Report - Potwierdzenie.exe

Generic Malware Malicious Library Malicious Packer UPX Create Service Socket ScreenShot Escalate priviledges Steal credential PWS Hijack Network SMTP DNS Code injection persistence KeyLogger AntiDebug AntiVM ftp PE32 PE File MZP Format OS Processor Check
Created 2024.11.19 14:49 Machine s1_win7_x6403
Filename Potwierdzenie.exe
Type PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows
AI Score Not founds Behavior Score
ZERO API file : clean
VT API (file) 8 detected (AIDetectMalware, Unsafe, grayware, confidence, Malicious, akai)
md5 bb1c7286c327eafc7cf6a21492cdfa0f
sha256 8ac63cd639f78b172efc3c4cfecbe7dae3cd7f3dc245d31476187b0517c1babd
ssdeep 786432:npmGxqs8IFPB/4vQiZYgVcNioTjAHaUUfC+TDNED:n8bGJQvCgVxcj4zaC+TZe
imphash 25fdfeb72f9d8c6c3fcea46af42b3f09
impfuzzy 96:DG6k9KcN7Jj4INTX1V90pOeyX5b3xWNNiyfHMqKLKmM:DQjFTFjt5pb3ENNv/0LK
  Network IP location

Signature (20cnts)

Level Description
danger Executed a process and injected code into it
watch Allocates execute permission to another process indicative of possible code injection
watch Creates a thread using CreateRemoteThread in a non-child process indicative of process injection
watch Detects the presence of Wine emulator
watch Manipulates memory of a non-child process indicative of process injection
watch One or more of the buffers contains an embedded PE file
watch Potential code injection by writing to the memory of another process
watch Resumed a suspended thread in a remote process potentially indicative of process injection
notice Allocates read-write-execute memory (usually to unpack itself)
notice Creates hidden or system file
notice File has been identified by 8 AntiVirus engines on VirusTotal as malicious
notice One or more potentially interesting buffers were extracted
notice Potentially malicious URLs were found in the process memory dump
notice The binary likely contains encrypted or compressed data indicative of a packer
notice Yara rule detected in process memory
info Checks amount of memory in system
info Checks if process is being debugged by a debugger
info Command line console output was observed
info Queries for the computername
info The executable contains unknown PE section names indicative of a packer (could be a false positive)

Rules (31cnts)

Level Name Description Collection
warning Generic_Malware_Zero Generic Malware binaries (upload)
watch Malicious_Library_Zero Malicious_Library binaries (upload)
watch Malicious_Packer_Zero Malicious Packer binaries (upload)
watch UPX_Zero UPX packed file binaries (upload)
notice Code_injection Code injection with CreateRemoteThread in a remote process memory
notice Create_Service Create a windows service memory
notice Escalate_priviledges Escalate priviledges memory
notice Generic_PWS_Memory_Zero PWS Memory memory
notice Hijack_Network Hijack network configuration memory
notice KeyLogger Run a KeyLogger memory
notice local_credential_Steal Steal credential memory
notice Network_DNS Communications use DNS memory
notice network_smtp_raw Communications smtp memory
notice Network_TCP_Socket Communications over RAW Socket memory
notice Persistence Install itself for autorun at Windows startup memory
notice ScreenShot Take ScreenShot memory
info anti_dbg Checks if being debugged memory
info DebuggerCheck__QueryInfo (no description) memory
info DebuggerException__ConsoleCtrl (no description) memory
info DebuggerException__SetConsoleCtrl (no description) memory
info DebuggerHiding__Active (no description) memory
info DebuggerHiding__Thread (no description) memory
info disable_dep Bypass DEP memory
info ftp_command ftp command binaries (upload)
info IsPE32 (no description) binaries (upload)
info mzp_file_format MZP(Delphi) file format binaries (upload)
info OS_Processor_Check_Zero OS Processor Check binaries (upload)
info PE_Header_Zero PE File Signature binaries (upload)
info SEH__vectored (no description) memory
info ThreadControl__Context (no description) memory
info win_hook Affect hook table memory

Network (0cnts) ?

Request CC ASN Co IP4 Rule ? ZERO ?

Suricata ids


IAT(Import Address Table) Library

 0x807368 SetFileAttributesW
 0x80736c GetFileType
 0x807370 GetACP
 0x807374 GetExitCodeProcess
 0x807378 CloseHandle
 0x80737c LocalFree
 0x807380 GetCurrentProcessId
 0x807384 SizeofResource
 0x807388 VirtualProtect
 0x80738c TerminateThread
 0x807390 QueryPerformanceFrequency
 0x807394 IsDebuggerPresent
 0x807398 FlushInstructionCache
 0x80739c GetFullPathNameW
 0x8073a0 VirtualFree
 0x8073a4 GetProcessHeap
 0x8073a8 ExitProcess
 0x8073ac HeapAlloc
 0x8073b0 GetCPInfoExW
 0x8073b4 RtlUnwind
 0x8073b8 GetCPInfo
 0x8073bc EnumSystemLocalesW
 0x8073c0 GetStdHandle
 0x8073c4 GetTimeZoneInformation
 0x8073c8 DisconnectNamedPipe
 0x8073cc GetModuleHandleW
 0x8073d0 FreeLibrary
 0x8073d4 TryEnterCriticalSection
 0x8073d8 SetDllDirectoryW
 0x8073dc HeapDestroy
 0x8073e0 ReadFile
 0x8073e4 CreateProcessW
 0x8073e8 GetLastError
 0x8073ec GetModuleFileNameW
 0x8073f0 SetLastError
 0x8073f4 FindResourceW
 0x8073f8 CreateThread
 0x8073fc CompareStringW
 0x807400 lstrcmpA
 0x807404 LoadLibraryA
 0x807408 ResetEvent
 0x80740c FreeResource
 0x807410 GetVersion
 0x807414 RaiseException
 0x807418 FormatMessageW
 0x80741c SwitchToThread
 0x807420 GetExitCodeThread
 0x807424 OutputDebugStringW
 0x807428 GetCurrentThread
 0x80742c LoadLibraryExW
 0x807430 LockResource
 0x807434 GetCurrentThreadId
 0x807438 UnhandledExceptionFilter
 0x80743c VirtualQuery
 0x807440 VirtualQueryEx
 0x807444 Sleep
 0x807448 EnterCriticalSection
 0x80744c SetFilePointer
 0x807450 FlushFileBuffers
 0x807454 LoadResource
 0x807458 SuspendThread
 0x80745c GetTickCount
 0x807460 WaitForMultipleObjects
 0x807464 GetFileSize
 0x807468 GetStartupInfoW
 0x80746c GetFileAttributesW
 0x807470 SetCurrentDirectoryW
 0x807474 InitializeCriticalSection
 0x807478 GetThreadPriority
 0x80747c GetCurrentProcess
 0x807480 SetThreadPriority
 0x807484 VirtualAlloc
 0x807488 GetCommandLineW
 0x80748c GetSystemInfo
 0x807490 LeaveCriticalSection
 0x807494 GetProcAddress
 0x807498 ResumeThread
 0x80749c GetVersionExW
 0x8074a0 VerifyVersionInfoW
 0x8074a4 GetModuleHandleA
 0x8074a8 HeapCreate
 0x8074ac LCMapStringW
 0x8074b0 GetDiskFreeSpaceW
 0x8074b4 VerSetConditionMask
 0x8074b8 FindFirstFileW
 0x8074bc GetUserDefaultUILanguage
 0x8074c0 GetConsoleOutputCP
 0x8074c4 GetConsoleCP
 0x8074c8 lstrlenW
 0x8074cc QueryPerformanceCounter
 0x8074d0 SetEndOfFile
 0x8074d4 InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount
 0x8074d8 HeapFree
 0x8074dc WideCharToMultiByte
 0x8074e0 FindClose
 0x8074e4 MultiByteToWideChar
 0x8074e8 LoadLibraryW
 0x8074ec SetEvent
 0x8074f0 GetLocaleInfoW
 0x8074f4 CreateFileW
 0x8074f8 DeleteFileW
 0x8074fc IsDBCSLeadByteEx
 0x807500 ConnectNamedPipe
 0x807504 GetEnvironmentVariableW
 0x807508 GetLocalTime
 0x80750c WaitForSingleObject
 0x807510 WriteFile
 0x807514 CreateNamedPipeW
 0x807518 ExitThread
 0x80751c DeleteCriticalSection
 0x807520 GetDateFormatW
 0x807524 TlsGetValue
 0x807528 IsValidLocale
 0x80752c TlsSetValue
 0x807530 GetSystemDefaultUILanguage
 0x807534 EnumCalendarInfoW
 0x807538 LocalAlloc
 0x80753c RemoveDirectoryW
 0x807540 SetConsoleCtrlHandler
 0x807544 CreateEventW
 0x807548 SetThreadLocale
 0x80754c GetThreadLocale
 0x807554 UnregisterClassW
 0x807558 CreateWindowExW
 0x80755c GetClassInfoW
 0x807560 WaitForInputIdle
 0x807564 TranslateMessage
 0x807568 CharLowerBuffW
 0x80756c CharUpperW
 0x807570 PeekMessageW
 0x807574 GetSystemMetrics
 0x807578 DefWindowProcW
 0x80757c SetWindowLongW
 0x807580 GetWindowLongW
 0x807584 PostMessageW
 0x807588 MessageBoxW
 0x80758c DestroyWindow
 0x807590 CharUpperBuffW
 0x807594 SendMessageTimeoutW
 0x807598 RegisterClassW
 0x80759c CharNextW
 0x8075a0 MsgWaitForMultipleObjects
 0x8075a4 LoadStringW
 0x8075a8 DispatchMessageW
 0x8075b0 SafeArrayPutElement
 0x8075b4 VariantInit
 0x8075b8 VariantClear
 0x8075bc SysFreeString
 0x8075c0 SafeArrayAccessData
 0x8075c4 SysReAllocStringLen
 0x8075c8 SafeArrayCreate
 0x8075cc SafeArrayGetElement
 0x8075d0 SysAllocStringLen
 0x8075d4 SafeArrayUnaccessData
 0x8075d8 SafeArrayPtrOfIndex
 0x8075dc VariantCopy
 0x8075e0 SafeArrayGetUBound
 0x8075e4 SafeArrayGetLBound
 0x8075e8 VariantChangeType
 0x8075f0 InterlockedPopEntrySList
 0x8075f4 QueryDepthSList
 0x8075f8 InterlockedFlushSList
 0x8075fc InitializeSListHead
 0x807600 InterlockedPushEntrySList
 0x807608 RegSetValueExW
 0x80760c RegConnectRegistryW
 0x807610 RegEnumKeyExW
 0x807614 RegLoadKeyW
 0x807618 RegDeleteKeyW
 0x80761c RegOpenKeyExW
 0x807620 RegQueryInfoKeyW
 0x807624 RegUnLoadKeyW
 0x807628 RegSaveKeyW
 0x80762c RegDeleteValueW
 0x807630 RegReplaceKeyW
 0x807634 RegFlushKey
 0x807638 RegEnumValueW
 0x80763c RegQueryValueExW
 0x807640 InitializeSecurityDescriptor
 0x807644 RegCloseKey
 0x807648 RegCreateKeyExW
 0x80764c SetSecurityDescriptorDacl
 0x807650 RegRestoreKeyW

EAT(Export Address Table) Library

0x412504 __dbk_fcall_wrapper
0x7fa63c dbkFCallWrapperAddr

Similarity measure (PE file only) - Checking for service failure