Report - Practical2.exe

email stealer
Created 2021.03.10 17:33 Machine s1_win7_x6401
Filename Practical2.exe
Type PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows
AI Score
Behavior Score
ZERO API file : clean
VT API (file) 52 detected (AIDetect, malware2, malicious, high confidence, DownLoader36, Razy, Unsafe, AveMaria, confidence, 100%, Kryptik, Eldorado, Attribute, HighConfidence, HIDW, idremq, Gencirc, MortyStealer, njjtp, Artemis, ai score=88, score, R357891, GenericRXAA, BScope, GdSda, R002C0DBO21, CLOUD, Vjki3TH2T+g, RATX, HgIASPoA)
md5 971a3320179e0494fdb70b138ada2446
sha256 9633d0564a2b8f1b4c6e718ae7ab48be921d435236a403cf5e7ddfbfd4283382
ssdeep 12288:hkhSL4pH7FYiIiicuueTh9yeJWrpDz29Wa+QB1t6gMvlTpa6NYjHhtkaJN:h72Z/8VWrpn2ZF1Ea1jBH
imphash f396b39dbfa473ab2b7180d955fdc740
impfuzzy 48:BV2gcYgZW+5mE2Ye2TNPtDSui3GTn1d1QU9vwt8tLuESECAC54voHlx0vG/1Szy7:BV2gclWqe2JPtDSeNN00zykPOQ7Qkm
  Network IP location

Signature (15cnts)

Level Description
danger File has been identified by 52 AntiVirus engines on VirusTotal as malicious
danger Connects to an IP address that is no longer responding to requests (legitimate services will remain up-and-running usually)
warning Generates some ICMP traffic
watch Attempts to remove evidence of file being downloaded from the Internet
watch Communicates with host for which no DNS query was performed
notice A process attempted to delay the analysis task.
notice Allocates read-write-execute memory (usually to unpack itself)
notice Potentially malicious URLs were found in the process memory dump
notice Queries the disk size which could be used to detect virtual machine with small fixed size or dynamic allocation
notice Yara rule detected in process memory
info Checks amount of memory in system
info One or more processes crashed
info The executable contains unknown PE section names indicative of a packer (could be a false positive)
info The executable uses a known packer
info This executable has a PDB path

Rules (55cnts)

Level Name Description Collection
warning infoStealer_emailClients_Zero email clients info stealer memory
notice Str_Win32_Http_API Match Windows Http API call memory
notice Str_Win32_Internet_API Match Windows Inet API call memory
info anti_dbg Checks if being debugged memory
info antisb_threatExpert Anti-Sandbox checks for ThreatExpert memory
info Check_Dlls (no description) memory
info DebuggerCheck__GlobalFlags (no description) memory
info DebuggerCheck__QueryInfo (no description) memory
info DebuggerCheck__RemoteAPI (no description) memory
info DebuggerException__ConsoleCtrl (no description) memory
info DebuggerException__SetConsoleCtrl (no description) memory
info DebuggerHiding__Active (no description) memory
info DebuggerHiding__Thread (no description) memory
info disable_dep Bypass DEP memory
info IsPE32 (no description) binaries (upload)
info OS_Processor_Check_Zero OS Processor Check Signature Zero binaries (upload)
info PE_Header_Zero PE File Signature Zero binaries (upload)
info SEH__vectored (no description) memory
info ThreadControl__Context (no description) memory
info win_hook Affect hook table memory
info bitcoin Perform crypto currency mining memory
info create_com_service Create a COM server memory
info create_service Create a windows service memory
info cred_local Steal credential memory
info escalate_priv Escalade priviledges memory
info HasDebugData DebugData Check binaries (upload)
info HasRichSignature Rich Signature Check binaries (upload)
info hijack_network Hijack network configuration memory
info inject_thread Code injection with CreateRemoteThread in a remote process memory
info IsConsole (no description) binaries (upload)
info keylogger Run a keylogger memory
info migrate_apc APC queue tasks migration memory
info network_dga Communication using dga memory
info network_dns Communications use DNS memory
info network_dropper File downloader/dropper memory
info network_ftp Communications over FTP memory
info network_http Communications over HTTP memory
info network_p2p_win Communications over P2P network memory
info network_tcp_listen Listen for incoming communication memory
info network_tcp_socket Communications over RAW socket memory
info network_udp_sock Communications over UDP network memory
info screenshot Take screenshot binaries (upload)
info screenshot Take screenshot memory
info sniff_audio Record Audio memory
info spreading_file Malware can spread east-west file memory
info spreading_share Malware can spread east-west using share drive memory
info Str_Win32_Wininet_Library Match Windows Inet API library declaration memory
info Str_Win32_Winsock2_Library Match Winsock 2 API library declaration memory
info win_files_operation Affect private profile binaries (upload)
info win_files_operation Affect private profile memory
info win_mutex Create or check mutex memory
info win_private_profile Affect private profile memory
info win_registry Affect system registries binaries (upload)
info win_registry Affect system registries memory
info win_token Affect system token memory

Network (1cnts) ?

Request CC ASN Co IP4 Rule ? ZERO ? GB Hydra Communications Ltd mailcious

Suricata ids


IAT(Import Address Table) Library

 0x55f070 HeapReAlloc
 0x55f074 HeapFree
 0x55f078 HeapSize
 0x55f07c GetProcessHeap
 0x55f080 InitializeCriticalSectionEx
 0x55f084 DeleteCriticalSection
 0x55f088 SetEvent
 0x55f08c WaitForSingleObject
 0x55f090 CreateEventA
 0x55f094 Sleep
 0x55f098 CreateThread
 0x55f09c GetCurrentThreadId
 0x55f0a0 VirtualAlloc
 0x55f0a4 VirtualProtect
 0x55f0a8 GetModuleFileNameA
 0x55f0ac GetModuleHandleA
 0x55f0b0 GetModuleHandleW
 0x55f0b4 GetProcAddress
 0x55f0b8 MultiByteToWideChar
 0x55f0bc WideCharToMultiByte
 0x55f0c0 FreeConsole
 0x55f0c4 EnterCriticalSection
 0x55f0c8 LeaveCriticalSection
 0x55f0cc ReadConsoleW
 0x55f0d0 ReadFile
 0x55f0d4 HeapAlloc
 0x55f0d8 GetConsoleMode
 0x55f0dc GetConsoleCP
 0x55f0e0 SetFilePointerEx
 0x55f0e4 GetFileSizeEx
 0x55f0e8 GetStringTypeW
 0x55f0ec SetStdHandle
 0x55f0f0 HeapQueryInformation
 0x55f0f4 SetEnvironmentVariableW
 0x55f0f8 FreeEnvironmentStringsW
 0x55f0fc GetEnvironmentStringsW
 0x55f100 GetCPInfo
 0x55f104 GetOEMCP
 0x55f108 GetACP
 0x55f10c IsValidCodePage
 0x55f110 FindNextFileW
 0x55f114 FindFirstFileExW
 0x55f118 FindClose
 0x55f11c GetCurrentThread
 0x55f120 SetConsoleCtrlHandler
 0x55f124 WriteConsoleW
 0x55f128 GetFileType
 0x55f12c EnumSystemLocalesW
 0x55f130 GetUserDefaultLCID
 0x55f134 IsValidLocale
 0x55f138 GetLocaleInfoW
 0x55f13c LCMapStringW
 0x55f140 HeapDestroy
 0x55f144 GetLastError
 0x55f148 SetLastError
 0x55f14c RaiseException
 0x55f150 CloseHandle
 0x55f154 DecodePointer
 0x55f158 FlushFileBuffers
 0x55f15c GetCommandLineA
 0x55f160 CompareStringW
 0x55f164 GetTimeFormatW
 0x55f168 GetDateFormatW
 0x55f16c GetCommandLineW
 0x55f170 WriteFile
 0x55f174 GetStdHandle
 0x55f178 HeapValidate
 0x55f17c ExitProcess
 0x55f180 GetModuleHandleExW
 0x55f184 GetModuleFileNameW
 0x55f188 GetSystemInfo
 0x55f18c LoadLibraryExW
 0x55f190 FreeLibrary
 0x55f194 CreateFileW
 0x55f198 TlsFree
 0x55f19c TlsSetValue
 0x55f1a0 TlsGetValue
 0x55f1a4 TlsAlloc
 0x55f1a8 VirtualQuery
 0x55f1ac InterlockedFlushSList
 0x55f1b0 RtlUnwind
 0x55f1b4 TerminateProcess
 0x55f1b8 IsDebuggerPresent
 0x55f1bc OutputDebugStringW
 0x55f1c0 EncodePointer
 0x55f1c4 InitializeSListHead
 0x55f1c8 InterlockedPopEntrySList
 0x55f1cc InterlockedPushEntrySList
 0x55f1d0 GetCurrentProcess
 0x55f1d4 FlushInstructionCache
 0x55f1d8 IsProcessorFeaturePresent
 0x55f1dc VirtualFree
 0x55f1e0 LoadLibraryExA
 0x55f1e4 InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount
 0x55f1e8 ResetEvent
 0x55f1ec WaitForSingleObjectEx
 0x55f1f0 CreateEventW
 0x55f1f4 UnhandledExceptionFilter
 0x55f1f8 SetUnhandledExceptionFilter
 0x55f1fc GetStartupInfoW
 0x55f200 QueryPerformanceCounter
 0x55f204 GetCurrentProcessId
 0x55f208 GetSystemTimeAsFileTime
 0x55f2e8 MoveWindow
 0x55f2ec GetMessageA
 0x55f2f0 TranslateMessage
 0x55f2f4 DispatchMessageA
 0x55f2f8 PostThreadMessageA
 0x55f2fc UnregisterClassA
 0x55f300 CharUpperA
 0x55f304 CharNextA
 0x55f308 CharNextW
 0x55f30c SetWindowLongA
 0x55f310 GetWindowLongA
 0x55f314 GetWindowRect
 0x55f318 MessageBoxA
 0x55f31c GetWindowTextLengthA
 0x55f320 GetWindowTextA
 0x55f324 SetWindowTextA
 0x55f328 ReleaseDC
 0x55f32c GetDC
 0x55f330 SetFocus
 0x55f334 GetClientRect
 0x55f338 IsWindow
 0x55f33c CreateWindowExA
 0x55f340 GetClassInfoExA
 0x55f344 RegisterClassExA
 0x55f348 CallWindowProcA
 0x55f34c DefWindowProcA
 0x55f350 SendMessageA
 0x55f03c SelectObject
 0x55f040 GetTextMetricsA
 0x55f000 RegOpenKeyExA
 0x55f004 RegDeleteKeyA
 0x55f008 RegCloseKey
 0x55f00c RegQueryInfoKeyA
 0x55f394 CoInitialize
 0x55f398 CoUninitialize
 0x55f39c CoRegisterClassObject
 0x55f3a0 CoRevokeClassObject
 0x55f3a4 CoResumeClassObjects
 0x55f3a8 CoAddRefServerProcess
 0x55f3ac CoReleaseServerProcess
 0x55f3b0 CoCreateInstance
 0x55f3b4 StringFromGUID2
 0x55f288 VariantChangeType
 0x55f28c VariantCopy
 0x55f290 VariantClear
 0x55f294 VariantInit
 0x55f298 SysAllocStringLen
 0x55f29c UnRegisterTypeLib
 0x55f2a0 RegisterTypeLib
 0x55f2a4 SysStringLen
 0x55f2a8 SysFreeString
 0x55f2ac SysAllocString
 0x55f2b0 LoadTypeLib

EAT(Export Address Table) is none

Similarity measure (PE file only) - Checking for service failure