Report - A.I_1003H.exe

Gen1 PWS/Dexter Emotet Generic Malware PhysicalDrive Malicious Library UPX Malicious Packer Admin Tool (Sysinternals etc ...) Antivirus Anti_VM PE File PE32 DLL OS Processor Check PE64 DllRegisterServer dll MSOffice File MZP Format CAB
Created 2024.05.31 10:17 Machine s1_win7_x6403
Filename A.I_1003H.exe
Type PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows
AI Score Not founds Behavior Score
ZERO API file : malware
VT API (file) 54 detected (Common, Fsysna, malicious, moderate confidence, Sality, Misc, HackTool, WinActivator, unsafe, GenericKD, Vewe, CEBR, FlyStudio potentially unwanted, Artemis, MiscX, fcwp, HiddenStart, Diple, dhccqd, Siggen1, 0NA003H718, Generic Reputation PUA, ATRAPS, ai score=100, Patcher, FraudLoad, R@1cogfd, WindowsActivator, HStart, Detected, Crack, TScope, Delf, WpaKill, I3pNDh9G1KU, Static AI, Suspicious PE, susgen, confidence)
md5 3d5fa6d9aa8cf0087e59296463598c2e
sha256 2ba75db3ee21d26878eb02ce7aa6b01e334fd7a811809ff2d0fd6cf5736890ba
ssdeep 196608:ZDxmNUHnMa8w2PsKp1p8kI+Ogkn8sheTjc9wPFi7D9uxwxHPDi+/u:ZDxmN2ewMsg1p8kZW9eTQ9wAMiveL
imphash e731a0eb5a871c8e2bac936ab9cfdd3d
impfuzzy 48:dBOwO1ApwHV4bQhkSjqQDEQ4j54XKQpSv6pNV6U0Lltn6GmvbcQ4jSXUlCAC40vT:dB7wiw14khZqnPX/DWBfZFgsD
  Network IP location

Signature (16cnts)

Level Description
danger File has been identified by 54 AntiVirus engines on VirusTotal as malicious
watch Attempts to stop active services
watch Drops 100 unknown file mime types indicative of ransomware writing encrypted files back to disk
watch Uses suspicious command line tools or Windows utilities
notice Allocates read-write-execute memory (usually to unpack itself)
notice Checks for the Locally Unique Identifier on the system for a suspicious privilege
notice Creates executable files on the filesystem
notice Drops a binary and executes it
notice Drops an executable to the user AppData folder
notice Foreign language identified in PE resource
notice The binary likely contains encrypted or compressed data indicative of a packer
notice Uses Windows utilities for basic Windows functionality
info Checks amount of memory in system
info Command line console output was observed
info Queries for the computername
info This executable has a PDB path

Rules (25cnts)

Level Name Description Collection
danger Win32_Trojan_Emotet_2_Zero Win32 Trojan Emotet binaries (download)
danger Win32_Trojan_Gen_1_0904B0_Zero Win32 Trojan Emotet binaries (download)
danger Win_PWS_Dexter_Zero Win PWS Dexter binaries (download)
warning Generic_Malware_Zero Generic Malware binaries (download)
warning Generic_Malware_Zero Generic Malware binaries (upload)
warning PhysicalDrive_20181001 (no description) binaries (download)
watch Admin_Tool_IN_Zero Admin Tool Sysinternals binaries (download)
watch Antivirus Contains references to security software binaries (download)
watch Malicious_Library_Zero Malicious_Library binaries (download)
watch Malicious_Library_Zero Malicious_Library binaries (upload)
watch Malicious_Packer_Zero Malicious Packer binaries (download)
watch UPX_Zero UPX packed file binaries (download)
watch UPX_Zero UPX packed file binaries (upload)
notice anti_vm_detect Possibly employs anti-virtualization techniques binaries (download)
info CAB_file_format CAB archive file binaries (download)
info DllRegisterServer_Zero execute regsvr32.exe binaries (download)
info IsDLL (no description) binaries (download)
info IsPE32 (no description) binaries (download)
info IsPE32 (no description) binaries (upload)
info IsPE64 (no description) binaries (download)
info Microsoft_Office_File_Zero Microsoft Office File binaries (download)
info mzp_file_format MZP(Delphi) file format binaries (download)
info OS_Processor_Check_Zero OS Processor Check binaries (download)
info PE_Header_Zero PE File Signature binaries (download)
info PE_Header_Zero PE File Signature binaries (upload)

Network (0cnts) ?

Request CC ASN Co IP4 Rule ? ZERO ?

Suricata ids


IAT(Import Address Table) Library

 0x40d018 None
 0x40d044 SetFileAttributesW
 0x40d048 GetFullPathNameA
 0x40d04c MoveFileA
 0x40d050 DeleteFileA
 0x40d054 DeleteFileW
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 0x40d05c CreateDirectoryW
 0x40d060 FindClose
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 0x40d06c FindNextFileW
 0x40d070 FindFirstFileW
 0x40d074 GetTickCount
 0x40d078 WideCharToMultiByte
 0x40d07c MultiByteToWideChar
 0x40d080 GetVersionExA
 0x40d084 GlobalAlloc
 0x40d088 lstrlenA
 0x40d08c GetModuleFileNameA
 0x40d090 FindResourceA
 0x40d094 GetModuleHandleA
 0x40d098 HeapAlloc
 0x40d09c GetProcessHeap
 0x40d0a0 HeapFree
 0x40d0a4 HeapReAlloc
 0x40d0a8 CompareStringA
 0x40d0ac ExitProcess
 0x40d0b0 SetFileAttributesA
 0x40d0b4 GetNumberFormatA
 0x40d0b8 lstrcmpiA
 0x40d0bc GetProcAddress
 0x40d0c0 DosDateTimeToFileTime
 0x40d0c4 GetDateFormatA
 0x40d0c8 GetTimeFormatA
 0x40d0cc FileTimeToSystemTime
 0x40d0d0 FileTimeToLocalFileTime
 0x40d0d4 ExpandEnvironmentStringsA
 0x40d0d8 WaitForSingleObject
 0x40d0dc SetCurrentDirectoryA
 0x40d0e0 Sleep
 0x40d0e4 GetTempPathA
 0x40d0e8 MoveFileExA
 0x40d0ec GetModuleFileNameW
 0x40d0f0 SetEnvironmentVariableA
 0x40d0f4 GetCommandLineA
 0x40d0f8 LocalFileTimeToFileTime
 0x40d0fc SystemTimeToFileTime
 0x40d100 IsDBCSLeadByte
 0x40d104 GetCPInfo
 0x40d108 FreeLibrary
 0x40d10c LoadLibraryA
 0x40d110 GetCurrentDirectoryA
 0x40d114 GetFileAttributesW
 0x40d118 GetFileAttributesA
 0x40d11c WriteFile
 0x40d120 SetFileTime
 0x40d124 GetStdHandle
 0x40d128 ReadFile
 0x40d12c SetLastError
 0x40d130 CreateFileW
 0x40d134 CreateFileA
 0x40d138 GetFileType
 0x40d13c SetFilePointer
 0x40d140 CloseHandle
 0x40d144 SetEndOfFile
 0x40d148 GetLastError
 0x40d14c GetLocaleInfoA
 0x40d180 OemToCharBuffA
 0x40d184 CharLowerA
 0x40d188 wvsprintfA
 0x40d18c FindWindowExA
 0x40d190 GetClassNameA
 0x40d194 ReleaseDC
 0x40d198 GetDC
 0x40d19c SendMessageA
 0x40d1a0 wsprintfA
 0x40d1a4 SetDlgItemTextA
 0x40d1a8 EndDialog
 0x40d1ac DestroyIcon
 0x40d1b0 SendDlgItemMessageA
 0x40d1b4 GetDlgItemTextA
 0x40d1b8 DialogBoxParamA
 0x40d1bc IsWindowVisible
 0x40d1c0 WaitForInputIdle
 0x40d1c4 GetSysColor
 0x40d1c8 PostMessageA
 0x40d1cc SetMenu
 0x40d1d0 SetFocus
 0x40d1d4 LoadBitmapA
 0x40d1d8 CharToOemBuffA
 0x40d1dc CharToOemA
 0x40d1e0 OemToCharA
 0x40d1e4 MapWindowPoints
 0x40d1e8 CreateWindowExA
 0x40d1ec UpdateWindow
 0x40d1f0 SetWindowTextA
 0x40d1f4 LoadCursorA
 0x40d1f8 RegisterClassExA
 0x40d1fc SetWindowLongA
 0x40d200 GetWindowLongA
 0x40d204 DefWindowProcA
 0x40d208 PeekMessageA
 0x40d20c GetMessageA
 0x40d210 TranslateMessage
 0x40d214 DestroyWindow
 0x40d218 GetClientRect
 0x40d21c CopyRect
 0x40d220 IsWindow
 0x40d224 MessageBoxA
 0x40d228 ShowWindow
 0x40d22c GetDlgItem
 0x40d230 LoadStringA
 0x40d234 SetWindowPos
 0x40d238 GetWindowTextA
 0x40d23c GetSystemMetrics
 0x40d240 GetWindow
 0x40d244 CharUpperA
 0x40d248 GetWindowRect
 0x40d24c LoadIconA
 0x40d250 GetParent
 0x40d254 EnableWindow
 0x40d258 DispatchMessageA
 0x40d020 GetDeviceCaps
 0x40d024 CreateCompatibleDC
 0x40d028 GetObjectA
 0x40d02c CreateCompatibleBitmap
 0x40d030 SelectObject
 0x40d034 StretchBlt
 0x40d038 DeleteObject
 0x40d03c DeleteDC
 0x40d000 RegCloseKey
 0x40d004 RegOpenKeyExA
 0x40d008 RegQueryValueExA
 0x40d00c RegCreateKeyExA
 0x40d010 RegSetValueExA
 0x40d15c ShellExecuteExA
 0x40d160 SHFileOperationA
 0x40d164 SHGetFileInfoA
 0x40d168 SHGetSpecialFolderLocation
 0x40d16c SHGetMalloc
 0x40d170 SHBrowseForFolderA
 0x40d174 SHGetPathFromIDListA
 0x40d178 SHChangeNotify
 0x40d260 CreateStreamOnHGlobal
 0x40d264 OleInitialize
 0x40d268 CoCreateInstance
 0x40d26c OleUninitialize
 0x40d270 CLSIDFromString
 0x40d154 VariantInit

EAT(Export Address Table) Library

Similarity measure (PE file only) - Checking for service failure