Created | 2023.10.11 18:08 | Machine | s1_win7_x6403 |
Filename | Setup.exe | ||
Type | PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows | ||
AI Score |
Behavior Score |
ZERO API | file : malware | ||
VT API (file) | 29 detected (AIDetectMalware, malicious, high confidence, yCW@aKAYGQfi, AdwareImali, confidence, Attribute, HighConfidence, score, Static AI, Suspicious PE, ai score=88, Wacapew, unsafe, Generic@AI, RDML, ta5QK8JxBhTR1KA33molAg, susgen) | ||
md5 | aac23ff6c2cc93769600e060ab7cfca9 | ||
sha256 | ddeda215cd74d0d7516cd2862d6ef39d1329e5d06dc59f4b38f95a36b1c69bcd | ||
ssdeep | 6144:BldGJUaHy3IL1kBu+11KhwAORVGBapZ1LQumfF5Iuxr1T:Bly7HAILqv1Khw3Re11T | ||
imphash | 4ae233e271f9593b3373c8d875c9b855 | ||
impfuzzy | 24:dDj4rrzSucHVrc+WcJBlivDXOjCtWS1rMU9rotHOovbOTv1jMMZxZuKmkM1zHlwE:dYPic+H+XtWS1rMUZd3z9ZaK2CpHt8J |
Network IP location
Signature (27cnts)
Level | Description |
warning | File has been identified by 29 AntiVirus engines on VirusTotal as malicious |
watch | Attempts to create or modify system certificates |
watch | Attempts to identify installed AV products by installation directory |
watch | Communicates with host for which no DNS query was performed |
watch | Created a service where a service was also not started |
watch | Deletes a large number of files from the system indicative of ransomware |
watch | Detects Avast Antivirus through the presence of a library |
watch | Detects Virtual Machines through their custom firmware |
watch | Harvests credentials from local email clients |
watch | Network activity contains more than one unique useragent |
notice | A process attempted to delay the analysis task. |
notice | Allocates read-write-execute memory (usually to unpack itself) |
notice | An executable file was downloaded by the process setup.exe |
notice | Checks adapter addresses which can be used to detect virtual network interfaces |
notice | Creates executable files on the filesystem |
notice | Drops a binary and executes it |
notice | Drops an executable to the user AppData folder |
notice | Executes one or more WMI queries |
notice | Executes one or more WMI queries which can be used to identify virtual machines |
notice | HTTP traffic contains suspicious features which may be indicative of malware related traffic |
notice | Looks up the external IP address |
notice | Performs some HTTP requests |
info | Checks amount of memory in system |
info | Checks if process is being debugged by a debugger |
info | Queries for the computername |
info | The executable contains unknown PE section names indicative of a packer (could be a false positive) |
info | This executable has a PDB path |
Rules (24cnts)
Level | Name | Description | Collection |
warning | Generic_Malware_Zero | Generic Malware | binaries (download) |
watch | Antivirus | Contains references to security software | binaries (download) |
watch | Malicious_Library_Zero | Malicious_Library | binaries (download) |
watch | Malicious_Library_Zero | Malicious_Library | binaries (upload) |
watch | Malicious_Packer_Zero | Malicious Packer | binaries (download) |
watch | UPX_Zero | UPX packed file | binaries (download) |
watch | UPX_Zero | UPX packed file | binaries (upload) |
watch | Win32_Trojan_PWS_Net_1_Zero | Win32 Trojan PWS .NET Azorult | binaries (download) |
notice | anti_vm_detect | Possibly employs anti-virtualization techniques | binaries (download) |
info | bmp_file_format | bmp file format | binaries (download) |
info | chm_file_format | chm file format | binaries (download) |
info | docx | Word 2007 file format detection | binaries (download) |
info | Is_DotNET_EXE | (no description) | binaries (download) |
info | IsDLL | (no description) | binaries (download) |
info | IsPE32 | (no description) | binaries (download) |
info | IsPE32 | (no description) | binaries (upload) |
info | IsPE64 | (no description) | binaries (download) |
info | JPEG_Format_Zero | JPEG Format | binaries (download) |
info | Microsoft_Office_File_Zero | Microsoft Office File | binaries (download) |
info | OS_Processor_Check_Zero | OS Processor Check | binaries (download) |
info | OS_Processor_Check_Zero | OS Processor Check | binaries (upload) |
info | PE_Header_Zero | PE File Signature | binaries (download) |
info | PE_Header_Zero | PE File Signature | binaries (upload) |
info | zip_file_format | ZIP file format | binaries (download) |
Network (19cnts) ?
Suricata ids
ET POLICY External IP Lookup
ET 3CORESec Poor Reputation IP group 16
ET POLICY curl User-Agent Outbound
ET INFO Executable Download from dotted-quad Host
ET HUNTING curl User-Agent to Dotted Quad
ET POLICY PE EXE or DLL Windows file download HTTP
ET HUNTING SUSPICIOUS Dotted Quad Host MZ Response
ET INFO External IP Lookup Domain (ipify .org) in DNS Lookup
ET HUNTING Telegram API Domain in DNS Lookup
ET POLICY External IP Lookup Domain (ipapi .co in DNS lookup)
ET POLICY External IP Lookup
ET POLICY Cryptocurrency Miner Checkin
SSLBL: Malicious JA3 SSL-Client Fingerprint detected (Tofsee)
ET INFO TLS Handshake Failure
ET HUNTING Observed Telegram API Domain (api .telegram .org in TLS SNI)
ET 3CORESec Poor Reputation IP group 16
ET POLICY curl User-Agent Outbound
ET INFO Executable Download from dotted-quad Host
ET HUNTING curl User-Agent to Dotted Quad
ET POLICY PE EXE or DLL Windows file download HTTP
ET HUNTING SUSPICIOUS Dotted Quad Host MZ Response
ET INFO External IP Lookup Domain (ipify .org) in DNS Lookup
ET HUNTING Telegram API Domain in DNS Lookup
ET POLICY External IP Lookup Domain (ipapi .co in DNS lookup)
ET POLICY External IP Lookup
ET POLICY Cryptocurrency Miner Checkin
SSLBL: Malicious JA3 SSL-Client Fingerprint detected (Tofsee)
ET INFO TLS Handshake Failure
ET HUNTING Observed Telegram API Domain (api .telegram .org in TLS SNI)
IAT(Import Address Table) Library
0x42e024 GetLastError
0x42e028 CloseHandle
0x42e02c CopyFileW
0x42e030 GetComputerNameA
0x42e034 CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent
0x42e038 Sleep
0x42e03c MultiByteToWideChar
0x42e040 OpenProcess
0x42e044 GetModuleHandleA
0x42e048 CreateMutexW
0x42e04c GetModuleFileNameW
0x42e050 GetCurrentProcess
0x42e054 HeapSize
0x42e058 CreateFileW
0x42e05c ReadConsoleW
0x42e060 WriteConsoleW
0x42e064 SetStdHandle
0x42e068 SetEnvironmentVariableA
0x42e06c FreeEnvironmentStringsW
0x42e070 GetEnvironmentStringsW
0x42e074 GetOEMCP
0x42e078 IsValidCodePage
0x42e07c FindNextFileA
0x42e080 FindFirstFileExA
0x42e084 FindClose
0x42e088 GetModuleFileNameA
0x42e08c CreateDirectoryW
0x42e090 GetProcessHeap
0x42e094 WideCharToMultiByte
0x42e098 EnterCriticalSection
0x42e09c LeaveCriticalSection
0x42e0a0 DeleteCriticalSection
0x42e0a4 EncodePointer
0x42e0a8 DecodePointer
0x42e0ac SetLastError
0x42e0b0 InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount
0x42e0b4 CreateEventW
0x42e0b8 TlsAlloc
0x42e0bc TlsGetValue
0x42e0c0 TlsSetValue
0x42e0c4 TlsFree
0x42e0c8 GetSystemTimeAsFileTime
0x42e0cc GetModuleHandleW
0x42e0d0 GetProcAddress
0x42e0d4 CompareStringW
0x42e0d8 LCMapStringW
0x42e0dc GetLocaleInfoW
0x42e0e0 GetStringTypeW
0x42e0e4 GetCPInfo
0x42e0e8 SetEvent
0x42e0ec ResetEvent
0x42e0f0 WaitForSingleObjectEx
0x42e0f4 UnhandledExceptionFilter
0x42e0f8 SetUnhandledExceptionFilter
0x42e0fc TerminateProcess
0x42e100 IsProcessorFeaturePresent
0x42e104 IsDebuggerPresent
0x42e108 GetStartupInfoW
0x42e10c QueryPerformanceCounter
0x42e110 GetCurrentProcessId
0x42e114 GetCurrentThreadId
0x42e118 InitializeSListHead
0x42e11c RtlUnwind
0x42e120 RaiseException
0x42e124 FreeLibrary
0x42e128 LoadLibraryExW
0x42e12c ExitProcess
0x42e130 GetModuleHandleExW
0x42e134 HeapAlloc
0x42e138 HeapReAlloc
0x42e13c HeapFree
0x42e140 GetStdHandle
0x42e144 WriteFile
0x42e148 GetCommandLineA
0x42e14c GetCommandLineW
0x42e150 GetACP
0x42e154 GetFileType
0x42e158 FlushFileBuffers
0x42e15c GetConsoleCP
0x42e160 GetConsoleMode
0x42e164 IsValidLocale
0x42e168 GetUserDefaultLCID
0x42e16c EnumSystemLocalesW
0x42e170 ReadFile
0x42e174 SetFilePointerEx
0x42e178 SetEndOfFile
0x42e000 RegSetValueExW
0x42e004 RegCreateKeyExW
0x42e008 RegCloseKey
0x42e00c RegQueryValueExA
0x42e010 GetUserNameA
0x42e014 RegOpenKeyExA
0x42e1a0 ShellExecuteA
0x42e1c0 CoCreateInstance
0x42e1c4 CoUninitialize
0x42e1c8 CoInitializeSecurity
0x42e1cc CoInitializeEx
0x42e1d0 CoSetProxyBlanket
0x42e180 VariantClear
0x42e184 SysAllocString
0x42e188 SysFreeString
0x42e18c VariantInit
0x42e1a8 InternetReadFile
0x42e1ac InternetOpenUrlA
0x42e1b0 InternetCloseHandle
0x42e1b4 InternetOpenW
0x42e1b8 InternetOpenA
0x42e01c CryptBinaryToStringA
0x42e194 EnumProcesses
0x42e198 GetModuleBaseNameA
EAT(Export Address Table) is none
0x42e024 GetLastError
0x42e028 CloseHandle
0x42e02c CopyFileW
0x42e030 GetComputerNameA
0x42e034 CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent
0x42e038 Sleep
0x42e03c MultiByteToWideChar
0x42e040 OpenProcess
0x42e044 GetModuleHandleA
0x42e048 CreateMutexW
0x42e04c GetModuleFileNameW
0x42e050 GetCurrentProcess
0x42e054 HeapSize
0x42e058 CreateFileW
0x42e05c ReadConsoleW
0x42e060 WriteConsoleW
0x42e064 SetStdHandle
0x42e068 SetEnvironmentVariableA
0x42e06c FreeEnvironmentStringsW
0x42e070 GetEnvironmentStringsW
0x42e074 GetOEMCP
0x42e078 IsValidCodePage
0x42e07c FindNextFileA
0x42e080 FindFirstFileExA
0x42e084 FindClose
0x42e088 GetModuleFileNameA
0x42e08c CreateDirectoryW
0x42e090 GetProcessHeap
0x42e094 WideCharToMultiByte
0x42e098 EnterCriticalSection
0x42e09c LeaveCriticalSection
0x42e0a0 DeleteCriticalSection
0x42e0a4 EncodePointer
0x42e0a8 DecodePointer
0x42e0ac SetLastError
0x42e0b0 InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount
0x42e0b4 CreateEventW
0x42e0b8 TlsAlloc
0x42e0bc TlsGetValue
0x42e0c0 TlsSetValue
0x42e0c4 TlsFree
0x42e0c8 GetSystemTimeAsFileTime
0x42e0cc GetModuleHandleW
0x42e0d0 GetProcAddress
0x42e0d4 CompareStringW
0x42e0d8 LCMapStringW
0x42e0dc GetLocaleInfoW
0x42e0e0 GetStringTypeW
0x42e0e4 GetCPInfo
0x42e0e8 SetEvent
0x42e0ec ResetEvent
0x42e0f0 WaitForSingleObjectEx
0x42e0f4 UnhandledExceptionFilter
0x42e0f8 SetUnhandledExceptionFilter
0x42e0fc TerminateProcess
0x42e100 IsProcessorFeaturePresent
0x42e104 IsDebuggerPresent
0x42e108 GetStartupInfoW
0x42e10c QueryPerformanceCounter
0x42e110 GetCurrentProcessId
0x42e114 GetCurrentThreadId
0x42e118 InitializeSListHead
0x42e11c RtlUnwind
0x42e120 RaiseException
0x42e124 FreeLibrary
0x42e128 LoadLibraryExW
0x42e12c ExitProcess
0x42e130 GetModuleHandleExW
0x42e134 HeapAlloc
0x42e138 HeapReAlloc
0x42e13c HeapFree
0x42e140 GetStdHandle
0x42e144 WriteFile
0x42e148 GetCommandLineA
0x42e14c GetCommandLineW
0x42e150 GetACP
0x42e154 GetFileType
0x42e158 FlushFileBuffers
0x42e15c GetConsoleCP
0x42e160 GetConsoleMode
0x42e164 IsValidLocale
0x42e168 GetUserDefaultLCID
0x42e16c EnumSystemLocalesW
0x42e170 ReadFile
0x42e174 SetFilePointerEx
0x42e178 SetEndOfFile
0x42e000 RegSetValueExW
0x42e004 RegCreateKeyExW
0x42e008 RegCloseKey
0x42e00c RegQueryValueExA
0x42e010 GetUserNameA
0x42e014 RegOpenKeyExA
0x42e1a0 ShellExecuteA
0x42e1c0 CoCreateInstance
0x42e1c4 CoUninitialize
0x42e1c8 CoInitializeSecurity
0x42e1cc CoInitializeEx
0x42e1d0 CoSetProxyBlanket
0x42e180 VariantClear
0x42e184 SysAllocString
0x42e188 SysFreeString
0x42e18c VariantInit
0x42e1a8 InternetReadFile
0x42e1ac InternetOpenUrlA
0x42e1b0 InternetCloseHandle
0x42e1b4 InternetOpenW
0x42e1b8 InternetOpenA
0x42e01c CryptBinaryToStringA
0x42e194 EnumProcesses
0x42e198 GetModuleBaseNameA
EAT(Export Address Table) is none