Report - upl.txt

Generic Malware PE File DLL OS Processor Check PE32
Created 2021.07.08 09:46 Machine s1_win7_x6401
Filename upl.txt
Type PE32 executable (DLL) (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows
AI Score
Behavior Score
ZERO API file : malware
VT API (file) 31 detected (GenericKD, Unsafe, Attribute, HighConfidence, Ursnif, Malicious, cnfss@0, Generic PWS, UrsnifDropper, uytnr, kcloud, Wacatac, score, ai score=84, TrojanPSW, Gozi, HgkASX8A)
md5 5522c21a05daf91658951bdf1c0e5271
sha256 eb6e2519aa5c31174a1ed6c0193b2d0e49e9ed6ca1ac01ed94b3007b5e2f6993
ssdeep 6144:h8vockvtMD67Dvy8CyOuq107KjWMTxdtcrsianUAqPt/MmG3G/GERIgg:SwhtCy50mpMTxdtV8AqPtM3gN
imphash 789fcca066875e59aafcb5a18bb50d1b
impfuzzy 48:+iDGdZ+fcoMZFmKzRPZfc3ohOl/XZpmg/:+iDKZ+fcoMZFZ9BfcADC
  Network IP location

Signature (6cnts)

Level Description
danger File has been identified by 31 AntiVirus engines on VirusTotal as malicious
notice A process attempted to delay the analysis task.
notice Allocates read-write-execute memory (usually to unpack itself)
notice Changes read-write memory protection to read-execute (probably to avoid detection when setting all RWX flags at the same time)
info Queries for the computername
info This executable has a PDB path

Rules (5cnts)

Level Name Description Collection
warning Generic_Malware_Zero Generic Malware binaries (upload)
info IsDLL (no description) binaries (upload)
info IsPE32 (no description) binaries (upload)
info OS_Processor_Check_Zero OS Processor Check binaries (upload)
info PE_Header_Zero PE File Signature binaries (upload)

Network (0cnts) ?

Request CC ASN Co IP4 Rule ? ZERO ?

Suricata ids


IAT(Import Address Table) Library

 0x104801c GetProcAddress
 0x1048020 LoadLibraryA
 0x1048024 GetEnvironmentVariableA
 0x1048028 VirtualProtectEx
 0x104802c GetModuleFileNameA
 0x1048030 GetWindowsDirectoryA
 0x1048034 SetConsoleCP
 0x1048038 SetConsoleOutputCP
 0x104803c GetModuleHandleA
 0x1048040 Sleep
 0x1048044 GetLocaleInfoW
 0x1048048 WriteConsoleW
 0x104804c GetConsoleOutputCP
 0x1048050 WriteConsoleA
 0x1048054 InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount
 0x1048058 GetProcessHeap
 0x104805c SetEndOfFile
 0x1048060 GlobalLock
 0x1048064 QueryPerformanceFrequency
 0x1048068 GlobalAlloc
 0x104806c SetUnhandledExceptionFilter
 0x1048070 CreatePipe
 0x1048074 GlobalFree
 0x1048078 InterlockedIncrement
 0x104807c InterlockedDecrement
 0x1048080 WideCharToMultiByte
 0x1048084 InterlockedExchange
 0x1048088 InitializeCriticalSection
 0x104808c DeleteCriticalSection
 0x1048090 EnterCriticalSection
 0x1048094 LeaveCriticalSection
 0x1048098 MultiByteToWideChar
 0x104809c GetLastError
 0x10480a0 CloseHandle
 0x10480a4 HeapAlloc
 0x10480a8 RtlUnwind
 0x10480ac RaiseException
 0x10480b0 TerminateProcess
 0x10480b4 GetCurrentProcess
 0x10480b8 UnhandledExceptionFilter
 0x10480bc IsDebuggerPresent
 0x10480c0 GetCurrentThreadId
 0x10480c4 GetCommandLineA
 0x10480c8 HeapFree
 0x10480cc GetCPInfo
 0x10480d0 LCMapStringA
 0x10480d4 LCMapStringW
 0x10480d8 GetFileType
 0x10480dc CreateFileA
 0x10480e0 SetStdHandle
 0x10480e4 SetHandleCount
 0x10480e8 GetStdHandle
 0x10480ec GetStartupInfoA
 0x10480f0 VirtualFree
 0x10480f4 VirtualAlloc
 0x10480f8 HeapReAlloc
 0x10480fc HeapCreate
 0x1048100 HeapDestroy
 0x1048104 GetModuleHandleW
 0x1048108 ExitProcess
 0x104810c WriteFile
 0x1048110 TlsGetValue
 0x1048114 TlsAlloc
 0x1048118 TlsSetValue
 0x104811c TlsFree
 0x1048120 SetLastError
 0x1048124 GetACP
 0x1048128 GetOEMCP
 0x104812c IsValidCodePage
 0x1048130 GetUserDefaultLCID
 0x1048134 GetLocaleInfoA
 0x1048138 EnumSystemLocalesA
 0x104813c IsValidLocale
 0x1048140 GetStringTypeA
 0x1048144 GetStringTypeW
 0x1048148 FreeEnvironmentStringsA
 0x104814c GetEnvironmentStrings
 0x1048150 FreeEnvironmentStringsW
 0x1048154 GetEnvironmentStringsW
 0x1048158 QueryPerformanceCounter
 0x104815c GetTickCount
 0x1048160 GetCurrentProcessId
 0x1048164 GetSystemTimeAsFileTime
 0x1048168 HeapSize
 0x104816c GetConsoleCP
 0x1048170 GetConsoleMode
 0x1048174 FlushFileBuffers
 0x1048178 ReadFile
 0x104817c SetFilePointer
 0x1048184 SetForegroundWindow
 0x1048188 CheckRadioButton
 0x104818c SetClipboardData
 0x1048190 DestroyWindow
 0x1048194 SendMessageA
 0x1048198 GetClipboardData
 0x104819c SendDlgItemMessageA
 0x10481a4 OleInitialize
 0x10481a8 OleUninitialize
 0x1048000 ImmNotifyIME
 0x1048004 ImmSetCompositionFontA
 0x1048008 ImmGetContext
 0x104800c ImmGetCompositionStringA
 0x1048010 ImmSetCompositionWindow
 0x1048014 ImmReleaseContext

EAT(Export Address Table) Library

0x102c6b0 Formweather
0x102c420 Piecehear
0x102b3f0 Stickregion
0x102c510 Would

Similarity measure (PE file only) - Checking for service failure