Report - zabardast-movie2024.mp3.exe

UPX PE File PE64 OS Processor Check
Created 2024.09.19 10:02 Machine s1_win7_x6401
Filename zabardast-movie2024.mp3.exe
Type PE32+ executable (console) x86-64 (stripped to external PDB), for MS Windows
AI Score
Behavior Score
ZERO API file : malware
VT API (file) 46 detected (AIDetectMalware, Malicious, score, Unsafe, GenericKD, Save, confidence, Genus, Attribute, HighConfidence, high confidence, Kryptik, MalwareX, CLOUD, xguzq, SILVER, YXEIQZ, Detected, Malware@#2s1h0u79g8zcc, CobaltStrike, ABTrojan, DZAI, Artemis, Chgt, Bujl)
md5 cbef9bb615e2bd37d730ed30fde6ae03
sha256 7e60419c0819d6577cbfb9be9e7617704d66159bc63ca3c3d1a3c8e4aef91a01
ssdeep 3072:Fb0xcYID2ZYaeKSra3Xf3HHic+sregMFC7Zd9mNo3c:Fb0IDE+1r6PSczK47ZdYOM
imphash 142e7fec3bbae1af3a6f0d1369c091e9
impfuzzy 24:krfc1JnDfdN+kLhX8nyBlMblRf5XGfqKZ86d1TomvlxXUqKYZy:wfc19H+klX8nSslJJGfqA86d1T1vcqa
  Network IP location

Signature (3cnts)

Level Description
danger File has been identified by 46 AntiVirus engines on VirusTotal as malicious
notice Allocates read-write-execute memory (usually to unpack itself)
info Checks amount of memory in system

Rules (4cnts)

Level Name Description Collection
watch UPX_Zero UPX packed file binaries (upload)
info IsPE64 (no description) binaries (upload)
info OS_Processor_Check_Zero OS Processor Check binaries (upload)
info PE_Header_Zero PE File Signature binaries (upload)

Network (0cnts) ?

Request CC ASN Co IP4 Rule ? ZERO ?

Suricata ids


IAT(Import Address Table) Library

 0x1400482c0 CloseHandle
 0x1400482c8 CreateToolhelp32Snapshot
 0x1400482d0 DeleteCriticalSection
 0x1400482d8 EnterCriticalSection
 0x1400482e0 FlushInstructionCache
 0x1400482e8 GetCurrentProcess
 0x1400482f0 GetCurrentProcessId
 0x1400482f8 GetCurrentThreadId
 0x140048300 GetLastError
 0x140048308 GetModuleHandleW
 0x140048310 GetProcAddress
 0x140048318 GetSystemInfo
 0x140048320 GetThreadContext
 0x140048328 HeapAlloc
 0x140048330 HeapCreate
 0x140048338 HeapDestroy
 0x140048340 HeapFree
 0x140048348 HeapReAlloc
 0x140048350 InitializeCriticalSection
 0x140048358 IsDBCSLeadByteEx
 0x140048360 LeaveCriticalSection
 0x140048368 LoadLibraryA
 0x140048370 MultiByteToWideChar
 0x140048378 OpenThread
 0x140048380 ResumeThread
 0x140048388 SetThreadContext
 0x140048390 SetUnhandledExceptionFilter
 0x140048398 Sleep
 0x1400483a0 SuspendThread
 0x1400483a8 Thread32First
 0x1400483b0 Thread32Next
 0x1400483b8 TlsGetValue
 0x1400483c0 VirtualAlloc
 0x1400483c8 VirtualFree
 0x1400483d0 VirtualProtect
 0x1400483d8 VirtualQuery
 0x1400483e0 WideCharToMultiByte
 0x1400483f0 __C_specific_handler
 0x1400483f8 ___lc_codepage_func
 0x140048400 ___mb_cur_max_func
 0x140048408 __getmainargs
 0x140048410 __initenv
 0x140048418 __iob_func
 0x140048420 __set_app_type
 0x140048428 __setusermatherr
 0x140048430 _amsg_exit
 0x140048438 _cexit
 0x140048440 _commode
 0x140048448 _errno
 0x140048450 _fileno
 0x140048458 _fmode
 0x140048460 _initterm
 0x140048468 _lock
 0x140048470 _onexit
 0x140048478 _setjmp
 0x140048480 _setmode
 0x140048488 _unlock
 0x140048490 abort
 0x140048498 calloc
 0x1400484a0 exit
 0x1400484a8 fflush
 0x1400484b0 fprintf
 0x1400484b8 fputc
 0x1400484c0 free
 0x1400484c8 fwrite
 0x1400484d0 localeconv
 0x1400484d8 longjmp
 0x1400484e0 malloc
 0x1400484e8 memchr
 0x1400484f0 memcmp
 0x1400484f8 memcpy
 0x140048500 memset
 0x140048508 signal
 0x140048510 strerror
 0x140048518 strlen
 0x140048520 strncmp
 0x140048528 vfprintf
 0x140048530 wcslen

EAT(Export Address Table) is none

Similarity measure (PE file only) - Checking for service failure