Report - mysql.exe

AntiDebug AntiVM PE File PE32
Created 2021.06.25 09:48 Machine s1_win7_x6402
Filename mysql.exe
Type PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows
AI Score
Behavior Score
ZERO API file : clean
VT API (file) 49 detected (AIDetect, malware1, malicious, high confidence, DownLoader30, Zusy, FarfliPMF, S19352949, Unsafe, GenKryptik, Save, ZexaF, xmW@a0gar3n, Eldorado, Attribute, HighConfidence, EZKJ, Farfli, gethzp, BackdoorX, A + Troj, AutoG, Krypt, xrlrm, GhostRAT, score, R299612, FRMW, ai score=86, Injuke, Ghost, FakeFolder, CLASSIC, GenAsa, 6tUyyqkpagE, Static AI, Malicious PE, susgen, Genetic, confidence)
md5 04c71f94367c495e5e9d7ed91fdeb190
sha256 45b9b5a84f5275c59e017c2d3d685da689d39478dac5464b5acab97ef42073e0
ssdeep 6144:ORjbUHOvGUNIE/FDjBazqjWgR+MSEtvlZTONpRGX5B4PY3mA0O0Gp8NhA5Jod:ejbh9tDjiuT+xEtl0u4w3mAZyJd
imphash 92cbf1b7939e726b820cc211fce00750
impfuzzy 24:mDAMnOovuHfcd37JHd3iv8ERRvNuk/eJmt9s:PMOhHfclr3WveJCW
  Network IP location

Signature (15cnts)

Level Description
danger File has been identified by 49 AntiVirus engines on VirusTotal as malicious
watch Communicates with host for which no DNS query was performed
watch Deletes executed files from disk
watch Installs itself for autorun at Windows startup
watch Resumed a suspended thread in a remote process potentially indicative of process injection
notice Allocates read-write-execute memory (usually to unpack itself)
notice Creates a service
notice Creates a suspicious process
notice Drops an executable to the user AppData folder
notice The binary likely contains encrypted or compressed data indicative of a packer
notice Uses Windows utilities for basic Windows functionality
notice Yara rule detected in process memory
info Checks amount of memory in system
info The executable contains unknown PE section names indicative of a packer (could be a false positive)
info The executable uses a known packer

Rules (13cnts)

Level Name Description Collection
info anti_dbg Checks if being debugged memory
info DebuggerCheck__GlobalFlags (no description) memory
info DebuggerCheck__QueryInfo (no description) memory
info DebuggerException__SetConsoleCtrl (no description) memory
info DebuggerHiding__Active (no description) memory
info DebuggerHiding__Thread (no description) memory
info disable_dep Bypass DEP memory
info IsPE32 (no description) binaries (download)
info IsPE32 (no description) binaries (upload)
info PE_Header_Zero PE File Signature binaries (download)
info PE_Header_Zero PE File Signature binaries (upload)
info SEH__vectored (no description) memory
info ThreadControl__Context (no description) memory

Network (1cnts) ?

Request CC ASN Co IP4 Rule ? ZERO ? Unknown clean

Suricata ids


IAT(Import Address Table) Library

 0x402000 GetProcAddress
 0x402004 GetModuleHandleA
 0x402008 RtlUnwind
 0x40200c RaiseException
 0x402010 GetStartupInfoA
 0x402014 GetCommandLineA
 0x402018 GetVersion
 0x40201c ExitProcess
 0x402020 InitializeCriticalSection
 0x402024 EnterCriticalSection
 0x402028 LeaveCriticalSection
 0x40202c HeapFree
 0x402030 GetCurrentThreadId
 0x402034 TlsSetValue
 0x402038 TlsAlloc
 0x40203c SetLastError
 0x402040 TlsGetValue
 0x402044 GetLastError
 0x402048 SetUnhandledExceptionFilter
 0x40204c TerminateProcess
 0x402050 GetCurrentProcess
 0x402054 UnhandledExceptionFilter
 0x402058 GetModuleFileNameA
 0x40205c FreeEnvironmentStringsA
 0x402060 FreeEnvironmentStringsW
 0x402064 WideCharToMultiByte
 0x402068 GetEnvironmentStrings
 0x40206c GetEnvironmentStringsW
 0x402070 SetHandleCount
 0x402074 GetStdHandle
 0x402078 GetFileType
 0x40207c GetEnvironmentVariableA
 0x402080 GetVersionExA
 0x402084 HeapDestroy
 0x402088 HeapCreate
 0x40208c VirtualFree
 0x402090 WriteFile
 0x402094 HeapAlloc
 0x402098 VirtualAlloc
 0x40209c HeapReAlloc
 0x4020a0 IsBadWritePtr
 0x4020a4 IsBadReadPtr
 0x4020a8 IsBadCodePtr
 0x4020ac GetCPInfo
 0x4020b0 GetACP
 0x4020b4 GetOEMCP
 0x4020b8 LoadLibraryA
 0x4020bc MultiByteToWideChar
 0x4020c0 LCMapStringA
 0x4020c4 LCMapStringW
 0x4020c8 GetStringTypeA
 0x4020cc GetStringTypeW
 0x4020d0 InterlockedDecrement
 0x4020d4 InterlockedIncrement

EAT(Export Address Table) Library

0x4010fe Fatal

Similarity measure (PE file only) - Checking for service failure