Report - asec.exe

Generic Malware UPX Antivirus PE File PE32 PowerShell
Created 2024.07.02 07:55 Machine s1_win7_x6403
Filename asec.exe
Type PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows
AI Score
Behavior Score
ZERO API file : malware
VT API (file) 45 detected (AIDetectMalware, WUDisable, auW@aqVSIZmi, V5ge, malicious, Disabler, Artemis, Nekark, kpcnio, CLOUD, sbdqz, Siggen28, R002C0XFU24, Zbot, Detected, ai score=86, MereTam, Znyonm, ABTrojan, LCGK, PossibleThreat, awL@qcKCX8VJ)
md5 8962b367891c933d896bc4ed9c2cffba
sha256 344764bb4750a81679062ca1db069004c61b64ec10a48cba4f91c306f9984aaf
ssdeep 192:B16CytS3WGBZC3S+4TV+G99EalsDfxOCpJx3ptpJ+fl:B16CytS3WGBg3cTE05lsDc65Q
imphash 22c0c61660a8e80d6f4e2f4b1206b0d6
impfuzzy 12:mD1ixKJNKF6GZ4GnXf3D1FWqj7UAa5XJwdqzTZBzhPPXJYsTd9wd9szudRgFRq2L:eixKktNnv5FQ71Bz9vUdKzudMk2L
  Network IP location

Signature (18cnts)

Level Description
danger File has been identified by 45 AntiVirus engines on VirusTotal as malicious
danger Disables Windows Security features
danger Stops Windows services
watch Attempts to disable Windows Auto Updates
watch Attempts to stop active services
watch Creates a suspicious Powershell process
watch Modifies security center warnings
notice A process created a hidden window
notice Allocates read-write-execute memory (usually to unpack itself)
notice Checks for the Locally Unique Identifier on the system for a suspicious privilege
notice Creates a shortcut to an executable file
notice Creates a suspicious process
notice Uses Windows utilities for basic Windows functionality
info Checks amount of memory in system
info Checks if process is being debugged by a debugger
info Command line console output was observed
info Queries for the computername
info Uses Windows APIs to generate a cryptographic key

Rules (6cnts)

Level Name Description Collection
warning Generic_Malware_Zero Generic Malware binaries (download)
watch Antivirus Contains references to security software binaries (download)
watch UPX_Zero UPX packed file binaries (upload)
info IsPE32 (no description) binaries (upload)
info PE_Header_Zero PE File Signature binaries (upload)
info PowerShell PowerShell script scripts

Network (0cnts) ?

Request CC ASN Co IP4 Rule ? ZERO ?

Suricata ids


IAT(Import Address Table) Library

 0x402054 _onexit
 0x402058 _decode_pointer
 0x40205c _except_handler4_common
 0x402060 _lock
 0x402064 _controlfp_s
 0x402068 _crt_debugger_hook
 0x40206c __dllonexit
 0x402070 _unlock
 0x402074 ?terminate@@YAXXZ
 0x402078 __set_app_type
 0x40207c _encode_pointer
 0x402080 __p__fmode
 0x402084 __p__commode
 0x402088 _adjust_fdiv
 0x40208c __setusermatherr
 0x402090 _configthreadlocale
 0x402094 _initterm_e
 0x402098 _initterm
 0x40209c _acmdln
 0x4020a0 _ismbblead
 0x4020a4 exit
 0x4020a8 _XcptFilter
 0x4020ac _exit
 0x4020b0 _cexit
 0x4020b4 __getmainargs
 0x4020b8 _invoke_watson
 0x4020bc _amsg_exit
 0x402018 UnhandledExceptionFilter
 0x40201c GetCurrentProcess
 0x402020 TerminateProcess
 0x402024 GetSystemTimeAsFileTime
 0x402028 GetCurrentProcessId
 0x40202c GetCurrentThreadId
 0x402030 GetTickCount
 0x402034 QueryPerformanceCounter
 0x402038 SetUnhandledExceptionFilter
 0x40203c GetStartupInfoA
 0x402040 InterlockedCompareExchange
 0x402044 InterlockedExchange
 0x402048 Sleep
 0x40204c IsDebuggerPresent
 0x402000 RegSetValueExA
 0x402004 RegCloseKey
 0x402008 RegCreateKeyExW
 0x40200c RegOpenKeyExA
 0x402010 RegOpenKeyExW
 0x4020c4 ShellExecuteW

EAT(Export Address Table) is none

Similarity measure (PE file only) - Checking for service failure