Created 2023.11.08 09:43 Machine s1_win7_x6401
Filename work.vbs
Type Non-ISO extended-ASCII text, with very long lines, with CRLF line terminators
AI Score Not founds Behavior Score
ZERO API file : clean
VT API (file) 26 detected (SNIC, Skiddo, Malicious, score, Valyria, iwquii, VPTL, Dunihi, ai score=83, Detected)
md5 f98b2d9799e83e700d3be6e231c3e615
sha256 5f68fdf47b0e899369554258245c474772ba2dd1d10263200c93e988d41e22ff
ssdeep 384:METIaiLgLQuwArA13wb06k/PTu6XYw7vpgGD/VAgkecH4DtPlFB4EUFbF2hrsF2v:METIVbgdMlNhoFr2Ka
  Network IP location

Signature (11cnts)

Level Description
danger Connects to IP addresses that are no longer responding to requests (legitimate services will remain up-and-running usually)
warning File has been identified by 26 AntiVirus engines on VirusTotal as malicious
watch Executes one or more WMI queries
watch Installs itself for autorun at Windows startup
watch Network communications indicative of a potential document or script payload download was initiated by the process wscript.exe
watch Wscript.exe initiated network communications indicative of a script based payload download
watch wscript.exe-based dropper (JScript
notice Connects to a Dynamic DNS Domain
notice Executes one or more WMI queries which can be used to identify virtual machines
notice Queries the disk size which could be used to detect virtual machine with small fixed size or dynamic allocation
info Queries for the computername

Rules (0cnts)

Level Name Description Collection

Network (2cnts) ?

Request CC ASN Co IP4 Rule ? ZERO ? SG M247 Ltd mailcious SG M247 Ltd clean

Suricata ids

Similarity measure (PE file only) - Checking for service failure