Report - 1111.exe

Malicious Library PE File PE64
Created 2024.08.17 22:12 Machine s1_win7_x6403
Filename 1111.exe
Type PE32+ executable (console) x86-64 Mono/.Net assembly, for MS Windows
AI Score
Behavior Score
ZERO API file : malware
VT API (file)
md5 7b0e99178f36fa152761f55ccd20a2ab
sha256 815eacb24fce984af49bcd18e3313dca015e99729c752449e16470e22cf84e11
ssdeep 12288:CQLsNpuQbc/4ItmwuAzxH9Oqp6r3pfQu/Xd76:CE0pNc/7tduAzxHF6pQu/Xd76
impfuzzy 3::
  Network IP location

Signature (5cnts)

Level Description
notice Allocates read-write-execute memory (usually to unpack itself)
info Checks amount of memory in system
info Checks if process is being debugged by a debugger
info One or more processes crashed
info Uses Windows APIs to generate a cryptographic key

Rules (3cnts)

Level Name Description Collection
watch Malicious_Library_Zero Malicious_Library binaries (upload)
info IsPE64 (no description) binaries (upload)
info PE_Header_Zero PE File Signature binaries (upload)

Network (0cnts) ?

Request CC ASN Co IP4 Rule ? ZERO ?

Suricata ids


IAT(Import Address Table) is none

EAT(Export Address Table) is none

Similarity measure (PE file only) - Checking for service failure