Report - 리스펙.exe

PWS .NET framework RAT Generic Malware Admin Tool (Sysinternals etc ...) UPX Malicious Packer PE File OS Processor Check PE32 DLL .NET EXE
Created 2021.07.19 15:23 Machine s1_win7_x6401
Filename 리스펙.exe
Type PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows
AI Score Not founds Behavior Score
ZERO API file : clean
VT API (file) 20 detected (Hacktool, Artemis, malicious, confidence, RiskTool, Convagent, DllInject, fjhtkg, Generic PUA LC, Unsafe, Score, BTSGeneric, Wacatac, XQ potentially unsafe, R002H09AB21, Igent, bTKAcV, Static AI, Suspicious PE, FileRepMalware)
md5 db9f97abc6cd7564e1c8bc4d1da6edf9
sha256 6b1832d04cdbfc5f55ecb4b14c63dd6f51bd4936a0b255431f6c7dada69ac4ea
ssdeep 98304:HNlFiGJcFpFEJ+xwLRPwLMPR2E2eKNEVJyZlng4p2VXFxdIrh/ldenchCfgpDhsR:LMhEowLGLNEVcn1paymnKDLKPN
imphash bd58dea49029306a580ad58afd88299f
impfuzzy 192:NOsdTFXsJncdqRUurdVYTexCWTOwI7uOQdOHuPyEO:NOsdpctcE3PTOGOQdOoO
  Network IP location

Signature (15cnts)

Level Description
warning File has been identified by 20 AntiVirus engines on VirusTotal as malicious
notice A process created a hidden window
notice Allocates read-write-execute memory (usually to unpack itself)
notice Checks for the Locally Unique Identifier on the system for a suspicious privilege
notice Creates executable files on the filesystem
notice Drops a binary and executes it
notice Expresses interest in specific running processes
notice One or more potentially interesting buffers were extracted
notice Searches running processes potentially to identify processes for sandbox evasion
notice The binary likely contains encrypted or compressed data indicative of a packer
info Checks amount of memory in system
info Checks if process is being debugged by a debugger
info Collects information to fingerprint the system (MachineGuid
info The executable contains unknown PE section names indicative of a packer (could be a false positive)
info The executable uses a known packer

Rules (20cnts)

Level Name Description Collection
warning Generic_Malware_Zero Generic Malware binaries (download)
warning Generic_Malware_Zero Generic Malware binaries (upload)
watch Admin_Tool_IN_Zero Admin Tool Sysinternals binaries (download)
watch Admin_Tool_IN_Zero Admin Tool Sysinternals binaries (upload)
watch Malicious_Packer_Zero Malicious Packer binaries (download)
watch Malicious_Packer_Zero Malicious Packer binaries (upload)
watch UPX_Zero UPX packed file binaries (download)
watch UPX_Zero UPX packed file binaries (upload)
watch Win32_Trojan_PWS_Net_1_Zero Win32 Trojan PWS .NET Azorult binaries (download)
watch Win32_Trojan_PWS_Net_1_Zero Win32 Trojan PWS .NET Azorult binaries (upload)
info Is_DotNET_EXE (no description) binaries (download)
info IsDLL (no description) binaries (download)
info IsPE32 (no description) binaries (download)
info IsPE32 (no description) binaries (upload)
info OS_Processor_Check_Zero OS Processor Check binaries (download)
info OS_Processor_Check_Zero OS Processor Check binaries (upload)
info PE_Header_Zero PE File Signature binaries (download)
info PE_Header_Zero PE File Signature binaries (upload)
info Win_Backdoor_AsyncRAT_Zero Win Backdoor AsyncRAT binaries (download)
info Win_Backdoor_AsyncRAT_Zero Win Backdoor AsyncRAT binaries (upload)

Network (0cnts) ?

Request CC ASN Co IP4 Rule ? ZERO ?

Suricata ids


IAT(Import Address Table) Library

 0x614888 GetACP
 0x61488c CloseHandle
 0x614890 LocalFree
 0x614894 GetCurrentProcessId
 0x614898 SizeofResource
 0x61489c VirtualProtect
 0x6148a0 QueryPerformanceFrequency
 0x6148a4 IsDebuggerPresent
 0x6148a8 VirtualFree
 0x6148ac GetFullPathNameW
 0x6148b0 ExitProcess
 0x6148b4 HeapAlloc
 0x6148b8 GetCPInfoExW
 0x6148bc RtlUnwind
 0x6148c0 GetCPInfo
 0x6148c4 EnumSystemLocalesW
 0x6148c8 GetStdHandle
 0x6148cc GetModuleHandleW
 0x6148d0 FreeLibrary
 0x6148d4 TryEnterCriticalSection
 0x6148d8 HeapDestroy
 0x6148dc ReadFile
 0x6148e0 HeapSize
 0x6148e4 GetLastError
 0x6148e8 GetModuleFileNameW
 0x6148ec SetLastError
 0x6148f0 GlobalAlloc
 0x6148f4 GlobalUnlock
 0x6148f8 FindResourceW
 0x6148fc CreateThread
 0x614900 CompareStringW
 0x614904 LoadLibraryA
 0x614908 ResetEvent
 0x61490c MulDiv
 0x614910 FreeResource
 0x614914 GetVersion
 0x614918 RaiseException
 0x61491c GlobalAddAtomW
 0x614920 FormatMessageW
 0x614924 OpenProcess
 0x614928 SwitchToThread
 0x61492c GetExitCodeThread
 0x614930 GetCurrentThread
 0x614934 LoadLibraryExW
 0x614938 TerminateProcess
 0x61493c LockResource
 0x614940 GetCurrentThreadId
 0x614944 UnhandledExceptionFilter
 0x614948 VirtualQuery
 0x61494c GlobalFindAtomW
 0x614950 VirtualQueryEx
 0x614954 GlobalFree
 0x614958 Sleep
 0x61495c EnterCriticalSection
 0x614960 SetFilePointer
 0x614964 LoadResource
 0x614968 SuspendThread
 0x61496c GetTickCount
 0x614970 GetStartupInfoW
 0x614974 GlobalDeleteAtom
 0x614978 GetFileAttributesW
 0x61497c GetCurrentDirectoryW
 0x614980 SetCurrentDirectoryW
 0x614984 InitializeCriticalSection
 0x614988 GetThreadPriority
 0x61498c GetCurrentProcess
 0x614990 SetThreadPriority
 0x614994 GlobalLock
 0x614998 VirtualAlloc
 0x61499c GetSystemInfo
 0x6149a0 GetCommandLineW
 0x6149a4 LeaveCriticalSection
 0x6149a8 GetProcAddress
 0x6149ac ResumeThread
 0x6149b0 GetVersionExW
 0x6149b4 VerifyVersionInfoW
 0x6149b8 HeapCreate
 0x6149bc GetDiskFreeSpaceW
 0x6149c0 VerSetConditionMask
 0x6149c4 FindFirstFileW
 0x6149c8 GetUserDefaultUILanguage
 0x6149cc lstrlenW
 0x6149d0 QueryPerformanceCounter
 0x6149d4 SetEndOfFile
 0x6149d8 HeapFree
 0x6149dc WideCharToMultiByte
 0x6149e0 FindClose
 0x6149e4 MultiByteToWideChar
 0x6149e8 LoadLibraryW
 0x6149ec SetEvent
 0x6149f0 CreateFileW
 0x6149f4 GetLocaleInfoW
 0x6149f8 EnumResourceNamesW
 0x6149fc DeleteFileW
 0x614a00 GetLocalTime
 0x614a04 WaitForSingleObject
 0x614a08 WriteFile
 0x614a0c ExitThread
 0x614a10 DeleteCriticalSection
 0x614a14 GetDateFormatW
 0x614a18 TlsGetValue
 0x614a1c SetErrorMode
 0x614a20 IsValidLocale
 0x614a24 TlsSetValue
 0x614a28 GetSystemDefaultUILanguage
 0x614a2c EnumCalendarInfoW
 0x614a30 LocalAlloc
 0x614a34 RemoveDirectoryW
 0x614a38 CreateEventW
 0x614a3c WaitForMultipleObjectsEx
 0x614a40 SetThreadLocale
 0x614a44 GetThreadLocale
 0x614a4c DocumentPropertiesW
 0x614a50 ClosePrinter
 0x614a54 OpenPrinterW
 0x614a58 GetDefaultPrinterW
 0x614a5c EnumPrintersW
 0x614a64 ImageList_GetImageInfo
 0x614a68 FlatSB_SetScrollInfo
 0x614a6c ImageList_DragMove
 0x614a70 ImageList_Destroy
 0x614a74 _TrackMouseEvent
 0x614a78 ImageList_DragShowNolock
 0x614a7c ImageList_Add
 0x614a80 FlatSB_SetScrollProp
 0x614a84 ImageList_GetDragImage
 0x614a88 ImageList_Create
 0x614a8c ImageList_EndDrag
 0x614a90 ImageList_DrawEx
 0x614a94 ImageList_SetImageCount
 0x614a98 FlatSB_GetScrollPos
 0x614a9c FlatSB_SetScrollPos
 0x614aa0 InitializeFlatSB
 0x614aa4 ImageList_Copy
 0x614aa8 FlatSB_GetScrollInfo
 0x614aac ImageList_Write
 0x614ab0 ImageList_SetBkColor
 0x614ab4 ImageList_GetBkColor
 0x614ab8 ImageList_BeginDrag
 0x614abc ImageList_GetIcon
 0x614ac0 ImageList_Replace
 0x614ac4 ImageList_GetImageCount
 0x614ac8 ImageList_DragEnter
 0x614acc ImageList_GetIconSize
 0x614ad0 ImageList_SetIconSize
 0x614ad4 ImageList_Read
 0x614ad8 ImageList_DragLeave
 0x614adc ImageList_LoadImageW
 0x614ae0 ImageList_Draw
 0x614ae4 ImageList_Remove
 0x614ae8 ImageList_ReplaceIcon
 0x614aec ImageList_SetOverlayImage
 0x614af4 Shell_NotifyIconW
 0x614af8 ShellExecuteW
 0x614b00 IsEqualGUID
 0x614b04 OleInitialize
 0x614b08 OleUninitialize
 0x614b0c CoInitialize
 0x614b10 CoCreateInstance
 0x614b14 CoUninitialize
 0x614b18 CoTaskMemFree
 0x614b1c CoTaskMemAlloc
 0x614b24 GetFileVersionInfoSizeW
 0x614b28 VerQueryValueW
 0x614b2c GetFileVersionInfoW
 0x614b34 CopyImage
 0x614b38 CreateWindowExW
 0x614b3c GetMenuItemInfoW
 0x614b40 SetMenuItemInfoW
 0x614b44 DefFrameProcW
 0x614b48 GetDCEx
 0x614b4c PeekMessageW
 0x614b50 MonitorFromWindow
 0x614b54 GetDlgCtrlID
 0x614b58 SetTimer
 0x614b5c WindowFromPoint
 0x614b60 BeginPaint
 0x614b64 RegisterClipboardFormatW
 0x614b68 FrameRect
 0x614b6c MapVirtualKeyW
 0x614b70 IsWindowUnicode
 0x614b74 RegisterWindowMessageW
 0x614b78 FillRect
 0x614b7c GetMenuStringW
 0x614b80 DispatchMessageW
 0x614b84 CreateAcceleratorTableW
 0x614b88 SendMessageA
 0x614b8c DefMDIChildProcW
 0x614b90 EnumWindows
 0x614b94 GetClassInfoW
 0x614b98 ShowOwnedPopups
 0x614b9c GetSystemMenu
 0x614ba0 GetScrollRange
 0x614ba4 SetScrollPos
 0x614ba8 GetScrollPos
 0x614bac GetActiveWindow
 0x614bb0 SetActiveWindow
 0x614bb4 DrawEdge
 0x614bb8 GetKeyboardLayoutList
 0x614bbc LoadBitmapW
 0x614bc0 DrawFocusRect
 0x614bc4 EnumChildWindows
 0x614bc8 ReleaseCapture
 0x614bcc UnhookWindowsHookEx
 0x614bd0 LoadCursorW
 0x614bd4 GetCapture
 0x614bd8 SetCapture
 0x614bdc CreatePopupMenu
 0x614be0 ScrollWindow
 0x614be4 ShowCaret
 0x614be8 GetMenuItemID
 0x614bec GetLastActivePopup
 0x614bf0 CharLowerBuffW
 0x614bf4 GetSystemMetrics
 0x614bf8 SetWindowLongW
 0x614bfc PostMessageW
 0x614c00 DrawMenuBar
 0x614c04 SetParent
 0x614c08 IsZoomed
 0x614c0c CharUpperBuffW
 0x614c10 GetClientRect
 0x614c14 IsChild
 0x614c18 ClientToScreen
 0x614c1c GetClipboardData
 0x614c20 SetClipboardData
 0x614c24 SetWindowPlacement
 0x614c28 IsIconic
 0x614c2c CallNextHookEx
 0x614c30 GetMonitorInfoW
 0x614c34 ShowWindow
 0x614c38 CheckMenuItem
 0x614c3c CharUpperW
 0x614c40 DefWindowProcW
 0x614c44 GetForegroundWindow
 0x614c48 SetForegroundWindow
 0x614c4c GetWindowTextW
 0x614c50 EnableWindow
 0x614c54 DestroyWindow
 0x614c58 IsDialogMessageW
 0x614c5c EndMenu
 0x614c60 RegisterClassW
 0x614c64 CharNextW
 0x614c68 GetWindowThreadProcessId
 0x614c6c RedrawWindow
 0x614c70 GetDC
 0x614c74 GetFocus
 0x614c78 SetFocus
 0x614c7c EndPaint
 0x614c80 ReleaseDC
 0x614c84 MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx
 0x614c88 LoadKeyboardLayoutW
 0x614c8c GetClassLongW
 0x614c90 ActivateKeyboardLayout
 0x614c94 GetParent
 0x614c98 DrawTextW
 0x614c9c SetScrollRange
 0x614ca0 MonitorFromRect
 0x614ca4 InsertMenuItemW
 0x614ca8 PeekMessageA
 0x614cac GetPropW
 0x614cb0 SetClassLongW
 0x614cb4 MessageBoxW
 0x614cb8 MessageBeep
 0x614cbc SetPropW
 0x614cc0 RemovePropW
 0x614cc4 UpdateWindow
 0x614cc8 GetSubMenu
 0x614ccc MsgWaitForMultipleObjects
 0x614cd0 DestroyMenu
 0x614cd4 DestroyIcon
 0x614cd8 SetWindowsHookExW
 0x614cdc EmptyClipboard
 0x614ce0 IsWindowVisible
 0x614ce4 DispatchMessageA
 0x614ce8 UnregisterClassW
 0x614cec GetTopWindow
 0x614cf0 SendMessageW
 0x614cf4 AdjustWindowRectEx
 0x614cf8 DrawIcon
 0x614cfc IsWindow
 0x614d00 EnumThreadWindows
 0x614d04 InvalidateRect
 0x614d08 GetKeyboardState
 0x614d0c DrawFrameControl
 0x614d10 ScreenToClient
 0x614d14 SetCursor
 0x614d18 CreateIcon
 0x614d1c CreateMenu
 0x614d20 LoadStringW
 0x614d24 CharLowerW
 0x614d28 SetWindowRgn
 0x614d2c SetWindowPos
 0x614d30 GetMenuItemCount
 0x614d34 RemoveMenu
 0x614d38 GetSysColorBrush
 0x614d3c GetKeyboardLayoutNameW
 0x614d40 GetWindowDC
 0x614d44 TranslateMessage
 0x614d48 OpenClipboard
 0x614d4c DrawTextExW
 0x614d50 MapWindowPoints
 0x614d54 EnumDisplayMonitors
 0x614d58 CallWindowProcW
 0x614d5c CloseClipboard
 0x614d60 DestroyCursor
 0x614d64 GetScrollInfo
 0x614d68 SetWindowTextW
 0x614d6c GetMessageExtraInfo
 0x614d70 EnableScrollBar
 0x614d74 GetSysColor
 0x614d78 TrackPopupMenu
 0x614d7c CopyIcon
 0x614d80 DrawIconEx
 0x614d84 PostQuitMessage
 0x614d88 GetClassNameW
 0x614d8c ShowScrollBar
 0x614d90 EnableMenuItem
 0x614d94 GetIconInfo
 0x614d98 GetMessagePos
 0x614d9c SetScrollInfo
 0x614da0 GetKeyNameTextW
 0x614da4 GetDesktopWindow
 0x614da8 GetCursorPos
 0x614dac SetCursorPos
 0x614db0 HideCaret
 0x614db4 GetMenu
 0x614db8 GetMenuState
 0x614dbc SetMenu
 0x614dc0 SetRect
 0x614dc4 GetKeyState
 0x614dc8 FindWindowExW
 0x614dcc MonitorFromPoint
 0x614dd0 SystemParametersInfoW
 0x614dd4 LoadIconW
 0x614dd8 GetCursor
 0x614ddc GetWindow
 0x614de0 GetWindowLongW
 0x614de4 GetWindowRect
 0x614de8 InsertMenuW
 0x614dec KillTimer
 0x614df0 WaitMessage
 0x614df4 IsWindowEnabled
 0x614df8 IsDialogMessageA
 0x614dfc TranslateMDISysAccel
 0x614e00 GetWindowPlacement
 0x614e04 FindWindowW
 0x614e08 DeleteMenu
 0x614e0c GetKeyboardLayout
 0x614e14 SysFreeString
 0x614e18 VariantClear
 0x614e1c VariantInit
 0x614e20 GetErrorInfo
 0x614e24 SysReAllocStringLen
 0x614e28 SafeArrayCreate
 0x614e2c SysAllocStringLen
 0x614e30 SafeArrayPtrOfIndex
 0x614e34 SafeArrayGetUBound
 0x614e38 SafeArrayGetLBound
 0x614e3c VariantCopy
 0x614e40 VariantChangeType
 0x614e48 NetWkstaGetInfo
 0x614e4c NetApiBufferFree
 0x614e54 RegSetValueExW
 0x614e58 RegConnectRegistryW
 0x614e5c RegEnumKeyExW
 0x614e60 RegLoadKeyW
 0x614e64 RegDeleteKeyW
 0x614e68 RegOpenKeyExW
 0x614e6c RegQueryInfoKeyW
 0x614e70 RegUnLoadKeyW
 0x614e74 RegSaveKeyW
 0x614e78 RegDeleteValueW
 0x614e7c RegReplaceKeyW
 0x614e80 RegFlushKey
 0x614e84 RegQueryValueExW
 0x614e88 RegEnumValueW
 0x614e8c RegCloseKey
 0x614e90 RegCreateKeyExW
 0x614e94 RegRestoreKeyW
 0x614e9c Pie
 0x614ea0 SetBkMode
 0x614ea4 CreateCompatibleBitmap
 0x614ea8 GetEnhMetaFileHeader
 0x614eac RectVisible
 0x614eb0 AngleArc
 0x614eb4 SetAbortProc
 0x614eb8 SetTextColor
 0x614ebc StretchBlt
 0x614ec0 RoundRect
 0x614ec4 RestoreDC
 0x614ec8 SetRectRgn
 0x614ecc GetTextMetricsW
 0x614ed0 GetWindowOrgEx
 0x614ed4 CreatePalette
 0x614ed8 PolyBezierTo
 0x614edc CreateICW
 0x614ee0 CreateDCW
 0x614ee4 GetStockObject
 0x614ee8 CreateSolidBrush
 0x614eec Polygon
 0x614ef0 MoveToEx
 0x614ef4 PlayEnhMetaFile
 0x614ef8 Ellipse
 0x614efc StartPage
 0x614f00 GetBitmapBits
 0x614f04 StartDocW
 0x614f08 GetSystemPaletteEntries
 0x614f0c GetEnhMetaFileBits
 0x614f10 AbortDoc
 0x614f14 GetEnhMetaFilePaletteEntries
 0x614f18 CreatePenIndirect
 0x614f1c CreateFontIndirectW
 0x614f20 PolyBezier
 0x614f24 EndDoc
 0x614f28 GetObjectW
 0x614f2c GetWinMetaFileBits
 0x614f30 SetROP2
 0x614f34 GetEnhMetaFileDescriptionW
 0x614f38 ArcTo
 0x614f3c Arc
 0x614f40 SelectPalette
 0x614f44 ExcludeClipRect
 0x614f48 MaskBlt
 0x614f4c SetWindowOrgEx
 0x614f50 EndPage
 0x614f54 DeleteEnhMetaFile
 0x614f58 Chord
 0x614f5c SetDIBits
 0x614f60 SetViewportOrgEx
 0x614f64 CreateRectRgn
 0x614f68 RealizePalette
 0x614f6c SetDIBColorTable
 0x614f70 GetDIBColorTable
 0x614f74 CreateBrushIndirect
 0x614f78 PatBlt
 0x614f7c SetEnhMetaFileBits
 0x614f80 Rectangle
 0x614f84 SaveDC
 0x614f88 DeleteDC
 0x614f8c FrameRgn
 0x614f90 BitBlt
 0x614f94 GetDeviceCaps
 0x614f98 GetTextExtentPoint32W
 0x614f9c GetClipBox
 0x614fa0 IntersectClipRect
 0x614fa4 Polyline
 0x614fa8 CreateBitmap
 0x614fac SetWinMetaFileBits
 0x614fb0 GetStretchBltMode
 0x614fb4 CreateDIBitmap
 0x614fb8 SetStretchBltMode
 0x614fbc GetDIBits
 0x614fc0 CreateDIBSection
 0x614fc4 LineTo
 0x614fc8 GetRgnBox
 0x614fcc EnumFontsW
 0x614fd0 CreateHalftonePalette
 0x614fd4 SelectObject
 0x614fd8 DeleteObject
 0x614fdc ExtFloodFill
 0x614fe0 UnrealizeObject
 0x614fe4 CopyEnhMetaFileW
 0x614fe8 SetBkColor
 0x614fec CreateCompatibleDC
 0x614ff0 GetBrushOrgEx
 0x614ff4 GetCurrentPositionEx
 0x614ff8 GetTextExtentPointW
 0x614ffc ExtTextOutW
 0x615000 SetBrushOrgEx
 0x615004 GetPixel
 0x615008 GdiFlush
 0x61500c SetPixel
 0x615010 EnumFontFamiliesExW
 0x615014 StretchDIBits
 0x615018 GetPaletteEntries

EAT(Export Address Table) Library

0x4d74dc TMethodImplementationIntercept
0x410794 __dbk_fcall_wrapper
0x61063c dbkFCallWrapperAddr

Similarity measure (PE file only) - Checking for service failure