Report - cmd.ps1

Malicious Library Malicious Packer UPX PE64 PE File OS Processor Check
Created 2024.05.16 09:08 Machine s1_win7_x6401
Filename cmd.ps1
Type PE32+ executable (console) x86-64, for MS Windows
AI Score
Behavior Score
ZERO API file : mailcious
VT API (file) 40 detected (AIDetectMalware, Marte, malicious, high confidence, score, Artemis, Scars, unsafe, Save, Attribute, HighConfidence, a variant of WinGo, Scarecrow, GoShell, AGEN, WinGo, Detected, ai score=86, CobaltStrike, AMBG, Eldorado, R606188, Static AI, Malicious PE, GoDownloader, AZHW3DGW)
md5 7801b02953637126c9012fd6e630f790
sha256 8456cbb869c382a7d7454a2493d571a6d836559c7e406c67a81e29713f14ca5d
ssdeep 24576:EDNMN0Jj/ayV7yLInjprq+JFp2DeIhjBX1tL:qqsTRV7lnjpJLChjJL
imphash 4f2f006e2ecf7172ad368f8289dc96c1
impfuzzy 24:ibVjh9wO+VuT7boVaXOr6kwmDgUPMztxdEr6tP:AwO+VUjXOmokx0oP
  Network IP location

Signature (4cnts)

Level Description
danger File has been identified by 40 AntiVirus engines on VirusTotal as malicious
watch Communicates with host for which no DNS query was performed
info One or more processes crashed
info The executable contains unknown PE section names indicative of a packer (could be a false positive)

Rules (6cnts)

Level Name Description Collection
watch Malicious_Library_Zero Malicious_Library binaries (upload)
watch Malicious_Packer_Zero Malicious Packer binaries (upload)
watch UPX_Zero UPX packed file binaries (upload)
info IsPE64 (no description) binaries (upload)
info OS_Processor_Check_Zero OS Processor Check binaries (upload)
info PE_Header_Zero PE File Signature binaries (upload)

Network (1cnts) ?

Request CC ASN Co IP4 Rule ? ZERO ? US CLOUDFLARENET clean

Suricata ids


IAT(Import Address Table) Library

 0x589200 WriteFile
 0x589208 WriteConsoleW
 0x589210 WerSetFlags
 0x589218 WerGetFlags
 0x589220 WaitForMultipleObjects
 0x589228 WaitForSingleObject
 0x589230 VirtualQuery
 0x589238 VirtualFree
 0x589240 VirtualAlloc
 0x589248 TlsAlloc
 0x589250 SwitchToThread
 0x589258 SuspendThread
 0x589260 SetWaitableTimer
 0x589268 SetUnhandledExceptionFilter
 0x589270 SetProcessPriorityBoost
 0x589278 SetEvent
 0x589280 SetErrorMode
 0x589288 SetConsoleCtrlHandler
 0x589290 ResumeThread
 0x589298 RaiseFailFastException
 0x5892a0 PostQueuedCompletionStatus
 0x5892a8 LoadLibraryW
 0x5892b0 LoadLibraryExW
 0x5892b8 SetThreadContext
 0x5892c0 GetThreadContext
 0x5892c8 GetSystemInfo
 0x5892d0 GetSystemDirectoryA
 0x5892d8 GetStdHandle
 0x5892e0 GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx
 0x5892e8 GetProcessAffinityMask
 0x5892f0 GetProcAddress
 0x5892f8 GetErrorMode
 0x589300 GetEnvironmentStringsW
 0x589308 GetCurrentThreadId
 0x589310 GetConsoleMode
 0x589318 FreeEnvironmentStringsW
 0x589320 ExitProcess
 0x589328 DuplicateHandle
 0x589330 CreateWaitableTimerExW
 0x589338 CreateThread
 0x589340 CreateIoCompletionPort
 0x589348 CreateFileA
 0x589350 CreateEventA
 0x589358 CloseHandle
 0x589360 AddVectoredExceptionHandler

EAT(Export Address Table) is none

Similarity measure (PE file only) - Checking for service failure