Report - vbc.exe

PE File OS Processor Check PE32
Created 2021.06.24 09:54 Machine s1_win7_x6402
Filename vbc.exe
Type PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows
AI Score
Behavior Score
ZERO API file : clean
VT API (file) 35 detected (AIDetect, malware1, malicious, high confidence, Artemis, Unsafe, Save, Attribute, HighConfidence, GenKryptik, FGUO, PWSX, Androm, Generic@ML, RDML, aXtlgIFcXpq26cEFUsRzlw, R + Troj, Kryptik, Lockbit, Static AI, Malicious PE, Zenpak, Score, Glupteba, 8O8WYA, ZexaF, wu0@a81R9SjI, BScope, susgen, RnkBend, confidence, 100%)
md5 de41a01457573e366909c2ddb491d1f3
sha256 e272af98ac66fa088b63aa66caeec5ea402966a2c78bb3df09d139168437cb0f
ssdeep 6144:lpVArYsAKC8ig2seQM8D6BbkQCYP0wdUz0v3IXnuWF:5ArpAH8ig2sY8D6Bb6YP0wdt4ue
imphash 821307fdbf673876d4e5c6aaf4b90eb6
impfuzzy 48:ZLIbODAovA84dVXSEDyL9TnfYHOLaE8fcRhV8hUheLXsIOGT:Z5EMKVXhaTAH3E8fcRhV8hmeLXsK
  Network IP location

Signature (9cnts)

Level Description
danger File has been identified by 35 AntiVirus engines on VirusTotal as malicious
watch Communicates with host for which no DNS query was performed
watch Tries to unhook Windows functions monitored by Cuckoo
notice Allocates read-write-execute memory (usually to unpack itself)
notice Foreign language identified in PE resource
notice The binary likely contains encrypted or compressed data indicative of a packer
info One or more processes crashed
info The file contains an unknown PE resource name possibly indicative of a packer
info This executable has a PDB path

Rules (3cnts)

Level Name Description Collection
info IsPE32 (no description) binaries (upload)
info OS_Processor_Check_Zero OS Processor Check binaries (upload)
info PE_Header_Zero PE File Signature binaries (upload)

Network (0cnts) ?

Request CC ASN Co IP4 Rule ? ZERO ?

Suricata ids


IAT(Import Address Table) Library

 0x434000 GetComputerNameA
 0x434004 EnumResourceNamesW
 0x434008 SearchPathW
 0x43400c CopyFileExW
 0x434010 GetDriveTypeW
 0x434014 SetEndOfFile
 0x434018 GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents
 0x43401c FindResourceExW
 0x434020 MapUserPhysicalPages
 0x434024 LoadResource
 0x434028 InterlockedIncrement
 0x43402c CreateDirectoryW
 0x434030 GlobalLock
 0x434034 WriteConsoleInputA
 0x434038 GetCommProperties
 0x43403c FreeEnvironmentStringsA
 0x434040 SetTapeParameters
 0x434044 GetModuleHandleW
 0x434048 CreateNamedPipeW
 0x43404c LocalFlags
 0x434050 GetConsoleAliasesLengthA
 0x434054 GetPrivateProfileStringW
 0x434058 GetWindowsDirectoryA
 0x43405c WriteFile
 0x434060 SetCommState
 0x434064 GetCommandLineA
 0x434068 GetSystemWow64DirectoryA
 0x43406c CreateDirectoryExW
 0x434070 SetProcessPriorityBoost
 0x434074 InitializeCriticalSection
 0x434078 TlsSetValue
 0x43407c GlobalAlloc
 0x434080 LoadLibraryW
 0x434084 GetCalendarInfoA
 0x434088 ReadFileScatter
 0x43408c SetSystemTimeAdjustment
 0x434090 GetSystemWindowsDirectoryA
 0x434094 TerminateProcess
 0x434098 IsDBCSLeadByte
 0x43409c GetBinaryTypeW
 0x4340a0 GetOverlappedResult
 0x4340a4 CompareStringW
 0x4340a8 lstrlenW
 0x4340ac GetConsoleOutputCP
 0x4340b0 VerifyVersionInfoW
 0x4340b4 InterlockedExchange
 0x4340b8 ReleaseActCtx
 0x4340bc GetFileSizeEx
 0x4340c0 SetThreadLocale
 0x4340c4 FindFirstFileA
 0x4340c8 OpenMutexW
 0x4340cc GetCurrentDirectoryW
 0x4340d0 GetProcAddress
 0x4340d4 SetVolumeLabelW
 0x4340d8 WriteProfileSectionA
 0x4340dc SetComputerNameA
 0x4340e0 BuildCommDCBW
 0x4340e4 GetLocalTime
 0x4340e8 Process32FirstW
 0x4340ec OpenMutexA
 0x4340f0 OpenWaitableTimerW
 0x4340f4 SetConsoleCtrlHandler
 0x4340f8 AddAtomA
 0x4340fc FindAtomA
 0x434100 GetSystemInfo
 0x434104 EnumResourceTypesW
 0x434108 CreateIoCompletionPort
 0x43410c SetConsoleTitleW
 0x434110 FindNextFileW
 0x434114 GetConsoleTitleW
 0x434118 RequestWakeupLatency
 0x43411c GetConsoleCursorInfo
 0x434120 ScrollConsoleScreenBufferA
 0x434124 GetVersionExA
 0x434128 InterlockedPushEntrySList
 0x43412c GetProfileSectionW
 0x434130 LCMapStringW
 0x434134 AreFileApisANSI
 0x434138 DeleteFileA
 0x43413c GetVolumeInformationW
 0x434140 GetModuleHandleA
 0x434144 FlushFileBuffers
 0x434148 GetStartupInfoA
 0x43414c HeapValidate
 0x434150 IsBadReadPtr
 0x434154 RaiseException
 0x434158 DeleteCriticalSection
 0x43415c EnterCriticalSection
 0x434160 LeaveCriticalSection
 0x434164 GetModuleFileNameW
 0x434168 SetUnhandledExceptionFilter
 0x43416c QueryPerformanceCounter
 0x434170 GetTickCount
 0x434174 GetCurrentThreadId
 0x434178 GetCurrentProcessId
 0x43417c GetSystemTimeAsFileTime
 0x434180 Sleep
 0x434184 InterlockedDecrement
 0x434188 ExitProcess
 0x43418c GetModuleFileNameA
 0x434190 GetEnvironmentStrings
 0x434194 FreeEnvironmentStringsW
 0x434198 WideCharToMultiByte
 0x43419c GetLastError
 0x4341a0 GetEnvironmentStringsW
 0x4341a4 SetHandleCount
 0x4341a8 GetStdHandle
 0x4341ac GetFileType
 0x4341b0 TlsGetValue
 0x4341b4 TlsAlloc
 0x4341b8 TlsFree
 0x4341bc SetLastError
 0x4341c0 HeapDestroy
 0x4341c4 HeapCreate
 0x4341c8 HeapFree
 0x4341cc VirtualFree
 0x4341d0 HeapAlloc
 0x4341d4 GetCurrentProcess
 0x4341d8 UnhandledExceptionFilter
 0x4341dc IsDebuggerPresent
 0x4341e0 HeapSize
 0x4341e4 HeapReAlloc
 0x4341e8 VirtualAlloc
 0x4341ec GetACP
 0x4341f0 GetOEMCP
 0x4341f4 GetCPInfo
 0x4341f8 IsValidCodePage
 0x4341fc RtlUnwind
 0x434200 InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount
 0x434204 DebugBreak
 0x434208 OutputDebugStringA
 0x43420c WriteConsoleW
 0x434210 OutputDebugStringW
 0x434214 LoadLibraryA
 0x434218 MultiByteToWideChar
 0x43421c LCMapStringA
 0x434220 GetStringTypeA
 0x434224 GetStringTypeW
 0x434228 GetLocaleInfoA
 0x43422c SetFilePointer
 0x434230 GetConsoleCP
 0x434234 GetConsoleMode
 0x434238 SetStdHandle
 0x43423c WriteConsoleA
 0x434240 CreateFileA
 0x434244 CloseHandle
 0x43424c GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions
 0x434250 GetMenuInfo
 0x434254 GetMenuBarInfo

EAT(Export Address Table) is none

Similarity measure (PE file only) - Checking for service failure