateFormatW
0x46e268 HeapReAlloc
0x46e26c HeapAlloc
0x46e270 GetModuleFileNameW
0x46e278 GetSystemDirectoryW
0x46e27c GetLocalTime
0x46e280 Sleep
0x46e284 SetLastError
0x46e288 GetTempPathW
0x46e28c GetVolumePathNameW
0x46e290 GetTempFileNameW
0x46e294 GetFullPathNameW
0x46e298 CreateDirectoryW
0x46e29c LCMapStringW
0x46e2a0 WideCharToMultiByte
0x46e2a4 MultiByteToWideChar
0x46e2a8 lstrlenW
0x46e2ac FormatMessageW
0x46e2b0 LocalFree
0x46e2b4 LoadLibraryExW
0x46e2b8 GetProcAddress
0x46e2bc GetModuleHandleW
0x46e2c4 WaitForSingleObject
0x46e2c8 HeapSetInformation
0x46e2cc GetLastError
0x46e2d0 lstrlenA
0x46e2d4 GetCurrentProcessId
0x46e2d8 GetModuleHandleA
0x46e2dc MulDiv
0x46e2e8 GlobalAlloc
0x46e2ec GlobalFree
0x46e2f0 CopyFileW
0x46e2f4 LoadResource
0x46e2f8 LockResource
0x46e2fc SizeofResource
0x46e300 FindResourceExA
0x46e304 VirtualAlloc
0x46e308 VirtualFree
0x46e318 GetSystemInfo
0x46e31c VirtualProtect
0x46e320 VirtualQuery
0x46e324 LoadLibraryExA
0x46e328 WriteFile
0x46e32c SetFilePointer
0x46e330 CreateFileA
0x46e334 CloseHandle
0x46e338 CreateFileW
Library USER32.dll:
0x46e36c ReleaseDC
0x46e370 MonitorFromPoint
0x46e374 MonitorFromWindow
0x46e378 GetDC
0x46e37c GetMonitorInfoW
0x46e380 ShowWindow
0x46e384 IsDialogMessageW
0x46e388 LoadCursorW
0x46e38c LoadBitmapW
0x46e390 SetWindowLongW
0x46e394 GetWindowLongW
0x46e398 GetCursorPos
0x46e39c MessageBoxW
0x46e3a0 SetWindowPos
0x46e3a4 CreateWindowExW
0x46e3a8 UnregisterClassW
0x46e3ac RegisterClassW
0x46e3b0 PostQuitMessage
0x46e3b4 DefWindowProcW
0x46e3b8 DispatchMessageW
0x46e3bc TranslateMessage
0x46e3c0 GetMessageW
0x46e3c4 WaitForInputIdle
0x46e3c8 IsWindow
0x46e3cc PostMessageW
Library GDI32.dll:
0x46e0bc SelectObject
0x46e0c0 StretchBlt
0x46e0c4 GetObjectW
0x46e0c8 DeleteObject
0x46e0cc DeleteDC
0x46e0d0 GetDeviceCaps
0x46e0d4 CreateCompatibleDC
0x46e0d8 CreateDCW
Library ADVAPI32.dll:
0x46e000 CryptHashData
0x46e004 CryptDestroyHash
0x46e008 CryptReleaseContext
0x46e00c OpenProcessToken
0x46e018 GetTokenInformation
0x46e020 IsWellKnownSid
0x46e028 CryptCreateHash
0x46e02c RegCreateKeyExW
0x46e030 RegDeleteKeyW
0x46e034 RegEnumKeyExW
0x46e038 RegEnumValueW
0x46e03c RegSetValueExW
0x46e040 CryptGetHashParam
0x46e044 QueryServiceStatus
0x46e048 OpenServiceW
0x46e04c OpenSCManagerW
0x46e050 ControlService
0x46e054 CloseServiceHandle
0x46e05c SetEntriesInAclW
0x46e060 DecryptFileW
0x46e064 InitializeAcl
0x46e068 CreateWellKnownSid
0x46e070 ReportEventW
0x46e074 OpenEventLogW
0x46e078 CloseEventLog
0x46e07c RegQueryInfoKeyW
0x46e080 RegDeleteValueW
0x46e084 RegQueryValueExW
0x46e088 GetUserNameW
0x46e090 RegOpenKeyExW
0x46e094 RegCloseKey
0x46e098 QueryServiceConfigW
0x46e0b0 SetEntriesInAclA
Library ole32.dll:
0x46e3d4 CoInitializeEx
0x46e3d8 CoInitialize
0x46e3e0 CoUninitialize
0x46e3e4 CLSIDFromProgID
0x46e3e8 CoTaskMemFree
0x46e3ec StringFromGUID2
0x46e3f0 CoCreateInstance
Library OLEAUT32.dll:
0x46e340 VariantInit
0x46e344 SysAllocString
0x46e348 VariantClear
0x46e34c SysFreeString
Library RPCRT4.dll:
0x46e354 UuidCreate
Library SHELL32.dll:
0x46e35c SHGetFolderPathW
0x46e360 CommandLineToArgvW
0x46e364 ShellExecuteExW

!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.
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Failed to run application.
Failed to get module handle for kernel32.
Failed to get load library with LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_SYSTEM32.
Failed to get the Windows system directory.
Failed to create the fully-qualified path to %ls.
Failed to load the library %ls.
OS doesn't support API sets.
Failed to escape command line argument.
Failed to append space to command line with existing data.
Failed to copy command line argument.
Failed to format command line argument.
Abandoned wait for single object.
Failed to wait for single object.
Abandoned wait for multiple objects, index: %u.
Failed to wait for multiple objects.
Failed to allocate argument to be quoted.
Not enough memory to allocate string of size: %u
Failed to reallocate string
failed to allocate string, len: %u
Failed to calculate length of string
failed to get size of destination string
failed to get length of source string
source string is too long
failed to allocate string from string.
failed to get required size for conversion to ANSI: %ls
failed to convert to ansi: %ls
failed to get required size for conversion to unicode: %s
failed to convert to unicode: %s
failed to allocate string from string: %ls
for some reason our buffer is still null
failed to allocate string from string: %hs
Failed to allocate formatted string
failed to get length of original string
failed to allocate string to format: %ls
failed to format string
Failed to format message for error: 0x%x
Failed to allocate string for message.
Failed to get size of string buffer.
failed to free string
Failed to allocate hex string.
Failed to encode hex string.
Failed to get length of hex string: %ls
Insufficient buffer to decode string '%ls' len: %Iu into %Iu bytes.
Failed to calculate length of source string.
Invalid source parameter, string must be even length or it cannot be decoded.
Failed to allocate memory for hex decode.
Failed to decode source string.
Failed to parse int64.
Failed to parse uint64.
Failed to get length of string.
Failed to increment the string array element count.
Failed to allocate memory for the string array.
Failed to allocate and assign the string.
Failed to free the string at index %u.
Failed to free memory for the string array.
Failed to copy the source string.
Failed to add the string to the string array.
Failed to allocate a copy of the source string.
Failed to get the length of the string.
Source string is too long: %Iu
Failed to convert the string case.
Failed to get size of string
Failed to copy directory.
Failed to expand environment variables in string: %ls
Failed to get full path for string: %ls
Failed to prefix path after expanding.
Failed to copy relative path into full path.
Failed to get current directory.
Failed to get max length of input buffer.
Failed to allocate space for full path.
Failed to reallocate space for full path.
GetFullPathNameW results never converged.
Expected fully qualified path provided to prefix: %ls.
Failed to get length of path to prefix.
Failed to get size of full path.
Failed to add prefix to UNC path.
Failed to add prefix to file path.
Failed to get length of path.
Failed to get size of path string.
Failed to concat backslash onto string.
Failed to get size of path for executing process.
Failed to allocate space for module path.
Failed to get path for executing process.
Unexpected failure getting path for executing process.
Failed to re-allocate more space for module path.
Failed to get temp path.
Failed to allocate memory for file template.
Failed to allocate temp file name.
Failed to create file: %ls
Failed to create new temp file name.
Failed to copy temp file string.
Failed to allocate buffer for GetTempFileNameW.
Failed to create temp file.
Failed to combine directory and log prefix.
Failed to get temp folder.
Failed to concatenate the temp folder and log prefix.
Failed to ensure temp file path exists: %ls
failed to allocate memory for the temp path
Failed to create temp file: %ls
Failed to copy temp path to return.
Failed to allocate space for temp path.
Failed to load kernel32.dll
Failed to reallocate space for temp path.
GetTempPathW results never converged.
Failed to allocate space for system directory.
Failed to get system directory path with default size.
Failed to realloc system directory path.
Failed to get system directory path with returned size.
Failed to terminate system directory path with backslash.
Failed to allocate space for system wow64 directory.
Failed to get system wow64 directory path with default size.
Failed to realloc system wow64 directory path.
Failed to get system wow64 directory path with returned size.
Failed to terminate system wow64 directory path with backslash.
Failed to allocate space for volume path name.
Failed to get volume path name of: %ls
Failed to re-allocate more space for volume path name.
Failed to terminate volume path name with backslash.
Failed to copy just path1 to output.
Failed to copy just path2 to output.
Failed to copy path1 to output.
Failed to backslashify.
Failed to append path2 to output.
wzPath is required.
Failed to get current memory size.
Failed to get new memory size.
Failed to reallocate memory
Integer overflow when calculating new element count.
Integer overflow when calculating new block size.
Failed to allocate larger array.
Failed to allocate new array.
Failed to allocate array larger.
Failed to resize array while inserting items
Failed to get memory size
Failed to allocate space for expanded path.
Failed to re-allocate more space for expanded path.
Failed to allocate buffer for expanded string.
cannot find parent path
failed to create path: %ls
Failed to get attributes for path: %ls
Failed to remove read-only attribute from path: %ls
Failed to get temp directory.
Failed to concat wild cards to string: %ls
failed to get first file in directory: %ls
Failed to ensure file name was null terminated.
Failed to concat filename '%ls' to directory: %ls
Failed to ensure path is backslash terminated: %ls
Failed to delete subdirectory; continuing: %ls
Failed to remove attributes from file: %ls
Failed to get temp file to move to.
Failed to delete file: %ls
Failed while looping through files in directory: %ls
Failed to remove directory: %ls
Directory delete cannot delete file: %ls
Failed to get full path for: %ls
Full path was not rooted: %ls
Failed to get parent directory for path: %ls
Failed to allocate space for current directory.
Failed to reallocate space for current directory.
GetCurrentDirectoryW results never converged.
Failed to parse command line.
Failed to initialize engine state.
Failed to initialize COM.
Failed to initialize Cryputil.
Failed to initialize Regutil.
Failed to initialize Wiutil.
Failed to initialize XML util.
Failed to get OS info.
unknown architecture
Failed to initialize core.
Failed to run untrusted mode.
Failed to run per-user mode.
Failed to run per-machine mode.
Failed to run embedded mode.
Failed to run RunOnce mode.
Invalid run mode.
Fatal error while parsing command line.
Failed to initialize engine section.
Failed to initialize internal cache functionality.
Failed to open clean room log.
Failed to get path for current process.
Failed to cache to clean room.
Failed to create clean room command-line.
Failed to allocate full command-line.
Failed to launch clean room process: %ls
Failed to wait for clean room process: %ls
Failed to open log.
Failed to check global conditions
Failed to create the message window.
Failed to query registration.
Failed to set command line action variable.
Failed to set registration variables.
Failed to set layout directory variable to value provided from command-line.
Failed to load BundleExtensions.
Failed while running
Failed to open elevated log.
Failed to connect to unelevated process.
Failed to create log event for logging thread.
Failed to create finished event for logging thread.
Failed to create elevated logging thread.
Failed to pump messages from parent process.
Failed to connect to parent of embedded process.
Failed to run bootstrapper application embedded.
Failed to open run once log.
Unable to get resume command line from the registry
Failed to get current process path.
Failed to re-launch bundle process after RunOnce: %ls
Failed to create semaphore for queue.
Failed to create queue for bootstrapper engine.
Failed to load BA.
Failed to start bootstrapper application.
Failed to wait on queue event.
Failed to dequeue action.
Failed to prepare logging pipe message.
Failed to send logging message over the pipe.
Failed to wait for log thread events, signaled: %u.
Failed to reset log event.
Failed to wait log message over pipe.
Failed to enable shutdown privilege in process token.
Failed to schedule restart.
Failed to add built-in variable: %ls.
Failed to add well-known variable: %ls.
Failed to select variable nodes.
Failed to get variable node count.
Failed to get next node.
Failed to get @Id.
Failed to get @Hidden.
Failed to get @Persisted.
Failed to get @Value.
Failed to set variant value.
Failed to get @Type.
Initializing formatted variable '%ls' to value '%ls'
Initializing numeric variable '%ls' to value '%ls'
Initializing string variable '%ls' to value '%ls'
Initializing version variable '%ls' to value '%ls'
Invalid value for @Type: %ls
Initializing hidden variable '%ls'
Failed to change variant type.
Failed to find variable value '%ls'.
Failed to insert variable '%ls'.
Attempt to add built-in variable: %ls
Attempt to add variable again: %ls
Failed to set value of variable: %ls
Failed to get value of variable: %ls
Failed to get value as numeric for variable: %ls
Failed to get value as string for variable: %ls
Failed to get value as version for variable: %ls
Failed to copy value of variable: %ls
Failed to allocate buffer for escaped string.
Failed to append characters.
Failed to format escape sequence.
Failed to append escape sequence.
Failed to copy string.
Failed to write variable count.
Failed to write included flag.
Failed to write variable name.
Failed to write variable value type.
Failed to get numeric.
Failed to write variable value as number.
Failed to get string.
Failed to write variable value as string.
Unsupported variable type.
Failed to read variable count.
Failed to read variable included flag.
Failed to read variable name.
Failed to read variable value type.
Failed to read variable value as number.
Failed to set variable value.
Failed to read variable value as string.
Failed to parse variable value as version.
Failed to set variable.
Failed to get visibility of variable: %ls
Failed to length of format string.
Failed to allocate buffer for format string.
Failed to append string.
Failed to get variable name.
Failed to reallocate variable array.
Failed to allocate variable array.
Failed to determine variable visibility: '%ls'.
Failed to format placeholder string.
Failed to append placeholder.
Failed to allocate record.
Failed to set record format string.
Failed to set record string.
Failed to get formatted length.
Failed to allocate string.
Failed to format record.
Failed to get variable: %ls
Failed to get unformatted string.
Failed to format value '%ls' of variable: %ls
Failed to find variable value.
Failed to insert variable.
Attempted to add built-in variable again: %ls
Attempted to add built-in variable as a well-known variable: %ls
Attempted to add well-known variable again: %ls
Failed to initialize built-in variable value '%ls'.
Failed to compare strings.
Attempted to insert variable with reserved prefix: %ls
Overflow while growing variable array size
Overflow while calculating size of variable array buffer
Failed to allocate room for more variables.
Overflow while dealing with variable array buffer allocation
Failed to allocate room for variables.
Failed to copy variable name.
Attempt to set built-in variable value: %ls
Setting hidden variable '%ls'
Unsetting variable '%ls'
Setting numeric variable '%ls' to value %lld
Setting %ls variable '%ls' to value '%ls'
Setting version variable '%ls' to value '%ls'
Setting variable failed: ID '%ls', HRESULT 0x%x
Failed to create VersionNT from QWORD.
Failed to create VersionNT64 from QWORD.
Failed to get native machine value.
Failed to get computer name.
Failed to find DllGetVersion entry point in msi.dll.
Failed to get msi.dll version info.
Failed to create msi.dll version from QWORD.
Failed to get shell folder.
Failed to get 64-bit system folder.
Failed to get 32-bit system folder.
Failed to set system folder variant value.
Failed to get windows directory.
Failed to get volume path name.
Failed to check if process could run privileged.
Failed to check if process token has privilege: %ls.
Failed to get 64-bit folder.
Failed to get the required buffer length for the Date.
Failed to allocate the buffer for the Date.
Failed to get the Date.
Failed to copy the engine version: %hs
Failed to copy the engine informational version: %hs
Failed to initialize version.
Failed to get the user name.
Failed to open Windows folder key.
Failed to read folder path for '%ls'.
Failed to ensure path was backslash terminated.
Failed to read next symbol.
Failed to parse expression.
Failed to expect end symbol.
Failed to evaluate condition: %ls
Failed to display error dialog
Failed to select condition node.
Failed to get Condition inner text.
Failed to copy condition string from BSTR
Failed to parse boolean-term.
Failed to parse boolean-factor.
Failed to parse term.
Failed to expect right parenthesis.
Failed to parse operand.
Failed to compare operands.
Failed to find variable.
Failed to get if variable is hidden.
Failed to format variable '%ls' for condition '%ls'
Failed to store formatted value for variable '%ls' for condition '%ls'
Failed to parse condition '%ls' at position: %u
Symbol was too long: %ls
Failed to parse condition "%ls". Unexpected '~' operator at position %d.
Failed to parse condition "%ls". Unterminated literal at position %d.
Failed to set symbol value.
Failed to parse condition "%ls". Identifier cannot start at a digit, at position %d.
Failed to parse condition "%ls". Constant too big, at position %d.
Failed to parse condition "%ls". Invalid version format, at position %d.
Failed to parse condition "%ls". Unexpected character at position %d.
Failed to get the left string
Failed to get the right string
Failed to get the left numeric
Failed to get the right numeric
Failed to get the left version
Failed to get the right version
Failed to get length of left string: %ls
Failed to get length of right string: %ls
Failed to compare condition versions: '%ls', '%ls'
Failed to open handle to engine process path.
Failed to seek to start of file.
Failed to read DOS header.
Failed to find valid DOS image header in buffer.
Failed to seek to NT header.
Failed to read NT header.
Failed to find valid NT image header in buffer.
Failed to seek to section info.
Failed to read signature offset.
Failed to read signature size.
Failed to seek past optional headers.
Failed to read image section header, index: %u
Failed to read complete image section header, index: %u
Failed to find Burn section.
Failed to read section info, data too short: %u
Failed to allocate buffer for section info.
Failed to read section info.
Failed to read complete section info.
Failed to read section info, unsupported version: %08x
Invalid section info, cContainers too large: %u
Failed to get total size of bundle.
Failed to allocate memory for container sizes.
PE Header from file didn't match PE Header in memory.
Failed to find container info, too few elements: %u
Unexpected container format.
Failed to get module handle to process.
Failed to read section info, data to short: %u
Bundle guid didn't match the guid in the PE Header in memory.
Failed to select approved exe nodes.
Failed to get approved exe node count.
Failed to allocate memory for approved exe structs.
Failed to get @Key.
Failed to get @ValueName.
Failed to get @Win64.
Failed to format argument string.
Failed to create executable command.
Failed to format obfuscated argument string.
Failed to create obfuscated executable command.
Failed to CreateProcess on path: %ls
Failed to get the variable: %ls
Failed to get the root package cache folder.
Failed to select container nodes.
Failed to get container node count.
Failed to allocate memory for container structs.
Failed to get @Attached.
Failed to get @AttachedIndex.
Failed to get path to current process for attached container.
Failed to set attached container file path.
Failed to get @FilePath.
Failed to copy @FilePath
Failed to get @DownloadUrl.
Failed to get @Hash.
Failed to hex decode the Container/@Hash.
Failed to get @FileSize.
Failed to parse @FileSize.
File size is required when verifying by hash for container: %ls
Failed to get attached container information.
Failed to get container information for UX container.
Failed to get path for executing module.
Failed to open attached container.
Failed to open file: %ls
Failed to duplicate handle to container: %ls
Failed to move file pointer to container offset.
Failed to open container.
Failed to close cabinet.
Failed to select payload nodes.
Failed to get payload node count.
Failed to allocate memory for payload structs.
Failed to create dictionary for payloads.
Failed to get @SourcePath.
Failed to get @Packaging.
Invalid value for @Packaging: %ls
Failed to get @Container.
Failed to find container: %ls
@Container is required for embedded payload.
Failed to get @LayoutOnly.
Failed to get @CertificateRootPublicKeyIdentifier.
Failed to hex decode @CertificateRootPublicKeyIdentifier.
Failed to get @CertificateRootThumbprint.
Failed to hex decode @CertificateRootThumbprint.
Failed to hex decode the Payload/@Hash.
There was no verification information for payload: %ls
File size is required when verifying by hash for payload: %ls
Failed to allocate memory for layout payloads.
Failed to add payload to payloads dictionary.
Failed to create dictionary for container payloads.
Failed to add payload to container dictionary.
Failed to get next stream.
Failed to find embedded payload: %ls
Failed to concat file paths.
Failed to get directory portion of local file path
Failed to ensure directory exists
Failed to extract file.
Payload was not found in container: %ls
Failed to select BundleExtension nodes.
Failed to get BundleExtension node count.
Failed to allocate memory for BundleExtension structs.
Failed to get @EntryPayloadSourcePath.
Failed to find BundleExtension EntryPayload '%ls'.
Failed to get BundleExtensionDataPath.
Failed to load BundleExtension DLL '%ls': '%ls'.
Failed to get BundleExtensionCreate entry-point '%ls'.
Failed to create BundleExtension '%ls'.
BundleExtension '%ls' Search '%ls' failed.
Failed to select search nodes.
Failed to get search node count.
Failed to allocate memory for search structs.
Failed to get @Variable.
Failed to get @Condition.
Failed to get @Path.
Failed to get DisableFileRedirection attribute.
Failed to get @Root.
Invalid value for @Root: %ls
Failed to get Key attribute.
Failed to get Value attribute.
Failed to get Win64 attribute.
Failed to get @ExpandEnvironment.
Failed to get @VariableType.
Invalid value for @VariableType: %ls
Failed to get @ProductCode.
Failed to get @ComponentId.
Failed to get @UpgradeCode.
Failed to get @ProductCode or @UpgradeCode.
Failed to get @ExtensionId.
Failed to find extension '%ls' for search '%ls'
Unexpected element name: %ls
Failed to evaluate search condition. Id = '%ls', Condition = '%ls'
Failed to disable file system redirection.
Failed to revert file system redirection.
Failed to initialize file search.
Failed to format variable string.
Directory search: %ls, did not find path: %ls
Directory search: %ls, failed get to directory attributes. '%ls'
Directory search: %ls, found file at path: %ls
Failed to set directory search path variable.
Directory search: %ls, did not find path: %ls, reason: 0x%x
Failed while searching directory search: %ls, for path: %ls
File search: %ls, did not find path: %ls
File search: %ls, failed get to file attributes. '%ls'
File search: %ls, found directory at path: %ls
Failed to format path string.
Failed to get file version.
Failed to create version from file version.
Failed to set variable to file search path.
Failed while searching file search: %ls, for path: %ls
Failed to format key string.
Failed to open registry key. Key = '%ls'
Registry key not found. Key = '%ls'
Failed to format value string.
Registry value not found. Key = '%ls', Value = '%ls'
Failed to query registry key value.
RegistrySearchExists failed: ID '%ls', HRESULT 0x%x
Failed to open registry key.
Unsupported registry key value type. Type = '%u'
Failed to read registry value.
Failed to change value type.
RegistrySearchValue failed: ID '%ls', HRESULT 0x%x
Failed to format component id string.
Failed to format product code string.
Failed to get component path: %d
MsiComponentSearch failed: ID '%ls', HRESULT 0x%x
Unsupported product search type: %u
Failed to format GUID string.
Failed to enumerate related products for upgrade code.
Failed to copy upgrade code.
Trying per-machine extended info for property '%ls' for product: %ls
Trying per-user extended info for property '%ls' for product: %ls
Product or related product not found: %ls
Failed to get product info.
MsiProductSearch failed: ID '%ls', HRESULT 0x%x
Failed to format search value.
Failed to set variable: %ls
Failed to select user experience node.
Failed to parse user experience payloads.
Too few UX payloads.
Failed to load BA DLL: %ls
Failed to get BootstrapperApplicationCreate entry-point
Failed to create BA.
Failed to create working folder.
Failed to calculate the bootstrapper application working path.
Failed create bootstrapper application working folder.
Engine is active, cannot proceed.
BA OnApplyBegin failed.
BA OnApplyComplete failed.
BA OnApplyDowngrade failed.
BA OnBeginMsiTransactionBegin failed.
BA OnBeginMsiTransactionComplete failed.
BA OnCacheAcquireBegin failed.
BA OnCacheAcquireComplete failed.
BA OnCacheAcquireProgress failed.
BA OnCacheAcquireResolving failed.
BA OnCacheBegin failed.
BA OnCacheComplete failed.
BA OnCacheContainerOrPayloadVerifyBegin failed.
BA OnCacheContainerOrPayloadVerifyComplete failed.
BA OnCacheContainerOrPayloadVerifyProgress failed.
BA OnCachePackageBegin failed.
BA OnCachePackageComplete failed.
BA OnCachePackageNonVitalValidationFailure failed.
BA OnCachePayloadExtractBegin failed.
BA OnCachePayloadExtractComplete failed.
BA OnCachePayloadExtractProgress failed.
BA OnCacheVerifyBegin failed.
BA OnCacheVerifyComplete failed.
BA OnCacheVerifyProgress failed.
BA OnCommitMsiTransactionBegin failed.
BA OnCommitMsiTransactionComplete failed.
BA OnDetectBegin failed.
BA OnDetectCompatibleMsiPackage failed.
BA OnDetectComplete failed.
BA OnDetectForwardCompatibleBundle failed.
BA OnDetectMsiFeature failed.
BA OnDetectPackageBegin failed.
BA OnDetectPackageComplete failed.
BA OnDetectRelatedBundle failed.
BA OnDetectRelatedBundlePackage failed.
BA OnDetectRelatedMsiPackage failed.
BA OnDetectPatchTarget failed.
BA OnDetectUpdate failed.
BA OnDetectUpdateBegin failed.
BA OnDetectUpdateComplete failed.
BA OnElevateBegin failed.
BA OnElevateComplete failed.
BA OnError failed.
BA OnExecuteBegin failed.
BA OnExecuteComplete failed.
BA OnExecuteFilesInUse failed.
BA OnExecuteMsiMessage failed.
BA OnExecutePackageBegin failed.
BA OnExecutePackageComplete failed.
BA OnExecutePatchTarget failed.
BA OnExecuteProcessCancel failed.
BA OnExecuteProgress failed.
BA OnLaunchApprovedExeBegin failed.
BA OnLaunchApprovedExeComplete failed.
BA OnPauseAUBegin failed.
BA OnPauseAUComplete failed.
BA OnPlanBegin failed.
BA OnPlanCompatibleMsiPackageBegin failed.
BA OnPlanCompatibleMsiPackageComplete failed.
BA OnPlanMsiFeature failed.
BA OnPlanComplete failed.
BA OnPlanForwardCompatibleBundle failed.
BA OnPlanMsiPackage failed.
BA OnPlannedCompatiblePackage failed.
BA OnPlannedPackage failed.
BA OnPlanPackageBegin failed.
BA OnPlanPackageComplete failed.
BA OnPlanRelatedBundle failed.
BA OnPlanRelatedBundleType failed.
BA OnPlanRestoreRelatedBundle failed.
BA OnPlanRollbackBoundary failed.
BA OnPlanPatchTarget failed.
BA OnRegisterBegin failed.
BA OnRegisterComplete failed.
BA OnRollbackMsiTransactionBegin failed.
BA OnRollbackMsiTransactionComplete failed.
BA OnSetUpdateBegin failed.
BA OnSetUpdateComplete failed.
BA OnShutdown failed.
BA OnStartup failed.
BA OnSystemRestorePointBegin failed.
BA OnSystemRestorePointComplete failed.
BA OnUnregisterBegin failed.
BA OnUnregisterComplete failed.
BA %ls failed.
Failed to select rollback boundary nodes.
Failed to get rollback bundary node count.
Failed to allocate memory for rollback boundary structs.
Failed to get @Vital.
Failed to get @Transaction.
Failed to get @LogPathVariable.
Failed to select package nodes.
Failed to get package node count.
Failed to allocate memory for package structs.
Failed to get @Cache.
Invalid cache type: %ls
Failed to get @CacheId.
Failed to get @Size.
Failed to get @InstallSize.
Failed to get @PerMachine.
Failed to get @Permanent.
Failed to get @RollbackLogPathVariable.
Failed to format log path variable for compatible package.
Failed to get @InstallCondition.
Failed to get @RepairCondition.
Failed to get @RollbackBoundaryForward.
Failed to find forward transaction boundary: %ls
Failed to get @RollbackBoundaryBackward.
Failed to find backward transaction boundary: %ls
Failed to parse BUNDLE package.
Failed to parse EXE package.
Failed to parse MSI package.
Failed to parse MSP package.
Failed to parse MSU package.
Invalid package type: %ls
Non-permanent packages must be uninstallable.
Failed to parse payload references.
Failed to parse dependency providers.
Failed to allocate memory for MSP patch sequence information.
Failed to allocate memory for patch sequence information to package lookup.
Failed to parse target product codes.
Failed to copy the property value.
Failed to allocate memory for package payloads.
Failed to get Id attribute.
Failed to find payload.
Failed to select PatchTargetCode nodes.
Failed to get PatchTargetCode node count.
Failed to allocate memory for patch targetcodes.
Failed to get @TargetCode attribute.
Failed to get @Product.
Failed to select Bundle/Update node.
Failed to get Update@Location.
Failed to select registration node.
Failed to get @Tag.
Failed to parse related bundles
Failed to get @Version.
Failed to parse @Version: %ls
Failed to get @ProviderKey.
Failed to get @ExecutableName.
Failed to select ARP node.
Failed to get @DisplayName.
Failed to get @InProgressDisplayName.
Failed to get @DisplayVersion.
Failed to get @Publisher.
Failed to get @HelpLink.
Failed to get @HelpTelephone.
Failed to get @AboutUrl.
Failed to get @UpdateUrl.
Failed to get @ParentDisplayName.
Failed to get @Comments.
Failed to get @Contact.
Failed to get @DisableModify.
Invalid modify disabled type: %ls
Failed to get @DisableRemove.
Failed to parse software tag.
Failed to select Update node.
Failed to get @Manufacturer.
Failed to get @Department.
Failed to get @ProductFamily.
Failed to get @Name.
Failed to get @Classification.
Failed to set registration paths.
Failed to initialize bundle name.
Failed to initialize bundle manufacturer.
Failed to overwrite the bundle provider key built-in variable.
Failed to overwrite the bundle tag built-in variable.
Failed to overwrite the bundle version built-in variable.
Failed to detect bundle install state.
Failed to set the bundle installed built-in variable.
Failed to overwrite the bundle reboot-pending built-in variable.
Failed to open registration key.
Failed to read Resume value.
Failed to initialize per-machine related bundles.
Failed to initialize per-user related bundles.
Failed to initialize plan related bundles array.
Failed to cache bundle from path: %ls
Failed to create registration key.
Failed to write %ls value.
Failed to update name and publisher.
Failed to delete %ls value.
Failed to write software tags.
Failed to write update registration.
Failed to update estimated size.
Failed to register the bundle dependency key.
Failed to update resume mode.
Failed to delete registration key: %ls
Failed to write state to file: %ls
Failed to read variables.
Failed to build variable registry key path.
Failed to create registration variable key.
Failed to query registration variable count.
Failed to enumerate value %u
Failed to delete registration variable value.
Failed to get variable value.
Failed to select software tag nodes.
Failed to get software tag count.
Failed to allocate memory for software tag structs.
Failed to get @Filename.
Failed to get @Regid.
Failed to get SoftwareTag text.
Failed to convert SoftwareTag text to UTF-8
Failed to build uninstall registry key path.
Failed to build cache directory.
Failed to build cached executable path.
Failed to build state file path.
Failed to get bundle manufacturer.
Failed to ensure in-progress bundle name.
Failed to ensure bundle name.
Failed to set registration variable.
Failed to get registration variable.
Failed to write Resume value.
Failed to write Installed value.
Failed to format resume command line for RunOnce.
Failed to create run key.
Failed to write run key value.
Failed to write resume command line value.
Failed to open run key.
Failed to delete run key value.
Failed to delete resume command line value.
Failed to format the key path for update registration.
Failed to format tag folder path.
Failed to allocate regid folder path.
Failed to allocate regid file path.
Failed to create regid folder: %ls
Failed to write tag xml to file: %ls
Failed to get the formatted key path for update registration.
Failed to create the key for update registration.
Failed to format key for update registration.
Failed to remove update registration key: %ls
Failed to get the %ls variable.
Failed to get bundle in-progress name.
Failed to get bundle name.
Failed to get Log element.
Failed to get Log/@PathVariable.
Failed to get Log/@Prefix attribute.
Failed to get Log/@Extension attribute.
Failed to initialize logging.
Failed to copy default log prefix.
Failed to copy default log extension.
Failed to open log: %ls
Failed to get parent directory from '%ls'.
Failed to get non-session specific TEMP folder.
Failed to copy log path to prefix.
Failed to copy log extension to extension.
Failed to copy full log path to prefix.
Failed to open Application event log
Failed to allocate path for package log.
Failed to set log path into variable.
Failed to copy package log path.
Failed to allocate path for transaction log.
Skipped (target uninstall)
Skipped (slipstream)
Reboot Pending
CacheBundle, WriteProviderKey
CacheBundle, ArpSystemComponent
WriteProviderKey, ArpSystemComponent
CacheBundle, WriteProviderKey, ArpSystemComponent
Failed to copy log file path from command line.
Failed to format session id as a string.
Failed to get length of session id string.
Failed to copy temp folder.
Failed to write send message to pipe.
Failed to pump messages during send message to pipe.
Failed to read log message.
Failed to write log message:'%hs'.
No status returned to PipePumpMessages()
Failed to read returned result to PipePumpMessages()
Failed to read returned restart to PipePumpMessages()
Failed to process message: %u
Failed to post result to child process.
Failed to get message over pipe
Failed to create pipe guid.
Failed to allocate pipe name.
Failed to create pipe secret.
Failed to allocate pipe secret.
Failed to create the security descriptor for the connection event and pipe.
Failed to allocate full name of pipe: %ls
Failed to create pipe: %ls
Failed to allocate full name of cache pipe: %ls
Failed to create cache pipe: %ls
Failed to allocate full name of logging pipe: %ls
Failed to create logging pipe: %ls
Failed to set pipe to non-blocking.
Failed to wait for child to connect to pipe.
Failed to reset pipe to blocking.
Failed to write secret length to pipe.
Failed to write secret to pipe.
Failed to write our process id to pipe.
Failed to read ACK from pipe.
Failed to write exit code to message buffer.
Failed to post complete message to logging pipe.
Failed to write restart to message buffer.
Failed to post terminate message to child process cache thread.
Failed to post terminate message to child process.
Failed to wait for child process exit.
Failed to allocate name of parent pipe.
Failed to open parent pipe: %ls
Failed to verify parent pipe: %ls
Failed to allocate name of parent cache pipe.
Failed to open parent cache pipe: %ls
Failed to verify parent cache pipe: %ls
Failed to allocate name of parent logging pipe.
Failed to open parent logging pipe: %ls
Failed to verify parent logging pipe: %ls
Failed to open companion process with PID: %u
Failed to calculate total pipe message size
Failed to allocate memory for message.
Failed to allocate message to write.
Failed to write message type to pipe.
Failed to read message from pipe.
Failed to allocate data for message.
Failed to read data for message.
Failed to read size of verification secret from parent pipe.
Verification secret from parent is too big.
Failed to allocate buffer for verification secret.
Verification secret from parent does not match.
Failed to read verification process id from parent pipe.
Verification process id from parent does not match.
Failed to inform parent process that child is running.
Failed to find local %hs appdata directory.
Failed to construct %hs package cache directory name.
Failed to backslash terminate default %hs package cache directory name.
Failed to read PackageCache policy directory.
Failed to backslash terminate redirected per-machine package cache directory name.
Failed to copy default package cache directory to current package cache directory.
Failed to compare default and current package cache directories.
Failed to get completed path for bundle.
Failed to combine working path with engine file name.
Failed to compare current path for bundle: %ls
Failed to initialize cache source folder.
Failed to set original source variable.
Failed to copy current path to original source.
Failed to get directory from original source path.
Failed to set original source directory variable.
Failed create acquisition folder.
No usable base working folder found.
Failed to copy working folder.
Failed to calculate the bundle working path.
Failed to append bundle id for bundle layout working path.
Failed to append Id as payload unverified path.
Failed to append hash as container unverified path.
Failed to secure per-machine cache root.
Failed to get per-machine cache root.
Failed to get default per-machine cache root.
Failed to get %hs package cache root directory.
Failed to construct cache path.
Failed to ensure cache path was backslash terminated.
Failed to get old %hs package cache root directory.
Failed to create resume path.
Failed to ensure size for search paths array.
Failed to copy absolute source path.
Failed to combine source process folder with source.
Failed to combine last source with source.
Failed to combine layout source with source.
Failed to combine source process folder with relative.
Failed to combine last source with relative.
Failed to combine layout source with relative.
Failed to determine length of source path.
Failed to determine length of relative path.
Failed to trim source folder.
Failed to set last source.
UX aborted on download progress.
Invalid return code from progress routine.
Failed to get current path for process to cache to clean room.
Failed to cache bundle to clean room.
Failed to use current process path as target path.
Failed to copy engine to working folder.
Failed to combine completed path with engine file name for layout.
Layout bundle from: '%ls' to: '%ls'
Failed to layout bundle from: '%ls' to '%ls'
Failed to create completed cache path for bundle.
Failed to combine completed path with engine file name.
Failed to compare completed cache path for bundle: %ls
Caching bundle from: '%ls' to: '%ls'
Failed to cache bundle from: '%ls' to '%ls'
Failed to reset permissions on cached bundle: '%ls'
Failed to concat complete cached path.
Failed to layout container from cached path: %ls
Failed to layout payload from cached payload: %ls
Failed to get cached path for package with cache id: %ls
Failed to create unverified path.
Failed to transfer working path to unverified path for payload: %ls.
Aborted transferring working path to unverified path for payload: %ls.
Failed to find payload: %ls in working path: %ls and unverified path: %ls
Failed to reset permissions on unverified cached payload: %ls
Failed to verify payload: %ls at path: %ls
Failed to move verified file to complete payload path: %ls
Failed to remove bundle id: %ls.
Failed to remove package id: %ls.
Aborted cache verify payload signature begin.
Failed authenticode verification of payload: %ls
Failed to get provider state from authenticode certificate.
Failed to get signer chain from authenticode certificate.
Failed to verify expected payload against actual certificate chain.
Failed to initialize array.
Failed to expand engine working directory from command-line: '%ls'
Failed to read EngineWorkingDirectory policy directory.
Failed to expand EngineWorkingDirectory policy directory.
Failed to get system temp folder paths for base working folder.
Failed to copy acquisition folder path for base working folder.
Failed to get temp folder path for acquisition folder base.
Failed to backslashify base engine working directory.
Failed to get potential base engine working directories.
Failed to create working folder guid.
Failed to append random guid on to temp path for acquisition folder.
Failed to copy %hs package cache root directory.
Failed to get cache directory.
Failed to create cache directory: %ls
Failed to secure cache directory: %ls
Failed to get original cache directory.
Failed to create original cache directory: %ls
Failed to secure original cache directory: %ls
Failed to construct cache file.
Failed to create unverified cache directory: %ls
Failed to concat payload id to unverified folder path.
Failed to open container in working path: %ls
Failed to verify container hash: %ls
Container has no verification information: %ls
%ls container from working path '%ls' to path '%ls'
Failed to open payload in working path: %ls
Failed to verify payload signature: %ls
Failed to verify payload hash: %ls
Payload has no verification information: %ls
%ls payload from working path '%ls' to path '%ls'
Aborted cache file transfer begin.
Failed to move %ls to %ls
Failed to copy %ls to %ls
Failed to open container at path: %ls
Failed to verify hash of container: %ls
Failed to open payload at path: %ls
Failed to verify signature of payload: %ls
Failed to verify hash of payload: %ls
Failed to verify file size for path: %ls
Failed to allocate memory for well known SID.
Failed to create well known SID.
Failed to allocate administrator SID.
Failed to initialize ACL.
Failed to allocate SID to grate access.
Failed to allocate access for Administrators group to path: %ls
Failed to allocate access for SYSTEM group to path: %ls
Failed to allocate access for Everyone group to path: %ls
Failed to allocate access for Users group to path: %ls
Failed to create ACL to secure cache path: %ls
Failed to secure cache path: %ls
Failed to create working path to copy engine.
Failed to calculate the bundle working folder target name.
Failed create bundle working folder.
Failed to copy engine: '%ls' to working path: %ls
Failed to copy target path for engine working path.
Failed to create engine file at path: %ls
Failed to seek to beginning of engine file: %ls
Failed to copy engine from: %ls to: %ls
Failed to seek to checksum in exe header.
Failed to update signature offset.
Failed to seek to signature table in exe header.
Failed to seek to original data in exe burn section header.
Failed to zero out original data offset.
Failed to calculate cache path.
Failed to get file size for path: %ls
Aborted cache verify hash begin.
Failed to calculate hash for path: %ls
Hash mismatch for path: %ls, expected: %ls, actual: %ls
Hash mismatch for path: %ls
Failed to get certificate public key identifier.
Failed to read certificate thumbprint.
Failed to find expected public key in certificate chain.
Failed to select dependency provider nodes.
Failed to get the dependency provider node count.
Failed to allocate memory for dependency providers.
Failed to get the next dependency provider node.
Failed to get the Key attribute.
Failed to get the Version attribute.
Failed to get the DisplayName attribute.
Failed to get the Imported attribute.
Failed to add the bundle provider key to the list of dependencies to ignore.
Failed to split the list of dependencies to ignore.
Failed to get provider key bundle id.
Failed to initialize provider key bundle id.
Failed to detect provider key bundle id.
Failed dependents check on bundle.
Failed to detect dependents for package '%ls'
Failed to detect compatible package for package '%ls'
Failed to detect dependents for related bundle '%ls'
Failed to add the detected provider to the list of dependencies to ignore.
Failed to join the list of dependencies to ignore.
Failed to check the dictionary of unique dependencies.
Failed to add "%ls" to the string dictionary.
Failed to build the list of ignored dependents.
Failed to check if "ALL" was set in IGNOREDEPENDENCIES.
Failed to check the dictionary of ignored dependents.
Failed to add the package provider key "%ls" to the planned list.
Failed to plan the dependency actions for package: %ls
Failed to append provider rollback action.
Failed to plan provider checkpoint action.
Failed to insert provider execute action.
Failed to append provider execute action.
Failed to register the bundle dependency provider.
Failed to register dependent: %ls
Failed to unregister dependent: %ls
Unrecognized registration action type: %d
Failed to get provider information for compatible package: %ls
Failed to copy provider key for compatible entry.
Failed dependents check on package provider: %ls
Failed to create the string dictionary.
Failed to add "%ls" to the list of dependencies to ignore.
Failed to append the string delimiter.
Failed to append the key "%ls".
Failed to add the bundle provider key "%ls" to the list of ignored dependencies.
Failed to add the package provider key "%ls" to the list of ignored dependencies.
Failed to get the package property: %ls
Failed to add the authored ignored dependencies to the cumulative list of ignored dependencies.
Failed to append rollback action.
Failed to copy the bundle dependency provider.
Failed to plan dependency checkpoint action.
Failed to insert execute action.
Failed to append execute action.
Failed to register the package dependency provider: %ls
Failed to register the dependency on package dependency provider: %ls
Failed to initialize variables.
Failed to open attached UX container.
Failed to open manifest stream.
Failed to get manifest stream from container.
Failed to load manifest.
Failed to initialize containers.
Fatal error while sanitizing command line.
Failed to initialize contants.
Failed to overwrite the %ls built-in variable.
Failed to overwrite the bundle active parent built-in variable.
Failed to set source process path variable.
Failed to get source process folder from path.
Failed to set source process folder variable.
Failed to initialize internal cache source functionality.
Failed to get unique temporary folder for bootstrapper application.
Failed to extract bootstrapper application payloads.
Failed to get BootstrapperApplicationDataPath.
Failed to copy sczBootstrapperWorkingFolder.
Failed to initialize dependency data.
Failed to copy ancestors and self to bundle package ancestors.
Failed to copy self to bundle package ancestors.
Failed to serialize variables.
Failed to detect resume type.
Failed to reset the dynamic registration variables during detect.
UX aborted detect begin.
Failed to execute searches.
Failed to detect the dependencies.
Failed to detect related bundles.
Failed to detect forward compatible bundle.
Failed to report detected related bundles.
Failed to detect update.
Failed to initialize MSP engine detection.
Failed to initialize MSI engine detection.
BA aborted plan begin.
Plan cannot be done without a successful Detect.
Plan requires a new successful Detect after calling Apply.
Failed to update action.
Failed to set resume command
Failed to initialize the dependencies for the plan.
Failed to initialize registration for the plan.
Failed to plan the layout of the bundle.
Failed to plan packages.
Failed to plan update.
Failed to plan forward compatible bundles.
Failed to plan passthrough.
Failed to initialize related bundles for plan.
Failed to plan registration.
Failed to plan related bundles.
Failed to schedule related bundles.
Failed to cache engine to working directory.
Failed to actually elevate.
Failed to create unelevated logging thread.
Apply cannot be done without a successful Plan.
Plans cannot be applied multiple times.
BA aborted apply begin.
Another per-user setup is already executing.
Failed to set initial apply variables.
Failed to elevate.
Failed to initialize apply in elevated process.
Failed to register bundle.
Failed to create cache thread.
Failed to wait for cache thread before execute.
Failed while caching, aborting execution.
Failed to wait for cache thread after execute.
BA aborted LaunchApprovedExe begin.
Failed to serialize engine state.
Failed to save engine state in per-machine process.
Failed to save engine state.
Failed to append display state to command-line
Failed to append action state to command-line
Failed to format active parent command-line for command-line.
Failed to format parent:none command-line for command-line.
Failed to append active parent command-line to command-line.
Failed to append ancestors to command-line.
Failed to append the custom working directory to command-line.
Failed to append relation type to command-line.
Failed to append system component to command-line.
Failed to append passthrough to command-line.
Failed to append command-line to command-line.
Failed to allocate parameters for unelevated process.
Failed to append %ls
Failed to append logging switch.
Failed to append custom log path.
Failed to append layout.
Failed to append /noaupause.
Failed to append /keepaupaused.
Failed to append /disablesystemrestore.
Failed to append /originalsource.
Failed to append original source.
Failed to allocate embedded command.
Failed to append ignored dependencies to command-line.
Failed to recreate clean room command-line.
Failed to recreate passthrough bundle command-line.
Failed to alloc resume command-line.
Failed to set log mode in resume command-line.
Failed to set log path in resume command-line.
Failed to recreate resume command-line.
Failed to recreate update bundle command-line.
Failed to duplicate file handle for attached container.
Failed to append the file handle to the command line.
Failed to append the file handle to the obfuscated command line.
Failed to append the splash screen window to the command line.
Failed to append the custom working directory to the command line.
Failed to get value of WixBundleElevated variable during cleanup
Detect during cleanup failed
Plan during cleanup failed
Apply during cleanup failed
Must specify a path for log.
Failed to copy log file path.
Failed to copy path for layout directory.
Must specify a path for original source.
Failed to copy last used source.
Must specify a value for parent.
Failed to copy parent.
Failed to initialize parent to none.
Must specify a path for append log.
Failed to copy append log file path.
Missing required parameter for switch: %ls
Must specify the elevated name, token and parent process id.
Multiple mode command-line switches were provided.
Failed to ensure size for secret args.
Failed to parse elevated connection.
Clean room command-line switch must be first argument on command-line.
Invalid switch: %ls
Failed to copy source process path.
Must specify the embedded name, token and parent process id.
Failed to parse embedded connection.
Failed to allocate the list of dependencies to ignore.
Failed to allocate the list of ancestors.
Failed to store the custom working directory.
Failed to parse file handle: '%ls'
Failed to parse splash screen window: '%ls'
Failed to ensure size for unknown args.
CreateProcessW failed with return code: %d
Failed to set log finished event.
Failed to wait for elevated logging thread.
Failed to wait for unelevated logging thread.
Failed to append escaped command line argument.
Failed to append space to obfuscated command line with existing data.
Failed to append escaped argument to obfuscated command line.
Failed to escape the argument for the command line.
Failed to append layout switch.
Failed to append layout directory.
Failed to copy sanitized unknown argument.
Failed to copy sanitized secret argument.
Failed to copy connection name from command line.
Failed to copy connection secret from command line.
Failed to copy parent process id from command line.
BA aborted detect package begin.
Failed to detect if payloads are all cached for package: %ls
Package type not supported by detect yet.
Failed to get completed cache path.
Failed to concat payload cache path.
Failed to initialize COM on cache thread.
Failed to pump logging messages for elevated process.
BA aborted elevation requirement.
Failed to create pipe name and client token.
Failed to create pipe and cache pipe.
Failed to connect to elevated child process.
Failed to write action to message buffer.
Failed to write update action to message buffer.
Failed to write system restore point action to message buffer.
Failed to write variables.
Failed to send message to per-machine process.
Failed to write engine working path to message buffer.
Failed to write resume command line to message buffer.
Failed to write resume flag.
Failed to write registration operations to message buffer.
Failed to write dependency registration action to message buffer.
Failed to write estimated size to message buffer.
Failed to write registration type to message buffer.
Failed to write resume mode to message buffer.
Failed to write restart enum to message buffer.
Failed to write package id to message buffer.
Failed to send BURN_ELEVATION_MESSAGE_TYPE_CACHE_PREPARE_PACKAGE message to per-machine process.
Failed to write payload id to message buffer.
Failed to write unverified path to message buffer.
Failed to write move flag to message buffer.
Failed to send BURN_ELEVATION_MESSAGE_TYPE_CACHE_COMPLETE_PAYLOAD message to per-machine process.
Failed to send BURN_ELEVATION_MESSAGE_TYPE_CACHE_VERIFY_PAYLOAD message to per-machine process.
Failed to send BURN_ELEVATION_MESSAGE_TYPE_CACHE_CLEANUP message to per-machine process.
Failed to write action type to message buffer.
Failed to write bundle id to message buffer.
Failed to write dependent provider key to message buffer.
Failed to write planRelationType to message buffer.
Failed to write rollback.
Failed to write the list of dependencies to ignore to the message buffer.
Failed to write the list of ancestors to the message buffer.
Failed to write the custom working directory to the message buffer.
Failed to send BURN_ELEVATION_MESSAGE_TYPE_EXECUTE_RELATED_BUNDLE message to per-machine process.
Failed to write fCacheAvailable.
Failed to write the parent to the message buffer.
Failed to send BURN_ELEVATION_MESSAGE_TYPE_EXECUTE_BUNDLE_PACKAGE message to per-machine process.
Failed to send BURN_ELEVATION_MESSAGE_TYPE_EXECUTE_EXE_PACKAGE message to per-machine process.
Failed to write transaction name to message buffer.
Failed to write transaction log path to message buffer.
Failed to send BURN_ELEVATION_MESSAGE_TYPE_BEGIN_MSI_TRANSACTION message to per-machine process.
Failed to send BURN_ELEVATION_MESSAGE_TYPE_COMMIT_MSI_TRANSACTION message to per-machine process.
Failed to send BURN_ELEVATION_MESSAGE_TYPE_ROLLBACK_MSI_TRANSACTION message to per-machine process.
Failed to write rollback flag to message buffer.
Failed to write parent hwnd to message buffer.
Failed to write package log to message buffer.
Failed to write actionMsiProperty to message buffer.
Failed to write UI level to message buffer.
Failed to write fDisableExternalUiHandler to message buffer.
Failed to write fileVersioning to message buffer.
Failed to write feature action to message buffer.
Failed to write slipstream patch action to message buffer.
Failed to send BURN_ELEVATION_MESSAGE_TYPE_EXECUTE_MSI_PACKAGE message to per-machine process.
Failed to write target product code to message buffer.
Failed to write count of ordered patches to message buffer.
Failed to write ordered patch id to message buffer.
Failed to send BURN_ELEVATION_MESSAGE_TYPE_EXECUTE_MSP_PACKAGE message to per-machine process.
Failed to write StopWusaService.
Failed to send BURN_ELEVATION_MESSAGE_TYPE_EXECUTE_MSU_PACKAGE message to per-machine process.
Failed to write compatible package id to message buffer.
Failed to write provider action to message buffer.
Failed to send BURN_ELEVATION_MESSAGE_TYPE_EXECUTE_PACKAGE_PROVIDER message to per-machine process.
Failed to write bundle dependency key to message buffer.
Failed to write dependent action to message buffer.
Failed to send BURN_ELEVATION_MESSAGE_TYPE_EXECUTE_PACKAGE_DEPENDENCY message to per-machine process.
Failed to write clean package id to message buffer.
Failed to send BURN_ELEVATION_MESSAGE_TYPE_CLEAN_COMPATIBLE_PACKAGE message to per-machine process.
Failed to send BURN_ELEVATION_MESSAGE_TYPE_CLEAN_PACKAGE message to per-machine process.
Failed to write approved exe id to message buffer.
Failed to write approved exe arguments to message buffer.
Failed to write approved exe WaitForInputIdle timeout to message buffer.
Failed to send BURN_ELEVATION_MESSAGE_TYPE_LAUNCH_APPROVED_EXE message to per-machine process.
Failed to create elevated cache thread.
Failed to pump messages in child process.
Failed to resume automatic updates after pausing them, continuing...
Failed to allocate parameters for elevated process.
Failed to set log mode in elevated process command-line.
Failed to launch elevated child process: %ls
Failed to wait for cache thread to complete.
Failed to read pause AU hrStatus.
Failed to read system restore point hrStatus.
Invalid apply initialize message.
Failed to read begin cache step.
Failed to read complete hresult.
Failed to read success file size.
Failed to read failure cache step.
Invalid burn cache message.
Failed to allowed results.
Failed to read progress.
Failed to read processId.
Failed to read error code.
Failed to read message.
Failed to read file count.
Failed to allocate buffer for files in use.
Failed to read file name: %u
Invalid package message.
Failed to read MSI data count.
Failed to allocate buffer to read MSI data.
Failed to read MSI data: %u
Failed to read UI flags.
Failed to read message type.
Failed to read fRestartManager.
Failed to read approved exe process id.
Invalid launch approved exe message.
Failed to read total file size for progress.
Failed to read total bytes transferred for progress.
Unexpected elevated message sent to child process, msg: %u
ElevatedOnExecuteActionComplete failed.
Unexpected elevated cache message sent to child process, msg: %u
Failed to read execute action restart result.
Failed to read action.
Failed to read update action.
Failed to read system restore point action.
Failed to acquire lock due to setup in other session.
Failed to run detection in elevated process.
ElevatedOnPauseAUBegin failed.
ElevatedOnPauseAUComplete failed.
ElevatedOnSystemRestorePointBegin failed.
ElevatedOnSystemRestorePointComplete failed.
Failed to reset the dynamic registration variables during elevated detect.
Failed to detect per-machine compatible entry for package: %ls
Failed to detect per-machine compatible package for package: %ls
Failed to read engine working path.
Failed to read resume command line.
Failed to read resume flag.
Failed to read registration operations.
Failed to read dependency registration action.
Failed to read estimated size.
Failed to begin registration session.
Failed to read resume mode enum.
Failed to read restart enum.
Failed to suspend registration session.
Failed to save state.
Failed to read package id.
Failed to find package: %ls
Invalid data passed to cache prepare package.
Failed to prepare cache package.
Failed to read payload id.
Failed to find payload: %ls
Failed to read unverified path.
Failed to read move flag.
Failed to cache payload: %ls
Invalid data passed to cache complete payload.
Cache verify payload called without starting its package.
Invalid data passed to cache verify payload.
Failed to read action type.
Failed to read bundle id.
Failed to read dependent provider key.
Failed to execute dependent registration action for provider key: %ls
Failed to read related bundle id.
Failed to read planRelationType.
Failed to read rollback.
Failed to read the list of dependencies to ignore.
Failed to read the list of ancestors.
Failed to read the custom working directory.
Failed to find related bundle: %ls
Failed to allocate the custom working directory.
Failed to execute related bundle.
Failed to read BUNDLE package id.
Failed to read fCacheAvailable.
Failed to read the parent.
Package is not a BUNDLE package: %ls
Failed to execute BUNDLE package.
Failed to read EXE package id.
Package is not an EXE package: %ls
Failed to execute EXE package.
Failed to read rollback flag.
Failed to read MSI package id.
Failed to read parent hwnd.
Failed to read package log.
Failed to read actionMsiProperty.
Failed to read UI level.
Failed to read fDisableExternalUiHandler.
Failed to read fileVersioning.
Failed to allocate memory for feature actions.
Failed to read feature action.
Failed to read slipstream action.
Package is not an MSI package: %ls
Failed to execute MSI package.
Failed to read MSP package id.
Failed to read target product code.
Failed to read count of ordered patches.
Failed to allocate memory for ordered patches.
Failed to read ordered patch package id.
Failed to find ordered patch package: %ls
Package is not an MSP package: %ls
Failed to execute MSP package.
Failed to read MSU package id.
Failed to read StopWusaService.
Package is not an MSU package: %ls
Failed to execute MSU package.
Failed to read MSI compatible package id.
Package '%ls' has no compatible MSI package
Package '%ls' has no compatible package with id: %ls
Failed to execute compatible MSI package.
Failed to read package id from message buffer.
Failed to read provider action.
ExecutePackageProviderAction called for per-user package.
Failed to execute package provider action.
Failed to read bundle dependency key from message buffer.
Failed to read dependent action.
Failed to execute package dependency action.
Failed to write cache step to message buffer.
Failed to write error code to message buffer.
Failed to write file size to message buffer.
Failed to send burn cache message to per-user process.
Failed to write total file size progress to message buffer.
Failed to write total bytes transferred progress to message buffer.
Failed to send progress routine message to per-user process.
Failed to write UI flags.
Failed to write progress percentage to message buffer.
Failed to write message to message buffer.
Failed to count of files in use to message buffer.
Failed to write file in use to message buffer.
Failed to send message to per-user process.
Failed to write MSI data count to message buffer.
Failed to write MSI data to message buffer.
Failed to write MSI message type to message buffer.
Failed to write fRestartManager to message buffer.
Invalid message type: %d
Failed to send msi message to per-user process.
Failed to read compatible package id.
Package '%ls' has no compatible package to clean.
Failed to remove from cache compatible package: %ls
Failed to remove from cache package: %ls
Failed to read approved exe id.
Failed to read approved exe arguments.
Failed to read approved exe WaitForInputIdle timeout.
The per-user process requested unknown approved exe with id: %ls
Failed to open the registry key for the approved exe path.
Failed to read the value for the approved exe path.
Failed to verify the executable path is in a secure location: %ls
The executable path is not in a secure location: %ls
Failed to launch approved exe: %ls
Failed to write the approved exe process id to message buffer.
Failed to read rollback boundary id.
Failed to read transaction log path.
Failed to find rollback boundary: %ls
Failed to write the pause au status to message buffer.
Failed to write the system restore point status to message buffer.
Failed to write the restart type to message buffer.
Failed to send BURN_ELEVATION_MESSAGE_TYPE_EXECUTE_ACTION_COMPLETE message to per-user process.
Failed to load splash screen configuration.
Invalid splash screen type: %i
Failed to create modal event.
Failed to create UI thread.
Failed to allocate string to display error message
Failed to read splash screen configuration resource.
Failed to register window.
Failed to load splash screen.
Unexpected return value from message pump.
Failed to load splash screen bitmap.
Failed to create window.
Failed to create initialization event.
Failed to create the UI thread.
Failed to convert int64 to string.
Failed to copy string value.
Failed to copy version value.
Failed to copy variant value.
Failed to copy file name.
Failed to create begin operation event.
Failed to create operation complete event.
Failed to create extraction thread.
Failed to wait for operation complete.
Failed to begin and wait for operation.
Failed to set begin operation event.
Failed to wait for thread to terminate.
Failed to wait for operation complete event.
Failed to reset operation complete event.
Failed to get extraction thread exit code.
Failed to initialize cabinet.dll.
Failed to extract all files from container, erf: %d:%X:%d
Failed to set operation complete event.
Failed to wait for begin operation event.
Failed to reset begin operation event.
Invalid operation for this state.
Failed to copy stream name: %hs
Failed to set file pointer to end of file.
Failed to set end of file.
Failed to set file pointer to beginning of file.
Failed to allocate buffer for stream.
Failed to duplicate handle to cab container.
Failed to add virtual file pointer for cab container.
Failed to open cabinet file: %hs
Failed to read during cabinet extraction.
Failed to write during cabinet extraction.
Unexpected call to CabWrite().
Invalid seek type.
Failed to move file pointer 0x%x bytes.
Failed to allocate memory for the virtual file pointer array.
Failed to move to virtual file pointer.
Failed to log Bundle Extension message.
Failed to log BA message.
Failed to initialize related bundles for scope.
Failed to load related bundle: %ls
Failed to ensure there is space for related bundles.
Failed to initialize package from related bundle id: %ls
Failed to detect dependencies for related bundle.
Failed to read version from registry for bundle: %ls
Failed to parse pseudo bundle version: %ls
Failed to read cache path from registry for bundle: %ls
Failed to read provider key from registry for bundle: %ls
Failed to copy version for bundle: %ls
Failed to copy display name for bundle: %ls
Failed to read tag from registry for bundle: %ls
Failed to initialize related bundle to represent bundle: %ls
Failed to get @BundleId.
Failed to get @InstallArguments.
Failed to get @UninstallArguments.
Failed to get @RepairArguments.
Failed to get @HideARP.
Failed to get @SupportsBurnProtocol.
Failed to parse related codes.
Failed to parse exit codes.
Failed to parse command lines.
Failed to get RelatedBundle nodes
Failed to get RelatedBundle element count.
Failed to get next RelatedBundle element.
Failed to get @Action.
Failed to resize Detect code array
Failed to resize Upgrade code array
Failed to resize Addon code array
Failed to resize Patch code array
Invalid value for @Action: %ls
Failed to query per-machine related bundle packages.
Failed to query per-user related bundle packages.
Failed to detect dependencies for BUNDLE package.
Invalid package current state: %d.
Invalid package expected state.
Failed to plan package dependency actions.
Failed to allocate the parent.
Failed to append execute checkpoint.
Failed to plan related bundle dependency actions.
Failed to read version from registry for related bundle package: %ls
Failed to parse related bundle package version: %ls
Failed to compare related bundle package version: %ls
BA aborted detect related BUNDLE package.
Related bundles must have a fully qualified target path.
Failed to build executable path.
Failed to get cached path for related bundle: %ls
The only supported action when the cache is not available is UNINSTALL.
Failed to query ARP for uninstall.
QuietUninstallString is null.
Failed to parse QuietUninstallString: %ls.
QuietUninstallString must contain an executable path.
Failed to copy executable path.
Failed to verify the QuietUninstallString executable path is in a secure location: %ls
The QuietUninstallString executable path is not in a secure location: %ls
Failed to get parent directory for QuietUninstallString executable path: %ls
Failed to get cached path for package: %ls
Invalid Bundle package action: %d.
Failed to copy package arguments.
Failed to evaluate bundle package command-line condition.
Failed to separate command-line arguments.
Failed to get command-line argument for install.
Failed to get command-line argument for uninstall.
Failed to get command-line argument for repair.
Failed to allocate base command.
Failed to append argument from ARP.
Antivirus Signature
Bkav W32.AIDetectMalware
Lionic Trojan.Win32.Penguish.4!c
Elastic malicious (high confidence)
ClamAV Clean
CMC Clean
CAT-QuickHeal cld.trojan.penguish
Skyhigh BehavesLike.Win32.Dropper.wc
ALYac Trojan.GenericKD.75933598
Cylance Unsafe
Zillya Trojan.Penguish.Win32.671
Sangfor Clean
CrowdStrike win/malicious_confidence_100% (W)
Alibaba Clean
K7GW Clean
K7AntiVirus Clean
huorong Clean
Baidu Clean
VirIT Trojan.Win32.CabDrp.HWA
Symantec Trojan Horse
tehtris Clean
ESET-NOD32 a variant of Generik.CFSIPDK
APEX Clean
Avast Win32:Malware-gen
Cynet Clean
Kaspersky HEUR:Trojan.Win32.Penguish.gen
BitDefender Trojan.GenericKD.75933598
NANO-Antivirus Clean
ViRobot Clean
MicroWorld-eScan Trojan.GenericKD.75933598
Tencent Win32.Trojan.Penguish.Jmnw
Sophos Mal/Generic-S
F-Secure Clean
DrWeb Clean
VIPRE Trojan.GenericKD.75933598
TrendMicro Clean
McAfeeD ti!DE53F6F359AF
Trapmine Clean
CTX exe.trojan.penguish
Emsisoft Trojan.GenericKD.75933598 (B)
Ikarus Clean
FireEye Trojan.GenericKD.75933598
Jiangmin Clean
Webroot Clean
Varist W32/ABTrojan.NAGR-3701
Avira Clean
Fortinet W32/PossibleThreat
Antiy-AVL Trojan/Win32.Penguish
Kingsoft Win32.Trojan.Penguish.gen
Gridinsoft Clean
Xcitium Malware@#1vpyiq7kiieed
Arcabit Trojan.Generic.D486A79E
SUPERAntiSpyware Clean
Microsoft TrojanDownloader:Win64/Rugmi!rfn
Google Detected
AhnLab-V3 Trojan/Win.Malware-gen.C5736638
Acronis Clean
McAfee Artemis!001D7ACAD697
VBA32 Trojan.Penguish
Malwarebytes Trojan.Loader
Panda Trj/Chgt.AD
Zoner Clean
TrendMicro-HouseCall Clean
Rising Clean
Yandex Clean
SentinelOne Clean
MaxSecure Trojan.Malware.325361894.susgen
GData Trojan.GenericKD.75933598
AVG Win32:Malware-gen
DeepInstinct MALICIOUS
alibabacloud Trojan:Win/Penguish.gyf
No IRMA results available.