Report - excel-ultimate-suite.msi

Generic Malware Malicious Library ASPack .NET framework(MSIL) UPX MSOffice File CAB OS Processor Check PE32 PE File DLL
Created 2024.02.20 20:05 Machine s1_win7_x6401
Filename excel-ultimate-suite.msi
Type Composite Document File V2 Document, Little Endian, Os: Windows, Version 10.0, MSI Installer, Code page: 1252, Title: Installation Database, Subject: Ablebits Ultimate Suite for Microsoft Excel, Business edition, Author: Ablebits, Keywords: Installer, Com
AI Score Not founds Behavior Score
ZERO API file : clean
VT API (file) 7 detected (VMProtect, L suspicious, R002V01J523, Artemis, Generic@AI, RDML, DQFhAuOEZVEhNfVVA7, Detected, ABRisk, BScope, Tiggre)
md5 28303061b11b4c17b3580b754b9b8299
sha256 1ebaec1fed2e7322c14f8a9585d718726dee0db53e52b72c29d9c8170d425190
ssdeep 786432:N1O5+v/vmfwS+nvsU7QP9CHwHFMy6Cb/XaKvEqx5lVyCp/nmciOmFoT:fO5qVSsvsU7pQlMyZ2KvEMRJnmxRFG
  Network IP location

Signature (12cnts)

Level Description
watch One or more of the buffers contains an embedded PE file
notice Allocates read-write-execute memory (usually to unpack itself)
notice Checks adapter addresses which can be used to detect virtual network interfaces
notice Checks for the Locally Unique Identifier on the system for a suspicious privilege
notice Drops an executable to the user AppData folder
notice File has been identified by 7 AntiVirus engines on VirusTotal as malicious
notice One or more potentially interesting buffers were extracted
notice Performs some HTTP requests
notice Queries the disk size which could be used to detect virtual machine with small fixed size or dynamic allocation
info Checks amount of memory in system
info Checks if process is being debugged by a debugger
info Queries for the computername

Rules (15cnts)

Level Name Description Collection
warning Generic_Malware_Zero Generic Malware binaries (upload)
watch ASPack_Zero ASPack packed file binaries (download)
watch ASPack_Zero ASPack packed file binaries (upload)
watch Malicious_Library_Zero Malicious_Library binaries (download)
watch Malicious_Library_Zero Malicious_Library binaries (upload)
watch UPX_Zero UPX packed file binaries (download)
watch Win32_Trojan_PWS_Net_1_Zero Win32 Trojan PWS .NET Azorult binaries (upload)
info CAB_file_format CAB archive file binaries (download)
info CAB_file_format CAB archive file binaries (upload)
info IsDLL (no description) binaries (download)
info IsPE32 (no description) binaries (download)
info Microsoft_Office_File_Zero Microsoft Office File binaries (upload)
info OS_Processor_Check_Zero OS Processor Check binaries (download)
info OS_Processor_Check_Zero OS Processor Check binaries (upload)
info PE_Header_Zero PE File Signature binaries (download)

Network (3cnts) ?

Request CC ASN Co IP4 Rule ? ZERO ? US Akamai International B.V. clean US Akamai International B.V. clean US Akamai International B.V. clean

Suricata ids

Similarity measure (PE file only) - Checking for service failure