Report - csrss.exe

Generic Malware PE File PE32
Created 2021.06.21 17:48 Machine s1_win7_x6402
Filename csrss.exe
Type PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows
AI Score
Behavior Score
ZERO API file : malware
VT API (file) 11 detected (AIDetect, malware2, malicious, high confidence, Save, Attribute, HighConfidence, PackedENT, Wacatac, ZevbaF, fm0@ai2mGOoi, Static AI, Suspicious PE, Unsafe, Score)
md5 789a47d33ce65dad5fd40c1e656cf638
sha256 17dddb2e6db0aa7d67c0e63f1129dde91f471fb6c5ce41d1e1574d8403ecd1ad
ssdeep 768:bOBYycoRhQqLpQ5PiRvwgo87goAub5sIE6uN2+JG39BztoLou6THw4tM+y9GFzyB:0zjCoOPiugp3AsQN2RTiku6TQrt9uWp
imphash afebd4b9a3c7e2a05199a96fc7d3e5d6
impfuzzy 48:nzwzZwgPwRTRkzV3L39Jt1S3edTzmFNJzplhHwPsegIkS28XbSTSwpw8:nzGZfPyTRkzV7NJtwuVzmFNJzplhHgsH
  Network IP location

Signature (6cnts)

Level Description
watch Communicates with host for which no DNS query was performed
watch Created a process named as a common system process
watch Enumerates services
watch File has been identified by 11 AntiVirus engines on VirusTotal as malicious
notice Allocates read-write-execute memory (usually to unpack itself)
notice Changes read-write memory protection to read-execute (probably to avoid detection when setting all RWX flags at the same time)

Rules (3cnts)

Level Name Description Collection
warning Generic_Malware_Zero Generic Malware binaries (upload)
info IsPE32 (no description) binaries (upload)
info PE_Header_Zero PE File Signature binaries (upload)

Network (1cnts) ?

Request CC ASN Co IP4 Rule ? ZERO ? US GOOGLE clean

Suricata ids


IAT(Import Address Table) Library

 0x401000 None
 0x401004 None
 0x401008 _CIcos
 0x40100c _adj_fptan
 0x401010 __vbaFreeVar
 0x401014 __vbaLenBstr
 0x401018 __vbaFreeVarList
 0x40101c _adj_fdiv_m64
 0x401020 __vbaFreeObjList
 0x401024 None
 0x401028 _adj_fprem1
 0x40102c __vbaRecAnsiToUni
 0x401030 __vbaSetSystemError
 0x401034 __vbaRecDestruct
 0x401038 __vbaHresultCheckObj
 0x40103c None
 0x401040 _adj_fdiv_m32
 0x401044 None
 0x401048 None
 0x40104c __vbaObjSet
 0x401050 _adj_fdiv_m16i
 0x401054 __vbaObjSetAddref
 0x401058 _adj_fdivr_m16i
 0x40105c __vbaFpR8
 0x401060 _CIsin
 0x401064 None
 0x401068 __vbaChkstk
 0x40106c EVENT_SINK_AddRef
 0x401070 None
 0x401074 __vbaStrCmp
 0x401078 __vbaObjVar
 0x40107c DllFunctionCall
 0x401080 _adj_fpatan
 0x401084 None
 0x401088 None
 0x40108c __vbaRecUniToAnsi
 0x401090 EVENT_SINK_Release
 0x401094 _CIsqrt
 0x401098 EVENT_SINK_QueryInterface
 0x40109c __vbaExceptHandler
 0x4010a0 _adj_fprem
 0x4010a4 _adj_fdivr_m64
 0x4010a8 None
 0x4010ac __vbaFPException
 0x4010b0 None
 0x4010b4 None
 0x4010b8 None
 0x4010bc _CIlog
 0x4010c0 __vbaErrorOverflow
 0x4010c4 __vbaFileOpen
 0x4010c8 __vbaNew2
 0x4010cc _adj_fdiv_m32i
 0x4010d0 _adj_fdivr_m32i
 0x4010d4 __vbaStrCopy
 0x4010d8 __vbaI4Str
 0x4010dc __vbaFreeStrList
 0x4010e0 _adj_fdivr_m32
 0x4010e4 _adj_fdiv_r
 0x4010e8 None
 0x4010ec None
 0x4010f0 __vbaVarTstNe
 0x4010f4 __vbaI4Var
 0x4010f8 None
 0x4010fc __vbaLateMemCall
 0x401100 __vbaStrToAnsi
 0x401104 __vbaVarDup
 0x401108 __vbaRecDestructAnsi
 0x40110c __vbaLateMemCallLd
 0x401110 _CIatan
 0x401114 __vbaStrMove
 0x401118 None
 0x40111c None
 0x401120 _allmul
 0x401124 __vbaLateIdSt
 0x401128 _CItan
 0x40112c _CIexp
 0x401130 __vbaFreeStr
 0x401134 __vbaFreeObj

EAT(Export Address Table) is none

Similarity measure (PE file only) - Checking for service failure