Report - klds.exe

XWorm Generic Malware WebCam Malicious Library Antivirus UPX KeyLogger AntiDebug AntiVM PE File PE32 OS Processor Check
Created 2024.08.21 13:47 Machine s1_win7_x6403
Filename klds.exe
Type PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows
AI Score
Behavior Score
ZERO API file : mailcious
VT API (file) 5 detected (malicious, high confidence, FileRepMalware, Misc, Detected, Krypt)
md5 06f3cde26cf65abbf65884e0ea52a40c
sha256 1da6cf11dc5952f53b697380e0aa27e25b6d5d99f0552f8f78266ffb79165fd8
ssdeep 49152:mLAYjlqi+D79RIgTsFRlY2k8Y/3eQpusGpBd4H2LK6ZBOtTSoiIPwz2N2LFiE/Q7:qAYjci+f9RIo8o5
imphash 0f08412a5b4dc131ee2e0bde633c65e0
impfuzzy 192:NH5+oSvoJf24NNLZM93/I27eCUONhz4UK:NIoSvoJJ1M93iON0
  Network IP location

Signature (29cnts)

Level Description
danger Executed a process and injected code into it
watch A process performed obfuscation on information about the computer or sent it to a remote location indicative of CnC Traffic/Preperations.
watch Allocates execute permission to another process indicative of possible code injection
watch Creates a suspicious Powershell process
watch Creates a windows hook that monitors keyboard input (keylogger)
watch Installs itself for autorun at Windows startup
watch One or more of the buffers contains an embedded PE file
watch Potential code injection by writing to the memory of another process
watch Resumed a suspended thread in a remote process potentially indicative of process injection
watch Used NtSetContextThread to modify a thread in a remote process indicative of process injection
notice A process created a hidden window
notice Allocates read-write-execute memory (usually to unpack itself)
notice Checks adapter addresses which can be used to detect virtual network interfaces
notice Checks for the Locally Unique Identifier on the system for a suspicious privilege
notice Creates a shortcut to an executable file
notice Creates a suspicious process
notice Creates executable files on the filesystem
notice Executes one or more WMI queries
notice File has been identified by 5 AntiVirus engines on VirusTotal as malicious
notice One or more potentially interesting buffers were extracted
notice Queries the disk size which could be used to detect virtual machine with small fixed size or dynamic allocation
notice Yara rule detected in process memory
info Checks amount of memory in system
info Checks if process is being debugged by a debugger
info Command line console output was observed
info Queries for the computername
info The file contains an unknown PE resource name possibly indicative of a packer
info This executable has a PDB path
info Uses Windows APIs to generate a cryptographic key

Rules (21cnts)

Level Name Description Collection
danger Win_XWorm_3_M_Zero Win XWorm V3.1 memory
warning Generic_Malware_Zero Generic Malware binaries (download)
warning Generic_Malware_Zero Generic Malware binaries (upload)
watch Antivirus Contains references to security software binaries (download)
watch Antivirus Contains references to security software binaries (upload)
watch Malicious_Library_Zero Malicious_Library binaries (upload)
watch RAT_WebCam Remote Administration toolkit using webcam memory
watch UPX_Zero UPX packed file binaries (upload)
notice KeyLogger Run a KeyLogger memory
info anti_dbg Checks if being debugged memory
info DebuggerCheck__GlobalFlags (no description) memory
info DebuggerCheck__QueryInfo (no description) memory
info DebuggerHiding__Active (no description) memory
info DebuggerHiding__Thread (no description) memory
info disable_dep Bypass DEP memory
info IsPE32 (no description) binaries (upload)
info OS_Processor_Check_Zero OS Processor Check binaries (upload)
info PE_Header_Zero PE File Signature binaries (upload)
info SEH__vectored (no description) memory
info ThreadControl__Context (no description) memory
info win_hook Affect hook table memory

Network (2cnts) ?

Request CC ASN Co IP4 Rule ? ZERO ? GB Telegram Messenger Inc mailcious GB Telegram Messenger Inc mailcious

Suricata ids


IAT(Import Address Table) Library

 0x502174 CreateDirectoryW
 0x502178 GetCurrentProcessId
 0x50217c GetExitCodeThread
 0x502180 SetEvent
 0x502184 CreateEventW
 0x502188 SetLastError
 0x50218c LoadLibraryW
 0x502190 FreeLibrary
 0x502194 lstrlenW
 0x502198 GetVersionExW
 0x50219c CreateFileA
 0x5021a0 SetStdHandle
 0x5021a4 WriteConsoleW
 0x5021a8 WriteConsoleA
 0x5021ac GetModuleHandleA
 0x5021b0 InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount
 0x5021b4 GetStringTypeA
 0x5021b8 IsValidLocale
 0x5021bc EnumSystemLocalesA
 0x5021c0 GetUserDefaultLCID
 0x5021c4 GetConsoleMode
 0x5021c8 GetConsoleCP
 0x5021cc GetTickCount
 0x5021d0 QueryPerformanceCounter
 0x5021d4 GetStartupInfoA
 0x5021d8 GetFileType
 0x5021dc SetHandleCount
 0x5021e0 GetEnvironmentStringsW
 0x5021e4 FreeEnvironmentStringsW
 0x5021e8 GetDiskFreeSpaceExW
 0x5021ec IsValidCodePage
 0x5021f0 GetOEMCP
 0x5021f4 GetACP
 0x5021f8 HeapCreate
 0x5021fc LCMapStringW
 0x502200 LCMapStringA
 0x502204 GetCPInfo
 0x502208 RtlUnwind
 0x50220c ExitProcess
 0x502210 lstrcmpiW
 0x502214 TlsSetValue
 0x502218 TlsAlloc
 0x50221c TlsGetValue
 0x502220 GetShortPathNameW
 0x502224 GetSystemTimeAsFileTime
 0x502228 IsDebuggerPresent
 0x50222c UnhandledExceptionFilter
 0x502230 TerminateProcess
 0x502234 HeapSize
 0x502238 HeapReAlloc
 0x50223c HeapDestroy
 0x502240 VirtualAlloc
 0x502244 VirtualFree
 0x502248 IsProcessorFeaturePresent
 0x50224c HeapAlloc
 0x502250 GetProcessHeap
 0x502254 HeapFree
 0x502258 InterlockedCompareExchange
 0x50225c PeekNamedPipe
 0x502260 OpenEventW
 0x502264 SearchPathW
 0x502268 GetLocaleInfoA
 0x50226c GetStringTypeW
 0x502270 ConnectNamedPipe
 0x502274 CreateNamedPipeW
 0x502278 ResetEvent
 0x50227c MoveFileW
 0x502280 TerminateThread
 0x502284 GetSystemDirectoryW
 0x502288 GetLocalTime
 0x50228c OutputDebugStringW
 0x502290 GetVersion
 0x502294 Process32NextW
 0x502298 Process32FirstW
 0x50229c CreateToolhelp32Snapshot
 0x5022a0 GetWindowsDirectoryW
 0x5022a4 GetUserDefaultLangID
 0x5022a8 GetSystemDefaultLangID
 0x5022ac GetDriveTypeW
 0x5022b0 CompareStringW
 0x5022b4 InterlockedDecrement
 0x5022b8 InterlockedIncrement
 0x5022bc GetModuleFileNameW
 0x5022c0 GlobalUnlock
 0x5022c4 GlobalLock
 0x5022c8 GlobalAlloc
 0x5022cc lstrcmpW
 0x5022d0 GetFileSize
 0x5022d4 ReadFile
 0x5022d8 GlobalFree
 0x5022dc GetTempPathW
 0x5022e0 GetSystemTime
 0x5022e4 GetTempFileNameW
 0x5022e8 DeleteFileW
 0x5022ec FindFirstFileW
 0x5022f0 RemoveDirectoryW
 0x5022f4 FindNextFileW
 0x5022f8 GetLogicalDriveStringsW
 0x5022fc GetFileAttributesW
 0x502300 SetFileAttributesW
 0x502304 CopyFileW
 0x502308 FindClose
 0x50230c MultiByteToWideChar
 0x502310 LoadLibraryExW
 0x502314 WideCharToMultiByte
 0x502318 InterlockedExchange
 0x50231c GetSystemInfo
 0x502320 TlsFree
 0x502324 WaitForMultipleObjects
 0x502328 Sleep
 0x50232c GetLastError
 0x502330 GetCurrentThreadId
 0x502334 WaitForSingleObject
 0x502338 MulDiv
 0x50233c lstrcpynW
 0x502340 FindResourceExW
 0x502344 FindResourceW
 0x502348 LoadResource
 0x50234c LockResource
 0x502350 SizeofResource
 0x502354 GetLocaleInfoW
 0x502358 EnumResourceLanguagesW
 0x50235c SetEndOfFile
 0x502360 SetCurrentDirectoryW
 0x502364 GetCommandLineW
 0x502368 UnlockFile
 0x50236c LockFile
 0x502370 GetExitCodeProcess
 0x502374 CreateProcessW
 0x502378 DuplicateHandle
 0x50237c GetModuleFileNameA
 0x502380 FlushFileBuffers
 0x502384 SetFilePointer
 0x502388 GetConsoleOutputCP
 0x50238c LeaveCriticalSection
 0x502390 GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo
 0x502394 GetStdHandle
 0x502398 SetConsoleTextAttribute
 0x50239c GetFullPathNameW
 0x5023a0 GetCurrentThread
 0x5023a4 InitializeCriticalSection
 0x5023a8 EnterCriticalSection
 0x5023ac DeleteCriticalSection
 0x5023b0 GetModuleHandleW
 0x5023b4 GetProcAddress
 0x5023b8 RaiseException
 0x5023bc FlushInstructionCache
 0x5023c0 GetCurrentProcess
 0x5023c4 CloseHandle
 0x5023c8 WriteFile
 0x5023cc CreateFileW
 0x5023d0 LoadLibraryA
 0x5023d4 GetStartupInfoW
 0x5023d8 LocalAlloc
 0x5023dc GetEnvironmentVariableW
 0x5023e0 FormatMessageW
 0x5023e4 CreateThread
 0x5023e8 SetUnhandledExceptionFilter
 0x5023ec LocalFree
 0x502490 MapWindowPoints
 0x502494 GetParent
 0x502498 DefWindowProcW
 0x50249c SendMessageW
 0x5024a0 GetWindowTextW
 0x5024a4 GetWindowTextLengthW
 0x5024a8 FillRect
 0x5024ac IsWindow
 0x5024b0 ShowWindow
 0x5024b4 GetClientRect
 0x5024b8 UnionRect
 0x5024bc IsWindowVisible
 0x5024c0 BeginPaint
 0x5024c4 EndPaint
 0x5024c8 ScreenToClient
 0x5024cc SetWindowPos
 0x5024d0 GetWindowDC
 0x5024d4 LookupIconIdFromDirectoryEx
 0x5024d8 GetWindowLongW
 0x5024dc GetWindowRect
 0x5024e0 CallWindowProcW
 0x5024e4 SetWindowLongW
 0x5024e8 GetWindow
 0x5024ec DrawFrameControl
 0x5024f0 RegisterWindowMessageW
 0x5024f4 InvalidateRgn
 0x5024f8 GetDesktopWindow
 0x5024fc GetKeyState
 0x502500 DrawStateW
 0x502504 DrawTextExW
 0x502508 DrawFocusRect
 0x50250c ValidateRect
 0x502510 DestroyMenu
 0x502514 AppendMenuW
 0x502518 CreatePopupMenu
 0x50251c TrackPopupMenu
 0x502520 InflateRect
 0x502524 LoadBitmapW
 0x502528 MessageBeep
 0x50252c LoadImageW
 0x502530 CharNextW
 0x502534 GetClassNameW
 0x502538 ReleaseCapture
 0x50253c SetCapture
 0x502540 UpdateWindow
 0x502544 DestroyIcon
 0x502548 GetDlgCtrlID
 0x50254c GetCapture
 0x502550 SetScrollInfo
 0x502554 GetScrollPos
 0x502558 GetClassInfoExW
 0x50255c RegisterClassExW
 0x502560 DrawEdge
 0x502564 SetScrollPos
 0x502568 SetRect
 0x50256c MoveWindow
 0x502570 GetScrollInfo
 0x502574 GetMessagePos
 0x502578 SystemParametersInfoW
 0x50257c GetActiveWindow
 0x502580 TrackMouseEvent
 0x502584 GetAsyncKeyState
 0x502588 DestroyCursor
 0x50258c GetWindowRgn
 0x502590 IsZoomed
 0x502594 SetWindowRgn
 0x502598 GetComboBoxInfo
 0x50259c DestroyAcceleratorTable
 0x5025a0 CreateAcceleratorTableW
 0x5025a4 TranslateAcceleratorW
 0x5025a8 CreateDialogParamW
 0x5025ac EndDialog
 0x5025b0 DialogBoxParamW
 0x5025b4 InvalidateRect
 0x5025b8 GetNextDlgTabItem
 0x5025bc SetCursor
 0x5025c0 MonitorFromWindow
 0x5025c4 GetMonitorInfoW
 0x5025c8 IsDialogMessageW
 0x5025cc IsChild
 0x5025d0 PostQuitMessage
 0x5025d4 PostMessageW
 0x5025d8 SetForegroundWindow
 0x5025dc SetCursorPos
 0x5025e0 GetCursorPos
 0x5025e4 PeekMessageW
 0x5025e8 GetMessageW
 0x5025ec TranslateMessage
 0x5025f0 DispatchMessageW
 0x5025f4 LoadCursorW
 0x5025f8 LoadStringW
 0x5025fc MessageBoxW
 0x502600 GetFocus
 0x502604 EnableWindow
 0x502608 DestroyWindow
 0x50260c GetForegroundWindow
 0x502610 EnumWindows
 0x502614 GetWindowThreadProcessId
 0x502618 DialogBoxIndirectParamW
 0x50261c MsgWaitForMultipleObjects
 0x502620 GetPropW
 0x502624 GetSystemMenu
 0x502628 EnableMenuItem
 0x50262c ModifyMenuW
 0x502630 FindWindowW
 0x502634 ExitWindowsEx
 0x502638 GetScrollRange
 0x50263c SetPropW
 0x502640 RemovePropW
 0x502644 LoadMenuW
 0x502648 GetSubMenu
 0x50264c OpenClipboard
 0x502650 CloseClipboard
 0x502654 EmptyClipboard
 0x502658 SetClipboardData
 0x50265c GetIconInfo
 0x502660 SendMessageTimeoutW
 0x502664 UnregisterClassA
 0x502668 DrawTextW
 0x50266c DrawIconEx
 0x502670 GetSystemMetrics
 0x502674 ClientToScreen
 0x502678 OffsetRect
 0x50267c SetRectEmpty
 0x502680 PtInRect
 0x502684 GetSysColorBrush
 0x502688 IntersectRect
 0x50268c IsRectEmpty
 0x502690 SendMessageA
 0x502694 IsWindowEnabled
 0x502698 CopyRect
 0x50269c RedrawWindow
 0x5026a0 SetFocus
 0x5026a4 GetSysColor
 0x5026a8 CreateWindowExW
 0x5026ac GetDlgItem
 0x5026b0 SetWindowTextW
 0x5026b4 EqualRect
 0x5026b8 SetTimer
 0x5026bc KillTimer
 0x5026c0 GetDC
 0x5026c4 ReleaseDC
 0x5026c8 CreateIconFromResourceEx
 0x5020e4 GetLayout
 0x5020e8 GetBrushOrgEx
 0x5020ec CreateFontIndirectW
 0x5020f0 CreateSolidBrush
 0x5020f4 GetRgnBox
 0x5020f8 EqualRgn
 0x5020fc CreatePolygonRgn
 0x502100 CreateRectRgnIndirect
 0x502104 GetStockObject
 0x502108 CreateFontW
 0x50210c SetBkMode
 0x502110 SetTextColor
 0x502114 SetBrushOrgEx
 0x502118 CreatePatternBrush
 0x50211c FillRgn
 0x502120 SelectClipRgn
 0x502124 GetBitmapBits
 0x502128 CreateRectRgn
 0x50212c GetObjectW
 0x502130 GetDeviceCaps
 0x502134 Rectangle
 0x502138 ExcludeClipRect
 0x50213c CreatePen
 0x502140 ExtTextOutW
 0x502144 SetBkColor
 0x502148 BitBlt
 0x50214c SetViewportOrgEx
 0x502150 CreateCompatibleBitmap
 0x502154 CreateCompatibleDC
 0x502158 DeleteObject
 0x50215c SelectObject
 0x502160 DeleteDC
 0x502164 CreateDIBSection
 0x502168 CreateBitmapIndirect
 0x50216c CombineRgn
 0x502000 RegOpenKeyW
 0x502004 LookupPrivilegeValueW
 0x502008 LookupAccountSidW
 0x50200c SetSecurityDescriptorDacl
 0x502010 InitializeSecurityDescriptor
 0x502014 SetEntriesInAclW
 0x502018 GetSecurityDescriptorDacl
 0x50201c StartServiceW
 0x502020 QueryServiceStatus
 0x502024 OpenServiceW
 0x502028 RegDeleteValueA
 0x50202c RegQueryValueExA
 0x502030 RegOpenKeyA
 0x502034 RegDeleteValueW
 0x502038 RegCreateKeyExW
 0x50203c RegSetValueExW
 0x502040 RegEnumKeyExW
 0x502044 RegQueryInfoKeyW
 0x502048 RegDeleteKeyW
 0x50204c RegQueryValueExW
 0x502050 RegOpenKeyExW
 0x502054 RegCloseKey
 0x502058 RegSetValueExA
 0x50205c OpenSCManagerW
 0x502060 LockServiceDatabase
 0x502064 UnlockServiceDatabase
 0x502068 CloseServiceHandle
 0x50206c RegOpenKeyExA
 0x502070 RegEnumValueA
 0x502074 AdjustTokenPrivileges
 0x502078 RegCreateKeyW
 0x50207c OpenProcessToken
 0x502080 GetTokenInformation
 0x502084 AllocateAndInitializeSid
 0x502088 EqualSid
 0x50208c FreeSid
 0x502090 GetUserNameW
 0x502094 RegDeleteKeyA
 0x502098 RegCreateKeyA
 0x502450 ShellExecuteW
 0x502454 SHGetFolderPathW
 0x502458 SHBrowseForFolderW
 0x50245c SHGetPathFromIDListW
 0x502460 SHGetMalloc
 0x502464 SHGetFileInfoW
 0x502468 SHGetSpecialFolderLocation
 0x50246c ShellExecuteExW
 0x502704 CoTaskMemRealloc
 0x502708 CoTaskMemFree
 0x50270c CoInitialize
 0x502710 OleInitialize
 0x502714 CLSIDFromProgID
 0x502718 CoGetClassObject
 0x50271c CoCreateInstance
 0x502720 CreateStreamOnHGlobal
 0x502724 OleLockRunning
 0x502728 StringFromGUID2
 0x50272c CoTaskMemAlloc
 0x502730 OleUninitialize
 0x502734 CoUninitialize
 0x502738 CoCreateGuid
 0x50273c CreateILockBytesOnHGlobal
 0x502740 StgCreateDocfileOnILockBytes
 0x502744 CoInitializeEx
 0x502748 CLSIDFromString
 0x502410 VarUI4FromStr
 0x502414 VarDateFromStr
 0x502418 OleLoadPicture
 0x50241c SysStringByteLen
 0x502420 SysAllocStringByteLen
 0x502424 SysAllocStringLen
 0x502428 LoadTypeLib
 0x50242c LoadRegTypeLib
 0x502430 SysStringLen
 0x502434 OleCreateFontIndirect
 0x502438 VariantCopy
 0x50243c VariantInit
 0x502440 VariantClear
 0x502444 SysAllocString
 0x502448 SysFreeString
 0x5026e0 SymGetLineFromAddr
 0x5026e4 SymSetSearchPath
 0x5026e8 SymCleanup
 0x5026ec SymInitialize
 0x5026f0 SymSetOptions
 0x5026f4 SymFunctionTableAccess
 0x5026f8 StackWalk
 0x5026fc SymGetModuleBase
 0x502474 PathIsDirectoryW
 0x502478 PathFileExistsW
 0x50247c PathIsUNCW
 0x502480 PathAddBackslashW
 0x5020a0 ImageList_Create
 0x5020a4 CreatePropertySheetPageW
 0x5020a8 PropertySheetW
 0x5020ac DestroyPropertySheetPage
 0x5020b0 InitCommonControlsEx
 0x5020b4 ImageList_LoadImageW
 0x5020b8 ImageList_GetIcon
 0x5020bc ImageList_AddMasked
 0x5020c0 ImageList_SetBkColor
 0x5020c4 _TrackMouseEvent
 0x5020c8 ImageList_Add
 0x5020cc ImageList_ReplaceIcon
 0x5020d0 ImageList_Destroy
 0x5023f4 TransparentBlt
 0x5023f8 AlphaBlend
 0x5026d0 GetFileVersionInfoW
 0x5026d4 VerQueryValueW
 0x5026d8 GetFileVersionInfoSizeW
 0x502400 NetUserGetLocalGroups
 0x502404 NetApiBufferFree
 0x502408 NetLocalGroupGetMembers
 0x502488 GetUserNameExW
 0x5020d8 GetOpenFileNameW
 0x5020dc GetSaveFileNameW

EAT(Export Address Table) is none

Similarity measure (PE file only) - Checking for service failure